Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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namespace Kevinrob\GuzzleCache;

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\TransferException;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\FulfilledPromise;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectedPromise;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Utils;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use Kevinrob\GuzzleCache\Strategy\CacheStrategyInterface;
use Kevinrob\GuzzleCache\Strategy\PrivateCacheStrategy;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

 * Class CacheMiddleware.
class CacheMiddleware
    const HEADER_RE_VALIDATION = 'X-Kevinrob-GuzzleCache-ReValidation';
    const HEADER_INVALIDATION = 'X-Kevinrob-GuzzleCache-Invalidation';
    const HEADER_CACHE_INFO = 'X-Kevinrob-Cache';
    const HEADER_CACHE_HIT = 'HIT';

     * @var array of Promise
    protected $waitingRevalidate = [];

     * @var Client
    protected $client;

     * @var CacheStrategyInterface
    protected $cacheStorage;

     * List of allowed HTTP methods to cache
     * Key = method name (upscaling)
     * Value = true.
     * @var array
    protected $httpMethods = ['GET' => true];

     * List of safe methods
     * @var array
    protected $safeMethods = ['GET' => true, 'HEAD' => true, 'OPTIONS' => true, 'TRACE' => true];

     * @param CacheStrategyInterface|null $cacheStrategy
    public function __construct(CacheStrategyInterface $cacheStrategy = null)
        $this->cacheStorage = $cacheStrategy !== null ? $cacheStrategy : new PrivateCacheStrategy();

        register_shutdown_function([$this, 'purgeReValidation']);

     * @param Client $client
    public function setClient(Client $client)
        $this->client = $client;

     * @param CacheStrategyInterface $cacheStorage
    public function setCacheStorage(CacheStrategyInterface $cacheStorage)
        $this->cacheStorage = $cacheStorage;

     * @return CacheStrategyInterface
    public function getCacheStorage()
        return $this->cacheStorage;

     * @param array $methods
    public function setHttpMethods(array $methods)
        $this->httpMethods = $methods;

    public function getHttpMethods()
        return $this->httpMethods;

     * Will be called at the end of the script.
    public function purgeReValidation()
        // Call to \GuzzleHttp\Promise\inspect_all throws error, replacing with the latest one.

     * @param callable $handler
     * @return callable
    public function __invoke(callable $handler)
        return function (RequestInterface $request, array $options) use (&$handler) {
            if (!isset($this->httpMethods[strtoupper($request->getMethod())])) {
                // No caching for this method allowed

                return $handler($request, $options)->then(
                    function (ResponseInterface $response) use ($request) {
                        if (!isset($this->safeMethods[$request->getMethod()])) {
                            // Invalidate cache after a call of non-safe method on the same URI
                            $response = $this->invalidateCache($request, $response);

                        return $response->withHeader(self::HEADER_CACHE_INFO, self::HEADER_CACHE_MISS);

            if ($request->hasHeader(self::HEADER_RE_VALIDATION)) {
                // It's a re-validation request, so bypass the cache!
                return $handler($request->withoutHeader(self::HEADER_RE_VALIDATION), $options);

            // Retrieve information from request (Cache-Control)
            $reqCacheControl = new KeyValueHttpHeader($request->getHeader('Cache-Control'));
            $onlyFromCache = $reqCacheControl->has('only-if-cached');
            $staleResponse = $reqCacheControl->has('max-stale')
                && $reqCacheControl->get('max-stale') === '';
            $maxStaleCache = $reqCacheControl->get('max-stale', null);
            $minFreshCache = $reqCacheControl->get('min-fresh', null);

            // If cache => return new FulfilledPromise(...) with response
            $cacheEntry = $this->cacheStorage->fetch($request);
            if ($cacheEntry instanceof CacheEntry) {
                $body = $cacheEntry->getResponse()->getBody();
                if ($body->tell() > 0) {

                if ($cacheEntry->isFresh()
                    && ($minFreshCache === null || $cacheEntry->getStaleAge() + (int)$minFreshCache <= 0)
                ) {
                    // Cache HIT!
                    return new FulfilledPromise(
                        $cacheEntry->getResponse()->withHeader(self::HEADER_CACHE_INFO, self::HEADER_CACHE_HIT)
                } elseif ($staleResponse
                    || ($maxStaleCache !== null && $cacheEntry->getStaleAge() <= $maxStaleCache)
                ) {
                    // Staled cache!
                    return new FulfilledPromise(
                        $cacheEntry->getResponse()->withHeader(self::HEADER_CACHE_INFO, self::HEADER_CACHE_HIT)
                } elseif ($cacheEntry->hasValidationInformation() && !$onlyFromCache) {
                    // Re-validation header
                    $request = static::getRequestWithReValidationHeader($request, $cacheEntry);

                    if ($cacheEntry->staleWhileValidate()) {
                        static::addReValidationRequest($request, $this->cacheStorage, $cacheEntry);

                        return new FulfilledPromise(
                                ->withHeader(self::HEADER_CACHE_INFO, self::HEADER_CACHE_STALE)
            } else {
                $cacheEntry = null;

            if ($cacheEntry === null && $onlyFromCache) {
                // Explicit asking of a cached response => 504
                return new FulfilledPromise(
                    new Response(504)

            /** @var Promise $promise */
            $promise = $handler($request, $options);

            return $promise->then(
                function (ResponseInterface $response) use ($request, $cacheEntry) {
                    // Check if error and looking for a staled content
                    if ($response->getStatusCode() >= 500) {
                        $responseStale = static::getStaleResponse($cacheEntry);
                        if ($responseStale instanceof ResponseInterface) {
                            return $responseStale;

                    $update = false;

                    if ($response->getStatusCode() == 304 && $cacheEntry instanceof CacheEntry) {
                        // Not modified => cache entry is re-validate
                        /** @var ResponseInterface $response */
                        $response = $response
                            ->withHeader(self::HEADER_CACHE_INFO, self::HEADER_CACHE_HIT);
                        $response = $response->withBody($cacheEntry->getResponse()->getBody());

                        // Merge headers of the "304 Not Modified" and the cache entry
                         * @var string $headerName
                         * @var string[] $headerValue
                        foreach ($cacheEntry->getOriginalResponse()->getHeaders() as $headerName => $headerValue) {
                            if (!$response->hasHeader($headerName) && $headerName !== self::HEADER_CACHE_INFO) {
                                $response = $response->withHeader($headerName, $headerValue);

                        $update = true;
                    } else {
                        $response = $response->withHeader(self::HEADER_CACHE_INFO, self::HEADER_CACHE_MISS);

                    return static::addToCache($this->cacheStorage, $request, $response, $update);
                function ($reason) use ($cacheEntry) {
                    if ($reason instanceof TransferException) {
                        $response = static::getStaleResponse($cacheEntry);
                        if ($response instanceof ResponseInterface) {
                            return $response;

                    return new RejectedPromise($reason);

     * @param CacheStrategyInterface $cache
     * @param RequestInterface $request
     * @param ResponseInterface $response
     * @param bool $update cache
     * @return ResponseInterface
    protected static function addToCache(
        CacheStrategyInterface $cache,
        RequestInterface $request,
        ResponseInterface $response,
        $update = false
    ) {
        $body = $response->getBody();

        // If the body is not seekable, we have to replace it by a seekable one
        if (!$body->isSeekable()) {
            $response = $response->withBody(

        if ($update) {
            $cache->update($request, $response);
        } else {
            $cache->cache($request, $response);

        // always rewind back to the start otherwise other middlewares may get empty "content"
        if ($body->isSeekable()) {

        return $response;

     * @param RequestInterface       $request
     * @param CacheStrategyInterface $cacheStorage
     * @param CacheEntry             $cacheEntry
     * @return bool if added
    protected function addReValidationRequest(
        RequestInterface $request,
        CacheStrategyInterface &$cacheStorage,
        CacheEntry $cacheEntry
    ) {
        // Add the promise for revalidate
        if ($this->client !== null) {
            /** @var RequestInterface $request */
            $request = $request->withHeader(self::HEADER_RE_VALIDATION, '1');
            $this->waitingRevalidate[] = $this->client
                ->then(function (ResponseInterface $response) use ($request, &$cacheStorage, $cacheEntry) {
                    $update = false;

                    if ($response->getStatusCode() == 304) {
                        // Not modified => cache entry is re-validate
                        /** @var ResponseInterface $response */
                        $response = $response->withStatus($cacheEntry->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
                        $response = $response->withBody($cacheEntry->getResponse()->getBody());

                        // Merge headers of the "304 Not Modified" and the cache entry
                        foreach ($cacheEntry->getResponse()->getHeaders() as $headerName => $headerValue) {
                            if (!$response->hasHeader($headerName)) {
                                $response = $response->withHeader($headerName, $headerValue);

                        $update = true;

                    static::addToCache($cacheStorage, $request, $response, $update);

            return true;

        return false;

     * @param CacheEntry|null $cacheEntry
     * @return null|ResponseInterface
    protected static function getStaleResponse(CacheEntry $cacheEntry = null)
        // Return staled cache entry if we can
        if ($cacheEntry instanceof CacheEntry && $cacheEntry->serveStaleIfError()) {
            return $cacheEntry->getResponse()
                ->withHeader(self::HEADER_CACHE_INFO, self::HEADER_CACHE_STALE);


     * @param RequestInterface $request
     * @param CacheEntry       $cacheEntry
     * @return RequestInterface
    protected static function getRequestWithReValidationHeader(RequestInterface $request, CacheEntry $cacheEntry)
        if ($cacheEntry->getResponse()->hasHeader('Last-Modified')) {
            $request = $request->withHeader(
        if ($cacheEntry->getResponse()->hasHeader('Etag')) {
            $request = $request->withHeader(

        return $request;

     * @param CacheStrategyInterface|null $cacheStorage
     * @return CacheMiddleware the Middleware for Guzzle HandlerStack
     * @deprecated Use constructor => `new CacheMiddleware()`
    public static function getMiddleware(CacheStrategyInterface $cacheStorage = null)
        return new self($cacheStorage);

     * @param RequestInterface $request
     * @param ResponseInterface $response
     * @return ResponseInterface
    private function invalidateCache(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
        foreach (array_keys($this->httpMethods) as $method) {

        return $response->withHeader(self::HEADER_INVALIDATION, true);