Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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 * Form fields helper.
 * @package    core
 * @category   test
 * @copyright  2013 David Monllaó
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

// NOTE: no MOODLE_INTERNAL test here, this file may be required by behat before including /config.php.

use Behat\Mink\Session as Session,
    Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement as NodeElement,
    Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException as ElementNotFoundException,
    Behat\MinkExtension\Context\RawMinkContext as RawMinkContext;

 * Helper to interact with form fields.
 * @package    core
 * @category   test
 * @copyright  2013 David Monllaó
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class behat_field_manager {

     * Gets an instance of the form field from it's label
     * @param string $label
     * @param RawMinkContext $context
     * @return behat_form_field
    public static function get_form_field_from_label($label, RawMinkContext $context) {
        // There are moodle form elements that are not directly related with
        // a basic HTML form field, we should also take care of them.
        // The DOM node.
        $fieldnode = $context->find_field($label);

        // The behat field manager.
        $field = self::get_form_field($fieldnode, $context->getSession());
        return $field;

     * Gets an instance of the form field.
     * Not all the fields are part of a moodle form, in this
     * cases it fallsback to the generic form field. Also note
     * that this generic field type is using a generic setValue()
     * method from the Behat API, which is not always good to set
     * the value of form elements.
     * @param NodeElement $fieldnode
     * @param Session $session The behat browser session
     * @return behat_form_field
    public static function get_form_field(NodeElement $fieldnode, Session $session) {

        // Get the field type if is part of a moodleform.
        if (self::is_moodleform_field($fieldnode)) {
            $type = self::get_field_node_type($fieldnode, $session);

        // If is not a moodleforms field use the base field type.
        if (empty($type)) {
            $type = 'field';

        return self::get_field_instance($type, $fieldnode, $session);

     * Returns the appropiate behat_form_field according to the provided type.
     * It defaults to behat_form_field.
     * @param string $type The field type (checkbox, date_selector, text...)
     * @param NodeElement $fieldnode
     * @param Session $session The behat session
     * @return behat_form_field
    public static function get_field_instance($type, NodeElement $fieldnode, Session $session) {
        global $CFG;

        // If the field is not part of a moodleform, we should still try to find out
        // which field type are we dealing with.
        if ($type == 'field' && $guessedtype = self::guess_field_type($fieldnode, $session)) {
            $type = $guessedtype;

        $classname = 'behat_form_' . $type;

        // Fallsback on the type guesser if nothing specific exists.
        $classpath = $CFG->libdir . '/behat/form_field/' . $classname . '.php';
        if (!file_exists($classpath)) {
            $classname = 'behat_form_field';
            $classpath = $CFG->libdir . '/behat/form_field/' . $classname . '.php';

        // Returns the instance.
        return new $classname($session, $fieldnode);

     * Guesses a basic field type and returns it.
     * This method is intended to detect HTML form fields when no
     * moodleform-specific elements have been detected.
     * @param NodeElement $fieldnode
     * @param Session $session
     * @return string|bool The field type or false.
    public static function guess_field_type(NodeElement $fieldnode, Session $session) {
            'document' => $document,
            'node' => $node,
        ] = self::get_dom_elements_for_node($fieldnode, $session);

        // If the type is explicitly set on the element pointed to by the label - use it.
        if ($fieldtype = $node->getAttribute('data-fieldtype')) {
            return self::normalise_fieldtype($fieldtype);

        // Textareas are considered text based elements.
        $tagname = strtolower($node->nodeName);
        if ($tagname == 'textarea') {
            $xpath = new \DOMXPath($document);

            // If there is an iframe with $id + _ifr there a TinyMCE editor loaded.
            if ($xpath->query('//div[@id="' . $node->getAttribute('id') . 'editable"]')->count() !== 0) {
                return 'editor';
            return 'textarea';


        if ($tagname == 'input') {
            switch ($node->getAttribute('type')) {
                case 'text':
                case 'password':
                case 'email':
                case 'file':
                    return 'text';
                case 'checkbox':
                    return 'checkbox';
                case 'radio':
                    return 'radio';
                    // Here we return false because all text-based
                    // fields should be included in the first switch case.
                    return false;


        if ($tagname == 'select') {
            // Select tag.
            return 'select';

        if ($tagname == 'span') {
            if ($node->hasAttribute('data-inplaceeditable') && $node->getAttribute('data-inplaceeditable')) {
                // Determine appropriate editable type of this field (text or select).
                if ($node->getAttribute('data-type') == 'select') {
                    return 'inplaceeditable_select';
                } else {
                    return 'inplaceeditable';

        if ($tagname == 'div') {
            if ($node->getAttribute('role') == 'combobox') {
                return 'select_menu';

        // We can not provide a closer field type.
        return false;

     * Detects when the field is a moodleform field type.
     * Note that there are fields inside moodleforms that are not
     * moodleform element; this method can not detect this, this will
     * be managed by get_field_node_type, after failing to find the form
     * element element type.
     * @param NodeElement $fieldnode
     * @return bool
    protected static function is_moodleform_field(NodeElement $fieldnode) {

        // We already waited when getting the NodeElement and we don't want an exception if it's not part of a moodleform.
        $parentformfound = $fieldnode->find('xpath',
            "/ancestor::form[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' mform ')]"

        return ($parentformfound != false);

     * Get the DOMDocument and DOMElement for a NodeElement.
     * @param NodeElement $fieldnode
     * @param Session $session
     * @return array
    protected static function get_dom_elements_for_node(NodeElement $fieldnode, Session $session): array {
        $html = $session->getPage()->getContent();

        $document = new \DOMDocument();

        $previousinternalerrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
        $document->loadHTML($html, LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD | LIBXML_BIGLINES);

        $xpath = new \DOMXPath($document);
        $node = $xpath->query($fieldnode->getXpath())->item(0);

        return [
            'document' => $document,
            'node' => $node,

     * Recursive method to find the field type.
     * Depending on the field the felement class node is in a level or in another. We
     * look recursively for a parent node with a 'felement' class to find the field type.
     * @param NodeElement $fieldnode The current node.
     * @param Session $session The behat browser session
     * @return null|string A text description of the node type, or null if one could not be accurately determined
    protected static function get_field_node_type(NodeElement $fieldnode, Session $session): ?string {
            'document' => $document,
            'node' => $node,
        ] = self::get_dom_elements_for_node($fieldnode, $session);

        return self::get_field_type($document, $node, $session);

     * Get the field type from the specified DOMElement.
     * @param \DOMDocument $document
     * @param \DOMElement $node
     * @param Session $session
     * @return null|string
    protected static function get_field_type(\DOMDocument $document, \DOMElement $node, Session $session): ?string {
        $xpath = new \DOMXPath($document);

        if ($node->getAttribute('name') === 'availabilityconditionsjson') {
            // Special handling for availability field which requires custom JavaScript.
            return 'availability';

        if ($node->nodeName == 'html') {
            // The top of the document has been reached.
            return null;

        // If the type is explictly set on the element pointed to by the label - use it.
        $fieldtype = $node->getAttribute('data-fieldtype');
        if ($fieldtype) {
            return self::normalise_fieldtype($fieldtype);

        if ($xpath->query('/ancestor::*[@data-passwordunmaskid]', $node)->count() !== 0) {
            // This element has a passwordunmaskid as a parent.
            return 'passwordunmask';

        // Fetch the parentnode only once.
        $parentnode = $node->parentNode;
        if ($parentnode instanceof \DOMDocument) {
            return null;

        // Check the parent fieldtype before we check classes.
        $fieldtype = $parentnode->getAttribute('data-fieldtype');
        if ($fieldtype) {
            return self::normalise_fieldtype($fieldtype);

        // We look for a parent node with 'felement' class.
        if ($class = $parentnode->getAttribute('class')) {
            if (strstr($class, 'felement') != false) {
                // Remove 'felement f' from class value.
                return substr($class, 10);

            // Stop propagation through the DOM, if it does not have a felement is not part of a moodle form.
            if (strstr($class, 'fcontainer') != false) {
                return null;

        // Move up the tree.
        return self::get_field_type($document, $parentnode, $session);

     * Normalise the field type.
     * @param string $fieldtype
     * @return string
    protected static function normalise_fieldtype(string $fieldtype): string {
        if ($fieldtype === 'tags') {
            return 'autocomplete';

        return $fieldtype;