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namespace OpenSpout\Writer\XLSX\Manager;
use OpenSpout\Common\Entity\Comment\Comment;
use OpenSpout\Common\Entity\Row;
use OpenSpout\Common\Helper\Escaper;
use OpenSpout\Writer\Common\Entity\Worksheet;
use OpenSpout\Writer\Common\Helper\CellHelper;
* @internal
* This manager takes care of comments: writing them into two files:
* - commentsX.xml, containing the actual (rich) text of the comment
* - drawings/drawingX.vml, containing the layout of the panel showing the comment
* Each worksheet gets its unique set of 2 files, this class will make sure that these
* files are created, closed and filled with the required data.
final class CommentsManager
public const COMMENTS_XML_FILE_HEADER = <<<'EOD'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<comments xmlns="">
public const COMMENTS_XML_FILE_FOOTER = <<<'EOD'
public const DRAWINGS_VML_FILE_HEADER = <<<'EOD'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<xml xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
<o:shapelayout v:ext="edit">
<o:idmap v:ext="edit" data="1"/>
<v:shapetype id="_x0000_t202" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="202" path="m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe">
<v:stroke joinstyle="miter"/>
<v:path gradientshapeok="t" o:connecttype="rect"/>
public const DRAWINGS_VML_FILE_FOOTER = <<<'EOD'
* File-pointers to the commentsX.xml files, where the index is the id of the worksheet.
* @var resource[]
private array $commentsFilePointers = [];
* File-pointers to the vmlDrawingX.vml files, where the index is the id of the worksheet.
* @var resource[]
private array $drawingFilePointers = [];
private readonly string $xlFolder;
private int $shapeId = 1024;
private readonly Escaper\XLSX $stringsEscaper;
* @param string $xlFolder Path to the "xl" folder
public function __construct(string $xlFolder, Escaper\XLSX $stringsEscaper)
$this->xlFolder = $xlFolder;
$this->stringsEscaper = $stringsEscaper;
* Create the two comment-files for the given worksheet.
public function createWorksheetCommentFiles(Worksheet $sheet): void
$sheetId = $sheet->getId();
$commentFp = fopen($this->getCommentsFilePath($sheet), 'w');
\assert(false !== $commentFp);
$drawingFp = fopen($this->getDrawingFilePath($sheet), 'w');
\assert(false !== $drawingFp);
fwrite($commentFp, self::COMMENTS_XML_FILE_HEADER);
fwrite($drawingFp, self::DRAWINGS_VML_FILE_HEADER);
$this->commentsFilePointers[$sheetId] = $commentFp;
$this->drawingFilePointers[$sheetId] = $drawingFp;
* Close the two comment-files for the given worksheet.
public function closeWorksheetCommentFiles(Worksheet $sheet): void
$sheetId = $sheet->getId();
$commentFp = $this->commentsFilePointers[$sheetId];
$drawingFp = $this->drawingFilePointers[$sheetId];
fwrite($commentFp, self::COMMENTS_XML_FILE_FOOTER);
fwrite($drawingFp, self::DRAWINGS_VML_FILE_FOOTER);
public function addComments(Worksheet $worksheet, Row $row): void
$rowIndexZeroBased = 0 + $worksheet->getLastWrittenRowIndex();
foreach ($row->getCells() as $columnIndexZeroBased => $cell) {
if (null === $cell->comment) {
$this->addXmlComment($worksheet->getId(), $rowIndexZeroBased, $columnIndexZeroBased, $cell->comment);
$this->addVmlComment($worksheet->getId(), $rowIndexZeroBased, $columnIndexZeroBased, $cell->comment);
* @return string The file path where the comments for the given sheet will be stored
private function getCommentsFilePath(Worksheet $sheet): string
return $this->xlFolder.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'comments'.$sheet->getId().'.xml';
* @return string The file path where the VML comments for the given sheet will be stored
private function getDrawingFilePath(Worksheet $sheet): string
return $this->xlFolder.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'drawings'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'vmlDrawing'.$sheet->getId().'.vml';
* Add a comment to the commentsX.xml file.
* @param int $sheetId The id of the sheet (starting with 1)
* @param int $rowIndexZeroBased The row index, starting at 0, of the cell with the comment
* @param int $columnIndexZeroBased The column index, starting at 0, of the cell with the comment
* @param Comment $comment The actual comment
private function addXmlComment(int $sheetId, int $rowIndexZeroBased, int $columnIndexZeroBased, Comment $comment): void
$commentsFilePointer = $this->commentsFilePointers[$sheetId];
$rowIndexOneBased = $rowIndexZeroBased + 1;
$columnLetters = CellHelper::getColumnLettersFromColumnIndex($columnIndexZeroBased);
$commentxml = '<comment ref="'.$columnLetters.$rowIndexOneBased.'" authorId="0"><text>';
foreach ($comment->getTextRuns() as $line) {
$commentxml .= '<r>';
$commentxml .= ' <rPr>';
if ($line->bold) {
$commentxml .= ' <b/>';
if ($line->italic) {
$commentxml .= ' <i/>';
$commentxml .= ' <sz val="'.$line->fontSize.'"/>';
$commentxml .= ' <color rgb="'.$line->fontColor.'"/>';
$commentxml .= ' <rFont val="'.$line->fontName.'"/>';
$commentxml .= ' <family val="2"/>';
$commentxml .= ' </rPr>';
$commentxml .= ' <t xml:space="preserve">'.$this->stringsEscaper->escape($line->text).'</t>';
$commentxml .= '</r>';
$commentxml .= '</text></comment>';
fwrite($commentsFilePointer, $commentxml);
* Add a comment to the vmlDrawingX.vml file.
* @param int $sheetId The id of the sheet (starting with 1)
* @param int $rowIndexZeroBased The row index, starting at 0, of the cell with the comment
* @param int $columnIndexZeroBased The column index, starting at 0, of the cell with the comment
* @param Comment $comment The actual comment
private function addVmlComment(int $sheetId, int $rowIndexZeroBased, int $columnIndexZeroBased, Comment $comment): void
$drawingFilePointer = $this->drawingFilePointers[$sheetId];
$style = 'position:absolute;z-index:1';
$style .= ';margin-left:'.$comment->marginLeft;
$style .= ';margin-top:'.$comment->marginTop;
$style .= ';width:'.$comment->width;
$style .= ';height:'.$comment->height;
if (!$comment->visible) {
$style .= ';visibility:hidden';
$drawingVml = '<v:shape id="_x0000_s'.$this->shapeId.'"';
$drawingVml .= ' type="#_x0000_t202" style="'.$style.'" fillcolor="'.$comment->fillColor.'" o:insetmode="auto">';
$drawingVml .= '<v:fill color2="'.$comment->fillColor.'"/>';
$drawingVml .= '<v:shadow on="t" color="black" obscured="t"/>';
$drawingVml .= '<v:path o:connecttype="none"/>';
$drawingVml .= '<v:textbox style="mso-direction-alt:auto">';
$drawingVml .= ' <div style="text-align:left"/>';
$drawingVml .= '</v:textbox>';
$drawingVml .= '<x:ClientData ObjectType="Note">';
$drawingVml .= ' <x:MoveWithCells/>';
$drawingVml .= ' <x:SizeWithCells/>';
$drawingVml .= ' <x:AutoFill>False</x:AutoFill>';
$drawingVml .= ' <x:Row>'.$rowIndexZeroBased.'</x:Row>';
$drawingVml .= ' <x:Column>'.$columnIndexZeroBased.'</x:Column>';
$drawingVml .= '</x:ClientData>';
$drawingVml .= '</v:shape>';
fwrite($drawingFilePointer, $drawingVml);