Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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 * This file is part of Mustache.php.
 * (c) 2010-2017 Justin Hileman
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

 * Mustache Template rendering Context.
class Mustache_Context
    private $stack      = array();
    private $blockStack = array();

     * Mustache rendering Context constructor.
     * @param mixed $context Default rendering context (default: null)
    public function __construct($context = null)
        if ($context !== null) {
            $this->stack = array($context);

     * Push a new Context frame onto the stack.
     * @param mixed $value Object or array to use for context
    public function push($value)
        array_push($this->stack, $value);

     * Push a new Context frame onto the block context stack.
     * @param mixed $value Object or array to use for block context
    public function pushBlockContext($value)
        array_push($this->blockStack, $value);

     * Pop the last Context frame from the stack.
     * @return mixed Last Context frame (object or array)
    public function pop()
        return array_pop($this->stack);

     * Pop the last block Context frame from the stack.
     * @return mixed Last block Context frame (object or array)
    public function popBlockContext()
        return array_pop($this->blockStack);

     * Get the last Context frame.
     * @return mixed Last Context frame (object or array)
    public function last()
        return end($this->stack);

     * Find a variable in the Context stack.
     * Starting with the last Context frame (the context of the innermost section), and working back to the top-level
     * rendering context, look for a variable with the given name:
     *  * If the Context frame is an associative array which contains the key $id, returns the value of that element.
     *  * If the Context frame is an object, this will check first for a public method, then a public property named
     *    $id. Failing both of these, it will try `__isset` and `__get` magic methods.
     *  * If a value named $id is not found in any Context frame, returns an empty string.
     * @param string $id Variable name
     * @return mixed Variable value, or '' if not found
    public function find($id)
        return $this->findVariableInStack($id, $this->stack);

     * Find a 'dot notation' variable in the Context stack.
     * Note that dot notation traversal bubbles through scope differently than the regular find method. After finding
     * the initial chunk of the dotted name, each subsequent chunk is searched for only within the value of the previous
     * result. For example, given the following context stack:
     *     $data = array(
     *         'name' => 'Fred',
     *         'child' => array(
     *             'name' => 'Bob'
     *         ),
     *     );
     * ... and the Mustache following template:
     *     {{ }}
     * ... the `name` value is only searched for within the `child` value of the global Context, not within parent
     * Context frames.
     * @param string $id Dotted variable selector
     * @return mixed Variable value, or '' if not found
    public function findDot($id)
        $chunks = explode('.', $id);
        $first  = array_shift($chunks);
        $value  = $this->findVariableInStack($first, $this->stack);

        foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
            if ($value === '') {
                return $value;

            $value = $this->findVariableInStack($chunk, array($value));

        return $value;

     * Find an 'anchored dot notation' variable in the Context stack.
     * This is the same as findDot(), except it looks in the top of the context
     * stack for the first value, rather than searching the whole context stack
     * and starting from there.
     * @see Mustache_Context::findDot
     * @throws Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException if given an invalid anchored dot $id
     * @param string $id Dotted variable selector
     * @return mixed Variable value, or '' if not found
    public function findAnchoredDot($id)
        $chunks = explode('.', $id);
        $first  = array_shift($chunks);
        if ($first !== '') {
            throw new Mustache_Exception_InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unexpected id for findAnchoredDot: %s', $id));

        $value  = $this->last();

        foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
            if ($value === '') {
                return $value;

            $value = $this->findVariableInStack($chunk, array($value));

        return $value;

     * Find an argument in the block context stack.
     * @param string $id
     * @return mixed Variable value, or '' if not found
    public function findInBlock($id)
        foreach ($this->blockStack as $context) {
            if (array_key_exists($id, $context)) {
                return $context[$id];

        return '';

     * Helper function to find a variable in the Context stack.
     * @see Mustache_Context::find
     * @param string $id    Variable name
     * @param array  $stack Context stack
     * @return mixed Variable value, or '' if not found
    private function findVariableInStack($id, array $stack)
        for ($i = count($stack) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
            $frame = &$stack[$i];

            switch (gettype($frame)) {
                case 'object':
                    if (!($frame instanceof Closure)) {
                        // Note that is_callable() *will not work here*
                        // See
                        if (method_exists($frame, $id)) {
                            return $frame->$id();

                        if (isset($frame->$id)) {
                            return $frame->$id;

                        if ($frame instanceof ArrayAccess && isset($frame[$id])) {
                            return $frame[$id];

                case 'array':
                    if (array_key_exists($id, $frame)) {
                        return $frame[$id];

        return '';