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namespace Aws\ClientSideMonitoring;
use Aws\AbstractConfigurationProvider;
use Aws\CacheInterface;
use Aws\ClientSideMonitoring\Exception\ConfigurationException;
use Aws\ConfigurationProviderInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface;
* A configuration provider is a function that accepts no arguments and returns
* a promise that is fulfilled with a {@see \Aws\ClientSideMonitoring\ConfigurationInterface}
* or rejected with an {@see \Aws\ClientSideMonitoring\Exception\ConfigurationException}.
* <code>
* use Aws\ClientSideMonitoring\ConfigurationProvider;
* $provider = ConfigurationProvider::defaultProvider();
* // Returns a ConfigurationInterface or throws.
* $config = $provider()->wait();
* </code>
* Configuration providers can be composed to create configuration using
* conditional logic that can create different configurations in different
* environments. You can compose multiple providers into a single provider using
* {@see Aws\ClientSideMonitoring\ConfigurationProvider::chain}. This function
* accepts providers as variadic arguments and returns a new function that will
* invoke each provider until a successful configuration is returned.
* <code>
* // First try an INI file at this location.
* $a = ConfigurationProvider::ini(null, '/path/to/file.ini');
* // Then try an INI file at this location.
* $b = ConfigurationProvider::ini(null, '/path/to/other-file.ini');
* // Then try loading from environment variables.
* $c = ConfigurationProvider::env();
* // Combine the three providers together.
* $composed = ConfigurationProvider::chain($a, $b, $c);
* // Returns a promise that is fulfilled with a configuration or throws.
* $promise = $composed();
* // Wait on the configuration to resolve.
* $config = $promise->wait();
* </code>
class ConfigurationProvider extends AbstractConfigurationProvider
implements ConfigurationProviderInterface
const DEFAULT_ENABLED = false;
const DEFAULT_HOST = '';
const DEFAULT_PORT = 31000;
public static $cacheKey = 'aws_cached_csm_config';
protected static $interfaceClass = ConfigurationInterface::class;
protected static $exceptionClass = ConfigurationException::class;
* Create a default config provider that first checks for environment
* variables, then checks for a specified profile in the environment-defined
* config file location (env variable is 'AWS_CONFIG_FILE', file location
* defaults to ~/.aws/config), then checks for the "default" profile in the
* environment-defined config file location, and failing those uses a default
* fallback set of configuration options.
* This provider is automatically wrapped in a memoize function that caches
* previously provided config options.
* @param array $config
* @return callable
public static function defaultProvider(array $config = [])
$configProviders = [self::env()];
if (
|| $config['use_aws_shared_config_files'] != false
) {
$configProviders[] = self::ini();
$configProviders[] = self::fallback();
$memo = self::memoize(
call_user_func_array([ConfigurationProvider::class, 'chain'], $configProviders)
if (isset($config['csm']) && $config['csm'] instanceof CacheInterface) {
return self::cache($memo, $config['csm'], self::$cacheKey);
return $memo;
* Provider that creates CSM config from environment variables.
* @return callable
public static function env()
return function () {
// Use credentials from environment variables, if available
$enabled = getenv(self::ENV_ENABLED);
if ($enabled !== false) {
return Promise\Create::promiseFor(
new Configuration(
getenv(self::ENV_HOST) ?: self::DEFAULT_HOST,
getenv(self::ENV_PORT) ?: self::DEFAULT_PORT,
getenv(self:: ENV_CLIENT_ID) ?: self::DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID
return self::reject('Could not find environment variable CSM config'
. ' in ' . self::ENV_ENABLED. '/' . self::ENV_HOST . '/'
. self::ENV_PORT . '/' . self::ENV_CLIENT_ID);
* Fallback config options when other sources are not set.
* @return callable
public static function fallback()
return function() {
return Promise\Create::promiseFor(
new Configuration(
* Config provider that creates config using a config file whose location
* is specified by an environment variable 'AWS_CONFIG_FILE', defaulting to
* ~/.aws/config if not specified
* @param string|null $profile Profile to use. If not specified will use
* the "default" profile.
* @param string|null $filename If provided, uses a custom filename rather
* than looking in the default directory.
* @return callable
public static function ini($profile = null, $filename = null)
$filename = $filename ?: (self::getDefaultConfigFilename());
$profile = $profile ?: (getenv(self::ENV_PROFILE) ?: 'aws_csm');
return function () use ($profile, $filename) {
if (!@is_readable($filename)) {
return self::reject("Cannot read CSM config from $filename");
$data = \Aws\parse_ini_file($filename, true);
if ($data === false) {
return self::reject("Invalid config file: $filename");
if (!isset($data[$profile])) {
return self::reject("'$profile' not found in config file");
if (!isset($data[$profile]['csm_enabled'])) {
return self::reject("Required CSM config values not present in
INI profile '{$profile}' ({$filename})");
// host is optional
if (empty($data[$profile]['csm_host'])) {
$data[$profile]['csm_host'] = self::DEFAULT_HOST;
// port is optional
if (empty($data[$profile]['csm_port'])) {
$data[$profile]['csm_port'] = self::DEFAULT_PORT;
// client_id is optional
if (empty($data[$profile]['csm_client_id'])) {
$data[$profile]['csm_client_id'] = self::DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID;
return Promise\Create::promiseFor(
new Configuration(
* Unwraps a configuration object in whatever valid form it is in,
* always returning a ConfigurationInterface object.
* @param mixed $config
* @return ConfigurationInterface
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public static function unwrap($config)
if (is_callable($config)) {
$config = $config();
if ($config instanceof PromiseInterface) {
$config = $config->wait();
if ($config instanceof ConfigurationInterface) {
return $config;
} elseif (is_array($config) && isset($config['enabled'])) {
$client_id = isset($config['client_id']) ? $config['client_id']
$host = isset($config['host']) ? $config['host']
$port = isset($config['port']) ? $config['port']
return new Configuration($config['enabled'], $host, $port, $client_id);
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Not a valid CSM configuration '
. 'argument.');