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// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* Zip writer wrapper.
* @package core
* @copyright 2020 Simey Lameze <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace core\content\export;
use context;
use context_system;
use moodle_url;
use stdClass;
use stored_file;
* Zip writer wrapper.
* @copyright 2020 Simey Lameze <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class zipwriter {
/** @var int Maximum folder length name for a context */
/** @var \ZipStream\ZipStream */
protected $archive;
/** @var int Max file size of an individual file in the archive */
protected $maxfilesize = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 10;
/** @var resource File resource for the file handle for a file-based zip stream */
protected $zipfilehandle = null;
/** @var string File path for a file-based zip stream */
protected $zipfilepath = null;
/** @var context The context to use as a base for export */
protected $rootcontext = null;
/** @var array The files in the zip */
protected $filesinzip = [];
/** @var bool Whether page requirements needed for HTML pages have been added */
protected $pagerequirementsadded = false;
/** @var stdClass The course relating to the root context */
protected $course;
/** @var context The context of the course for the root contect */
protected $coursecontext;
* zipwriter constructor.
* @param \ZipStream\ZipStream $archive
* @param stdClass|null $options
public function __construct(\ZipStream\ZipStream $archive, stdClass $options = null) {
$this->archive = $archive;
if ($options) {
$this->rootcontext = context_system::instance();
* Set a root context for use during the export.
* This is primarily used for creating paths within the archive relative to the root context.
* @param context $rootcontext
public function set_root_context(context $rootcontext): void {
$this->rootcontext = $rootcontext;
* Get the course object for the root context.
* @return stdClass
protected function get_course(): stdClass {
if ($this->course && ($this->coursecontext !== $this->rootcontext->get_course_context())) {
$this->coursecontext = null;
$this->course = null;
if (empty($this->course)) {
$this->coursecontext = $this->rootcontext->get_course_context();
$this->course = get_course($this->coursecontext->instanceid);
return $this->course;
* Parse options.
* @param stdClass $options
protected function parse_options(stdClass $options): void {
if (property_exists($options, 'maxfilesize')) {
$this->maxfilesize = $options->maxfilesize;
* Finish writing the zip footer.
public function finish(): void {
if ($this->zipfilehandle) {
* Get the stream writer.
* @param string $filename
* @param stdClass|null $exportoptions
* @return static
public static function get_stream_writer(string $filename, stdClass $exportoptions = null) {
$archive = new \ZipStream\ZipStream(
outputName: $filename,
$zipwriter = new static($archive, $exportoptions);
return $zipwriter;
* Get the file writer.
* @param string $filename
* @param stdClass|null $exportoptions
* @return static
public static function get_file_writer(string $filename, stdClass $exportoptions = null) {
$dir = make_request_directory();
$filepath = $dir . "/$filename";
$fh = fopen($filepath, 'w');
$archive = new \ZipStream\ZipStream(
outputName: $filename,
outputStream: $fh,
sendHttpHeaders: false,
$zipwriter = new static($archive, $exportoptions);
$zipwriter->zipfilehandle = $fh;
$zipwriter->zipfilepath = $filepath;
return $zipwriter;
* Get the file path for a file-based zip writer.
* If this is not a file-based writer then no value is returned.
* @return null|string
public function get_file_path(): ?string {
return $this->zipfilepath;
* Add a file from the File Storage API.
* @param context $context
* @param string $filepathinzip
* @param stored_file $file The file to add
public function add_file_from_stored_file(
context $context,
string $filepathinzip,
stored_file $file
): void {
$fullfilepathinzip = $this->get_context_path($context, $filepathinzip);
if ($file->get_filesize() <= $this->maxfilesize) {
$filehandle = $file->get_content_file_handle();
$this->archive->addFileFromStream($fullfilepathinzip, $filehandle);
$this->filesinzip[] = $fullfilepathinzip;
* Add a file from string content.
* @param context $context
* @param string $filepathinzip
* @param string $content
public function add_file_from_string(
context $context,
string $filepathinzip,
string $content
): void {
$fullfilepathinzip = $this->get_context_path($context, $filepathinzip);
$this->archive->addFile($fullfilepathinzip, $content);
$this->filesinzip[] = $fullfilepathinzip;
* Create a file based on a Mustache Template and associated data.
* @param context $context
* @param string $filepathinzip
* @param string $template
* @param stdClass $templatedata
public function add_file_from_template(
context $context,
string $filepathinzip,
string $template,
stdClass $templatedata
): void {
global $CFG, $PAGE, $SITE, $USER;
$exportedcourse = $this->get_course();
$courselink = (new moodle_url('/course/view.php', ['id' => $exportedcourse->id]))->out(false);
$coursename = format_string($exportedcourse->fullname, true, ['context' => $this->coursecontext]);
$templatedata->global = (object) [
'righttoleft' => right_to_left(),
'language' => get_html_lang_attribute_value(current_language()),
'sitename' => format_string($SITE->fullname, true, ['context' => context_system::instance()]),
'siteurl' => $CFG->wwwroot,
'pathtotop' => $this->get_relative_context_path($context, $this->rootcontext, '/'),
'contentexportfooter' => get_string('contentexport_footersummary', 'core', (object) [
'courselink' => $courselink,
'coursename' => $coursename,
'userfullname' => fullname($USER),
'date' => userdate(time()),
'contentexportsummary' => get_string('contentexport_coursesummary', 'core', (object) [
'courselink' => $courselink,
'coursename' => $coursename,
'date' => userdate(time()),
'coursename' => $coursename,
'courseshortname' => $exportedcourse->shortname,
'courselink' => $courselink,
'exportdate' => userdate(time()),
'maxfilesize' => display_size($this->maxfilesize, 0),
$renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core');
$this->add_file_from_string($context, $filepathinzip, $renderer->render_from_template($template, $templatedata));
* Ensure that all requirements for a templated page are present.
* This includes CSS, and any other similar content.
protected function add_template_requirements(): void {
if ($this->pagerequirementsadded) {
// CSS required.
$this->add_content_from_dirroot('/theme/boost/style/moodle.css', 'shared/moodle.css');
$this->pagerequirementsadded = true;
* Add content from the dirroot into the specified path in the zip file.
* @param string $dirrootpath
* @param string $pathinzip
protected function add_content_from_dirroot(string $dirrootpath, string $pathinzip): void {
global $CFG;
$this->get_context_path($this->rootcontext, $pathinzip),
* Check whether the file was actually added to the archive.
* @param context $context
* @param string $filepathinzip
* @return bool
public function is_file_in_archive(context $context, string $filepathinzip): bool {
$fullfilepathinzip = $this->get_context_path($context, $filepathinzip);
return in_array($fullfilepathinzip, $this->filesinzip);
* Get the full path to the context within the zip.
* @param context $context
* @param string $filepathinzip
* @return string
public function get_context_path(context $context, string $filepathinzip): string {
if (!$context->is_child_of($this->rootcontext, true)) {
throw new \coding_exception("Unexpected path requested");
// Fetch the path from the course down.
$parentcontexts = array_filter(
function(context $curcontext): bool {
return $curcontext->is_child_of($this->rootcontext, true);
foreach (array_reverse($parentcontexts) as $curcontext) {
$path[] = $this->get_context_folder_name($curcontext);
$path[] = $filepathinzip;
$finalpath = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);
// Remove relative paths (./).
$finalpath = str_replace('./', '/', $finalpath);
// De-duplicate slashes.
$finalpath = str_replace('//', '/', $finalpath);
return $finalpath;
* Get a relative path to the specified context path.
* @param context $rootcontext
* @param context $targetcontext
* @param string $filepathinzip
* @return string
public function get_relative_context_path(context $rootcontext, context $targetcontext, string $filepathinzip): string {
$path = [];
if ($targetcontext === $rootcontext) {
$lookupcontexts = [];
} else if ($targetcontext->is_child_of($rootcontext, true)) {
// Fetch the path from the course down.
$lookupcontexts = array_filter(
function(context $curcontext): bool {
return $curcontext->is_child_of($this->rootcontext, false);
foreach ($lookupcontexts as $curcontext) {
array_unshift($path, $this->get_context_folder_name($curcontext));
} else if ($targetcontext->is_parent_of($rootcontext, true)) {
$lookupcontexts = $targetcontext->get_parent_contexts(true);
$path[] = '..';
$path[] = $filepathinzip;
$relativepath = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);
// De-duplicate slashes and remove leading /.
$relativepath = ltrim(preg_replace('#/+#', '/', $relativepath), '/');
if (substr($relativepath, 0, 1) !== '.') {
$relativepath = "./{$relativepath}";
return $relativepath;
* Get the name of the folder for the specified context.
* @param context $context
* @return string
protected function get_context_folder_name(context $context): string {
// Replace spaces with underscores, or they will be removed completely when cleaning.
$contextname = str_replace(' ', '_', $context->get_context_name());
// Clean the context name of all but basic characters, as some systems don't support unicode within zip structure.
$shortenedname = shorten_text(
clean_param($contextname, PARAM_SAFEDIR),
return "{$shortenedname}_.{$context->id}";
* Rewrite any pluginfile URLs in the content.
* @param context $context
* @param string $content
* @param string $component
* @param string $filearea
* @param null|int $pluginfileitemid The itemid to use in the pluginfile URL when composing any required URLs
* @return string
protected function rewrite_other_pluginfile_urls(
context $context,
string $content,
string $component,
string $filearea,
?int $pluginfileitemid
): string {
// The pluginfile URLs should have been rewritten when the files were exported, but if any file was too large it
// may not have been included.
// In that situation use a tokenpluginfile URL.
if (strpos($content, '@@PLUGINFILE@@/') !== false) {
// Some files could not be rewritten.
// Use a tokenurl pluginfile for those.
$content = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls(
'includetoken' => true,
return $content;
* Export files releating to this text area.
* @param context $context
* @param string $subdir The sub directory to export any files to
* @param string $content
* @param string $component
* @param string $filearea
* @param int $fileitemid The itemid as used in the Files API
* @param null|int $pluginfileitemid The itemid to use in the pluginfile URL when composing any required URLs
* @return exported_item
public function add_pluginfiles_for_content(
context $context,
string $subdir,
string $content,
string $component,
string $filearea,
int $fileitemid,
?int $pluginfileitemid
): exported_item {
// Export all of the files for this text area.
$fs = get_file_storage();
$files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, $component, $filearea, $fileitemid);
$result = new exported_item();
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file->is_directory()) {
$filepathinzip = self::get_filepath_for_file($file, $subdir, false);
if ($this->is_file_in_archive($context, $filepathinzip)) {
// Attempt to rewrite any @@PLUGINFILE@@ URLs for this file in the content.
$searchpath = "@@PLUGINFILE@@" . $file->get_filepath() . rawurlencode($file->get_filename());
if (strpos($content, $searchpath) !== false) {
$content = str_replace($searchpath, self::get_filepath_for_file($file, $subdir, true), $content);
$result->add_file($filepathinzip, true);
} else {
$result->add_file($filepathinzip, false);
$content = $this->rewrite_other_pluginfile_urls($context, $content, $component, $filearea, $pluginfileitemid);
return $result;
* Get the filepath for the specified stored_file.
* @param stored_file $file
* @param string $parentdir Any parent directory to place this file in
* @param bool $escape
* @return string
protected static function get_filepath_for_file(stored_file $file, string $parentdir, bool $escape): string {
$path = [];
$filepath = sprintf(
if ($escape) {
foreach (explode('/', $filepath) as $dirname) {
$path[] = rawurlencode($dirname);
$filepath = implode('/', $path);
return ltrim(preg_replace('#/+#', '/', $filepath), '/');