Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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#!/usr/bin/env bash

SCRIPTPATH="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

# Install codemirror, rollup, and any codemirror plugins we want to use.
# Note: We don't want to put these into the packages.json because we want to fetch the latest version when we run.
echo "Installing codemirror and rollup"
npm install --no-save \
  codemirror \
  @codemirror/lang-javascript \
  @codemirror/lang-html \
  @codemirror/lang-xml \
  rollup \

# Create the rollup.
npx rollup \
  ./codemirror.mjs \
  -f esm \
  -o ../amd/src/codemirror-lazy.js \
  -p @rollup/plugin-node-resolve

# Next install js-beautify
echo "Installing js-beautify"

# Get the .zip download URL
ZIP_URL=$(curl -s $API_URL | jq -r ".zipball_url")
# Download the latest release
curl -L -o $ZIP_URL
# Create a temporary directory
TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)

# Extract the .zip file to the temporary directory.
unzip -q -d $TEMP_DIR

# Find the subdirectory that starts with "beautify"
SUB_DIR=$(find $TEMP_DIR -type d -name "beautifier*beautify*" | head -n 1)

# Copy the js-beautify files to the correct location.
cp -v $SUB_DIR/js/lib/beautify*.js ../amd/src/beautify

# Copy the License file to the correct location.
cp -v $SUB_DIR/LICENSE ../amd/src/beautify/LICENSE

# Remove the temporary directory, node_modules directory and the js-beautify zip.
rm -rf $TEMP_DIR

echo 'Code mirror version: ' $(npm --json ls  codemirror | jq -r '.dependencies.codemirror.version')
echo 'Beautify version:' $(curl -s $API_URL | jq -r '.tag_name')

rm -rf node_modules