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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* @package atto_charmap
* @copyright 2014 Frédéric Massart
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* Atto text editor character map plugin
* @module moodle-atto_charmap-button
var COMPONENTNAME = 'atto_charmap',
CSS = {
BUTTON: 'atto_charmap_character',
CHARMAP: 'atto_charmap_selector'
* Map of special characters, kindly borrowed from TinyMCE.
* Each entries contains in order:
* - {String} HTML code
* - {String} HTML numerical code
* - {Boolean} Whether or not to include it in the list
* - {String} The language string key
* @property CHARMAP
* @type {Array}
[' ', ' ', true, 'nobreakspace'],
['&', '&', true, 'ampersand'],
['"', '"', true, 'quotationmark'],
['‽', '‽', true, 'interrobang'],
// Finance.
['¢', '¢', true, 'centsign'],
['€', '€', true, 'eurosign'],
['£', '£', true, 'poundsign'],
['¥', '¥', true, 'yensign'],
// Signs.
['©', '©', true, 'copyrightsign'],
['®', '®', true, 'registeredsign'],
['™', '™', true, 'trademarksign'],
['‰', '‰', true, 'permillesign'],
['µ', 'µ', true, 'microsign'],
['·', '·', true, 'middledot'],
['•', '•', true, 'bullet'],
['…', '…', true, 'threedotleader'],
['′', '′', true, 'minutesfeet'],
['″', '″', true, 'secondsinches'],
['§', '§', true, 'sectionsign'],
['¶', '¶', true, 'paragraphsign'],
['ß', 'ß', true, 'sharpsesszed'],
// Quotations.
['‹', '‹', true, 'singleleftpointinganglequotationmark'],
['›', '›', true, 'singlerightpointinganglequotationmark'],
['«', '«', true, 'leftpointingguillemet'],
['»', '»', true, 'rightpointingguillemet'],
['‘', '‘', true, 'leftsinglequotationmark'],
['’', '’', true, 'rightsinglequotationmark'],
['“', '“', true, 'leftdoublequotationmark'],
['”', '”', true, 'rightdoublequotationmark'],
['‚', '‚', true, 'singlelow9quotationmark'],
['„', '„', true, 'doublelow9quotationmark'],
['<', '<', true, 'lessthansign'],
['>', '>', true, 'greaterthansign'],
['≤', '≤', true, 'lessthanorequalto'],
['≥', '≥', true, 'greaterthanorequalto'],
['–', '–', true, 'endash'],
['—', '—', true, 'emdash'],
['¯', '¯', true, 'macron'],
['‾', '‾', true, 'overline'],
['¤', '¤', true, 'currencysign'],
['¦', '¦', true, 'brokenbar'],
['¨', '¨', true, 'diaeresis'],
['¡', '¡', true, 'invertedexclamationmark'],
['¿', '¿', true, 'turnedquestionmark'],
['ˆ', 'ˆ', true, 'circumflexaccent'],
['˜', '˜', true, 'smalltilde'],
['°', '°', true, 'degreesign'],
['−', '−', true, 'minussign'],
['±', '±', true, 'plusminussign'],
['÷', '÷', true, 'divisionsign'],
['⁄', '⁄', true, 'fractionslash'],
['×', '×', true, 'multiplicationsign'],
['¹', '¹', true, 'superscriptone'],
['²', '²', true, 'superscripttwo'],
['³', '³', true, 'superscriptthree'],
['¼', '¼', true, 'fractiononequarter'],
['½', '½', true, 'fractiononehalf'],
['¾', '¾', true, 'fractionthreequarters'],
// Math / logical.
['ƒ', 'ƒ', true, 'functionflorin'],
['∫', '∫', true, 'integral'],
['∑', '∑', true, 'narysumation'],
['∞', '∞', true, 'infinity'],
['√', '√', true, 'squareroot'],
['∼', '∼', false, 'similarto'],
['≅', '≅', false, 'approximatelyequalto'],
['≈', '≈', true, 'almostequalto'],
['≠', '≠', true, 'notequalto'],
['≡', '≡', true, 'identicalto'],
['∈', '∈', false, 'elementof'],
['∉', '∉', false, 'notanelementof'],
['∋', '∋', false, 'containsasmember'],
['∏', '∏', true, 'naryproduct'],
['∧', '∧', false, 'logicaland'],
['∨', '∨', false, 'logicalor'],
['¬', '¬', true, 'notsign'],
['∩', '∩', true, 'intersection'],
['∪', '∪', false, 'union'],
['∂', '∂', true, 'partialdifferential'],
['∀', '∀', false, 'forall'],
['∃', '∃', false, 'thereexists'],
['∅', '∅', false, 'diameter'],
['∇', '∇', false, 'backwarddifference'],
['∗', '∗', false, 'asteriskoperator'],
['∝', '∝', false, 'proportionalto'],
['∠', '∠', false, 'angle'],
// Undefined.
['´', '´', true, 'acuteaccent'],
['¸', '¸', true, 'cedilla'],
['ª', 'ª', true, 'feminineordinalindicator'],
['º', 'º', true, 'masculineordinalindicator'],
['†', '†', true, 'dagger'],
['‡', '‡', true, 'doubledagger'],
// Alphabetical special chars.
['À', 'À', true, 'agrave_caps'],
['Á', 'Á', true, 'aacute_caps'],
['Â', 'Â', true, 'acircumflex_caps'],
['Ã', 'Ã', true, 'atilde_caps'],
['Ä', 'Ä', true, 'adiaeresis_caps'],
['Å', 'Å', true, 'aringabove_caps'],
['Ā', 'Ā', true, 'amacron_caps'],
['Æ', 'Æ', true, 'ligatureae_caps'],
['Ç', 'Ç', true, 'ccedilla_caps'],
['È', 'È', true, 'egrave_caps'],
['É', 'É', true, 'eacute_caps'],
['Ê', 'Ê', true, 'ecircumflex_caps'],
['Ë', 'Ë', true, 'ediaeresis_caps'],
['Ē', 'Ē', true, 'emacron_caps'],
['Ì', 'Ì', true, 'igrave_caps'],
['Í', 'Í', true, 'iacute_caps'],
['Î', 'Î', true, 'icircumflex_caps'],
['Ï', 'Ï', true, 'idiaeresis_caps'],
['Ī', 'Ī', true, 'imacron_caps'],
['Ð', 'Ð', true, 'eth_caps'],
['Ñ', 'Ñ', true, 'ntilde_caps'],
['Ò', 'Ò', true, 'ograve_caps'],
['Ó', 'Ó', true, 'oacute_caps'],
['Ô', 'Ô', true, 'ocircumflex_caps'],
['Õ', 'Õ', true, 'otilde_caps'],
['Ö', 'Ö', true, 'odiaeresis_caps'],
['Ø', 'Ø', true, 'oslash_caps'],
['Ō', 'Ō', true, 'omacron_caps'],
['Œ', 'Œ', true, 'ligatureoe_caps'],
['Š', 'Š', true, 'scaron_caps'],
['Ù', 'Ù', true, 'ugrave_caps'],
['Ú', 'Ú', true, 'uacute_caps'],
['Û', 'Û', true, 'ucircumflex_caps'],
['Ü', 'Ü', true, 'udiaeresis_caps'],
['Ū', 'Ū', true, 'umacron_caps'],
['Ý', 'Ý', true, 'yacute_caps'],
['Ÿ', 'Ÿ', true, 'ydiaeresis_caps'],
['Þ', 'Þ', true, 'thorn_caps'],
['à', 'à', true, 'agrave'],
['á', 'á', true, 'aacute'],
['â', 'â', true, 'acircumflex'],
['ã', 'ã', true, 'atilde'],
['ä', 'ä', true, 'adiaeresis'],
['å', 'å', true, 'aringabove'],
['ā', 'ā', true, 'amacron'],
['æ', 'æ', true, 'ligatureae'],
['ç', 'ç', true, 'ccedilla'],
['è', 'è', true, 'egrave'],
['é', 'é', true, 'eacute'],
['ê', 'ê', true, 'ecircumflex'],
['ë', 'ë', true, 'ediaeresis'],
['ē', 'ē', true, 'emacron'],
['ì', 'ì', true, 'igrave'],
['í', 'í', true, 'iacute'],
['î', 'î', true, 'icircumflex'],
['ï', 'ï', true, 'idiaeresis'],
['ī', 'ī', true, 'imacron'],
['ð', 'ð', true, 'eth'],
['ñ', 'ñ', true, 'ntilde'],
['ò', 'ò', true, 'ograve'],
['ó', 'ó', true, 'oacute'],
['ô', 'ô', true, 'ocircumflex'],
['õ', 'õ', true, 'otilde'],
['ö', 'ö', true, 'odiaeresis'],
['ø', 'ø', true, 'oslash'],
['ō', 'ō', true, 'omacron'],
['œ', 'œ', true, 'ligatureoe'],
['š', 'š', true, 'scaron'],
['ù', 'ù', true, 'ugrave'],
['ú', 'ú', true, 'uacute'],
['û', 'û', true, 'ucircumflex'],
['ü', 'ü', true, 'udiaeresis'],
['ū', 'ū', true, 'umacron'],
['ý', 'ý', true, 'yacute'],
['þ', 'þ', true, 'thorn'],
['ÿ', 'ÿ', true, 'ydiaeresis'],
['Α', 'Α', true, 'alpha_caps'],
['Β', 'Β', true, 'beta_caps'],
['Γ', 'Γ', true, 'gamma_caps'],
['Δ', 'Δ', true, 'delta_caps'],
['Ε', 'Ε', true, 'epsilon_caps'],
['Ζ', 'Ζ', true, 'zeta_caps'],
['Η', 'Η', true, 'eta_caps'],
['Θ', 'Θ', true, 'theta_caps'],
['Ι', 'Ι', true, 'iota_caps'],
['Κ', 'Κ', true, 'kappa_caps'],
['Λ', 'Λ', true, 'lambda_caps'],
['Μ', 'Μ', true, 'mu_caps'],
['Ν', 'Ν', true, 'nu_caps'],
['Ξ', 'Ξ', true, 'xi_caps'],
['Ο', 'Ο', true, 'omicron_caps'],
['Π', 'Π', true, 'pi_caps'],
['Ρ', 'Ρ', true, 'rho_caps'],
['Σ', 'Σ', true, 'sigma_caps'],
['Τ', 'Τ', true, 'tau_caps'],
['Υ', 'Υ', true, 'upsilon_caps'],
['Φ', 'Φ', true, 'phi_caps'],
['Χ', 'Χ', true, 'chi_caps'],
['Ψ', 'Ψ', true, 'psi_caps'],
['Ω', 'Ω', true, 'omega_caps'],
['α', 'α', true, 'alpha'],
['β', 'β', true, 'beta'],
['γ', 'γ', true, 'gamma'],
['δ', 'δ', true, 'delta'],
['ε', 'ε', true, 'epsilon'],
['ζ', 'ζ', true, 'zeta'],
['η', 'η', true, 'eta'],
['θ', 'θ', true, 'theta'],
['ι', 'ι', true, 'iota'],
['κ', 'κ', true, 'kappa'],
['λ', 'λ', true, 'lambda'],
['μ', 'μ', true, 'mu'],
['ν', 'ν', true, 'nu'],
['ξ', 'ξ', true, 'xi'],
['ο', 'ο', true, 'omicron'],
['π', 'π', true, 'pi'],
['ρ', 'ρ', true, 'rho'],
['ς', 'ς', true, 'finalsigma'],
['σ', 'σ', true, 'sigma'],
['τ', 'τ', true, 'tau'],
['υ', 'υ', true, 'upsilon'],
['φ', 'φ', true, 'phi'],
['χ', 'χ', true, 'chi'],
['ψ', 'ψ', true, 'psi'],
['ω', 'ω', true, 'omega'],
// Symbols.
['ℵ', 'ℵ', false, 'alefsymbol'],
['ϖ', 'ϖ', false, 'pisymbol'],
['ℜ', 'ℜ', false, 'realpartsymbol'],
['ϑ', 'ϑ', false, 'thetasymbol'],
['ϒ', 'ϒ', false, 'upsilonhooksymbol'],
['℘', '℘', false, 'weierstrassp'],
['ℑ', 'ℑ', false, 'imaginarypart'],
// Arrows.
['←', '←', true, 'leftwardsarrow'],
['↑', '↑', true, 'upwardsarrow'],
['→', '→', true, 'rightwardsarrow'],
['↓', '↓', true, 'downwardsarrow'],
['↔', '↔', true, 'leftrightarrow'],
['↵', '↵', false, 'carriagereturn'],
['⇐', '⇐', false, 'leftwardsdoublearrow'],
['⇑', '⇑', false, 'upwardsdoublearrow'],
['⇒', '⇒', false, 'rightwardsdoublearrow'],
['⇓', '⇓', false, 'downwardsdoublearrow'],
['⇔', '⇔', false, 'leftrightdoublearrow'],
['∴', '∴', false, 'therefore'],
['⊂', '⊂', false, 'subsetof'],
['⊃', '⊃', false, 'supersetof'],
['⊄', '⊄', false, 'notasubsetof'],
['⊆', '⊆', false, 'subsetoforequalto'],
['⊇', '⊇', false, 'supersetoforequalto'],
['⊕', '⊕', false, 'circledplus'],
['⊗', '⊗', false, 'circledtimes'],
['⊥', '⊥', false, 'perpendicular'],
['⋅', '⋅', false, 'dotoperator'],
['⌈', '⌈', false, 'leftceiling'],
['⌉', '⌉', false, 'rightceiling'],
['⌊', '⌊', false, 'leftfloor'],
['⌋', '⌋', false, 'rightfloor'],
['⟨', '〈', false, 'leftpointinganglebracket'],
['⟩', '〉', false, 'rightpointinganglebracket'],
['◊', '◊', true, 'lozenge'],
['♠', '♠', true, 'blackspadesuit'],
['♣', '♣', true, 'blackclubsuit'],
['♥', '♥', true, 'blackheartsuit'],
['♦', '♦', true, 'blackdiamondsuit'],
[' ', ' ', false, 'enspace'],
[' ', ' ', false, 'emspace'],
[' ', ' ', false, 'thinspace'],
['‌', '‌', false, 'zerowidthnonjoiner'],
['‍', '‍', false, 'zerowidthjoiner'],
['‎', '‎', false, 'lefttorightmark'],
['‏', '‏', false, 'righttoleftmark'],
['­', '­', false, 'softhyphen']
* Atto text editor charmap plugin.
* @namespace M.atto_charmap
* @class button
* @extends M.editor_atto.EditorPlugin
Y.namespace('M.atto_charmap').Button = Y.Base.create('button', Y.M.editor_atto.EditorPlugin, [], {
* A reference to the current selection at the time that the dialogue
* was opened.
* @property _currentSelection
* @type Range
* @private
_currentSelection: null,
initializer: function() {
icon: 'e/special_character',
callback: this._displayDialogue
* Display the Character Map selector.
* @method _displayDialogue
* @private
_displayDialogue: function() {
// Store the current selection.
this._currentSelection = this.get('host').getSelection();
if (this._currentSelection === false) {
var dialogue = this.getDialogue({
headerContent: M.util.get_string('insertcharacter', COMPONENTNAME),
focusAfterHide: true
}, true);
// Set the dialogue content, and then show the dialogue.
dialogue.set('bodyContent', this._getDialogueContent())
* Return the dialogue content for the tool.
* @method _getDialogueContent
* @private
* @return {Node} The content to place in the dialogue.
_getDialogueContent: function() {
var template = Y.Handlebars.compile(
'<div class="{{CSS.CHARMAP}}">' +
'{{#each CHARMAP}}' +
'{{#if this.[2]}}' +
'<button class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm {{../../CSS.BUTTON}}" ' +
'aria-label="{{get_string this.[3] ../../component}}" ' +
'title="{{get_string this.[3] ../../component}}" ' +
'data-character="{{this.[0]}}" ' +
'>{{{this.[0]}}}</button>' +
'{{/if}}' +
'{{/each}}' +
var content = Y.Node.create(template({
content.delegate('click', this._insertChar, '.' + CSS.BUTTON, this);
return content;
* Insert the picked character into the editor.
* @method _insertChar
* @param {EventFacade} e
* @private
_insertChar: function(e) {
var character ='character');
// Hide the dialogue.
focusAfterHide: null
var host = this.get('host');
// Focus on the last point.
// And add the character.
// And mark the text area as updated.