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namespace JmesPath;
use JmesPath\Lexer as T;
* JMESPath Pratt parser
* @link
class Parser
/** @var Lexer */
private $lexer;
private $tokens;
private $token;
private $tpos;
private $expression;
private static $nullToken = ['type' => T::T_EOF];
private static $currentNode = ['type' => T::T_CURRENT];
private static $bp = [
T::T_EOF => 0,
T::T_RPAREN => 0,
T::T_COMMA => 0,
T::T_RBRACE => 0,
T::T_NUMBER => 0,
T::T_CURRENT => 0,
T::T_EXPREF => 0,
T::T_COLON => 0,
T::T_PIPE => 1,
T::T_OR => 2,
T::T_AND => 3,
T::T_FLATTEN => 9,
T::T_STAR => 20,
T::T_FILTER => 21,
T::T_DOT => 40,
T::T_NOT => 45,
T::T_LBRACE => 50,
T::T_LBRACKET => 55,
T::T_LPAREN => 60,
/** @var array Acceptable tokens after a dot token */
private static $afterDot = [
T::T_IDENTIFIER => true, //
T::T_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER => true, // foo."bar"
T::T_STAR => true, // foo.*
T::T_LBRACE => true, // foo[1]
T::T_LBRACKET => true, // foo{a: 0}
T::T_FILTER => true, // foo.[?bar==10]
* @param Lexer|null $lexer Lexer used to tokenize expressions
public function __construct(Lexer $lexer = null)
$this->lexer = $lexer ?: new Lexer();
* Parses a JMESPath expression into an AST
* @param string $expression JMESPath expression to compile
* @return array Returns an array based AST
* @throws SyntaxErrorException
public function parse($expression)
$this->expression = $expression;
$this->tokens = $this->lexer->tokenize($expression);
$this->tpos = -1;
$result = $this->expr();
if ($this->token['type'] === T::T_EOF) {
return $result;
throw $this->syntax('Did not reach the end of the token stream');
* Parses an expression while rbp < lbp.
* @param int $rbp Right bound precedence
* @return array
private function expr($rbp = 0)
$left = $this->{"nud_{$this->token['type']}"}();
while ($rbp < self::$bp[$this->token['type']]) {
$left = $this->{"led_{$this->token['type']}"}($left);
return $left;
private function nud_identifier()
$token = $this->token;
return ['type' => 'field', 'value' => $token['value']];
private function nud_quoted_identifier()
$token = $this->token;
return ['type' => 'field', 'value' => $token['value']];
private function nud_current()
return self::$currentNode;
private function nud_literal()
$token = $this->token;
return ['type' => 'literal', 'value' => $token['value']];
private function nud_expref()
return ['type' => T::T_EXPREF, 'children' => [$this->expr(self::$bp[T::T_EXPREF])]];
private function nud_not()
return ['type' => T::T_NOT, 'children' => [$this->expr(self::$bp[T::T_NOT])]];
private function nud_lparen()
$result = $this->expr(0);
if ($this->token['type'] !== T::T_RPAREN) {
throw $this->syntax('Unclosed `(`');
return $result;
private function nud_lbrace()
static $validKeys = [T::T_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER => true, T::T_IDENTIFIER => true];
$pairs = [];
do {
$pairs[] = $this->parseKeyValuePair();
if ($this->token['type'] == T::T_COMMA) {
} while ($this->token['type'] !== T::T_RBRACE);
return['type' => 'multi_select_hash', 'children' => $pairs];
private function nud_flatten()
return $this->led_flatten(self::$currentNode);
private function nud_filter()
return $this->led_filter(self::$currentNode);
private function nud_star()
return $this->parseWildcardObject(self::$currentNode);
private function nud_lbracket()
$type = $this->token['type'];
if ($type == T::T_NUMBER || $type == T::T_COLON) {
return $this->parseArrayIndexExpression();
} elseif ($type == T::T_STAR && $this->lookahead() == T::T_RBRACKET) {
return $this->parseWildcardArray();
} else {
return $this->parseMultiSelectList();
private function led_lbracket(array $left)
static $nextTypes = [T::T_NUMBER => true, T::T_COLON => true, T::T_STAR => true];
switch ($this->token['type']) {
case T::T_NUMBER:
case T::T_COLON:
return [
'type' => 'subexpression',
'children' => [$left, $this->parseArrayIndexExpression()]
return $this->parseWildcardArray($left);
private function led_flatten(array $left)
return [
'type' => 'projection',
'from' => 'array',
'children' => [
['type' => T::T_FLATTEN, 'children' => [$left]],
private function led_dot(array $left)
if ($this->token['type'] == T::T_STAR) {
return $this->parseWildcardObject($left);
return [
'type' => 'subexpression',
'children' => [$left, $this->parseDot(self::$bp[T::T_DOT])]
private function led_or(array $left)
return [
'type' => T::T_OR,
'children' => [$left, $this->expr(self::$bp[T::T_OR])]
private function led_and(array $left)
return [
'type' => T::T_AND,
'children' => [$left, $this->expr(self::$bp[T::T_AND])]
private function led_pipe(array $left)
return [
'type' => T::T_PIPE,
'children' => [$left, $this->expr(self::$bp[T::T_PIPE])]
private function led_lparen(array $left)
$args = [];
while ($this->token['type'] != T::T_RPAREN) {
$args[] = $this->expr(0);
if ($this->token['type'] == T::T_COMMA) {
return [
'type' => 'function',
'value' => $left['value'],
'children' => $args
private function led_filter(array $left)
$expression = $this->expr();
if ($this->token['type'] != T::T_RBRACKET) {
throw $this->syntax('Expected a closing rbracket for the filter');
$rhs = $this->parseProjection(self::$bp[T::T_FILTER]);
return [
'type' => 'projection',
'from' => 'array',
'children' => [
$left ?: self::$currentNode,
'type' => 'condition',
'children' => [$expression, $rhs]
private function led_comparator(array $left)
$token = $this->token;
return [
'type' => T::T_COMPARATOR,
'value' => $token['value'],
'children' => [$left, $this->expr(self::$bp[T::T_COMPARATOR])]
private function parseProjection($bp)
$type = $this->token['type'];
if (self::$bp[$type] < 10) {
return self::$currentNode;
} elseif ($type == T::T_DOT) {
return $this->parseDot($bp);
} elseif ($type == T::T_LBRACKET || $type == T::T_FILTER) {
return $this->expr($bp);
throw $this->syntax('Syntax error after projection');
private function parseDot($bp)
if ($this->token['type'] == T::T_LBRACKET) {
return $this->parseMultiSelectList();
return $this->expr($bp);
private function parseKeyValuePair()
static $validColon = [T::T_COLON => true];
$key = $this->token['value'];
return [
'type' => 'key_val_pair',
'value' => $key,
'children' => [$this->expr()]
private function parseWildcardObject(array $left = null)
return [
'type' => 'projection',
'from' => 'object',
'children' => [
$left ?: self::$currentNode,
private function parseWildcardArray(array $left = null)
static $getRbracket = [T::T_RBRACKET => true];
return [
'type' => 'projection',
'from' => 'array',
'children' => [
$left ?: self::$currentNode,
* Parses an array index expression (e.g., [0], [1:2:3]
private function parseArrayIndexExpression()
static $matchNext = [
T::T_NUMBER => true,
T::T_COLON => true,
T::T_RBRACKET => true
$pos = 0;
$parts = [null, null, null];
$expected = $matchNext;
do {
if ($this->token['type'] == T::T_COLON) {
$expected = $matchNext;
} elseif ($this->token['type'] == T::T_NUMBER) {
$parts[$pos] = $this->token['value'];
$expected = [T::T_COLON => true, T::T_RBRACKET => true];
} while ($this->token['type'] != T::T_RBRACKET);
// Consume the closing bracket
if ($pos === 0) {
// No colons were found so this is a simple index extraction
return ['type' => 'index', 'value' => $parts[0]];
if ($pos > 2) {
throw $this->syntax('Invalid array slice syntax: too many colons');
// Sliced array from start (e.g., [2:])
return [
'type' => 'projection',
'from' => 'array',
'children' => [
['type' => 'slice', 'value' => $parts],
private function parseMultiSelectList()
$nodes = [];
do {
$nodes[] = $this->expr();
if ($this->token['type'] == T::T_COMMA) {
} while ($this->token['type'] !== T::T_RBRACKET);
return ['type' => 'multi_select_list', 'children' => $nodes];
private function syntax($msg)
return new SyntaxErrorException($msg, $this->token, $this->expression);
private function lookahead()
return (!isset($this->tokens[$this->tpos + 1]))
? T::T_EOF
: $this->tokens[$this->tpos + 1]['type'];
private function next(array $match = null)
if (!isset($this->tokens[$this->tpos + 1])) {
$this->token = self::$nullToken;
} else {
$this->token = $this->tokens[++$this->tpos];
if ($match && !isset($match[$this->token['type']])) {
throw $this->syntax($match);
private function assertNotToken($type)
if ($this->token['type'] == $type) {
throw $this->syntax("Token {$this->tpos} not allowed to be $type");
* @internal Handles undefined tokens without paying the cost of validation
public function __call($method, $args)
$prefix = substr($method, 0, 4);
if ($prefix == 'nud_' || $prefix == 'led_') {
$token = substr($method, 4);
$message = "Unexpected \"$token\" token ($method). Expected one of"
. " the following tokens: "
. implode(', ', array_map(function ($i) {
return '"' . substr($i, 4) . '"';
}, array_filter(
function ($i) use ($prefix) {
return strpos($i, $prefix) === 0;
throw $this->syntax($message);
throw new \BadMethodCallException("Call to undefined method $method");