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PHPUnit testing support in Moodle
* [Moodle PHPUnit integration](
* [Moodle Writing PHPUnit tests](
* [PHPUnit online documentation](
* [Composer dependency manager](
Composer installation
Composer is a dependency manager for PHP projects.
It installs PHP libraries into /vendor/ subdirectory inside your moodle dirroot.
1. install Composer - [](
2. install PHUnit and dependencies - go to your Moodle dirroot and execute `php composer.phar install`
Configure your server
You need to create a new dataroot directory and specify a separate database prefix for the test environment,
see config-dist.php for more information.
* add `$CFG->phpunit_prefix = 'phpu_';` to your config.php file
* and `$CFG->phpunit_dataroot = '/path/to/phpunitdataroot';` to your config.php file
Initialise the test environment
Before first execution and after every upgrade the PHPUnit test environment needs to be initialised,
this command also builds the phpunit.xml configuration files.
* execute `php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/init.php`
Execute tests
* execute `vendor/bin/phpunit` from dirroot directory
* you can execute a single test case class using class name followed by path to test file `vendor/bin/phpunit lib/tests/phpunit_test.php`
* it is also possible to create custom configuration files in xml format and use `vendor/bin/phpunit -c mytestsuites.xml`
How to add more tests?
1. create `tests/` directory in your add-on
2. add test file, for example `local/mytest/tests/my_test.php` file with `my_test` class that extends `basic_testcase` or `advanced_testcase`
3. set the test class namespace to that of the class being tested
4. add some `test_*()` methods
5. execute your new test case `vendor/bin/phpunit local/mytest/tests/my_test.php`
6. execute `php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/init.php` to get the plugin tests included in main phpunit.xml configuration file
Windows support
* use `\` instead of `/` in paths in examples above