Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

namespace editor_tiny;

use context;

 * Tiny Editor Plugin manager.
 * @package    editor_tiny
 * @copyright  2021 Andrew Lyons <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class manager {

     * Get the configuration for all plugins.
     * @param context $context The context that the editor is used within
     * @param array $options The options passed in when requesting the editor
     * @param array $fpoptions The filepicker options passed in when requesting the editor
     * @param  editor $editor The editor instance in which the plugin is initialised
    public function get_plugin_configuration(
        context $context,
        array $options = [],
        array $fpoptions = [],
        ?editor $editor = null
    ): array {
        // Get the list of plugins.
        // Note: Disabled plugins are already removed from this list.
        $plugins = $this->get_shipped_plugins();

        // Fetch configuration for Moodle plugins.
        $moodleplugins = \core_component::get_plugin_list_with_class('tiny', 'plugininfo');
        $enabledplugins = \editor_tiny\plugininfo\tiny::get_enabled_plugins();
        foreach ($moodleplugins as $plugin => $classname) {
            [, $pluginname] = explode('_', $plugin, 2);
            if (!in_array($pluginname, $enabledplugins)) {
                // This plugin has been disabled.

            if (!is_a($classname, plugin::class, true)) {
                // Skip plugins that do not implement the plugin interface.
                debugging("Plugin {$plugin} does not implement the plugin interface", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);

            if (!$classname::is_enabled($context, $options, $fpoptions, $editor)) {
                // This plugin has disabled itself for some reason.
                // This is typical for media plugins where there is no file storage.

            // Get the plugin information, which includes the list of buttons, menu items, and configuration.
            $plugininfo = $classname::get_plugin_info(

            // We suffix the plugin name for Moodle plugins with /plugin to avoid conflicts with Tiny plugins.
            $plugins["{$plugin}/plugin"] = $plugininfo;

        return $plugins;

     * Get a list of the buttons provided by this plugin.
     * @return string[]
    protected function get_tinymce_buttons(): array {
        // The following list is defined at:
        return [
            // These are always available, without requiring additional plugins.

     * Get a list of the menu items provided by this plugin.
     * @return string[]
    protected function get_tinymce_menuitems(): array {
        // The following list is defined at:
        return [
            'align' => 'format',
            'backcolor' => 'format',
            'blockformats' => 'format',
            'bold' => 'format',
            'codeformat' => 'format',
            'copy' => 'copy',
            'cut' => 'copy',
            'forecolor' => 'format',
            'formats' => 'format',
            'fontformats' => 'format',
            'fontsizes' => 'format',
            'italic' => 'format',
            'language' => 'format',
            'lineheight' => 'format',
            'newdocument' => 'file',
            'paste' => 'copy',
            'redo' => 'copy',
            'removeformat' => 'format',
            'selectall' => 'edit',
            'strikethrough' => 'format',
            'subscript' => 'format',
            'superscript' => 'format',
            'underline' => 'format',
            'undo' => 'copy',
            'visualaid' => 'view',

     * Return a list of all available plugins, including both TinyMCE shipped, and Moodle add-onis.
     * Each plugin is returned as an array element containing:
     * - a list of buttons (if applicable); and
     * - a list of menuitems (if applicable).
     * Note: Not all plugins include buttons, and not all plugins include menuitems.
     * These array keys are optional.
     * @return array
    protected function get_available_plugins(): array {
        $plugins = $this->get_shipped_plugins();
        $plugins += $this->get_moodle_plugins();

        $disabledplugins = $this->get_disabled_tinymce_plugins();
        $plugins = array_filter($plugins, function ($plugin) use ($disabledplugins) {
            return !in_array($plugin, $disabledplugins);

        return $plugins;

     * Return a list of all available plugins built into TinyMCE and not shipped as separate Moodle plugins.
     * Each plugin is returned as an array element containing:
     * - a list of buttons (if applicable); and
     * - a list of menuitems (if applicable).
     * Note: Not all plugins include buttons, and not all plugins include menuitems.
     * These array keys are optional.
     * @return array
    protected function get_shipped_plugins(): array {
        $plugins = $this->get_tinymce_plugins();
        if ($this->premium_plugins_enabled()) {
            $plugins += $this->get_premium_plugins();

        $disabledplugins = $this->get_disabled_tinymce_plugins();
        return array_filter($plugins, function ($plugin) use ($disabledplugins) {
            return !in_array($plugin, $disabledplugins);

     * Get a list of the core plugins with their button, and menuitem, configuration.
     * @return array[]
    protected function get_tinymce_plugins(): array {
        // The following list is defined at:
        return [
            'anchor' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'anchor' => 'insert',
            'autosave' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'restoredraft' => 'file',
            'charmap' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'charmap' => 'insert',
            'code' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'code' => 'view',
            'codesample' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menutiems' => [
                    'codesample' => 'insert',
            'directionality' => [
                'buttons' => [
            'emoticons' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'emoticons' => 'insert',
            'fullscreen' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'fullscreen' => 'view',
            'help' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'help' => 'help',
            'image' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'image' => 'insert',
            'insertdatetime' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'insertdatetime' => 'insert',
            'link' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'link' => 'insert',
            'lists' => [
                'buttons' => [
            'media' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'media' => 'insert',
            'nonbreaking' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'nonbreaking' => 'insert',
            'pagebreak' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'pagebreak' => 'insert',
            'preview' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'preview' => 'file',
            'quickbars' => [
                'buttons' => [
            'save' => [
                'buttons' => [
            'searchreplace' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'searchreplace' => 'edit',
            'table' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'inserttable' => 'table',
                    'tableprops' => 'table',
                    'deletetable' => 'table',
                    'cell' => 'table',
                    'tablemergecells' => 'table',
                    'tablesplitcells' => 'table',
                    'tablecellprops' => 'table',
                    'column' => 'table',
                    'tableinsertcolumnbefore' => 'table',
                    'tableinsertcolumnafter' => 'table',
                    'tablecutcolumn' => 'table',
                    'tablecopycolumn' => 'table',
                    'tablepastecolumnbefore' => 'table',
                    'tablepastecolumnafter' => 'table',
                    'tabledeletecolumn' => 'table',
                    'row' => 'table',
                    'tableinsertrowbefore' => 'table',
                    'tableinsertrowafter' => 'table',
                    'tablecutrow' => 'table',
                    'tablecopyrow' => 'table',
                    'tablepasterowbefore' => 'table',
                    'tablepasterowafter' => 'table',
                    'tablerowprops' => 'table',
                    'tabledeleterow' => 'table',
            'template' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'template' => 'insert',
            'visualblocks' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'visualblocks' => 'view',
            'visualchars' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'visualchars' => 'view',
            'wordcount' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
                    'wordcount' => 'tools',

     * Get a list of the built-in TinyMCE plugins which we want to disable.
     * These are usually disabled because we have replaced them, or they are not compatible with Moodle in some way.
     * @return string[]
    protected function get_disabled_tinymce_plugins(): array {
        return [
            // Disable the image and media plugins.
            // These are not generally compatible with Moodle.

            // Use the Moodle autosave plugin instead.

            // Disable the Template plugin for now.

            // Disable the preview plugin as it does not support Moodle filters.

            // Use the Moodle link plugin instead.

     * Get a list of the Moodle plugins with their button, and menuitem, configuration.
     * @return array[]
    protected function get_moodle_plugins(): array {
        $plugins = \core_component::get_plugin_list_with_class('tiny', 'plugininfo');

        $pluginconfig = [];
        foreach ($plugins as $pluginname => $classname) {
            if (!is_a($classname, plugin::class, true)) {
            // Module name => [buttons, menuitems].
            $pluginconfig["{$pluginname}/plugin"] = $classname::get_plugin_info();

        return $pluginconfig;

     * Check whether premium plugins are configured and enabled.
     * @return bool
    protected function premium_plugins_enabled(): bool {
        return false;

     * Get a list of the Tiny Premium plugins with their button, and menuitem, configuration.
     * Note: This only includes _compatible_ premium plugins.
     * Some premium plugins *may not* be compatible with Moodle, and some may require additional configuration.
     * @return array[]
    protected function get_premium_plugins(): array {
        return [
            'a11ycheck' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
            'advcode' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
            'footnotes' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
            'mergetags' => [
                'buttons' => [
                'menuitems' => [
            'autocorrect' => [
                'menuitems' => [