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 * Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

 * Service definition for CloudMonitoring (v2beta2).
 * <p>
 * API for accessing Google Cloud and API monitoring data.</p>
 * <p>
 * For more information about this service, see the API
 * <a href="" target="_blank">Documentation</a>
 * </p>
 * @author Google, Inc.
class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring extends Google_Service
  /** View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services. */
  /** View and write monitoring data for all of your Google and third-party Cloud and API projects. */
  const MONITORING =

  public $metricDescriptors;
  public $timeseries;
  public $timeseriesDescriptors;

   * Constructs the internal representation of the CloudMonitoring service.
   * @param Google_Client $client
  public function __construct(Google_Client $client)
    $this->rootUrl = '';
    $this->servicePath = 'cloudmonitoring/v2beta2/projects/';
    $this->version = 'v2beta2';
    $this->serviceName = 'cloudmonitoring';

    $this->metricDescriptors = new Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptors_Resource(
          'methods' => array(
            'create' => array(
              'path' => '{project}/metricDescriptors',
              'httpMethod' => 'POST',
              'parameters' => array(
                'project' => array(
                  'location' => 'path',
                  'type' => 'string',
                  'required' => true,
            ),'delete' => array(
              'path' => '{project}/metricDescriptors/{metric}',
              'httpMethod' => 'DELETE',
              'parameters' => array(
                'project' => array(
                  'location' => 'path',
                  'type' => 'string',
                  'required' => true,
                'metric' => array(
                  'location' => 'path',
                  'type' => 'string',
                  'required' => true,
            ),'list' => array(
              'path' => '{project}/metricDescriptors',
              'httpMethod' => 'GET',
              'parameters' => array(
                'project' => array(
                  'location' => 'path',
                  'type' => 'string',
                  'required' => true,
                'count' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'integer',
                'pageToken' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
                'query' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
    $this->timeseries = new Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_Timeseries_Resource(
          'methods' => array(
            'list' => array(
              'path' => '{project}/timeseries/{metric}',
              'httpMethod' => 'GET',
              'parameters' => array(
                'project' => array(
                  'location' => 'path',
                  'type' => 'string',
                  'required' => true,
                'metric' => array(
                  'location' => 'path',
                  'type' => 'string',
                  'required' => true,
                'youngest' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
                  'required' => true,
                'count' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'integer',
                'timespan' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
                'aggregator' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
                'labels' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
                  'repeated' => true,
                'pageToken' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
                'window' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
                'oldest' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
            ),'write' => array(
              'path' => '{project}/timeseries:write',
              'httpMethod' => 'POST',
              'parameters' => array(
                'project' => array(
                  'location' => 'path',
                  'type' => 'string',
                  'required' => true,
    $this->timeseriesDescriptors = new Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptors_Resource(
          'methods' => array(
            'list' => array(
              'path' => '{project}/timeseriesDescriptors/{metric}',
              'httpMethod' => 'GET',
              'parameters' => array(
                'project' => array(
                  'location' => 'path',
                  'type' => 'string',
                  'required' => true,
                'metric' => array(
                  'location' => 'path',
                  'type' => 'string',
                  'required' => true,
                'youngest' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
                  'required' => true,
                'count' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'integer',
                'timespan' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
                'aggregator' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
                'labels' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
                  'repeated' => true,
                'pageToken' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
                'window' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',
                'oldest' => array(
                  'location' => 'query',
                  'type' => 'string',

 * The "metricDescriptors" collection of methods.
 * Typical usage is:
 *  <code>
 *   $cloudmonitoringService = new Google_Service_CloudMonitoring(...);
 *   $metricDescriptors = $cloudmonitoringService->metricDescriptors;
 *  </code>
class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptors_Resource extends Google_Service_Resource

   * Create a new metric. (metricDescriptors.create)
   * @param string $project The project id. The value can be the numeric project
   * ID or string-based project name.
   * @param Google_MetricDescriptor $postBody
   * @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
   * @return Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptor
  public function create($project, Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptor $postBody, $optParams = array())
    $params = array('project' => $project, 'postBody' => $postBody);
    $params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
    return $this->call('create', array($params), "Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptor");

   * Delete an existing metric. (metricDescriptors.delete)
   * @param string $project The project ID to which the metric belongs.
   * @param string $metric Name of the metric.
   * @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
   * @return Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_DeleteMetricDescriptorResponse
  public function delete($project, $metric, $optParams = array())
    $params = array('project' => $project, 'metric' => $metric);
    $params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
    return $this->call('delete', array($params), "Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_DeleteMetricDescriptorResponse");

   * List metric descriptors that match the query. If the query is not set, then
   * all of the metric descriptors will be returned. Large responses will be
   * paginated, use the nextPageToken returned in the response to request
   * subsequent pages of results by setting the pageToken query parameter to the
   * value of the nextPageToken. (metricDescriptors.listMetricDescriptors)
   * @param string $project The project id. The value can be the numeric project
   * ID or string-based project name.
   * @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
   * @opt_param int count Maximum number of metric descriptors per page. Used for
   * pagination. If not specified, count = 100.
   * @opt_param string pageToken The pagination token, which is used to page
   * through large result sets. Set this value to the value of the nextPageToken
   * to retrieve the next page of results.
   * @opt_param string query The query used to search against existing metrics.
   * Separate keywords with a space; the service joins all keywords with AND,
   * meaning that all keywords must match for a metric to be returned. If this
   * field is omitted, all metrics are returned. If an empty string is passed with
   * this field, no metrics are returned.
   * @return Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListMetricDescriptorsResponse
  public function listMetricDescriptors($project, $optParams = array())
    $params = array('project' => $project);
    $params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
    return $this->call('list', array($params), "Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListMetricDescriptorsResponse");

 * The "timeseries" collection of methods.
 * Typical usage is:
 *  <code>
 *   $cloudmonitoringService = new Google_Service_CloudMonitoring(...);
 *   $timeseries = $cloudmonitoringService->timeseries;
 *  </code>
class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_Timeseries_Resource extends Google_Service_Resource

   * List the data points of the time series that match the metric and labels
   * values and that have data points in the interval. Large responses are
   * paginated; use the nextPageToken returned in the response to request
   * subsequent pages of results by setting the pageToken query parameter to the
   * value of the nextPageToken. (timeseries.listTimeseries)
   * @param string $project The project ID to which this time series belongs. The
   * value can be the numeric project ID or string-based project name.
   * @param string $metric Metric names are protocol-free URLs as listed in the
   * Supported Metrics page. For example,
   * @param string $youngest End of the time interval (inclusive), which is
   * expressed as an RFC 3339 timestamp.
   * @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
   * @opt_param int count Maximum number of data points per page, which is used
   * for pagination of results.
   * @opt_param string timespan Length of the time interval to query, which is an
   * alternative way to declare the interval: (youngest - timespan, youngest]. The
   * timespan and oldest parameters should not be used together. Units: - s:
   * second  - m: minute  - h: hour  - d: day  - w: week  Examples: 2s, 3m, 4w.
   * Only one unit is allowed, for example: 2w3d is not allowed; you should use
   * 17d instead.
   * If neither oldest nor timespan is specified, the default time interval will
   * be (youngest - 4 hours, youngest].
   * @opt_param string aggregator The aggregation function that will reduce the
   * data points in each window to a single point. This parameter is only valid
   * for non-cumulative metrics with a value type of INT64 or DOUBLE.
   * @opt_param string labels A collection of labels for the matching time series,
   * which are represented as: - key==value: key equals the value  - key=~value:
   * key regex matches the value  - key!=value: key does not equal the value  -
   * key!~value: key regex does not match the value  For example, to list all of
   * the time series descriptors for the region us-central1, you could specify:
   * @opt_param string pageToken The pagination token, which is used to page
   * through large result sets. Set this value to the value of the nextPageToken
   * to retrieve the next page of results.
   * @opt_param string window The sampling window. At most one data point will be
   * returned for each window in the requested time interval. This parameter is
   * only valid for non-cumulative metric types. Units: - m: minute  - h: hour  -
   * d: day  - w: week  Examples: 3m, 4w. Only one unit is allowed, for example:
   * 2w3d is not allowed; you should use 17d instead.
   * @opt_param string oldest Start of the time interval (exclusive), which is
   * expressed as an RFC 3339 timestamp. If neither oldest nor timespan is
   * specified, the default time interval will be (youngest - 4 hours, youngest]
   * @return Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListTimeseriesResponse
  public function listTimeseries($project, $metric, $youngest, $optParams = array())
    $params = array('project' => $project, 'metric' => $metric, 'youngest' => $youngest);
    $params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
    return $this->call('list', array($params), "Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListTimeseriesResponse");

   * Put data points to one or more time series for one or more metrics. If a time
   * series does not exist, a new time series will be created. It is not allowed
   * to write a time series point that is older than the existing youngest point
   * of that time series. Points that are older than the existing youngest point
   * of that time series will be discarded silently. Therefore, users should make
   * sure that points of a time series are written sequentially in the order of
   * their end time. (timeseries.write)
   * @param string $project The project ID. The value can be the numeric project
   * ID or string-based project name.
   * @param Google_WriteTimeseriesRequest $postBody
   * @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
   * @return Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_WriteTimeseriesResponse
  public function write($project, Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_WriteTimeseriesRequest $postBody, $optParams = array())
    $params = array('project' => $project, 'postBody' => $postBody);
    $params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
    return $this->call('write', array($params), "Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_WriteTimeseriesResponse");

 * The "timeseriesDescriptors" collection of methods.
 * Typical usage is:
 *  <code>
 *   $cloudmonitoringService = new Google_Service_CloudMonitoring(...);
 *   $timeseriesDescriptors = $cloudmonitoringService->timeseriesDescriptors;
 *  </code>
class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptors_Resource extends Google_Service_Resource

   * List the descriptors of the time series that match the metric and labels
   * values and that have data points in the interval. Large responses are
   * paginated; use the nextPageToken returned in the response to request
   * subsequent pages of results by setting the pageToken query parameter to the
   * value of the nextPageToken. (timeseriesDescriptors.listTimeseriesDescriptors)
   * @param string $project The project ID to which this time series belongs. The
   * value can be the numeric project ID or string-based project name.
   * @param string $metric Metric names are protocol-free URLs as listed in the
   * Supported Metrics page. For example,
   * @param string $youngest End of the time interval (inclusive), which is
   * expressed as an RFC 3339 timestamp.
   * @param array $optParams Optional parameters.
   * @opt_param int count Maximum number of time series descriptors per page. Used
   * for pagination. If not specified, count = 100.
   * @opt_param string timespan Length of the time interval to query, which is an
   * alternative way to declare the interval: (youngest - timespan, youngest]. The
   * timespan and oldest parameters should not be used together. Units: - s:
   * second  - m: minute  - h: hour  - d: day  - w: week  Examples: 2s, 3m, 4w.
   * Only one unit is allowed, for example: 2w3d is not allowed; you should use
   * 17d instead.
   * If neither oldest nor timespan is specified, the default time interval will
   * be (youngest - 4 hours, youngest].
   * @opt_param string aggregator The aggregation function that will reduce the
   * data points in each window to a single point. This parameter is only valid
   * for non-cumulative metrics with a value type of INT64 or DOUBLE.
   * @opt_param string labels A collection of labels for the matching time series,
   * which are represented as: - key==value: key equals the value  - key=~value:
   * key regex matches the value  - key!=value: key does not equal the value  -
   * key!~value: key regex does not match the value  For example, to list all of
   * the time series descriptors for the region us-central1, you could specify:
   * @opt_param string pageToken The pagination token, which is used to page
   * through large result sets. Set this value to the value of the nextPageToken
   * to retrieve the next page of results.
   * @opt_param string window The sampling window. At most one data point will be
   * returned for each window in the requested time interval. This parameter is
   * only valid for non-cumulative metric types. Units: - m: minute  - h: hour  -
   * d: day  - w: week  Examples: 3m, 4w. Only one unit is allowed, for example:
   * 2w3d is not allowed; you should use 17d instead.
   * @opt_param string oldest Start of the time interval (exclusive), which is
   * expressed as an RFC 3339 timestamp. If neither oldest nor timespan is
   * specified, the default time interval will be (youngest - 4 hours, youngest]
   * @return Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListTimeseriesDescriptorsResponse
  public function listTimeseriesDescriptors($project, $metric, $youngest, $optParams = array())
    $params = array('project' => $project, 'metric' => $metric, 'youngest' => $youngest);
    $params = array_merge($params, $optParams);
    return $this->call('list', array($params), "Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListTimeseriesDescriptorsResponse");

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_DeleteMetricDescriptorResponse extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $kind;

  public function setKind($kind)
    $this->kind = $kind;
  public function getKind()
    return $this->kind;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListMetricDescriptorsRequest extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $kind;

  public function setKind($kind)
    $this->kind = $kind;
  public function getKind()
    return $this->kind;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListMetricDescriptorsResponse extends Google_Collection
  protected $collection_key = 'metrics';
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $kind;
  protected $metricsType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptor';
  protected $metricsDataType = 'array';
  public $nextPageToken;

  public function setKind($kind)
    $this->kind = $kind;
  public function getKind()
    return $this->kind;
  public function setMetrics($metrics)
    $this->metrics = $metrics;
  public function getMetrics()
    return $this->metrics;
  public function setNextPageToken($nextPageToken)
    $this->nextPageToken = $nextPageToken;
  public function getNextPageToken()
    return $this->nextPageToken;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListTimeseriesDescriptorsRequest extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $kind;

  public function setKind($kind)
    $this->kind = $kind;
  public function getKind()
    return $this->kind;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListTimeseriesDescriptorsResponse extends Google_Collection
  protected $collection_key = 'timeseries';
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $kind;
  public $nextPageToken;
  public $oldest;
  protected $timeseriesType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptor';
  protected $timeseriesDataType = 'array';
  public $youngest;

  public function setKind($kind)
    $this->kind = $kind;
  public function getKind()
    return $this->kind;
  public function setNextPageToken($nextPageToken)
    $this->nextPageToken = $nextPageToken;
  public function getNextPageToken()
    return $this->nextPageToken;
  public function setOldest($oldest)
    $this->oldest = $oldest;
  public function getOldest()
    return $this->oldest;
  public function setTimeseries($timeseries)
    $this->timeseries = $timeseries;
  public function getTimeseries()
    return $this->timeseries;
  public function setYoungest($youngest)
    $this->youngest = $youngest;
  public function getYoungest()
    return $this->youngest;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListTimeseriesRequest extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $kind;

  public function setKind($kind)
    $this->kind = $kind;
  public function getKind()
    return $this->kind;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_ListTimeseriesResponse extends Google_Collection
  protected $collection_key = 'timeseries';
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $kind;
  public $nextPageToken;
  public $oldest;
  protected $timeseriesType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_Timeseries';
  protected $timeseriesDataType = 'array';
  public $youngest;

  public function setKind($kind)
    $this->kind = $kind;
  public function getKind()
    return $this->kind;
  public function setNextPageToken($nextPageToken)
    $this->nextPageToken = $nextPageToken;
  public function getNextPageToken()
    return $this->nextPageToken;
  public function setOldest($oldest)
    $this->oldest = $oldest;
  public function getOldest()
    return $this->oldest;
  public function setTimeseries($timeseries)
    $this->timeseries = $timeseries;
  public function getTimeseries()
    return $this->timeseries;
  public function setYoungest($youngest)
    $this->youngest = $youngest;
  public function getYoungest()
    return $this->youngest;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptor extends Google_Collection
  protected $collection_key = 'labels';
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $description;
  protected $labelsType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptorLabelDescriptor';
  protected $labelsDataType = 'array';
  public $name;
  public $project;
  protected $typeDescriptorType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptorTypeDescriptor';
  protected $typeDescriptorDataType = '';

  public function setDescription($description)
    $this->description = $description;
  public function getDescription()
    return $this->description;
  public function setLabels($labels)
    $this->labels = $labels;
  public function getLabels()
    return $this->labels;
  public function setName($name)
    $this->name = $name;
  public function getName()
    return $this->name;
  public function setProject($project)
    $this->project = $project;
  public function getProject()
    return $this->project;
  public function setTypeDescriptor(Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptorTypeDescriptor $typeDescriptor)
    $this->typeDescriptor = $typeDescriptor;
  public function getTypeDescriptor()
    return $this->typeDescriptor;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptorLabelDescriptor extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $description;
  public $key;

  public function setDescription($description)
    $this->description = $description;
  public function getDescription()
    return $this->description;
  public function setKey($key)
    $this->key = $key;
  public function getKey()
    return $this->key;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_MetricDescriptorTypeDescriptor extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $metricType;
  public $valueType;

  public function setMetricType($metricType)
    $this->metricType = $metricType;
  public function getMetricType()
    return $this->metricType;
  public function setValueType($valueType)
    $this->valueType = $valueType;
  public function getValueType()
    return $this->valueType;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_Point extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $boolValue;
  protected $distributionValueType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistribution';
  protected $distributionValueDataType = '';
  public $doubleValue;
  public $end;
  public $int64Value;
  public $start;
  public $stringValue;

  public function setBoolValue($boolValue)
    $this->boolValue = $boolValue;
  public function getBoolValue()
    return $this->boolValue;
  public function setDistributionValue(Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistribution $distributionValue)
    $this->distributionValue = $distributionValue;
  public function getDistributionValue()
    return $this->distributionValue;
  public function setDoubleValue($doubleValue)
    $this->doubleValue = $doubleValue;
  public function getDoubleValue()
    return $this->doubleValue;
  public function setEnd($end)
    $this->end = $end;
  public function getEnd()
    return $this->end;
  public function setInt64Value($int64Value)
    $this->int64Value = $int64Value;
  public function getInt64Value()
    return $this->int64Value;
  public function setStart($start)
    $this->start = $start;
  public function getStart()
    return $this->start;
  public function setStringValue($stringValue)
    $this->stringValue = $stringValue;
  public function getStringValue()
    return $this->stringValue;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistribution extends Google_Collection
  protected $collection_key = 'buckets';
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  protected $bucketsType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistributionBucket';
  protected $bucketsDataType = 'array';
  protected $overflowBucketType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistributionOverflowBucket';
  protected $overflowBucketDataType = '';
  protected $underflowBucketType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistributionUnderflowBucket';
  protected $underflowBucketDataType = '';

  public function setBuckets($buckets)
    $this->buckets = $buckets;
  public function getBuckets()
    return $this->buckets;
  public function setOverflowBucket(Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistributionOverflowBucket $overflowBucket)
    $this->overflowBucket = $overflowBucket;
  public function getOverflowBucket()
    return $this->overflowBucket;
  public function setUnderflowBucket(Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistributionUnderflowBucket $underflowBucket)
    $this->underflowBucket = $underflowBucket;
  public function getUnderflowBucket()
    return $this->underflowBucket;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistributionBucket extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $count;
  public $lowerBound;
  public $upperBound;

  public function setCount($count)
    $this->count = $count;
  public function getCount()
    return $this->count;
  public function setLowerBound($lowerBound)
    $this->lowerBound = $lowerBound;
  public function getLowerBound()
    return $this->lowerBound;
  public function setUpperBound($upperBound)
    $this->upperBound = $upperBound;
  public function getUpperBound()
    return $this->upperBound;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistributionOverflowBucket extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $count;
  public $lowerBound;

  public function setCount($count)
    $this->count = $count;
  public function getCount()
    return $this->count;
  public function setLowerBound($lowerBound)
    $this->lowerBound = $lowerBound;
  public function getLowerBound()
    return $this->lowerBound;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_PointDistributionUnderflowBucket extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $count;
  public $upperBound;

  public function setCount($count)
    $this->count = $count;
  public function getCount()
    return $this->count;
  public function setUpperBound($upperBound)
    $this->upperBound = $upperBound;
  public function getUpperBound()
    return $this->upperBound;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_Timeseries extends Google_Collection
  protected $collection_key = 'points';
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  protected $pointsType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_Point';
  protected $pointsDataType = 'array';
  protected $timeseriesDescType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptor';
  protected $timeseriesDescDataType = '';

  public function setPoints($points)
    $this->points = $points;
  public function getPoints()
    return $this->points;
  public function setTimeseriesDesc(Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptor $timeseriesDesc)
    $this->timeseriesDesc = $timeseriesDesc;
  public function getTimeseriesDesc()
    return $this->timeseriesDesc;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptor extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $labels;
  public $metric;
  public $project;

  public function setLabels($labels)
    $this->labels = $labels;
  public function getLabels()
    return $this->labels;
  public function setMetric($metric)
    $this->metric = $metric;
  public function getMetric()
    return $this->metric;
  public function setProject($project)
    $this->project = $project;
  public function getProject()
    return $this->project;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptorLabel extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $key;
  public $value;

  public function setKey($key)
    $this->key = $key;
  public function getKey()
    return $this->key;
  public function setValue($value)
    $this->value = $value;
  public function getValue()
    return $this->value;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptorLabels extends Google_Model

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesPoint extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  protected $pointType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_Point';
  protected $pointDataType = '';
  protected $timeseriesDescType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptor';
  protected $timeseriesDescDataType = '';

  public function setPoint(Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_Point $point)
    $this->point = $point;
  public function getPoint()
    return $this->point;
  public function setTimeseriesDesc(Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesDescriptor $timeseriesDesc)
    $this->timeseriesDesc = $timeseriesDesc;
  public function getTimeseriesDesc()
    return $this->timeseriesDesc;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_WriteTimeseriesRequest extends Google_Collection
  protected $collection_key = 'timeseries';
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $commonLabels;
  protected $timeseriesType = 'Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_TimeseriesPoint';
  protected $timeseriesDataType = 'array';

  public function setCommonLabels($commonLabels)
    $this->commonLabels = $commonLabels;
  public function getCommonLabels()
    return $this->commonLabels;
  public function setTimeseries($timeseries)
    $this->timeseries = $timeseries;
  public function getTimeseries()
    return $this->timeseries;

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_WriteTimeseriesRequestCommonLabels extends Google_Model

class Google_Service_CloudMonitoring_WriteTimeseriesResponse extends Google_Model
  protected $internal_gapi_mappings = array(
  public $kind;

  public function setKind($kind)
    $this->kind = $kind;
  public function getKind()
    return $this->kind;