Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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namespace DI\Definition\Resolver;

use DI\Definition\Definition;
use DI\Definition\Exception\InvalidDefinition;
use DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition;
use DI\Definition\ObjectDefinition\PropertyInjection;
use DI\DependencyException;
use DI\Proxy\ProxyFactory;
use Exception;
use ProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface;
use Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionProperty;

 * Create objects based on an object definition.
 * @template-implements DefinitionResolver<ObjectDefinition>
 * @since 4.0
 * @author Matthieu Napoli <>
class ObjectCreator implements DefinitionResolver
    private ParameterResolver $parameterResolver;

     * @param DefinitionResolver $definitionResolver Used to resolve nested definitions.
     * @param ProxyFactory       $proxyFactory       Used to create proxies for lazy injections.
    public function __construct(
        private DefinitionResolver $definitionResolver,
        private ProxyFactory $proxyFactory
    ) {
        $this->parameterResolver = new ParameterResolver($definitionResolver);

     * Resolve a class definition to a value.
     * This will create a new instance of the class using the injections points defined.
     * @param ObjectDefinition $definition
    public function resolve(Definition $definition, array $parameters = []) : ?object
        // Lazy?
        if ($definition->isLazy()) {
            return $this->createProxy($definition, $parameters);

        return $this->createInstance($definition, $parameters);

     * The definition is not resolvable if the class is not instantiable (interface or abstract)
     * or if the class doesn't exist.
     * @param ObjectDefinition $definition
    public function isResolvable(Definition $definition, array $parameters = []) : bool
        return $definition->isInstantiable();

     * Returns a proxy instance.
    private function createProxy(ObjectDefinition $definition, array $parameters) : LazyLoadingInterface
        /** @var class-string $className */
        $className = $definition->getClassName();

        return $this->proxyFactory->createProxy(
            function (& $wrappedObject, $proxy, $method, $params, & $initializer) use ($definition, $parameters) {
                $wrappedObject = $this->createInstance($definition, $parameters);
                $initializer = null; // turning off further lazy initialization

                return true;

     * Creates an instance of the class and injects dependencies..
     * @param array $parameters Optional parameters to use to create the instance.
     * @throws DependencyException
     * @throws InvalidDefinition
    private function createInstance(ObjectDefinition $definition, array $parameters) : object
        // Check that the class is instantiable
        if (! $definition->isInstantiable()) {
            // Check that the class exists
            if (! $definition->classExists()) {
                throw InvalidDefinition::create($definition, sprintf(
                    'Entry "%s" cannot be resolved: the class doesn\'t exist',

            throw InvalidDefinition::create($definition, sprintf(
                'Entry "%s" cannot be resolved: the class is not instantiable',

        /** @psalm-var class-string $classname */
        $classname = $definition->getClassName();
        $classReflection = new ReflectionClass($classname);

        $constructorInjection = $definition->getConstructorInjection();

        /** @psalm-suppress InvalidCatch */
        try {
            $args = $this->parameterResolver->resolveParameters(

            $object = new $classname(...$args);

            $this->injectMethodsAndProperties($object, $definition);
        } catch (NotFoundExceptionInterface $e) {
            throw new DependencyException(sprintf(
                'Error while injecting dependencies into %s: %s',
            ), 0, $e);
        } catch (InvalidDefinition $e) {
            throw InvalidDefinition::create($definition, sprintf(
                'Entry "%s" cannot be resolved: %s',

        return $object;

    protected function injectMethodsAndProperties(object $object, ObjectDefinition $objectDefinition) : void
        // Property injections
        foreach ($objectDefinition->getPropertyInjections() as $propertyInjection) {
            $this->injectProperty($object, $propertyInjection);

        // Method injections
        foreach ($objectDefinition->getMethodInjections() as $methodInjection) {
            $methodReflection = new \ReflectionMethod($object, $methodInjection->getMethodName());
            $args = $this->parameterResolver->resolveParameters($methodInjection, $methodReflection);

            $methodReflection->invokeArgs($object, $args);

     * Inject dependencies into properties.
     * @param object            $object            Object to inject dependencies into
     * @param PropertyInjection $propertyInjection Property injection definition
     * @throws DependencyException
    private function injectProperty(object $object, PropertyInjection $propertyInjection) : void
        $propertyName = $propertyInjection->getPropertyName();

        $value = $propertyInjection->getValue();

        if ($value instanceof Definition) {
            try {
                $value = $this->definitionResolver->resolve($value);
            } catch (DependencyException $e) {
                throw $e;
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                throw new DependencyException(sprintf(
                    'Error while injecting in %s::%s. %s',
                ), 0, $e);

        self::setPrivatePropertyValue($propertyInjection->getClassName(), $object, $propertyName, $value);

    public static function setPrivatePropertyValue(?string $className, $object, string $propertyName, mixed $propertyValue) : void
        $className = $className ?: $object::class;

        $property = new ReflectionProperty($className, $propertyName);
        if (! $property->isPublic() && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100) {
        $property->setValue($object, $propertyValue);