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namespace OpenSpout\Reader\XLSX;
use DOMElement;
use OpenSpout\Common\Entity\Cell;
use OpenSpout\Common\Entity\Row;
use OpenSpout\Common\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use OpenSpout\Common\Exception\IOException;
use OpenSpout\Reader\Common\Manager\RowManager;
use OpenSpout\Reader\Common\XMLProcessor;
use OpenSpout\Reader\Exception\SharedStringNotFoundException;
use OpenSpout\Reader\RowIteratorInterface;
use OpenSpout\Reader\Wrapper\XMLReader;
use OpenSpout\Reader\XLSX\Helper\CellHelper;
use OpenSpout\Reader\XLSX\Helper\CellValueFormatter;
final class RowIterator implements RowIteratorInterface
* Definition of XML nodes names used to parse data.
public const XML_NODE_DIMENSION = 'dimension';
public const XML_NODE_WORKSHEET = 'worksheet';
public const XML_NODE_ROW = 'row';
public const XML_NODE_CELL = 'c';
* Definition of XML attributes used to parse data.
public const XML_ATTRIBUTE_REF = 'ref';
public const XML_ATTRIBUTE_SPANS = 'spans';
public const XML_ATTRIBUTE_ROW_INDEX = 'r';
public const XML_ATTRIBUTE_CELL_INDEX = 'r';
/** @var string Path of the XLSX file being read */
private readonly string $filePath;
/** @var string Path of the sheet data XML file as in [Content_Types].xml */
private readonly string $sheetDataXMLFilePath;
/** @var XMLReader The XMLReader object that will help read sheet's XML data */
private readonly XMLReader $xmlReader;
/** @var XMLProcessor Helper Object to process XML nodes */
private readonly XMLProcessor $xmlProcessor;
/** @var Helper\CellValueFormatter Helper to format cell values */
private readonly Helper\CellValueFormatter $cellValueFormatter;
/** @var RowManager Manages rows */
private readonly RowManager $rowManager;
* TODO: This variable can be deleted when row indices get preserved.
* @var int Number of read rows
private int $numReadRows = 0;
/** @var Row Contains the row currently processed */
private Row $currentlyProcessedRow;
/** @var null|Row Buffer used to store the current row, while checking if there are more rows to read */
private ?Row $rowBuffer = null;
/** @var bool Indicates whether all rows have been read */
private bool $hasReachedEndOfFile = false;
/** @var int The number of columns the sheet has (0 meaning undefined) */
private int $numColumns = 0;
/** @var bool Whether empty rows should be returned or skipped */
private readonly bool $shouldPreserveEmptyRows;
/** @var int Last row index processed (one-based) */
private int $lastRowIndexProcessed = 0;
/** @var int Row index to be processed next (one-based) */
private int $nextRowIndexToBeProcessed = 0;
/** @var int Last column index processed (zero-based) */
private int $lastColumnIndexProcessed = -1;
* @param string $filePath Path of the XLSX file being read
* @param string $sheetDataXMLFilePath Path of the sheet data XML file as in [Content_Types].xml
* @param bool $shouldPreserveEmptyRows Whether empty rows should be preserved
* @param XMLReader $xmlReader XML Reader
* @param XMLProcessor $xmlProcessor Helper to process XML files
* @param CellValueFormatter $cellValueFormatter Helper to format cell values
* @param RowManager $rowManager Manages rows
public function __construct(
string $filePath,
string $sheetDataXMLFilePath,
bool $shouldPreserveEmptyRows,
XMLReader $xmlReader,
XMLProcessor $xmlProcessor,
CellValueFormatter $cellValueFormatter,
RowManager $rowManager
) {
$this->filePath = $filePath;
$this->sheetDataXMLFilePath = $this->normalizeSheetDataXMLFilePath($sheetDataXMLFilePath);
$this->shouldPreserveEmptyRows = $shouldPreserveEmptyRows;
$this->xmlReader = $xmlReader;
$this->cellValueFormatter = $cellValueFormatter;
$this->rowManager = $rowManager;
// Register all callbacks to process different nodes when reading the XML file
$this->xmlProcessor = $xmlProcessor;
$this->xmlProcessor->registerCallback(self::XML_NODE_DIMENSION, XMLProcessor::NODE_TYPE_START, [$this, 'processDimensionStartingNode']);
$this->xmlProcessor->registerCallback(self::XML_NODE_ROW, XMLProcessor::NODE_TYPE_START, [$this, 'processRowStartingNode']);
$this->xmlProcessor->registerCallback(self::XML_NODE_CELL, XMLProcessor::NODE_TYPE_START, [$this, 'processCellStartingNode']);
$this->xmlProcessor->registerCallback(self::XML_NODE_ROW, XMLProcessor::NODE_TYPE_END, [$this, 'processRowEndingNode']);
$this->xmlProcessor->registerCallback(self::XML_NODE_WORKSHEET, XMLProcessor::NODE_TYPE_END, [$this, 'processWorksheetEndingNode']);
* Rewind the Iterator to the first element.
* Initializes the XMLReader object that reads the associated sheet data.
* The XMLReader is configured to be safe from billion laughs attack.
* @see
* @throws IOException If the sheet data XML cannot be read
public function rewind(): void
if (false === $this->xmlReader->openFileInZip($this->filePath, $this->sheetDataXMLFilePath)) {
throw new IOException("Could not open \"{$this->sheetDataXMLFilePath}\".");
$this->numReadRows = 0;
$this->lastRowIndexProcessed = 0;
$this->nextRowIndexToBeProcessed = 0;
$this->rowBuffer = null;
$this->hasReachedEndOfFile = false;
$this->numColumns = 0;
* Checks if current position is valid.
* @see
public function valid(): bool
$valid = !$this->hasReachedEndOfFile;
if (!$valid) {
return $valid;
* Move forward to next element. Reads data describing the next unprocessed row.
* @see
* @throws SharedStringNotFoundException If a shared string was not found
* @throws IOException If unable to read the sheet data XML
public function next(): void
if ($this->doesNeedDataForNextRowToBeProcessed()) {
* Return the current element, either an empty row or from the buffer.
* @see
public function current(): Row
$rowToBeProcessed = $this->rowBuffer;
if ($this->shouldPreserveEmptyRows) {
// when we need to preserve empty rows, we will either return
// an empty row or the last row read. This depends whether the
// index of last row that was read matches the index of the last
// row whose value should be returned.
if ($this->lastRowIndexProcessed !== $this->nextRowIndexToBeProcessed) {
// return empty row if mismatch between last processed row
// and the row that needs to be returned
$rowToBeProcessed = new Row([], null);
\assert(null !== $rowToBeProcessed);
return $rowToBeProcessed;
* Return the key of the current element. Here, the row index.
* @see
public function key(): int
// TODO: This should return $this->nextRowIndexToBeProcessed
// but to avoid a breaking change, the return value for
// this function has been kept as the number of rows read.
return $this->shouldPreserveEmptyRows ?
$this->nextRowIndexToBeProcessed :
* @param string $sheetDataXMLFilePath Path of the sheet data XML file as in [Content_Types].xml
* @return string path of the XML file containing the sheet data,
* without the leading slash
private function normalizeSheetDataXMLFilePath(string $sheetDataXMLFilePath): string
return ltrim($sheetDataXMLFilePath, '/');
* Returns whether we need data for the next row to be processed.
* We don't need to read data if:
* we have already read at least one row
* we need to preserve empty rows
* the last row that was read is not the row that need to be processed
* (i.e. if we need to return empty rows).
* @return bool whether we need data for the next row to be processed
private function doesNeedDataForNextRowToBeProcessed(): bool
$hasReadAtLeastOneRow = (0 !== $this->lastRowIndexProcessed);
|| !$this->shouldPreserveEmptyRows
|| $this->lastRowIndexProcessed < $this->nextRowIndexToBeProcessed;
* @throws SharedStringNotFoundException If a shared string was not found
* @throws IOException If unable to read the sheet data XML
private function readDataForNextRow(): void
$this->currentlyProcessedRow = new Row([], null);
$this->rowBuffer = $this->currentlyProcessedRow;
* @param XMLReader $xmlReader XMLReader object, positioned on a "<dimension>" starting node
* @return int A return code that indicates what action should the processor take next
private function processDimensionStartingNode(XMLReader $xmlReader): int
// Read dimensions of the sheet
$dimensionRef = $xmlReader->getAttribute(self::XML_ATTRIBUTE_REF); // returns 'A1:M13' for instance (or 'A1' for empty sheet)
\assert(null !== $dimensionRef);
if (1 === preg_match('/[A-Z]+\d+:([A-Z]+\d+)/', $dimensionRef, $matches)) {
$this->numColumns = CellHelper::getColumnIndexFromCellIndex($matches[1]) + 1;
* @param XMLReader $xmlReader XMLReader object, positioned on a "<row>" starting node
* @return int A return code that indicates what action should the processor take next
private function processRowStartingNode(XMLReader $xmlReader): int
// Reset index of the last processed column
$this->lastColumnIndexProcessed = -1;
// Mark the last processed row as the one currently being read
$this->lastRowIndexProcessed = $this->getRowIndex($xmlReader);
// Read spans info if present
$numberOfColumnsForRow = $this->numColumns;
$spans = $xmlReader->getAttribute(self::XML_ATTRIBUTE_SPANS); // returns '1:5' for instance
if (null !== $spans && '' !== $spans) {
[, $numberOfColumnsForRow] = explode(':', $spans);
$numberOfColumnsForRow = (int) $numberOfColumnsForRow;
$cells = array_fill(0, $numberOfColumnsForRow, Cell::fromValue(''));
* @param XMLReader $xmlReader XMLReader object, positioned on a "<cell>" starting node
* @return int A return code that indicates what action should the processor take next
private function processCellStartingNode(XMLReader $xmlReader): int
$currentColumnIndex = $this->getColumnIndex($xmlReader);
// NOTE: expand() will automatically decode all XML entities of the child nodes
$node = $xmlReader->expand();
\assert($node instanceof DOMElement);
$cell = $this->cellValueFormatter->extractAndFormatNodeValue($node);
$this->currentlyProcessedRow->setCellAtIndex($cell, $currentColumnIndex);
$this->lastColumnIndexProcessed = $currentColumnIndex;
* @return int A return code that indicates what action should the processor take next
private function processRowEndingNode(): int
// if the fetched row is empty and we don't want to preserve it..,
if (!$this->shouldPreserveEmptyRows && $this->currentlyProcessedRow->isEmpty()) {
// ... skip it
// If needed, we fill the empty cells
if (0 === $this->numColumns) {
// at this point, we have all the data we need for the row
// so that we can populate the buffer
return XMLProcessor::PROCESSING_STOP;
* @return int A return code that indicates what action should the processor take next
private function processWorksheetEndingNode(): int
// The closing "</worksheet>" marks the end of the file
$this->hasReachedEndOfFile = true;
return XMLProcessor::PROCESSING_STOP;
* @param XMLReader $xmlReader XMLReader object, positioned on a "<row>" node
* @return int Row index
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When the given cell index is invalid
private function getRowIndex(XMLReader $xmlReader): int
// Get "r" attribute if present (from something like <row r="3"...>
$currentRowIndex = $xmlReader->getAttribute(self::XML_ATTRIBUTE_ROW_INDEX);
return (null !== $currentRowIndex) ?
(int) $currentRowIndex :
$this->lastRowIndexProcessed + 1;
* @param XMLReader $xmlReader XMLReader object, positioned on a "<c>" node
* @return int Column index
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When the given cell index is invalid
private function getColumnIndex(XMLReader $xmlReader): int
// Get "r" attribute if present (from something like <c r="A1"...>
$currentCellIndex = $xmlReader->getAttribute(self::XML_ATTRIBUTE_CELL_INDEX);
return (null !== $currentCellIndex) ?
CellHelper::getColumnIndexFromCellIndex($currentCellIndex) :
$this->lastColumnIndexProcessed + 1;