Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP version 4.0                                                      |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 The PHP Group             |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This source file is subject to version 2.0 of the PHP license,       |
// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
// | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Adam Daniel <>                        |
// |          Bertrand Mansion <>                     |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id$


 * HTML class for a form element group
 * @author       Adam Daniel <>
 * @author       Bertrand Mansion <>
 * @version      1.0
 * @since        PHP4.04pl1
 * @access       public
class HTML_QuickForm_group extends HTML_QuickForm_element
    // {{{ properties

     * Name of the element
     * @var       string
     * @since     1.0
     * @access    private
    var $_name = '';

     * Array of grouped elements
     * @var       array
     * @since     1.0
     * @access    private
    var $_elements = array();

     * String to separate elements
     * @var       mixed
     * @since     2.5
     * @access    private
    var $_separator = null;

     * Required elements in this group
     * @var       array
     * @since     2.5
     * @access    private
    var $_required = array();

    * Whether to change elements' names to $groupName[$elementName] or leave them as is
    * @var      bool
    * @since    3.0
    * @access   private
    var $_appendName = true;

    // }}}
    // {{{ constructor

     * Class constructor
     * @param     string    $elementName    (optional)Group name
     * @param     array     $elementLabel   (optional)Group label
     * @param     array     $elements       (optional)Group elements
     * @param     mixed     $separator      (optional)Use a string for one separator,
     *                                      use an array to alternate the separators.
     * @param     bool      $appendName     (optional)whether to change elements' names to
     *                                      the form $groupName[$elementName] or leave
     *                                      them as is.
     * @param     mixed     $attributes     Either a typical HTML attribute string or an associative array
     * @since     1.0
     * @access    public
     * @return    void
    public function __construct($elementName = null, $elementLabel = null, $elements = null, $separator = null, $appendName = true, $attributes = null) {
        parent::__construct($elementName, $elementLabel, $attributes);
        $this->_type = 'group';
        if (isset($elements) && is_array($elements)) {
        if (isset($separator)) {
            $this->_separator = $separator;
        if (isset($appendName)) {
            $this->_appendName = $appendName;
        if (isset($attributes)) {
            $this->_attributes = $attributes;
    } //end constructor

     * Old syntax of class constructor. Deprecated in PHP7.
     * @deprecated since Moodle 3.1
    public function HTML_QuickForm_group($elementName = null, $elementLabel = null, $elements = null, $separator = null, $appendName = true, $attributes = null) {
        debugging('Use of class name as constructor is deprecated', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        self::__construct($elementName, $elementLabel, $elements, $separator, $appendName);

    // }}}
    // {{{ setName()

     * Sets the group name
     * @param     string    $name   Group name
     * @since     1.0
     * @access    public
     * @return    void
    function setName($name)
        $this->_name = $name;
    } //end func setName

    // }}}
    // {{{ getName()

     * Returns the group name
     * @since     1.0
     * @access    public
     * @return    string
    function getName()
        return $this->_name;
    } //end func getName

    // }}}
    // {{{ setValue()

     * Sets values for group's elements
     * @param     mixed    Values for group's elements
     * @since     1.0
     * @access    public
     * @return    void
    function setValue($value)
        foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {
            if (!$this->_appendName) {
                $v = $this->_elements[$key]->_findValue($value);
                if (null !== $v) {
                    $this->_elements[$key]->onQuickFormEvent('setGroupValue', $v, $this);

            } else {
                $elementName = $this->_elements[$key]->getName();
                $index       = strlen($elementName) ? $elementName : $key;
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    if (isset($value[$index])) {
                        $this->_elements[$key]->onQuickFormEvent('setGroupValue', $value[$index], $this);
                } elseif (isset($value)) {
                    $this->_elements[$key]->onQuickFormEvent('setGroupValue', $value, $this);
    } //end func setValue

    // }}}
    // {{{ getValue()

     * Returns the value of the group
     * @since     1.0
     * @access    public
     * @return    mixed
    function getValue()
        $value = null;
        foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {
            $element =& $this->_elements[$key];
            switch ($element->getType()) {
                case 'radio':
                    $v = $element->getChecked()? $element->getValue(): null;
                case 'checkbox':
                    $v = $element->getChecked()? true: null;
                    $v = $element->getValue();
            if (null !== $v) {
                $elementName = $element->getName();
                if (is_null($elementName)) {
                    $value = $v;
                } else {
                    if (!is_array($value)) {
                        $value = is_null($value)? array(): array($value);
                    if ('' === $elementName) {
                        $value[] = $v;
                    } else {
                        $value[$elementName] = $v;
        return $value;
    } // end func getValue

    // }}}
    // {{{ setElements()

     * Sets the grouped elements
     * @param     array     $elements   Array of elements
     * @since     1.1
     * @access    public
     * @return    void
    function setElements($elements)
        $this->_elements = array_values($elements);
        if ($this->_flagFrozen) {
    } // end func setElements

    // }}}
    // {{{ getElements()

     * Gets the grouped elements
     * @since     2.4
     * @access    public
     * @return    array
    function &getElements()
        return $this->_elements;
    } // end func getElements

    // }}}
    // {{{ getGroupType()

     * Gets the group type based on its elements
     * Will return 'mixed' if elements contained in the group
     * are of different types.
     * @access    public
     * @return    string    group elements type
    function getGroupType()
        $prevType = '';
        foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {
            $type = $this->_elements[$key]->getType();
            if ($type != $prevType && $prevType != '') {
                return 'mixed';
            $prevType = $type;
        return $type;
    } // end func getGroupType

    // }}}
    // {{{ toHtml()

     * Returns Html for the group
     * @since       1.0
     * @access      public
     * @return      string
    function toHtml()
        $renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Default();
        return $renderer->toHtml();
    } //end func toHtml

    // }}}
    // {{{ getElementName()

     * Returns the element name inside the group such as found in the html form
     * @param     mixed     $index  Element name or element index in the group
     * @since     3.0
     * @access    public
     * @return    mixed     string with element name, false if not found
    function getElementName($index)
        $elementName = false;
        if (is_int($index) && isset($this->_elements[$index])) {
            $elementName = $this->_elements[$index]->getName();
            if (isset($elementName) && $elementName == '') {
                $elementName = $index;
            if ($this->_appendName) {
                if (is_null($elementName)) {
                    $elementName = $this->getName();
                } else {
                    $elementName = $this->getName().'['.$elementName.']';

        } elseif (is_string($index)) {
            foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {
                $elementName = $this->_elements[$key]->getName();
                if ($index == $elementName) {
                    if ($this->_appendName) {
                        $elementName = $this->getName().'['.$elementName.']';
                } elseif ($this->_appendName && $this->getName().'['.$elementName.']' == $index) {
        return $elementName;
    } //end func getElementName

    // }}}
    // {{{ getFrozenHtml()

     * Returns the value of field without HTML tags
     * @since     1.3
     * @access    public
     * @return    string
    function getFrozenHtml()
        $flags = array();
        foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {
            if (false === ($flags[$key] = $this->_elements[$key]->isFrozen())) {
        $html = $this->toHtml();
        foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {
            if (!$flags[$key]) {
        return $html;
    } //end func getFrozenHtml

    // }}}
    // {{{ onQuickFormEvent()

     * Called by HTML_QuickForm whenever form event is made on this element
     * @param     string    $event  Name of event
     * @param     mixed     $arg    event arguments
     * @param     object    $caller calling object
     * @since     1.0
     * @access    public
     * @return    ?bool
    function onQuickFormEvent($event, $arg, &$caller)
        switch ($event) {
            case 'updateValue':
                foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {
                    if ($this->_appendName) {
                        $elementName = $this->_elements[$key]->getName();
                        if (is_null($elementName)) {
                        } elseif ('' === $elementName) {
                            $this->_elements[$key]->setName($this->getName() . '[' . $key . ']');
                        } else {
                            $this->_elements[$key]->setName($this->getName() . '[' . $elementName . ']');
                    $this->_elements[$key]->onQuickFormEvent('updateValue', $arg, $caller);
                    if ($this->_appendName) {

                parent::onQuickFormEvent($event, $arg, $caller);
        return true;
    } // end func onQuickFormEvent

    // }}}
    // {{{ accept()

    * Accepts a renderer
    * @param object     An HTML_QuickForm_Renderer object
    * @param bool       Whether a group is required
    * @param string     An error message associated with a group
    * @access public
    * @return void
    function accept(&$renderer, $required = false, $error = null)
        $renderer->startGroup($this, $required, $error);
        $name = $this->getName();
        foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {
            $element =& $this->_elements[$key];

            if ($this->_appendName) {
                $elementName = $element->getName();
                if (isset($elementName)) {
                    $element->setName($name . '['. (strlen($elementName)? $elementName: $key) .']');
                } else {

            $required = !$element->isFrozen() && in_array($element->getName(), $this->_required);

            $element->accept($renderer, $required);

            // restore the element's name
            if ($this->_appendName) {
    } // end func accept

    // }}}
    // {{{ exportValue()

    * As usual, to get the group's value we access its elements and call
    * their exportValue() methods
    function exportValue(&$submitValues, $assoc = false)
        $value = null;
        foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {
            $elementName = $this->_elements[$key]->getName();
            if ($this->_appendName) {
                if (is_null($elementName)) {
                } elseif ('' === $elementName) {
                    $this->_elements[$key]->setName($this->getName() . '[' . $key . ']');
                } else {
                    $this->_elements[$key]->setName($this->getName() . '[' . $elementName . ']');
            $v = $this->_elements[$key]->exportValue($submitValues, $assoc);
            if ($this->_appendName) {
            if (null !== $v) {
                // Make $value an array, we will use it like one
                if (null === $value) {
                    $value = array();
                if ($assoc) {
                    // just like HTML_QuickForm::exportValues()
                    $value = HTML_QuickForm::arrayMerge($value, $v);
                } else {
                    // just like getValue(), but should work OK every time here
                    if (is_null($elementName)) {
                        $value = $v;
                    } elseif ('' === $elementName) {
                        $value[] = $v;
                    } else {
                        $value[$elementName] = $v;
        // do not pass the value through _prepareValue, we took care of this already
        return $value;

    // }}}
    // {{{ _createElements()

    * Creates the group's elements.
    * This should be overriden by child classes that need to create their
    * elements. The method will be called automatically when needed, calling
    * it from the constructor is discouraged as the constructor is usually
    * called _twice_ on element creation, first time with _no_ parameters.
    * @access private
    * @abstract
    function _createElements()
        // abstract

    // }}}
    // {{{ _createElementsIfNotExist()

    * A wrapper around _createElements()
    * This method calls _createElements() if the group's _elements array
    * is empty. It also performs some updates, e.g. freezes the created
    * elements if the group is already frozen.
    * @access private
    function _createElementsIfNotExist()
        if (empty($this->_elements)) {
            if ($this->_flagFrozen) {

    // }}}
    // {{{ freeze()

    function freeze()
        foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {

    // }}}
    // {{{ unfreeze()

    function unfreeze()
        foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {

    // }}}
    // {{{ setPersistantFreeze()

    function setPersistantFreeze($persistant = false)
        foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {

    // }}}
} //end class HTML_QuickForm_group