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* Strings for component 'antivirus_clamav', language 'en'.
* @package antivirus_clamav
* @copyright 2015 Ruslan Kabalin, Lancaster University.
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['antivirusfailed'] = 'There is a problem with AntiVirus scanning at the moment. Your file {$a->item} has not been uploaded. Please try again later.';
$string['configclamactlikevirus'] = 'Treat files like viruses';
$string['configclamdonothing'] = 'Treat files as OK';
$string['configclamfailureonupload'] = 'If \'Treat files as OK\' is selected, files will be moved to the destination directory. If \'Refuse upload, try again\' is selected, the user will be prompted to try again later. If \'Treat files like viruses\' is selected, files will be moved into the quarantine area, or deleted. Warning: With this option, if for some reason clam fails to run (usually because of an invalid pathtoclam), then ALL uploaded files will be moved to the given quarantine area, or deleted.';
$string['configclamtryagain'] = 'Refuse upload, try again';
$string['clamfailed'] = 'ClamAV has failed to run. The return error message was "{$a}". Here is the output from ClamAV:';
$string['clamfailureonupload'] = 'On ClamAV failure';
$string['errorcantopensocket'] = 'Connecting to Unix domain socket resulted in error {$a}';
$string['errorclamavnoresponse'] = 'ClamAV does not respond; check daemon running state.';
$string['errornounixsocketssupported'] = 'Unix domain socket transport is not supported on this system. Please use the command line option instead.';
$string['invalidpathtoclam'] = 'Path to ClamAV, {$a}, is invalid.';
$string['pathtoclam'] = 'Command line';
$string['pathtoclamdesc'] = 'If the running method is set to "command line", enter the path to ClamAV here. On Linux this will be /usr/bin/clamscan or /usr/bin/clamdscan.';
$string['pathtounixsocket'] = 'Unix domain socket';
$string['pathtounixsocketdesc'] = 'If the running method is set to "Unix domain socket", enter the path to ClamAV Unix socket here. On Debian Linux this will be /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl. Please make sure that clamav daemon has read access to uploaded files, the easiest way to ensure that is to add \'clamav\' user to your webserver group (\'www-data\' on Debian Linux).';
$string['pluginname'] = 'ClamAV antivirus';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The ClamAV antivirus plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['quarantinedir'] = 'Quarantine directory';
$string['runningmethod'] = 'Running method';
$string['runningmethoddesc'] = 'Method of running ClamAV. Command line is used by default, however on Unix systems better performance can be obtained by using system sockets.';
$string['runningmethodcommandline'] = 'Command line';
$string['runningmethodunixsocket'] = 'Unix domain socket';
$string['runningmethodtcpsocket'] = 'TCP socket';
$string['tcpsockethost'] = 'TCP socket hostname';
$string['tcpsockethostdesc'] = 'Domain name of the ClamAV server';
$string['tcpsocketport'] = 'TCP socket port';
$string['tcpsocketportdesc'] = 'The port to use when connecting to ClamAV';
$string['unknownerror'] = 'There was an unknown error with ClamAV.';
$string['tries'] = 'Scanning attempts';
$string['tries_desc'] = 'Number of attempts made by ClamAV if there is an error during the scanning process.';
$string['tries_notice'] = 'Clamav scanning has tried {$a->tries} time(s).