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namespace OpenSpout\Reader\Common;

use OpenSpout\Reader\Exception\XMLProcessingException;
use OpenSpout\Reader\Wrapper\XMLReader;
use ReflectionMethod;

 * @internal
final class XMLProcessor
    // Node types
    public const NODE_TYPE_START = XMLReader::ELEMENT;
    public const NODE_TYPE_END = XMLReader::END_ELEMENT;

    // Keys associated to reflection attributes to invoke a callback
    public const CALLBACK_REFLECTION_METHOD = 'reflectionMethod';
    public const CALLBACK_REFLECTION_OBJECT = 'reflectionObject';

    // Values returned by the callbacks to indicate what the processor should do next
    public const PROCESSING_CONTINUE = 1;
    public const PROCESSING_STOP = 2;

    /** @var XMLReader The XMLReader object that will help read sheet's XML data */
    private readonly XMLReader $xmlReader;

    /** @var array<string, array{reflectionMethod: ReflectionMethod, reflectionObject: object}> Registered callbacks */
    private array $callbacks = [];

     * @param XMLReader $xmlReader XMLReader object
    public function __construct(XMLReader $xmlReader)
        $this->xmlReader = $xmlReader;

     * @param string   $nodeName A callback may be triggered when a node with this name is read
     * @param int      $nodeType Type of the node [NODE_TYPE_START || NODE_TYPE_END]
     * @param callable $callback Callback to execute when the read node has the given name and type
    public function registerCallback(string $nodeName, int $nodeType, $callback): self
        $callbackKey = $this->getCallbackKey($nodeName, $nodeType);
        $this->callbacks[$callbackKey] = $this->getInvokableCallbackData($callback);

        return $this;

     * Resumes the reading of the XML file where it was left off.
     * Stops whenever a callback indicates that reading should stop or at the end of the file.
     * @throws XMLProcessingException
    public function readUntilStopped(): void
        while ($this->xmlReader->read()) {
            $nodeType = $this->xmlReader->nodeType;
            $nodeNamePossiblyWithPrefix = $this->xmlReader->name;
            $nodeNameWithoutPrefix = $this->xmlReader->localName;

            $callbackData = $this->getRegisteredCallbackData($nodeNamePossiblyWithPrefix, $nodeNameWithoutPrefix, $nodeType);

            if (null !== $callbackData) {
                $callbackResponse = $this->invokeCallback($callbackData, [$this->xmlReader]);

                if (self::PROCESSING_STOP === $callbackResponse) {
                    // stop reading

     * @param string $nodeName Name of the node
     * @param int    $nodeType Type of the node [NODE_TYPE_START || NODE_TYPE_END]
     * @return string Key used to store the associated callback
    private function getCallbackKey(string $nodeName, int $nodeType): string
        return "{$nodeName}{$nodeType}";

     * Because the callback can be a "protected" function, we don't want to use call_user_func() directly
     * but instead invoke the callback using Reflection. This allows the invocation of "protected" functions.
     * Since some functions can be called a lot, we pre-process the callback to only return the elements that
     * will be needed to invoke the callback later.
     * @param callable $callback Array reference to a callback: [OBJECT, METHOD_NAME]
     * @return array{reflectionMethod: ReflectionMethod, reflectionObject: object} Associative array containing the elements needed to invoke the callback using Reflection
    private function getInvokableCallbackData($callback): array
        $callbackObject = $callback[0];
        $callbackMethodName = $callback[1];
        $reflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($callbackObject, $callbackMethodName);

        return [
            self::CALLBACK_REFLECTION_METHOD => $reflectionMethod,
            self::CALLBACK_REFLECTION_OBJECT => $callbackObject,

     * @param string $nodeNamePossiblyWithPrefix Name of the node, possibly prefixed
     * @param string $nodeNameWithoutPrefix      Name of the same node, un-prefixed
     * @param int    $nodeType                   Type of the node [NODE_TYPE_START || NODE_TYPE_END]
     * @return null|array{reflectionMethod: ReflectionMethod, reflectionObject: object} Callback data to be used for execution when a node of the given name/type is read or NULL if none found
    private function getRegisteredCallbackData(string $nodeNamePossiblyWithPrefix, string $nodeNameWithoutPrefix, int $nodeType): ?array
        // With prefixed nodes, we should match if (by order of preference):
        //  1. the callback was registered with the prefixed node name (e.g. "x:worksheet")
        //  2. the callback was registered with the un-prefixed node name (e.g. "worksheet")
        $callbackKeyForPossiblyPrefixedName = $this->getCallbackKey($nodeNamePossiblyWithPrefix, $nodeType);
        $callbackKeyForUnPrefixedName = $this->getCallbackKey($nodeNameWithoutPrefix, $nodeType);
        $hasPrefix = ($nodeNamePossiblyWithPrefix !== $nodeNameWithoutPrefix);

        $callbackKeyToUse = $callbackKeyForUnPrefixedName;
        if ($hasPrefix && isset($this->callbacks[$callbackKeyForPossiblyPrefixedName])) {
            $callbackKeyToUse = $callbackKeyForPossiblyPrefixedName;

        // Using isset here because it is way faster than array_key_exists...
        return $this->callbacks[$callbackKeyToUse] ?? null;

     * @param array{reflectionMethod: ReflectionMethod, reflectionObject: object} $callbackData Associative array containing data to invoke the callback using Reflection
     * @param XMLReader[]                                                         $args         Arguments to pass to the callback
     * @return int Callback response
    private function invokeCallback(array $callbackData, array $args): int
        $reflectionMethod = $callbackData[self::CALLBACK_REFLECTION_METHOD];
        $callbackObject = $callbackData[self::CALLBACK_REFLECTION_OBJECT];

        return $reflectionMethod->invokeArgs($callbackObject, $args);