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* Strings for component 'atto_recordrtc', language 'en'.
* @package atto_recordrtc
* @author Jesus Federico (jesus [at] blindsidenetworks [dt] com)
* @author Jacob Prud'homme (jacob [dt] prudhomme [at] blindsidenetworks [dt] com)
* @copyright 2017 Blindside Networks Inc.
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['allowedtypes'] = 'Allowed types';
$string['allowedtypes_desc'] = 'Which recording buttons should appear in Atto. In addition to this setting, there are also capabilities which can control access to the buttons to particular users in particular contexts.';
$string['attachrecording'] = 'Attach recording';
$string['audioandvideo'] = 'Audio and video';
$string['audiobitrate'] = 'Audio bitrate';
$string['audiobitrate_desc'] = 'Quality of audio recording (larger number means higher quality)';
$string['audiortc'] = 'Record audio';
$string['gumabort'] = 'Something strange happened which prevented the webcam/microphone from being used';
$string['gumabort_title'] = 'Something happened';
$string['gumnotallowed'] = 'The user must allow the browser access to the webcam/microphone';
$string['gumnotallowed_title'] = 'Wrong permissions';
$string['gumnotfound'] = 'There is no input device connected or enabled';
$string['gumnotfound_title'] = 'Device missing';
$string['gumnotreadable'] = 'Something is preventing the browser from accessing the webcam/microphone';
$string['gumnotreadable_title'] = 'Hardware error';
$string['gumnotsupported'] = 'Your browser does not support recording over an insecure connection and must close the plugin';
$string['gumnotsupported_title'] = 'No support for insecure connection';
$string['gumoverconstrained'] = 'The current webcam/microphone can not produce a stream with the required constraints';
$string['gumoverconstrained_title'] = 'Problem with constraints';
$string['gumsecurity'] = 'Your browser does not support recording over an insecure connection and must close the plugin';
$string['gumsecurity_title'] = 'No support for insecure connection';
$string['gumtype'] = 'Tried to get stream from the webcam/microphone, but no constraints were specified';
$string['gumtype_title'] = 'No constraints specified';
$string['insecurealert'] = 'Your browser might not allow this plugin to work unless it is used either over HTTPS or from localhost';
$string['insecurealert_title'] = 'Insecure connection!';
$string['nearingmaxsize'] = 'You have attained the maximum size limit for file uploads';
$string['nearingmaxsize_title'] = 'Recording stopped';
$string['norecordingfound'] = 'Something appears to have gone wrong, it seems nothing has been recorded';
$string['norecordingfound_title'] = 'No recording found';
$string['nowebrtc'] = 'Your browser offers limited or no support for WebRTC technologies yet, and cannot be used with this plugin. Please switch or upgrade your browser';
$string['nowebrtc_title'] = 'WebRTC not supported';
$string['onlyaudio'] = 'Audio only';
$string['onlyvideo'] = 'Video only';
$string['pluginname'] = 'RecordRTC';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The RecordRTC plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['recordagain'] = 'Record again';
$string['recordingfailed'] = 'Recording failed, try again';
$string['recordrtc:recordaudio'] = 'Record audio directly into the text editor';
$string['recordrtc:recordvideo'] = 'Record video directly into the text editor';
$string['settings'] = 'RecordRTC settings';
$string['startrecording'] = 'Start recording';
$string['stoprecording'] = 'Stop recording';
$string['audiotimelimit'] = 'Audio time limit in seconds';
$string['audiotimelimit_desc'] = 'Maximum recording length allowed for the audio clips';
$string['videotimelimit'] = 'Video time limit in seconds';
$string['videotimelimit_desc'] = 'Maximum recording length allowed for the video clips';
$string['timelimitwarning'] = 'You must enter a number that is greater than 0.';
$string['uploadaborted'] = 'Upload aborted:';
$string['uploadfailed'] = 'Upload failed:';
$string['uploadfailed404'] = 'Upload failed: file too large';
$string['uploadprogress'] = 'completed';
$string['videobitrate'] = 'Video bitrate';
$string['videobitrate_desc'] = 'Quality of video recording (larger number means higher quality)';
$string['videortc'] = 'Record video';