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<?php namespace RedeyeVentures\GeoPattern;
use RedeyeVentures\GeoPattern\SVGElements\Polyline;
use RedeyeVentures\GeoPattern\SVGElements\Rectangle;
use RedeyeVentures\GeoPattern\SVGElements\Group;
class GeoPattern {
protected $string;
protected $baseColor;
protected $color;
protected $generator;
protected $hash;
protected $svg;
protected $patterns = [
const FILL_COLOR_DARK = '#222';
const FILL_COLOR_LIGHT = '#ddd';
const STROKE_COLOR = '#000';
const STROKE_OPACITY = '0.02';
const OPACITY_MIN = '0.02';
const OPACITY_MAX = '0.15';
function __construct($options=array())
// Set string if provided. If not, set default.
if (isset($options['string'])) {
} else {
// Set base color if provided. If not, set default.
if (isset($options['baseColor'])) {
} else {
// Set color if provided.
if (isset($options['color'])) {
// Set generator if provided. If not, leave null.
if (isset($options['generator']))
$this->svg = new SVG();
// Fluent Interfaces
public function setString($string)
$this->string = $string;
$this->hash = sha1($this->string);
return $this;
* @return string
public function getString()
return $this->string;
public function setBaseColor($baseColor)
if(preg_match('/^#[a-f0-9]{6}$/i', $baseColor)) //hex color is valid
$this->baseColor = $baseColor;
return $this;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$baseColor is not a valid hex color.");
public function setColor($color)
if(preg_match('/^#[a-f0-9]{6}$/i', $color)) //hex color is valid
$this->color = $color;
return $this;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$color is not a valid hex color.");
public function setGenerator($generator)
$generator = strtolower($generator);
if (in_array($generator, $this->patterns) || is_null($generator)) {
$this->generator = $generator;
return $this;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$generator is not a valid generator type.");
public function toSVG()
$this->svg = new SVG();
return (string) $this->svg;
public function toBase64()
return base64_encode($this->toSVG());
public function toDataURI()
return "data:image/svg+xml;base64,{$this->toBase64()}";
public function toDataURL()
return "url(\"{$this->toDataURI()}\")";
public function __toString() {
return $this->toSVG();
// Generators
protected function generateBackground()
$hueOffset = $this->map($this->hexVal(14, 3), 0, 4095, 0, 359);
$satOffset = $this->hexVal(17, 1);
$baseColor = $this->hexToHSL($this->baseColor);
$color = $this->color;
$baseColor['h'] = $baseColor['h'] - $hueOffset;
if ($satOffset % 2 == 0)
$baseColor['s'] = $baseColor['s'] + $satOffset/100;
$baseColor['s'] = $baseColor['s'] - $satOffset/100;
if (isset($color))
$rgb = $this->hexToRGB($color);
$rgb = $this->hslToRGB($baseColor['h'], $baseColor['s'], $baseColor['l']);
$this->svg->addRectangle(0, 0, "100%", "100%", ['fill' => "rgb({$rgb['r']}, {$rgb['g']}, {$rgb['b']})"]);
protected function generatePattern()
if (is_null($this->generator))
$pattern = $this->patterns[$this->hexVal(20, 1)];
$pattern = $this->generator;
$function = 'geo'.str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $pattern)));
if (method_exists($this, $function))
// Pattern Makers
protected function geoHexagons()
$scale = $this->hexVal(0, 1);
$sideLength = $this->map($scale, 0, 15, 8, 60);
$hexHeight = $sideLength * sqrt(3);
$hexWidth = $sideLength * 2;
$hex = $this->buildHexagonShape($sideLength);
$this->svg->setWidth(($hexWidth * 3) + ($sideLength * 3))
->setHeight($hexHeight * 6);
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 5; $x++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$dy = ($x % 2 == 0) ? ($y * $hexHeight) : ($y*$hexHeight + $hexHeight / 2);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$styles = [
'stroke' => self::STROKE_COLOR,
'stroke-opacity' => self::STROKE_OPACITY,
'fill-opacity' => $opacity,
'fill' => $fill,
$onePointFiveXSideLengthMinusHalfHexWidth = $x * $sideLength * 1.5 - $hexWidth / 2;
$dyMinusHalfHexHeight = $dy - $hexHeight / 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($hex, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($onePointFiveXSideLengthMinusHalfHexWidth, $dyMinusHalfHexHeight)"]));
// Add an extra one at top-right, for tiling.
if ($x == 0) {
$onePointFiveSideLengthSixMinusHalfHexWidth = 6 * $sideLength * 1.5 - $hexWidth / 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($hex, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($onePointFiveSideLengthSixMinusHalfHexWidth, $dyMinusHalfHexHeight)"]));
// Add an extra row at the end that matches the first row, for tiling.
if ($y == 0) {
$dy2 = ($x % 2 == 0) ? (6 * $hexHeight) : (6 * $hexHeight + $hexHeight / 2);
$dy2MinusHalfHexHeight = $dy2 - $hexHeight / 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($hex, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($onePointFiveXSideLengthMinusHalfHexWidth, $dy2MinusHalfHexHeight)"]));
// Add an extra one at bottom-right, for tiling.
if ($x == 0 && $y == 0) {
$onePointFiveSideLengthSixMinusHalfHexWidth = 6 * $sideLength * 1.5 - $hexWidth / 2;
$fiveHexHeightPlusHalfHexHeight = 5 * $hexHeight + $hexHeight / 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($hex, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($onePointFiveSideLengthSixMinusHalfHexWidth, $fiveHexHeightPlusHalfHexHeight)"]));
protected function geoSineWaves()
$period = floor($this->map($this->hexVal(0, 1), 0, 15, 100, 400));
$quarterPeriod = $period / 4;
$xOffset = $period / 4 * 0.7;
$amplitude = floor($this->map($this->hexVal(1, 1), 0, 15, 30, 100));
$waveWidth = floor($this->map($this->hexVal(2, 1), 0, 15, 3, 30));
$amplitudeString = number_format($amplitude);
$halfPeriod = number_format($period / 2);
$halfPeriodMinusXOffset = number_format($period / 2 - $xOffset);
$periodMinusXOffset = number_format($period - $xOffset);
$twoAmplitude = number_format(2 * $amplitude);
$onePointFivePeriodMinusXOffset = number_format($period * 1.5 - $xOffset);
$onePointFivePeriod = number_format($period * 1.5);
$str = "M0 $amplitudeString C $xOffset 0, $halfPeriodMinusXOffset 0, $halfPeriod $amplitudeString S $periodMinusXOffset $twoAmplitude, $period $amplitudeString S $onePointFivePeriodMinusXOffset 0, $onePointFivePeriod, $amplitudeString";
for ($i = 0; $i <= 35; $i++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$styles = [
'fill' => 'none',
'stroke' => $fill,
'style' => [
'opacity' => $opacity,
'stroke-width' => "{$waveWidth}px"
$iWaveWidthMinusOnePointFiveAmplitude = $waveWidth * $i - $amplitude * 1.5;
$iWaveWidthMinusOnePointFiveAmplitudePlusThirtySixWaveWidth = $waveWidth * $i - $amplitude * 1.5 + $waveWidth * 36;
$this->svg->addPath($str, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate(-$quarterPeriod, $iWaveWidthMinusOnePointFiveAmplitude)"]));
$this->svg->addPath($str, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate(-$quarterPeriod, $iWaveWidthMinusOnePointFiveAmplitudePlusThirtySixWaveWidth)"]));
protected function geoChevrons()
$chevronWidth = $this->map($this->hexVal(0, 1), 0, 15, 30, 80);
$chevronHeight = $this->map($this->hexVal(0, 1), 0, 15, 30, 80);
$chevron = $this->buildChevronShape($chevronWidth, $chevronHeight);
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 5; $x++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$styles = [
'stroke' => self::STROKE_COLOR,
'stroke-opacity' => self::STROKE_OPACITY,
'stroke-width' => '1',
'fill-opacity' => $opacity,
'fill' => $fill,
$group = new Group();
$xChevronWidth = $x * $chevronWidth;
$yPointSixSixChevronHeightMinusHalfChevronHeight = $y * $chevronHeight * 0.66 - $chevronHeight / 2;
$this->svg->addGroup($group, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xChevronWidth,$yPointSixSixChevronHeightMinusHalfChevronHeight)"]));
// Add an extra row at the end that matches the first row, for tiling.
if ($y == 0) {
$sixPointSixSixChevronHeightMinusHalfChevronHeight = 6 * $chevronHeight * 0.66 - $chevronHeight / 2;
$this->svg->addGroup($group, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xChevronWidth,$sixPointSixSixChevronHeightMinusHalfChevronHeight)"]));
protected function geoPlusSigns()
$squareSize = $this->map($this->hexVal(0, 1), 0, 15, 10, 25);
$plusSize = $squareSize * 3;
$plusShape = $this->buildPlusShape($squareSize);
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 5; $x++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$dx = ($y % 2 == 0) ? 0 : 1;
$styles = [
'fill' => $fill,
'stroke' => self::STROKE_COLOR,
'stroke-opacity' => self::STROKE_OPACITY,
'style' => [
'fill-opacity' => $opacity,
$group = new Group();
$t1 = $x * $plusSize - $x * $squareSize + $dx * $squareSize - $squareSize;
$t2 = $y * $plusSize - $y * $squareSize - $plusSize / 2;
$this->svg->addGroup($group, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($t1, $t2)"]));
// Add an extra column on the right for tiling.
if ($x == 0) {
$xT1 = 4 * $plusSize - $x * $squareSize + $dx * $squareSize - $squareSize;
$xT2 = $y * $plusSize - $y * $squareSize - $plusSize / 2;
$this->svg->addGroup($group, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xT1, $xT2)"]));
// Add an extra row on the bottom that matches the first row, for tiling.
if ($y == 0) {
$yT1 = $x * $plusSize - $x * $squareSize + $dx * $squareSize - $squareSize;
$yT2 = 4 * $plusSize - $y * $squareSize - $plusSize /2;
$this->svg->addGroup($group, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($yT1, $yT2)"]));
// Add an extra one at top-right and bottom-right, for tiling.
if ($x == 0 && $y == 0) {
$xyT1 = 4 * $plusSize - $x * $squareSize + $dx * $squareSize - $squareSize;
$xyT2 = 4 * $plusSize - $y * $squareSize - $plusSize / 2;
$this->svg->addGroup($group, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xyT1, $xyT2)"]));
protected function geoXes()
$squareSize = $this->map($this->hexVal(0, 1), 0, 15, 10, 25);
$xSize = $squareSize * 3 * 0.943;
$xShape = $this->buildPlusShape($squareSize);
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 5; $x++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$dy = ($x % 2 == 0) ? ($y * $xSize - $xSize * 0.5) : ($y * $xSize - $xSize * 0.5 + $xSize / 4);
$styles = [
'fill' => $fill,
'style' => [
'opacity' => $opacity,
$group = new Group();
$t1 = $x * $xSize / 2 - $xSize / 2;
$t2 = $dy - $y * $xSize / 2;
$halfXSize = $xSize / 2;
$this->svg->addGroup($group, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($t1, $t2) rotate(45, $halfXSize, $halfXSize)"]));
// Add an extra column on the right for tiling.
if ($x == 0) {
$xT1 = 6 * $xSize / 2 - $xSize / 2;
$xT2 = $dy - $y * $xSize / 2;
$this->svg->addGroup($group, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xT1, $xT2) rotate(45, $halfXSize, $halfXSize)"]));
// Add an extra row on the bottom that matches the first row, for tiling.
if ($y == 0) {
$dy = ($x % 2 == 0) ? (6 * $xSize - $xSize / 2) : (6 * $xSize - $xSize / 2 + $xSize / 4);
$yT1 = $x * $xSize / 2 - $xSize / 2;
$yT2 = $dy - 6 * $xSize / 2;
$this->svg->addGroup($group, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($yT1, $yT2) rotate(45, $halfXSize, $halfXSize)"]));
// These can hang off the bottom, so put a row at the top for tiling.
if ($y == 5) {
$y2T1 = $x * $xSize / 2 - $xSize / 2;
$y2T2 = $dy - 11 * $xSize / 2;
$this->svg->addGroup($group, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($y2T1, $y2T2) rotate(45, $halfXSize, $halfXSize)"]));
// Add an extra one at top-right and bottom-right, for tiling.
if ($x == 0 && $y == 0) {
$xyT1 = 6 * $xSize / 2 - $xSize / 2;
$xyT2 = $dy - 6 * $xSize / 2;
$this->svg->addGroup($group, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xyT1, $xyT2) rotate(45, $halfXSize, $halfXSize)"]));
protected function geoOverlappingCircles()
$scale = $this->hexVal(0, 1);
$diameter = $this->map($scale, 0, 15, 25, 200);
$radius = $diameter/2;
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 5; $x++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$styles = [
'fill' => $fill,
'style' => [
'opacity' => $opacity,
$this->svg->addCircle($x*$radius, $y*$radius, $radius, $styles);
// Add an extra one at top-right, for tiling.
if ($x == 0)
$this->svg->addCircle(6*$radius, $y*$radius, $radius, $styles);
// Add an extra row at the end that matches the first row, for tiling.
if ($y == 0)
$this->svg->addCircle($x*$radius, 6*$radius, $radius, $styles);
// Add an extra one at bottom-right, for tiling.
if ($x == 0 && $y == 0)
$this->svg->addCircle(6*$radius, 6*$radius, $radius, $styles);
protected function geoOctogons()
$squareSize = $this->map($this->hexVal(0, 1), 0, 15, 10, 60);
$tile = $this->buildOctogonShape($squareSize);
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 5; $x++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$xSquareSize = $x * $squareSize;
$ySquareSize = $y * $squareSize;
$this->svg->addPolyline($tile, [
'fill' => $fill,
'fill-opacity' => $opacity,
'stroke' => self::STROKE_COLOR,
'stroke-opacity' => self::STROKE_OPACITY,
'transform' => "translate($xSquareSize, $ySquareSize)",
protected function geoSquares()
$squareSize = $this->map($this->hexVal(0, 1), 0, 15, 10, 60);
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 5; $x++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$this->svg->addRectangle($x*$squareSize, $y*$squareSize, $squareSize, $squareSize, [
'fill' => $fill,
'fill-opacity' => $opacity,
'stroke' => self::STROKE_COLOR,
'stroke-opacity' => self::STROKE_OPACITY,
protected function geoConcentricCircles()
$scale = $this->hexVal(0, 1);
$ringSize = $this->map($scale, 0, 15, 10, 60);
$strokeWidth = $ringSize / 5;
$this->svg->setWidth(($ringSize + $strokeWidth)*6)
->setHeight(($ringSize + $strokeWidth)*6);
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 5; $x++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$cx = $x * $ringSize + $x * $strokeWidth + ($ringSize + $strokeWidth) / 2;
$cy = $y * $ringSize + $y * $strokeWidth + ($ringSize + $strokeWidth) / 2;
$halfRingSize = $ringSize / 2;
$this->svg->addCircle($cx, $cy, $halfRingSize, [
'fill' => 'none',
'stroke' => $fill,
'style' => [
'opacity' => $opacity,
'stroke-width' => "{$strokeWidth}px",
$val = $this->hexVal(39-$i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$quarterRingSize = $ringSize / 4;
$this->svg->addCircle($cx, $cy, $quarterRingSize, [
'fill' => $fill,
'fill-opacity' => $opacity,
protected function geoOverlappingRings()
$scale = $this->hexVal(0, 1);
$ringSize = $this->map($scale, 0, 15, 10, 60);
$strokeWidth = $ringSize / 4;
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 5; $x++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$styles = [
'fill' => 'none',
'stroke' => $fill,
'style' => [
'opacity' => $opacity,
'stroke-width' => "{$strokeWidth}px",
$ringSizeMinusHalfStrokeWidth = $ringSize - $strokeWidth / 2;
$this->svg->addCircle($x*$ringSize, $y*$ringSize, $ringSizeMinusHalfStrokeWidth, $styles);
// Add an extra one at top-right, for tiling.
if ($x == 0)
$this->svg->addCircle(6*$ringSize, $y*$ringSize, $ringSizeMinusHalfStrokeWidth, $styles);
// Add an extra row at the end that matches the first row, for tiling.
if ($y == 0)
$this->svg->addCircle($x*$ringSize, 6*$ringSize, $ringSizeMinusHalfStrokeWidth, $styles);
// Add an extra one at bottom-right, for tiling.
if ($x == 0 && $y == 0)
$this->svg->addCircle(6*$ringSize, 6*$ringSize, $ringSizeMinusHalfStrokeWidth, $styles);
protected function geoTriangles()
$scale = $this->hexVal(0, 1);
$sideLength = $this->map($scale, 0 ,15, 15, 80);
$triangleHeight = $sideLength / 2 * sqrt(3);
$triangle = $this->buildTriangleShape($sideLength, $triangleHeight);
$this->svg->setWidth($sideLength * 3)
->setHeight($triangleHeight * 6);
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 5; $x++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$styles = [
'fill' => $fill,
'fill-opacity' => $opacity,
'stroke' => self::STROKE_COLOR,
'stroke-opacity' => self::STROKE_OPACITY,
$rotation = '';
if ($y % 2 == 0)
$rotation = ($x % 2 == 0) ? 180 : 0;
$rotation = ($x % 2 != 0) ? 180 : 0;
$halfSideLength = $sideLength / 2;
$halfTriangleHeight = $triangleHeight / 2;
$yTriangleHeight = $triangleHeight * $y;
$t1 = $x * $sideLength * 0.5 - $sideLength / 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($t1, $yTriangleHeight) rotate($rotation, $halfSideLength, $halfTriangleHeight)"]));
// Add an extra one at top-right, for tiling.
if ($x == 0)
$xT1 = 6 * $sideLength * 0.5 - $sideLength / 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xT1, $yTriangleHeight) rotate($rotation, $halfSideLength, $halfTriangleHeight)"]));
protected function geoTrianglesRotated()
$scale = $this->hexVal(0, 1);
$sideLength = $this->map($scale, 0 ,15, 15, 80);
$triangleWidth = $sideLength / 2 * sqrt(3);
$triangle = $this->buildRotatedTriangleShape($sideLength, $triangleWidth);
$this->svg->setWidth($triangleWidth * 6)
->setHeight($sideLength * 3);
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 5; $x++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$styles = [
'fill' => $fill,
'fill-opacity' => $opacity,
'stroke' => self::STROKE_COLOR,
'stroke-opacity' => self::STROKE_OPACITY,
$rotation = '';
if ($y % 2 == 0)
$rotation = ($x % 2 == 0) ? 180 : 0;
$rotation = ($x % 2 != 0) ? 180 : 0;
$halfSideLength = $sideLength / 2;
$halfTriangleWidth = $triangleWidth / 2;
$xTriangleWidth = $x * $triangleWidth;
$t1 = $y * $sideLength * 0.5 - $sideLength / 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xTriangleWidth, $t1) rotate($rotation, $halfTriangleWidth, $halfSideLength)"]));
// Add an extra one at top-right, for tiling.
if ($y == 0)
$yT1 = 6 * $sideLength * 0.5 - $sideLength / 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xTriangleWidth, $yT1) rotate($rotation, $halfTriangleWidth, $halfSideLength)"]));
protected function geoDiamonds()
$diamondWidth = $this->map($this->hexVal(0, 1), 0, 15, 10, 50);
$diamondHeight = $this->map($this->hexVal(1, 1), 0, 15, 10, 50);
$diamond = $this->buildDiamondShape($diamondWidth, $diamondHeight);
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 5; $x++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$styles = [
'fill' => $fill,
'fill-opacity' => $opacity,
'stroke' => self::STROKE_COLOR,
'stroke-opacity' => self::STROKE_OPACITY,
$dx = ($y % 2 == 0) ? 0 : ($diamondWidth / 2);
$t1 = $x * $diamondWidth - $diamondWidth / 2 + $dx;
$t2 = $diamondHeight / 2 * $y - $diamondHeight / 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($diamond, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($t1, $t2)"]));
// Add an extra one at top-right, for tiling.
if ($x == 0)
$xT1 = 6 * $diamondWidth - $diamondWidth / 2 + $dx;
$xT2 = $diamondHeight / 2 * $y - $diamondHeight / 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($diamond, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xT1, $xT2)"]));
// Add an extra row at the end that matches the first row, for tiling.
if ($y == 0)
$yT1 = $x * $diamondWidth - $diamondWidth / 2 + $dx;
$yT2 = $diamondHeight / 2 * 6 - $diamondHeight / 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($diamond, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($yT1, $yT2)"]));
// Add an extra one at bottom-right, for tiling.
if ($x == 0 && $y == 0)
$xyT1 = 6 * $diamondWidth - $diamondWidth / 2 + $dx;
$xyT2 = $diamondHeight / 2 * 6 - $diamondHeight / 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($diamond, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xyT1, $xyT2)"]));
protected function geoNestedSquares()
$blockSize = $this->map($this->hexVal(0, 1), 0, 15, 4, 12);
$squareSize = $blockSize * 7;
$dimension = ($squareSize + $blockSize) * 6 + $blockSize * 6;
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 5; $x++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$styles = [
'fill' => 'none',
'stroke' => $fill,
'style' => [
'opacity' => $opacity,
'stroke-width' => "{$blockSize}px",
$rX = $x * $squareSize + $x * $blockSize * 2 + $blockSize / 2;
$rY = $y * $squareSize + $y * $blockSize * 2 + $blockSize / 2;
$this->svg->addRectangle($rX, $rY, $squareSize, $squareSize, $styles);
$val = $this->hexVal(39-$i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$styles = [
'fill' => 'none',
'stroke' => $fill,
'style' => [
'opacity' => $opacity,
'stroke-width' => "{$blockSize}px",
$rX2 = $x * $squareSize + $x * $blockSize * 2 + $blockSize / 2 + $blockSize * 2;
$rY2 = $y * $squareSize + $y * $blockSize * 2 + $blockSize / 2 + $blockSize * 2;
$this->svg->addRectangle($rX2, $rY2, $blockSize * 3, $blockSize * 3, $styles);
protected function geoMosaicSquares()
$triangleSize = $this->map($this->hexVal(0, 1), 0, 15, 15, 50);
$i = 0;
for ($y = 0; $y <= 3; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= 3; $x++) {
if ($x % 2 == 0)
if ($y % 2 == 0)
$this->drawOuterMosaicTile($x*$triangleSize*2, $y*$triangleSize*2, $triangleSize, $this->hexVal($i, 1));
$this->drawInnerMosaicTile($x*$triangleSize*2, $y*$triangleSize*2, $triangleSize, [$this->hexVal($i, 1), $this->hexVal($i+1, 1)]);
if ($y % 2 == 0)
$this->drawInnerMosaicTile($x*$triangleSize*2, $y*$triangleSize*2, $triangleSize, [$this->hexVal($i, 1), $this->hexVal($i+1, 1)]);
$this->drawOuterMosaicTile($x*$triangleSize*2, $y*$triangleSize*2, $triangleSize, $this->hexVal($i, 1));
protected function geoPlaid()
$height = 0;
$width = 0;
// Horizontal Stripes
$i = 0;
$times = 0;
while ($times++ <= 18)
$space = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$height += $space + 5;
$val = $this->hexVal($i+1, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$stripeHeight = $val + 5;
$this->svg->addRectangle(0, $height, "100%", $stripeHeight, [
'opacity' => $opacity,
'fill' => $fill,
$height += $stripeHeight;
$i += 2;
// Vertical Stripes
$i = 0;
$times = 0;
while ($times++ <= 18)
$space = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$width += $space + 5;
$val = $this->hexVal($i+1, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$stripeWidth = $val + 5;
$this->svg->addRectangle($width, 0, $stripeWidth, "100%", [
'opacity' => $opacity,
'fill' => $fill,
$width += $stripeWidth;
$i += 2;
protected function geoTessellation()
$sideLength = $this->map($this->hexVal(0, 1), 0, 15, 5, 40);
$hexHeight = $sideLength * sqrt(3);
$hexWidth = $sideLength * 2;
$triangleHeight = $sideLength / 2 * sqrt(3);
$triangle = $this->buildRotatedTriangleShape($sideLength, $triangleHeight);
$tileWidth = $sideLength * 3 + $triangleHeight * 2;
$tileHeight = ($hexHeight * 2) + ($sideLength * 2);
// Doing these variables up here, so we only have to calculate them once.
$halfSideLength = $sideLength / 2;
$negativeHalfSideLength = -$sideLength / 2;
$halfTriangleHeight = $triangleHeight / 2;
$halfHexHeight = $hexHeight / 2;
$tileHeightPlusHalfSideLength = $tileHeight + $sideLength / 2;
$halfTileHeightMinusHalfSideLength = $tileHeight / 2 - $sideLength / 2;
$halfTileWidthPlusHalfSideLength = $tileWidth / 2 + $sideLength / 2;
$tileWidthMinusHalfTileWidthMinusHalfSideLength = $tileWidth - $tileWidth/2 - $sideLength/2;
$tileWidthMinusHalfSideLength = $tileWidth - $sideLength / 2;
$tileHeightMinusHalfHexHeight = $tileHeight - $hexHeight / 2;
$negativeTileWidthPlusHalfSideLength = -$tileWidth + $sideLength / 2;
$halfTileHeightMinusHalfSideLengthMinusSideLength = $tileHeight/2-$sideLength/2-$sideLength;
$negativeTileHeightPlusHalfTileHeightMinusHalfSideLengthMinusSideLength = -$tileHeight+$tileHeight/2-$sideLength/2-$sideLength;
$negativeTileHeightPlusHalfSideLength = -$tileHeight + $sideLength / 2;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 19; $i++) {
$val = $this->hexVal($i, 1);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$styles = [
'stroke' => self::STROKE_COLOR,
'stroke-opacity' => self::STROKE_OPACITY,
'fill' => $fill,
'fill-opacity' => $opacity,
'stroke-width' => 1,
switch ($i) {
case 0: # all 4 corners
$this->svg->addRectangle(-$sideLength/2, -$sideLength/2, $sideLength, $sideLength, $styles);
$this->svg->addRectangle($tileWidth-$sideLength/2, -$sideLength/2, $sideLength, $sideLength, $styles);
$this->svg->addRectangle(-$sideLength/2, $tileHeight-$sideLength/2, $sideLength, $sideLength, $styles);
$this->svg->addRectangle($tileWidth-$sideLength/2, $tileHeight-$sideLength/2, $sideLength, $sideLength, $styles);
case 1: # center / top square
$this->svg->addRectangle($hexWidth/2+$triangleHeight, $hexHeight/2, $sideLength, $sideLength, $styles);
case 2: # side squares
$this->svg->addRectangle(-$sideLength/2, $tileHeight/2-$sideLength/2, $sideLength, $sideLength, $styles);
$this->svg->addRectangle($tileWidth-$sideLength/2, $tileHeight/2-$sideLength/2, $sideLength, $sideLength, $styles);
case 3: # center / bottom square
$this->svg->addRectangle($hexWidth/2+$triangleHeight, $hexHeight*1.5+$sideLength, $sideLength, $sideLength, $styles);
case 4: # left top / bottom triangle
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($halfSideLength, $negativeHalfSideLength) rotate(0, $halfSideLength, $halfTriangleHeight)"]));
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($halfSideLength, $tileHeightPlusHalfSideLength) rotate(0, $halfSideLength, $halfTriangleHeight) scale(1, -1)"]));
case 5: # right top / bottom triangle
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($tileWidthMinusHalfSideLength, $negativeHalfSideLength) rotate(0, $halfSideLength, $halfTriangleHeight) scale(-1, 1)"]));
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($tileWidthMinusHalfSideLength, $tileHeightPlusHalfSideLength) rotate(0, $halfSideLength, $halfTriangleHeight) scale(-1, -1)"]));
case 6: # center / top / right triangle
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($halfTileWidthPlusHalfSideLength, $halfHexHeight)"]));
case 7: # center / top / left triangle
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($tileWidthMinusHalfTileWidthMinusHalfSideLength, $halfHexHeight) scale(-1, 1)"]));
case 8: # center / bottom / right triangle
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($halfTileWidthPlusHalfSideLength, $tileHeightMinusHalfHexHeight) scale(1, -1)"]));
case 9: # center / bottom / left triangle
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($tileWidthMinusHalfTileWidthMinusHalfSideLength, $tileHeightMinusHalfHexHeight) scale(-1, -1)"]));
case 10: # left / middle triangle
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($halfSideLength, $halfTileHeightMinusHalfSideLength)"]));
case 11: # right / middle triangle
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($tileWidthMinusHalfSideLength, $halfTileHeightMinusHalfSideLength) scale(-1, 1)"]));
case 12: # left / top square
$this->svg->addRectangle(0, 0, $sideLength, $sideLength, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($halfSideLength, $halfSideLength) rotate(-30, 0, 0)"]));
case 13: # right / top square
$this->svg->addRectangle(0, 0, $sideLength, $sideLength, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "scale(-1, 1) translate($negativeTileWidthPlusHalfSideLength, $halfSideLength) rotate(-30, 0, 0)"]));
case 14: # left / center-top square
$this->svg->addRectangle(0, 0, $sideLength, $sideLength, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($halfSideLength, $halfTileHeightMinusHalfSideLengthMinusSideLength) rotate(30, 0, $sideLength)"]));
case 15: # right / center-top square
$this->svg->addRectangle(0, 0, $sideLength, $sideLength, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "scale(-1, 1) translate($negativeTileWidthPlusHalfSideLength, $halfTileHeightMinusHalfSideLengthMinusSideLength) rotate(30, 0, $sideLength)"]));
case 16: # left / center-top square
$this->svg->addRectangle(0, 0, $sideLength, $sideLength, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "scale(1, -1) translate($halfSideLength, $negativeTileHeightPlusHalfTileHeightMinusHalfSideLengthMinusSideLength) rotate(30, 0, $sideLength)"]));
case 17: # right / center-bottom square
$this->svg->addRectangle(0, 0, $sideLength, $sideLength, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "scale(-1, -1) translate($negativeTileWidthPlusHalfSideLength, $negativeTileHeightPlusHalfTileHeightMinusHalfSideLengthMinusSideLength) rotate(30, 0, $sideLength)"]));
case 18: # left / bottom square
$this->svg->addRectangle(0, 0, $sideLength, $sideLength, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "scale(1, -1) translate($halfSideLength, $negativeTileHeightPlusHalfSideLength) rotate(-30, 0, 0)"]));
case 19: # right / bottom square
$this->svg->addRectangle(0, 0, $sideLength, $sideLength, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "scale(-1, -1) translate($negativeTileWidthPlusHalfSideLength, $negativeTileHeightPlusHalfSideLength) rotate(-30, 0, 0)"]));
// build* functions
protected function buildChevronShape($width, $height)
$e = $height * 0.66;
$halfWidth = $width / 2;
$heightMinusE = $height - $e;
return [
new Polyline("0,0,$halfWidth,$heightMinusE,$halfWidth,$height,0,$e,0,0"),
new Polyline("$halfWidth,$heightMinusE,$width,0,$width,$e,$halfWidth,$height,$halfWidth,$heightMinusE")
protected function buildOctogonShape($squareSize)
$s = $squareSize;
$c = $s * 0.33;
$sMinusC = $s - $c;
return "$c,0,$sMinusC,0,$s,$c,$s,$sMinusC,$sMinusC,$s,$c,$s,0,$sMinusC,0,$c,$c,0";
protected function buildHexagonShape($sideLength)
$c = $sideLength;
$a = $c/2;
$b = sin(60 * M_PI / 180) * $c;
$twoB = $b * 2;
$twoC = $c * 2;
$aPlusC = $a + $c;
return "0,$b,$a,0,$aPlusC,0,$twoC,$b,$aPlusC,$twoB,$a,$twoB,0,$b";
protected function buildPlusShape($squareSize)
return [
new Rectangle($squareSize, 0, $squareSize, $squareSize*3),
new Rectangle(0, $squareSize, $squareSize*3, $squareSize),
protected function buildTriangleShape($sideLength, $height)
$halfWidth = $sideLength / 2;
return "$halfWidth, 0, $sideLength, $height, 0, $height, $halfWidth, 0";
protected function buildRotatedTriangleShape($sideLength, $width)
$halfHeight = $sideLength / 2;
return "0, 0, $width, $halfHeight, 0, $sideLength, 0, 0";
protected function buildRightTriangleShape($sideLength)
return "0, 0, $sideLength, $sideLength, 0, $sideLength, 0, 0";
protected function buildDiamondShape($width, $height)
$halfWidth = $width / 2;
$halfHeight = $height / 2;
return "$halfWidth, 0, $width, $halfHeight, $halfWidth, $height, 0, $halfHeight";
// draw* functions
protected function drawInnerMosaicTile($x, $y, $triangleSize, $vals)
$triangle = $this->buildRightTriangleShape($triangleSize);
$opacity = $this->opacity($vals[0]);
$fill = $this->fillColor($vals[0]);
$styles = [
'stroke' => self::STROKE_COLOR,
'stroke-opacity' => self::STROKE_OPACITY,
'fill-opacity' => $opacity,
'fill' => $fill,
$xPlusTriangleSize = $x + $triangleSize;
$yPlusTwoTriangleSize = $y + $triangleSize * 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xPlusTriangleSize, $y) scale(-1, 1)"]))
->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xPlusTriangleSize, $yPlusTwoTriangleSize) scale(1, -1)"]));
$opacity = $this->opacity($vals[1]);
$fill = $this->fillColor($vals[1]);
$styles = [
'stroke' => self::STROKE_COLOR,
'stroke-opacity' => self::STROKE_OPACITY,
'fill-opacity' => $opacity,
'fill' => $fill,
$xPlusTriangleSize = $x + $triangleSize;
$yPlusTwoTriangleSize = $y + $triangleSize * 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xPlusTriangleSize, $yPlusTwoTriangleSize) scale(-1, -1)"]))
->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xPlusTriangleSize, $y) scale(1, 1)"]));
return $this;
protected function drawOuterMosaicTile($x, $y, $triangleSize, $val)
$triangle = $this->buildRightTriangleShape($triangleSize);
$opacity = $this->opacity($val);
$fill = $this->fillColor($val);
$styles = [
'stroke' => self::STROKE_COLOR,
'stroke-opacity' => self::STROKE_OPACITY,
'fill-opacity' => $opacity,
'fill' => $fill,
$yPlusTriangleSize = $y + $triangleSize;
$xPlusTwoTriangleSize = $x + $triangleSize * 2;
$this->svg->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($x, $yPlusTriangleSize) scale(1, -1)"]))
->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xPlusTwoTriangleSize, $yPlusTriangleSize) scale(-1, -1)"]))
->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($x, $yPlusTriangleSize) scale(1, 1)"]))
->addPolyline($triangle, array_merge($styles, ['transform' => "translate($xPlusTwoTriangleSize, $yPlusTriangleSize) scale(-1, 1)"]));
// Utility Functions
protected function fillColor($val)
return ($val % 2 == 0) ? self::FILL_COLOR_LIGHT : self::FILL_COLOR_DARK;
protected function opacity($val)
return $this->map($val, 0, 15, self::OPACITY_MIN, self::OPACITY_MAX);
protected function hexVal($index, $len)
return hexdec(substr($this->hash, $index, $len));
// PHP implementation of Processing's map function
protected function map($value, $vMin, $vMax, $dMin, $dMax)
$vValue = floatval($value);
$vRange = $vMax - $vMin;
$dRange = $dMax - $dMin;
return ($vValue - $vMin) * $dRange / $vRange + $dMin;
// Color Functions
protected function hexToHSL($color)
$color = trim($color, '#');
$R = hexdec($color[0].$color[1]);
$G = hexdec($color[2].$color[3]);
$B = hexdec($color[4].$color[5]);
$HSL = array();
$var_R = ($R / 255);
$var_G = ($G / 255);
$var_B = ($B / 255);
$var_Min = min($var_R, $var_G, $var_B);
$var_Max = max($var_R, $var_G, $var_B);
$del_Max = $var_Max - $var_Min;
$L = ($var_Max + $var_Min)/2;
if ($del_Max == 0)
$H = 0;
$S = 0;
if ( $L < 0.5 ) $S = $del_Max / ( $var_Max + $var_Min );
else $S = $del_Max / ( 2 - $var_Max - $var_Min );
$del_R = ( ( ( $var_Max - $var_R ) / 6 ) + ( $del_Max / 2 ) ) / $del_Max;
$del_G = ( ( ( $var_Max - $var_G ) / 6 ) + ( $del_Max / 2 ) ) / $del_Max;
$del_B = ( ( ( $var_Max - $var_B ) / 6 ) + ( $del_Max / 2 ) ) / $del_Max;
if ($var_R == $var_Max) $H = $del_B - $del_G;
else if ($var_G == $var_Max) $H = ( 1 / 3 ) + $del_R - $del_B;
else if ($var_B == $var_Max) $H = ( 2 / 3 ) + $del_G - $del_R;
if ($H<0) $H++;
if ($H>1) $H--;
$HSL['h'] = ($H*360);
$HSL['s'] = $S;
$HSL['l'] = $L;
return $HSL;
protected function hexToRGB($hex) {
$hex = str_replace("#", "", $hex);
if(strlen($hex) == 3) {
$r = hexdec(substr($hex,0,1).substr($hex,0,1));
$g = hexdec(substr($hex,1,1).substr($hex,1,1));
$b = hexdec(substr($hex,2,1).substr($hex,2,1));
} else {
$r = hexdec(substr($hex,0,2));
$g = hexdec(substr($hex,2,2));
$b = hexdec(substr($hex,4,2));
return ['r' => $r, 'g' => $g, 'b' => $b];
protected function rgbToHSL($r, $g, $b) {
$r /= 255;
$g /= 255;
$b /= 255;
$max = max($r, $g, $b);
$min = min($r, $g, $b);
$l = ($max + $min) / 2;
if ($max == $min) {
$h = $s = 0;
} else {
$d = $max - $min;
$s = $l > 0.5 ? $d / (2 - $max - $min) : $d / ($max + $min);
switch ($max) {
case $r:
$h = ($g - $b) / $d + ($g < $b ? 6 : 0);
case $g:
$h = ($b - $r) / $d + 2;
case $b:
$h = ($r - $g) / $d + 4;
$h /= 6;
$h = floor($h * 360);
$s = floor($s * 100);
$l = floor($l * 100);
return ['h' => $h, 's' => $s, 'l' => $l];
protected function hslToRGB ($h, $s, $l) {
$h += 360;
$c = ( 1 - abs( 2 * $l - 1 ) ) * $s;
$x = $c * ( 1 - abs( fmod( ( $h / 60 ), 2 ) - 1 ) );
$m = $l - ( $c / 2 );
if ( $h < 60 ) {
$r = $c;
$g = $x;
$b = 0;
} else if ( $h < 120 ) {
$r = $x;
$g = $c;
$b = 0;
} else if ( $h < 180 ) {
$r = 0;
$g = $c;
$b = $x;
} else if ( $h < 240 ) {
$r = 0;
$g = $x;
$b = $c;
} else if ( $h < 300 ) {
$r = $x;
$g = 0;
$b = $c;
} else {
$r = $c;
$g = 0;
$b = $x;
$r = ( $r + $m ) * 255;
$g = ( $g + $m ) * 255;
$b = ( $b + $m ) * 255;
return array( 'r' => floor( $r ), 'g' => floor( $g ), 'b' => floor( $b ) );
protected function rgbToHex($r, $g, $b) {
$hex = "#";
$hex .= str_pad(dechex($r), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$hex .= str_pad(dechex($g), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$hex .= str_pad(dechex($b), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
return $hex;