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namespace IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\Profile\Item;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\DataConnector\DataConnector;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\MediaType;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\Profile;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\HTTPMessage;
use IMSGlobal\LTI\OAuth;
* Class to represent an LTI Tool Provider
* @author Stephen P Vickers <>
* @copyright IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc
* @date 2016
* @version 3.0.2
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 (<>)
class ToolProvider
* Default connection error message.
const CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Sorry, there was an error connecting you to the application.';
* LTI version 1 for messages.
const LTI_VERSION1 = 'LTI-1p0';
* LTI version 2 for messages.
const LTI_VERSION2 = 'LTI-2p0';
* Use ID value only.
const ID_SCOPE_ID_ONLY = 0;
* Prefix an ID with the consumer key.
const ID_SCOPE_GLOBAL = 1;
* Prefix the ID with the consumer key and context ID.
* Prefix the ID with the consumer key and resource ID.
* Character used to separate each element of an ID.
* Permitted LTI versions for messages.
private static $LTI_VERSIONS = array(self::LTI_VERSION1, self::LTI_VERSION2);
* List of supported message types and associated class methods.
private static $MESSAGE_TYPES = array('basic-lti-launch-request' => 'onLaunch',
'ContentItemSelectionRequest' => 'onContentItem',
'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest' => 'register');
* List of supported message types and associated class methods
* @var array $METHOD_NAMES
private static $METHOD_NAMES = array('basic-lti-launch-request' => 'onLaunch',
'ContentItemSelectionRequest' => 'onContentItem',
'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest' => 'onRegister');
* Names of LTI parameters to be retained in the consumer settings property.
private static $LTI_CONSUMER_SETTING_NAMES = array('custom_tc_profile_url', 'custom_system_setting_url');
* Names of LTI parameters to be retained in the context settings property.
private static $LTI_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAMES = array('custom_context_setting_url',
'custom_lineitems_url', 'custom_results_url',
* Names of LTI parameters to be retained in the resource link settings property.
private static $LTI_RESOURCE_LINK_SETTING_NAMES = array('lis_course_section_sourcedid', 'lis_result_sourcedid', 'lis_outcome_service_url',
'ext_ims_lis_basic_outcome_url', 'ext_ims_lis_resultvalue_sourcedids',
'ext_ims_lis_memberships_id', 'ext_ims_lis_memberships_url',
'ext_ims_lti_tool_setting', 'ext_ims_lti_tool_setting_id', 'ext_ims_lti_tool_setting_url',
'custom_lineitem_url', 'custom_result_url');
* Names of LTI custom parameter substitution variables (or capabilities) and their associated default message parameter names.
private static $CUSTOM_SUBSTITUTION_VARIABLES = array('' => 'user_id',
'User.image' => 'user_image',
'User.username' => 'username',
'User.scope.mentor' => 'role_scope_mentor',
'Membership.role' => 'roles',
'Person.sourcedId' => 'lis_person_sourcedid',
'' => 'lis_person_name_full',
'' => 'lis_person_name_family',
'' => 'lis_person_name_given',
'' => 'lis_person_contact_email_primary',
'' => 'context_id',
'Context.type' => 'context_type',
'Context.title' => 'context_title',
'Context.label' => 'context_label',
'CourseOffering.sourcedId' => 'lis_course_offering_sourcedid',
'CourseSection.sourcedId' => 'lis_course_section_sourcedid',
'CourseSection.label' => 'context_label',
'CourseSection.title' => 'context_title',
'' => 'resource_link_id',
'ResourceLink.title' => 'resource_link_title',
'ResourceLink.description' => 'resource_link_description',
'Result.sourcedId' => 'lis_result_sourcedid',
'BasicOutcome.url' => 'lis_outcome_service_url',
'ToolConsumerProfile.url' => 'custom_tc_profile_url',
'ToolProxy.url' => 'tool_proxy_url',
'ToolProxy.custom.url' => 'custom_system_setting_url',
'ToolProxyBinding.custom.url' => 'custom_context_setting_url',
'LtiLink.custom.url' => 'custom_link_setting_url',
'LineItems.url' => 'custom_lineitems_url',
'LineItem.url' => 'custom_lineitem_url',
'Results.url' => 'custom_results_url',
'Result.url' => 'custom_result_url',
'ToolProxyBinding.memberships.url' => 'custom_context_memberships_url');
* True if the last request was successful.
* @var boolean $ok
public $ok = true;
* Tool Consumer object.
* @var ToolConsumer $consumer
public $consumer = null;
* Return URL provided by tool consumer.
* @var string $returnUrl
public $returnUrl = null;
* User object.
* @var User $user
public $user = null;
* Resource link object.
* @var ResourceLink $resourceLink
public $resourceLink = null;
* Context object.
* @var Context $context
public $context = null;
* Data connector object.
* @var DataConnector $dataConnector
public $dataConnector = null;
* Default email domain.
* @var string $defaultEmail
public $defaultEmail = '';
* Scope to use for user IDs.
* @var int $idScope
public $idScope = self::ID_SCOPE_ID_ONLY;
* Whether shared resource link arrangements are permitted.
* @var boolean $allowSharing
public $allowSharing = false;
* Message for last request processed
* @var string $message
public $message = self::CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE;
* Error message for last request processed.
* @var string $reason
public $reason = null;
* Details for error message relating to last request processed.
* @var array $details
public $details = array();
* Base URL for tool provider service
* @var string $baseUrl
public $baseUrl = null;
* Vendor details
* @var Item $vendor
public $vendor = null;
* Product details
* @var Item $product
public $product = null;
* Services required by Tool Provider
* @var array $requiredServices
public $requiredServices = null;
* Optional services used by Tool Provider
* @var array $optionalServices
public $optionalServices = null;
* Resource handlers for Tool Provider
* @var array $resourceHandlers
public $resourceHandlers = null;
* URL to redirect user to on successful completion of the request.
* @var string $redirectUrl
protected $redirectUrl = null;
* URL to redirect user to on successful completion of the request.
* @var string $mediaTypes
protected $mediaTypes = null;
* URL to redirect user to on successful completion of the request.
* @var string $documentTargets
protected $documentTargets = null;
* HTML to be displayed on a successful completion of the request.
* @var string $output
protected $output = null;
* HTML to be displayed on an unsuccessful completion of the request and no return URL is available.
* @var string $errorOutput
protected $errorOutput = null;
* Whether debug messages explaining the cause of errors are to be returned to the tool consumer.
* @var boolean $debugMode
protected $debugMode = false;
* Callback functions for handling requests.
* @var array $callbackHandler
private $callbackHandler = null;
* LTI parameter constraints for auto validation checks.
* @var array $constraints
private $constraints = null;
* Class constructor
* @param DataConnector $dataConnector Object containing a database connection object
function __construct($dataConnector)
$this->constraints = array();
$this->dataConnector = $dataConnector;
$this->ok = !is_null($this->dataConnector);
// Set debug mode
$this->debugMode = isset($_POST['custom_debug']) && (strtolower($_POST['custom_debug']) === 'true');
// Set return URL if available
if (isset($_POST['launch_presentation_return_url'])) {
$this->returnUrl = $_POST['launch_presentation_return_url'];
} else if (isset($_POST['content_item_return_url'])) {
$this->returnUrl = $_POST['content_item_return_url'];
$this->vendor = new Profile\Item();
$this->product = new Profile\Item();
$this->requiredServices = array();
$this->optionalServices = array();
$this->resourceHandlers = array();
* Process an incoming request
public function handleRequest()
if ($this->ok) {
if ($this->authenticate()) {
* Add a parameter constraint to be checked on launch
* @param string $name Name of parameter to be checked
* @param boolean $required True if parameter is required (optional, default is true)
* @param int $maxLength Maximum permitted length of parameter value (optional, default is null)
* @param array $messageTypes Array of message types to which the constraint applies (optional, default is all)
public function setParameterConstraint($name, $required = true, $maxLength = null, $messageTypes = null)
$name = trim($name);
if (strlen($name) > 0) {
$this->constraints[$name] = array('required' => $required, 'max_length' => $maxLength, 'messages' => $messageTypes);
* Get an array of defined tool consumers
* @return array Array of ToolConsumer objects
public function getConsumers()
return $this->dataConnector->getToolConsumers();
* Find an offered service based on a media type and HTTP action(s)
* @param string $format Media type required
* @param array $methods Array of HTTP actions required
* @return object The service object
public function findService($format, $methods)
$found = false;
$services = $this->consumer->profile->service_offered;
if (is_array($services)) {
$n = -1;
foreach ($services as $service) {
if (!is_array($service->format) || !in_array($format, $service->format)) {
$missing = array();
foreach ($methods as $method) {
if (!is_array($service->action) || !in_array($method, $service->action)) {
$missing[] = $method;
$methods = $missing;
if (count($methods) <= 0) {
$found = $service;
return $found;
* Send the tool proxy to the Tool Consumer
* @return boolean True if the tool proxy was accepted
public function doToolProxyService()
// Create tool proxy
$toolProxyService = $this->findService('application/vnd.ims.lti.v2.toolproxy+json', array('POST'));
$secret = DataConnector::getRandomString(12);
$toolProxy = new MediaType\ToolProxy($this, $toolProxyService, $secret);
$http = $this->consumer->doServiceRequest($toolProxyService, 'POST', 'application/vnd.ims.lti.v2.toolproxy+json', json_encode($toolProxy));
$ok = $http->ok && ($http->status == 201) && isset($http->responseJson->tool_proxy_guid) && (strlen($http->responseJson->tool_proxy_guid) > 0);
if ($ok) {
$this->consumer->secret = $toolProxy->security_contract->shared_secret;
$this->consumer->toolProxy = json_encode($toolProxy);
return $ok;
* Get an array of fully qualified user roles
* @param mixed $roles Comma-separated list of roles or array of roles
* @return array Array of roles
public static function parseRoles($roles)
if (!is_array($roles)) {
$roles = explode(',', $roles);
$parsedRoles = array();
foreach ($roles as $role) {
$role = trim($role);
if (!empty($role)) {
if (substr($role, 0, 4) !== 'urn:') {
$role = 'urn:lti:role:ims/lis/' . $role;
$parsedRoles[] = $role;
return $parsedRoles;
* Generate a web page containing an auto-submitted form of parameters.
* @param string $url URL to which the form should be submitted
* @param array $params Array of form parameters
* @param string $target Name of target (optional)
* @return string
public static function sendForm($url, $params, $target = '')
$page = <<< EOD
<title>IMS LTI message</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function doOnLoad() {
<form action="{$url}" method="post" target="" encType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
foreach($params as $key => $value ) {
$key = htmlentities($key, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8');
$value = htmlentities($value, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8');
$page .= <<< EOD
<input type="hidden" name="{$key}" value="{$value}" />
$page .= <<< EOD
return $page;
* Process a valid launch request
* @return boolean True if no error
protected function onLaunch()
* Process a valid content-item request
* @return boolean True if no error
protected function onContentItem()
* Process a valid tool proxy registration request
* @return boolean True if no error
protected function onRegister() {
* Process a response to an invalid request
* @return boolean True if no further error processing required
protected function onError()
* Call any callback function for the requested action.
* This function may set the redirect_url and output properties.
* @return boolean True if no error reported
private function doCallback($method = null)
$callback = $method;
if (is_null($callback)) {
$callback = self::$METHOD_NAMES[$_POST['lti_message_type']];
if (method_exists($this, $callback)) {
$result = $this->$callback();
} else if (is_null($method) && $this->ok) {
$this->ok = false;
$this->reason = "Message type not supported: {$_POST['lti_message_type']}";
if ($this->ok && ($_POST['lti_message_type'] == 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest')) {
* Perform the result of an action.
* This function may redirect the user to another URL rather than returning a value.
* @return string Output to be displayed (redirection, or display HTML or message)
private function result()
$ok = false;
if (!$this->ok) {
$ok = $this->onError();
if (!$ok) {
if (!$this->ok) {
// If not valid, return an error message to the tool consumer if a return URL is provided
if (!empty($this->returnUrl)) {
$errorUrl = $this->returnUrl;
if (strpos($errorUrl, '?') === false) {
$errorUrl .= '?';
} else {
$errorUrl .= '&';
if ($this->debugMode && !is_null($this->reason)) {
$errorUrl .= 'lti_errormsg=' . urlencode("Debug error: $this->reason");
} else {
$errorUrl .= 'lti_errormsg=' . urlencode($this->message);
if (!is_null($this->reason)) {
$errorUrl .= '<i_errorlog=' . urlencode("Debug error: $this->reason");
if (!is_null($this->consumer) && isset($_POST['lti_message_type']) && ($_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'ContentItemSelectionRequest')) {
$formParams = array();
if (isset($_POST['data'])) {
$formParams['data'] = $_POST['data'];
$version = (isset($_POST['lti_version'])) ? $_POST['lti_version'] : self::LTI_VERSION1;
$formParams = $this->consumer->signParameters($errorUrl, 'ContentItemSelection', $version, $formParams);
$page = self::sendForm($errorUrl, $formParams);
echo $page;
} else {
header("Location: {$errorUrl}");
} else {
if (!is_null($this->errorOutput)) {
echo $this->errorOutput;
} else if ($this->debugMode && !empty($this->reason)) {
echo "Debug error: {$this->reason}";
} else {
echo "Error: {$this->message}";
} else if (!is_null($this->redirectUrl)) {
header("Location: {$this->redirectUrl}");
} else if (!is_null($this->output)) {
echo $this->output;
* Check the authenticity of the LTI launch request.
* The consumer, resource link and user objects will be initialised if the request is valid.
* @return boolean True if the request has been successfully validated.
private function authenticate()
// Get the consumer
$doSaveConsumer = false;
// Check all required launch parameters
$this->ok = isset($_POST['lti_message_type']) && array_key_exists($_POST['lti_message_type'], self::$MESSAGE_TYPES);
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Invalid or missing lti_message_type parameter.';
if ($this->ok) {
$this->ok = isset($_POST['lti_version']) && in_array($_POST['lti_version'], self::$LTI_VERSIONS);
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Invalid or missing lti_version parameter.';
if ($this->ok) {
if ($_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'basic-lti-launch-request') {
$this->ok = isset($_POST['resource_link_id']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['resource_link_id'])) > 0);
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Missing resource link ID.';
} else if ($_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'ContentItemSelectionRequest') {
if (isset($_POST['accept_media_types']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['accept_media_types'])) > 0)) {
$mediaTypes = array_filter(explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['accept_media_types'])), 'strlen');
$mediaTypes = array_unique($mediaTypes);
$this->ok = count($mediaTypes) > 0;
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'No accept_media_types found.';
} else {
$this->mediaTypes = $mediaTypes;
} else {
$this->ok = false;
if ($this->ok && isset($_POST['accept_presentation_document_targets']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['accept_presentation_document_targets'])) > 0)) {
$documentTargets = array_filter(explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['accept_presentation_document_targets'])), 'strlen');
$documentTargets = array_unique($documentTargets);
$this->ok = count($documentTargets) > 0;
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Missing or empty accept_presentation_document_targets parameter.';
} else {
foreach ($documentTargets as $documentTarget) {
$this->ok = $this->checkValue($documentTarget, array('embed', 'frame', 'iframe', 'window', 'popup', 'overlay', 'none'),
'Invalid value in accept_presentation_document_targets parameter: %s.');
if (!$this->ok) {
if ($this->ok) {
$this->documentTargets = $documentTargets;
} else {
$this->ok = false;
if ($this->ok) {
$this->ok = isset($_POST['content_item_return_url']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['content_item_return_url'])) > 0);
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Missing content_item_return_url parameter.';
} else if ($_POST['lti_message_type'] == 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest') {
$this->ok = ((isset($_POST['reg_key']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['reg_key'])) > 0)) &&
(isset($_POST['reg_password']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['reg_password'])) > 0)) &&
(isset($_POST['tc_profile_url']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['tc_profile_url'])) > 0)) &&
(isset($_POST['launch_presentation_return_url']) && (strlen(trim($_POST['launch_presentation_return_url'])) > 0)));
if ($this->debugMode && !$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Missing message parameters.';
$now = time();
// Check consumer key
if ($this->ok && ($_POST['lti_message_type'] != 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest')) {
$this->ok = isset($_POST['oauth_consumer_key']);
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Missing consumer key.';
if ($this->ok) {
$this->consumer = new ToolConsumer($_POST['oauth_consumer_key'], $this->dataConnector);
$this->ok = !is_null($this->consumer->created);
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Invalid consumer key.';
if ($this->ok) {
$today = date('Y-m-d', $now);
if (is_null($this->consumer->lastAccess)) {
$doSaveConsumer = true;
} else {
$last = date('Y-m-d', $this->consumer->lastAccess);
$doSaveConsumer = $doSaveConsumer || ($last !== $today);
$this->consumer->last_access = $now;
try {
$store = new OAuthDataStore($this);
$server = new OAuth\OAuthServer($store);
$method = new OAuth\OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1();
$request = OAuth\OAuthRequest::from_request();
$res = $server->verify_request($request);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->ok = false;
if (empty($this->reason)) {
if ($this->debugMode) {
$consumer = new OAuth\OAuthConsumer($this->consumer->getKey(), $this->consumer->secret);
$signature = $request->build_signature($method, $consumer, false);
$this->reason = $e->getMessage();
if (empty($this->reason)) {
$this->reason = 'OAuth exception';
$this->details[] = 'Timestamp: ' . time();
$this->details[] = "Signature: {$signature}";
$this->details[] = "Base string: {$request->base_string}]";
} else {
$this->reason = 'OAuth signature check failed - perhaps an incorrect secret or timestamp.';
if ($this->ok) {
$today = date('Y-m-d', $now);
if (is_null($this->consumer->lastAccess)) {
$doSaveConsumer = true;
} else {
$last = date('Y-m-d', $this->consumer->lastAccess);
$doSaveConsumer = $doSaveConsumer || ($last !== $today);
$this->consumer->last_access = $now;
if ($this->consumer->protected) {
if (!is_null($this->consumer->consumerGuid)) {
$this->ok = empty($_POST['tool_consumer_instance_guid']) ||
($this->consumer->consumerGuid === $_POST['tool_consumer_instance_guid']);
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Request is from an invalid tool consumer.';
if ($this->ok) {
$this->ok = $this->consumer->enabled;
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Tool consumer has not been enabled by the tool provider.';
if ($this->ok) {
$this->ok = is_null($this->consumer->enableFrom) || ($this->consumer->enableFrom <= $now);
if ($this->ok) {
$this->ok = is_null($this->consumer->enableUntil) || ($this->consumer->enableUntil > $now);
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Tool consumer access has expired.';
} else {
$this->reason = 'Tool consumer access is not yet available.';
// Validate other message parameter values
if ($this->ok) {
if ($_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'ContentItemSelectionRequest') {
if (isset($_POST['accept_unsigned'])) {
$this->ok = $this->checkValue($_POST['accept_unsigned'], array('true', 'false'), 'Invalid value for accept_unsigned parameter: %s.');
if ($this->ok && isset($_POST['accept_multiple'])) {
$this->ok = $this->checkValue($_POST['accept_multiple'], array('true', 'false'), 'Invalid value for accept_multiple parameter: %s.');
if ($this->ok && isset($_POST['accept_copy_advice'])) {
$this->ok = $this->checkValue($_POST['accept_copy_advice'], array('true', 'false'), 'Invalid value for accept_copy_advice parameter: %s.');
if ($this->ok && isset($_POST['auto_create'])) {
$this->ok = $this->checkValue($_POST['auto_create'], array('true', 'false'), 'Invalid value for auto_create parameter: %s.');
if ($this->ok && isset($_POST['can_confirm'])) {
$this->ok = $this->checkValue($_POST['can_confirm'], array('true', 'false'), 'Invalid value for can_confirm parameter: %s.');
} else if (isset($_POST['launch_presentation_document_target'])) {
$this->ok = $this->checkValue($_POST['launch_presentation_document_target'], array('embed', 'frame', 'iframe', 'window', 'popup', 'overlay'),
'Invalid value for launch_presentation_document_target parameter: %s.');
if ($this->ok && ($_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest')) {
$this->ok = $_POST['lti_version'] == self::LTI_VERSION2;
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Invalid lti_version parameter';
if ($this->ok) {
$http = new HTTPMessage($_POST['tc_profile_url'], 'GET', null, 'Accept: application/vnd.ims.lti.v2.toolconsumerprofile+json');
$this->ok = $http->send();
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Tool consumer profile not accessible.';
} else {
$tcProfile = json_decode($http->response);
$this->ok = !is_null($tcProfile);
if (!$this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Invalid JSON in tool consumer profile.';
// Check for required capabilities
if ($this->ok) {
$this->consumer = new ToolConsumer($_POST['reg_key'], $this->dataConnector);
$this->consumer->profile = $tcProfile;
$capabilities = $this->consumer->profile->capability_offered;
$missing = array();
foreach ($this->resourceHandlers as $resourceHandler) {
foreach ($resourceHandler->requiredMessages as $message) {
if (!in_array($message->type, $capabilities)) {
$missing[$message->type] = true;
foreach ($this->constraints as $name => $constraint) {
if ($constraint['required']) {
if (!in_array($name, $capabilities) && !in_array($name, array_flip($capabilities))) {
$missing[$name] = true;
if (!empty($missing)) {
$this->reason = 'Required capability not offered - \'' . implode('\', \'', array_keys($missing)) . '\'';
$this->ok = false;
// Check for required services
if ($this->ok) {
foreach ($this->requiredServices as $service) {
foreach ($service->formats as $format) {
if (!$this->findService($format, $service->actions)) {
if ($this->ok) {
$this->reason = 'Required service(s) not offered - ';
$this->ok = false;
} else {
$this->reason .= ', ';
$this->reason .= "'{$format}' [" . implode(', ', $service->actions) . ']';
if ($this->ok) {
if ($_POST['lti_message_type'] === 'ToolProxyRegistrationRequest') {
$this->consumer->profile = $tcProfile;
$this->consumer->secret = $_POST['reg_password'];
$this->consumer->ltiVersion = $_POST['lti_version'];
$this->consumer->name = $tcProfile->product_instance->service_owner->service_owner_name->default_value;
$this->consumer->consumerName = $this->consumer->name;
$this->consumer->consumerVersion = "{$tcProfile->product_instance->product_info->product_family->code}-{$tcProfile->product_instance->product_info->product_version}";
$this->consumer->consumerGuid = $tcProfile->product_instance->guid;
$this->consumer->enabled = true;
$this->consumer->protected = true;
$doSaveConsumer = true;
} else if ($this->ok && !empty($_POST['custom_tc_profile_url']) && empty($this->consumer->profile)) {
$http = new HTTPMessage($_POST['custom_tc_profile_url'], 'GET', null, 'Accept: application/vnd.ims.lti.v2.toolconsumerprofile+json');
if ($http->send()) {
$tcProfile = json_decode($http->response);
if (!is_null($tcProfile)) {
$this->consumer->profile = $tcProfile;
$doSaveConsumer = true;
// Validate message parameter constraints
if ($this->ok) {
$invalidParameters = array();
foreach ($this->constraints as $name => $constraint) {
if (empty($constraint['messages']) || in_array($_POST['lti_message_type'], $constraint['messages'])) {
$ok = true;
if ($constraint['required']) {
if (!isset($_POST[$name]) || (strlen(trim($_POST[$name])) <= 0)) {
$invalidParameters[] = "{$name} (missing)";
$ok = false;
if ($ok && !is_null($constraint['max_length']) && isset($_POST[$name])) {
if (strlen(trim($_POST[$name])) > $constraint['max_length']) {
$invalidParameters[] = "{$name} (too long)";
if (count($invalidParameters) > 0) {
$this->ok = false;
if (empty($this->reason)) {
$this->reason = 'Invalid parameter(s): ' . implode(', ', $invalidParameters) . '.';
if ($this->ok) {
// Set the request context
if (isset($_POST['context_id'])) {
$this->context = Context::fromConsumer($this->consumer, trim($_POST['context_id']));
$title = '';
if (isset($_POST['context_title'])) {
$title = trim($_POST['context_title']);
if (empty($title)) {
$title = "Course {$this->context->getId()}";
if (isset($_POST['context_type'])) {
$this->context->type = trim($_POST['context_type']);
$this->context->title = $title;
// Set the request resource link
if (isset($_POST['resource_link_id'])) {
$contentItemId = '';
if (isset($_POST['custom_content_item_id'])) {
$contentItemId = $_POST['custom_content_item_id'];
$this->resourceLink = ResourceLink::fromConsumer($this->consumer, trim($_POST['resource_link_id']), $contentItemId);
if (!empty($this->context)) {
$title = '';
if (isset($_POST['resource_link_title'])) {
$title = trim($_POST['resource_link_title']);
if (empty($title)) {
$title = "Resource {$this->resourceLink->getId()}";
$this->resourceLink->title = $title;
// Delete any existing custom parameters
foreach ($this->consumer->getSettings() as $name => $value) {
if (strpos($name, 'custom_') === 0) {
$doSaveConsumer = true;
if (!empty($this->context)) {
foreach ($this->context->getSettings() as $name => $value) {
if (strpos($name, 'custom_') === 0) {
foreach ($this->resourceLink->getSettings() as $name => $value) {
if (strpos($name, 'custom_') === 0) {
// Save LTI parameters
foreach (self::$LTI_CONSUMER_SETTING_NAMES as $name) {
if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
$this->consumer->setSetting($name, $_POST[$name]);
} else {
if (!empty($this->context)) {
foreach (self::$LTI_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAMES as $name) {
if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
$this->context->setSetting($name, $_POST[$name]);
} else {
foreach (self::$LTI_RESOURCE_LINK_SETTING_NAMES as $name) {
if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
$this->resourceLink->setSetting($name, $_POST[$name]);
} else {
// Save other custom parameters
foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
if ((strpos($name, 'custom_') === 0) &&
$this->resourceLink->setSetting($name, $value);
// Set the user instance
$userId = '';
if (isset($_POST['user_id'])) {
$userId = trim($_POST['user_id']);
$this->user = User::fromResourceLink($this->resourceLink, $userId);
// Set the user name
$firstname = (isset($_POST['lis_person_name_given'])) ? $_POST['lis_person_name_given'] : '';
$lastname = (isset($_POST['lis_person_name_family'])) ? $_POST['lis_person_name_family'] : '';
$fullname = (isset($_POST['lis_person_name_full'])) ? $_POST['lis_person_name_full'] : '';
$this->user->setNames($firstname, $lastname, $fullname);
// Set the user email
$email = (isset($_POST['lis_person_contact_email_primary'])) ? $_POST['lis_person_contact_email_primary'] : '';
$this->user->setEmail($email, $this->defaultEmail);
// Set the user image URI
if (isset($_POST['user_image'])) {
$this->user->image = $_POST['user_image'];
// Set the user roles
if (isset($_POST['roles'])) {
$this->user->roles = self::parseRoles($_POST['roles']);
// Initialise the consumer and check for changes
$this->consumer->defaultEmail = $this->defaultEmail;
if ($this->consumer->ltiVersion !== $_POST['lti_version']) {
$this->consumer->ltiVersion = $_POST['lti_version'];
$doSaveConsumer = true;
if (isset($_POST['tool_consumer_instance_name'])) {
if ($this->consumer->consumerName !== $_POST['tool_consumer_instance_name']) {
$this->consumer->consumerName = $_POST['tool_consumer_instance_name'];
$doSaveConsumer = true;
if (isset($_POST['tool_consumer_info_product_family_code'])) {
$version = $_POST['tool_consumer_info_product_family_code'];
if (isset($_POST['tool_consumer_info_version'])) {
$version .= "-{$_POST['tool_consumer_info_version']}";
// do not delete any existing consumer version if none is passed
if ($this->consumer->consumerVersion !== $version) {
$this->consumer->consumerVersion = $version;
$doSaveConsumer = true;
} else if (isset($_POST['ext_lms']) && ($this->consumer->consumerName !== $_POST['ext_lms'])) {
$this->consumer->consumerVersion = $_POST['ext_lms'];
$doSaveConsumer = true;
if (isset($_POST['tool_consumer_instance_guid'])) {
if (is_null($this->consumer->consumerGuid)) {
$this->consumer->consumerGuid = $_POST['tool_consumer_instance_guid'];
$doSaveConsumer = true;
} else if (!$this->consumer->protected) {
$doSaveConsumer = ($this->consumer->consumerGuid !== $_POST['tool_consumer_instance_guid']);
if ($doSaveConsumer) {
$this->consumer->consumerGuid = $_POST['tool_consumer_instance_guid'];
if (isset($_POST['launch_presentation_css_url'])) {
if ($this->consumer->cssPath !== $_POST['launch_presentation_css_url']) {
$this->consumer->cssPath = $_POST['launch_presentation_css_url'];
$doSaveConsumer = true;
} else if (isset($_POST['ext_launch_presentation_css_url']) &&
($this->consumer->cssPath !== $_POST['ext_launch_presentation_css_url'])) {
$this->consumer->cssPath = $_POST['ext_launch_presentation_css_url'];
$doSaveConsumer = true;
} else if (!empty($this->consumer->cssPath)) {
$this->consumer->cssPath = null;
$doSaveConsumer = true;
// Persist changes to consumer
if ($doSaveConsumer) {
if ($this->ok && isset($this->context)) {
if ($this->ok && isset($this->resourceLink)) {
// Check if a share arrangement is in place for this resource link
$this->ok = $this->checkForShare();
// Persist changes to resource link
// Save the user instance
if (isset($_POST['lis_result_sourcedid'])) {
if ($this->user->ltiResultSourcedId !== $_POST['lis_result_sourcedid']) {
$this->user->ltiResultSourcedId = $_POST['lis_result_sourcedid'];
} else if (!empty($this->user->ltiResultSourcedId)) {
$this->user->ltiResultSourcedId = '';
return $this->ok;
* Check if a share arrangement is in place.
* @return boolean True if no error is reported
private function checkForShare()
$ok = true;
$doSaveResourceLink = true;
$id = $this->resourceLink->primaryResourceLinkId;
$shareRequest = isset($_POST['custom_share_key']) && !empty($_POST['custom_share_key']);
if ($shareRequest) {
if (!$this->allowSharing) {
$ok = false;
$this->reason = 'Your sharing request has been refused because sharing is not being permitted.';
} else {
// Check if this is a new share key
$shareKey = new ResourceLinkShareKey($this->resourceLink, $_POST['custom_share_key']);
if (!is_null($shareKey->primaryConsumerKey) && !is_null($shareKey->primaryResourceLinkId)) {
// Update resource link with sharing primary resource link details
$key = $shareKey->primaryConsumerKey;
$id = $shareKey->primaryResourceLinkId;
$ok = ($key !== $this->consumer->getKey()) || ($id != $this->resourceLink->getId());
if ($ok) {
$this->resourceLink->primaryConsumerKey = $key;
$this->resourceLink->primaryResourceLinkId = $id;
$this->resourceLink->shareApproved = $shareKey->autoApprove;
$ok = $this->resourceLink->save();
if ($ok) {
$doSaveResourceLink = false;
$this->user->getResourceLink()->primaryConsumerKey = $key;
$this->user->getResourceLink()->primaryResourceLinkId = $id;
$this->user->getResourceLink()->shareApproved = $shareKey->autoApprove;
$this->user->getResourceLink()->updated = time();
// Remove share key
} else {
$this->reason = 'An error occurred initialising your share arrangement.';
} else {
$this->reason = 'It is not possible to share your resource link with yourself.';
if ($ok) {
$ok = !is_null($key);
if (!$ok) {
$this->reason = 'You have requested to share a resource link but none is available.';
} else {
$ok = (!is_null($this->user->getResourceLink()->shareApproved) && $this->user->getResourceLink()->shareApproved);
if (!$ok) {
$this->reason = 'Your share request is waiting to be approved.';
} else {
// Check no share is in place
$ok = is_null($id);
if (!$ok) {
$this->reason = 'You have not requested to share a resource link but an arrangement is currently in place.';
// Look up primary resource link
if ($ok && !is_null($id)) {
$consumer = new ToolConsumer($key, $this->dataConnector);
$ok = !is_null($consumer->created);
if ($ok) {
$resourceLink = ResourceLink::fromConsumer($consumer, $id);
$ok = !is_null($resourceLink->created);
if ($ok) {
if ($doSaveResourceLink) {
$this->resourceLink = $resourceLink;
} else {
$this->reason = 'Unable to load resource link being shared.';
return $ok;
* Validate a parameter value from an array of permitted values.
* @return boolean True if value is valid
private function checkValue($value, $values, $reason)
$ok = in_array($value, $values);
if (!$ok && !empty($reason)) {
$this->reason = sprintf($reason, $value);
return $ok;