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 * ADOdb base PDO driver
 * This file is part of ADOdb, a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP.
 * @package ADOdb
 * @link Project's web site and documentation
 * @link Source code and issue tracker
 * The ADOdb Library is dual-licensed, released under both the BSD 3-Clause
 * and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) v2.1 or, at your option,
 * any later version. This means you can use it in proprietary products.
 * See the file distributed with this source code for details.
 * @license BSD-3-Clause
 * @license LGPL-2.1-or-later
 * @copyright 2000-2013 John Lim
 * @copyright 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community

// security - hide paths
if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die();

enum pdo_param_type {

/* int as in long (the php native int type).
 * If you mark a column as an int, PDO expects get_col to return
 * a pointer to a long

/* get_col ptr should point to start of the string buffer

/* get_col: when len is 0 ptr should point to a php_stream *,
 * otherwise it should behave like a string. Indicate a NULL field
 * value by setting the ptr to NULL

/* get_col: will expect the ptr to point to a new PDOStatement object handle,
 * but this isn't wired up yet
PDO::PARAM_STMT, 4 /* hierarchical result set

/* get_col ptr should point to a zend_bool

/* magic flag to denote a parameter as being input/output

function adodb_pdo_type($t)
        switch($t) {
        case 2: return 'VARCHAR';
        case 3: return 'BLOB';
        default: return 'NUMERIC';


class ADODB_pdo extends ADOConnection {
        var $databaseType = "pdo";
        var $dataProvider = "pdo";
        var $fmtDate = "'Y-m-d'";
        var $fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d, h:i:sA'";
        var $replaceQuote = "''"; // string to use to replace quotes
        var $hasAffectedRows = true;
        var $_bindInputArray = true;
        var $_genIDSQL;
        var $_genSeqSQL = "create table %s (id integer)";
        var $_dropSeqSQL;
        var $_autocommit = true;
        var $_lastAffectedRows = 0;

        var $_errormsg = false;
        var $_errorno = false;

        var $_stmt = false;

        /** @var ADODB_pdo_base */
        var $_driver;

        /** @var PDO */
        var $_connectionID;

        /** @var PDOStatement */
        var $_queryID;

        * Describe parameters passed directly to the PDO driver
        * @example $db->pdoOptions = [\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION];
        public $pdoParameters = array();

        function _UpdatePDO()
                $d = $this->_driver;
                $this->fmtDate = $d->fmtDate;
                $this->fmtTimeStamp = $d->fmtTimeStamp;
                $this->replaceQuote = $d->replaceQuote;
                $this->sysDate = $d->sysDate;
                $this->sysTimeStamp = $d->sysTimeStamp;
                $this->random = $d->random;
                $this->concat_operator = $d->concat_operator;
                $this->nameQuote = $d->nameQuote;
                $this->arrayClass = $d->arrayClass;

                $this->hasGenID = $d->hasGenID;
                $this->_genIDSQL = $d->_genIDSQL;
                $this->_genSeqSQL = $d->_genSeqSQL;
                $this->_dropSeqSQL = $d->_dropSeqSQL;


        function Time()
                if (!empty($this->_driver->_hasdual)) {
                        $sql = "select $this->sysTimeStamp from dual";
                else {
                        $sql = "select $this->sysTimeStamp";

                $rs = $this->_Execute($sql);
                if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
                        return $this->UnixTimeStamp(reset($rs->fields));

                return false;

        // returns true or false
        function _connect($argDSN, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename, $persist=false)
                $at = strpos($argDSN,':');
                $this->dsnType = substr($argDSN,0,$at);

                if ($argDatabasename) {
                                case 'sqlsrv':
                                        $argDSN .= ';database='.$argDatabasename;
                                case 'mssql':
                                case 'mysql':
                                case 'oci':
                                case 'pgsql':
                                case 'sqlite':
                                case 'firebird':
                                        $argDSN .= ';dbname='.$argDatabasename;
                * Configure for persistent connection if required,
                * by adding the the pdo parameter into any provided
                * ones
                if ($persist) {
                        $this->pdoParameters[\PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT] = true;

                try {
                        $this->_connectionID = new \PDO($argDSN, $argUsername, $argPassword, $this->pdoParameters);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                        $this->_connectionID = false;
                        $this->_errorno = -1;
                        $this->_errormsg = 'Connection attempt failed: '.$e->getMessage();
                        return false;

                if ($this->_connectionID) {
                                case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_LOWER:
                                        $m = PDO::CASE_LOWER;
                                case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_UPPER:
                                        $m = PDO::CASE_UPPER;
                                case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_NATIVE:
                                        $m = PDO::CASE_NATURAL;

                        //$this->_connectionID->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE,PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT );

                        // Now merge in any provided attributes for PDO
                        foreach ($this->connectionParameters as $options) {
                                foreach($options as $k=>$v) {
                                        if ($this->debug) {
                                                ADOconnection::outp('Setting attribute: ' . $k . ' to ' . $v);

                        $class = 'ADODB_pdo_'.$this->dsnType;
                        switch($this->dsnType) {
                                case 'mssql':
                                case 'mysql':
                                case 'oci':
                                case 'pgsql':
                                case 'sqlite':
                                case 'sqlsrv':
                                case 'firebird':
                                case 'dblib':
                        if (class_exists($class)) {
                                $this->_driver = new $class();
                        else {
                                $this->_driver = new ADODB_pdo_base();

                        $this->_driver->_connectionID = $this->_connectionID;
                        $this->_driver->database = $this->database;
                        return true;
                $this->_driver = new ADODB_pdo_base();
                return false;

        function Concat()
                $args = func_get_args();
                if($this->_driver instanceof ADODB_pdo && method_exists($this->_driver, 'Concat')) {
                        return call_user_func_array(array($this->_driver, 'Concat'), $args);

                return call_user_func_array(parent::class . '::Concat', $args);

         * Triggers a driver-specific request for a bind parameter
         * @param string $name
         * @param string $type
         * @return string
        public function param($name,$type='C') {

                $args = func_get_args();
                if($this->_driver instanceof ADODB_pdo && method_exists($this->_driver, 'param')) {
                        // Return the driver specific entry, that mimics the native driver
                        return call_user_func_array(array($this->_driver, 'param'), $args);

                // No driver specific method defined, use mysql format '?'
                return call_user_func_array(parent::class . '::param', $args);

        // returns true or false
        function _pconnect($argDSN, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)
                return $this->_connect($argDSN, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename, true);


        function SelectLimit($sql,$nrows=-1,$offset=-1,$inputarr=false,$secs2cache=0)
                $save = $this->_driver->fetchMode;
                $this->_driver->fetchMode = $this->fetchMode;
                $this->_driver->debug = $this->debug;
                $ret = $this->_driver->SelectLimit($sql,$nrows,$offset,$inputarr,$secs2cache);
                $this->_driver->fetchMode = $save;
                return $ret;

        function ServerInfo()
                return $this->_driver->ServerInfo();

        function MetaTables($ttype=false,$showSchema=false,$mask=false)
                return $this->_driver->MetaTables($ttype,$showSchema,$mask);

        function MetaColumns($table,$normalize=true)
                return $this->_driver->MetaColumns($table,$normalize);

        public function metaIndexes($table,$normalize=true,$owner=false)
                if (method_exists($this->_driver,'metaIndexes'))
                        return $this->_driver->metaIndexes($table,$normalize,$owner);

         * Return a list of Primary Keys for a specified table.
         * @param string   $table
         * @param bool     $owner      (optional) not used in this driver
         * @return string[]    Array of indexes
        public function metaPrimaryKeys($table,$owner=false)
                if (method_exists($this->_driver,'metaPrimaryKeys'))
                        return $this->_driver->metaPrimaryKeys($table,$owner);

         * Returns a list of Foreign Keys associated with a specific table.
         * @param string   $table
         * @param string   $owner      (optional) not used in this driver
         * @param bool     $upper
         * @param bool     $associative
         * @return string[]|false An array where keys are tables, and values are foreign keys;
         *                        false if no foreign keys could be found.
        public function metaForeignKeys($table, $owner = '', $upper = false, $associative = false) {
                if (method_exists($this->_driver,'metaForeignKeys'))
                        return $this->_driver->metaForeignKeys($table, $owner, $upper, $associative);

         * List procedures or functions in an array.
         * @param $procedureNamePattern A procedure name pattern; must match the procedure name as it is stored in the database.
         * @param $catalog              A catalog name; must match the catalog name as it is stored in the database.
         * @param $schemaPattern        A schema name pattern.
         * @return false|array false if not supported, or array of procedures on current database with structure below
         *         Array(
         *           [name_of_procedure] => Array(
         *             [type] => PROCEDURE or FUNCTION
         *             [catalog] => Catalog_name
         *             [schema] => Schema_name
         *             [remarks] => explanatory comment on the procedure
         *           )
         *         )
        public function metaProcedures($procedureNamePattern = null, $catalog  = null, $schemaPattern  = null) {
                if (method_exists($this->_driver,'metaProcedures'))
                        return $this->_driver->metaProcedures($procedureNamePattern,$catalog,$schemaPattern);
                return false;

        function InParameter(&$stmt,&$var,$name,$maxLen=4000,$type=false)
                $obj = $stmt[1];
                if ($type) {
                        $obj->bindParam($name, $var, $type, $maxLen);
                else {
                        $obj->bindParam($name, $var);

        function OffsetDate($dayFraction,$date=false)
                return $this->_driver->OffsetDate($dayFraction,$date);

        function SelectDB($dbName)
                return $this->_driver->SelectDB($dbName);

        function SQLDate($fmt, $col=false)
                return $this->_driver->SQLDate($fmt, $col);

        function ErrorMsg()
                if ($this->_errormsg !== false) {
                        return $this->_errormsg;
                if (!empty($this->_stmt)) {
                        $arr = $this->_stmt->errorInfo();
                else if (!empty($this->_connectionID)) {
                        $arr = $this->_connectionID->errorInfo();
                else {
                        return 'No Connection Established';

                if ($arr) {
                        if (sizeof($arr)<2) {
                                return '';
                        if ((integer)$arr[0]) {
                                return $arr[2];
                        else {
                                return '';
                else {
                        return '-1';

        function ErrorNo()
                if ($this->_errorno !== false) {
                        return $this->_errorno;
                if (!empty($this->_stmt)) {
                        $err = $this->_stmt->errorCode();
                else if (!empty($this->_connectionID)) {
                        $arr = $this->_connectionID->errorInfo();
                        if (isset($arr[0])) {
                                $err = $arr[0];
                        else {
                                $err = -1;
                } else {
                        return 0;

                if ($err == '00000') {
                        return 0; // allows empty check
                return $err;

         * @param bool $auto_commit
         * @return void
        function SetAutoCommit($auto_commit)
                if($this->_driver instanceof ADODB_pdo && method_exists($this->_driver, 'SetAutoCommit')) {

        function SetTransactionMode($transaction_mode)
                if($this->_driver instanceof ADODB_pdo && method_exists($this->_driver, 'SetTransactionMode')) {
                        return $this->_driver->SetTransactionMode($transaction_mode);

                return parent::SetTransactionMode($transaction_mode);

        function beginTrans()
                if($this->_driver instanceof ADODB_pdo && method_exists($this->_driver, 'beginTrans')) {
                        return $this->_driver->beginTrans();

                if (!$this->hasTransactions) {
                        return false;
                if ($this->transOff) {
                        return true;
                $this->transCnt += 1;
                $this->_autocommit = false;

                return $this->_connectionID->beginTransaction();

        function commitTrans($ok=true)

                if($this->_driver instanceof ADODB_pdo && method_exists($this->_driver, 'commitTrans')) {
                        return $this->_driver->commitTrans($ok);

                if (!$this->hasTransactions) {
                        return false;
                if ($this->transOff) {
                        return true;
                if (!$ok) {
                        return $this->rollbackTrans();
                if ($this->transCnt) {
                        $this->transCnt -= 1;
                $this->_autocommit = true;

                $ret = $this->_connectionID->commit();
                return $ret;

        function RollbackTrans()
                if($this->_driver instanceof ADODB_pdo && method_exists($this->_driver, 'RollbackTrans')) {
                        return $this->_driver->RollbackTrans();

                if (!$this->hasTransactions) {
                        return false;
                if ($this->transOff) {
                        return true;
                if ($this->transCnt) {
                        $this->transCnt -= 1;
                $this->_autocommit = true;

                $ret = $this->_connectionID->rollback();
                return $ret;

        function Prepare($sql)
                $this->_stmt = $this->_connectionID->prepare($sql);
                if ($this->_stmt) {
                        return array($sql,$this->_stmt);

                return false;

        function PrepareStmt($sql)
                $stmt = $this->_connectionID->prepare($sql);
                if (!$stmt) {
                        return false;
                $obj = new ADOPDOStatement($stmt,$this);
                return $obj;

        public function createSequence($seqname='adodbseq',$startID=1)
                if($this->_driver instanceof ADODB_pdo && method_exists($this->_driver, 'createSequence')) {
                        return $this->_driver->createSequence($seqname, $startID);

                return parent::CreateSequence($seqname, $startID);

        function DropSequence($seqname='adodbseq')
                if($this->_driver instanceof ADODB_pdo && method_exists($this->_driver, 'DropSequence')) {
                        return $this->_driver->DropSequence($seqname);

                return parent::DropSequence($seqname);

        function GenID($seqname='adodbseq',$startID=1)
                if($this->_driver instanceof ADODB_pdo && method_exists($this->_driver, 'GenID')) {
                        return $this->_driver->GenID($seqname, $startID);

                return parent::GenID($seqname, $startID);

        function _query($sql,$inputarr=false)
                $ok = false;
                if (is_array($sql)) {
                        $stmt = $sql[1];
                } else {
                        $stmt = $this->_connectionID->prepare($sql);

                if ($stmt) {
                        if ($this->_driver instanceof ADODB_pdo) {
                                $this->_driver->debug = $this->debug;
                        if ($inputarr) {

                                * inputarr must be numeric
                                $inputarr = array_values($inputarr);
                                $ok = $stmt->execute($inputarr);
                        else {
                                $ok = $stmt->execute();

                $this->_errormsg = false;
                $this->_errorno = false;

                if ($ok) {
                        $this->_stmt = $stmt;
                        return $stmt;

                if ($stmt) {

                        $arr = $stmt->errorinfo();
                        if ((integer)$arr[1]) {
                                $this->_errormsg = $arr[2];
                                $this->_errorno = $arr[1];

                } else {
                        $this->_errormsg = false;
                        $this->_errorno = false;
                return false;

        // returns true or false
        function _close()
                $this->_stmt = false;
                return true;

        function _affectedrows()
                return ($this->_stmt) ? $this->_stmt->rowCount() : 0;

        protected function _insertID($table = '', $column = '')
                return ($this->_connectionID) ? $this->_connectionID->lastInsertId() : 0;

         * Quotes a string to be sent to the database.
         * If we have an active connection, delegates quoting to the underlying
         * PDO object PDO::quote(). Otherwise, replace "'" by the value of
         * $replaceQuote (same behavior as mysqli driver).
         * @param string  $s           The string to quote
         * @param bool   $magic_quotes This param is not used since 5.21.0.
         *                             It remains for backwards compatibility.
         * @return string Quoted string
        function qStr($s, $magic_quotes = false)
                if ($this->_connectionID) {
                        return $this->_connectionID->quote($s);
                return "'" . str_replace("'", $this->replaceQuote, $s) . "'";


 * Base class for Database-specific PDO drivers.
class ADODB_pdo_base extends ADODB_pdo {

        var $sysDate = "'?'";
        var $sysTimeStamp = "'?'";

        function _init($parentDriver)
                $parentDriver->_bindInputArray = true;

        function ServerInfo()
                return ADOConnection::ServerInfo();

        function SelectLimit($sql,$nrows=-1,$offset=-1,$inputarr=false,$secs2cache=0)
                $ret = ADOConnection::SelectLimit($sql,$nrows,$offset,$inputarr,$secs2cache);
                return $ret;

        function MetaTables($ttype=false,$showSchema=false,$mask=false)
                return false;

        function MetaColumns($table,$normalize=true)
                return false;

class ADOPDOStatement {

        var $databaseType = "pdo";
        var $dataProvider = "pdo";
        var $_stmt;
        var $_connectionID;

        function __construct($stmt,$connection)
                $this->_stmt = $stmt;
                $this->_connectionID = $connection;

        function Execute($inputArr=false)
                $savestmt = $this->_connectionID->_stmt;
                $rs = $this->_connectionID->Execute(array(false,$this->_stmt),$inputArr);
                $this->_connectionID->_stmt = $savestmt;
                return $rs;

        function InParameter(&$var,$name,$maxLen=4000,$type=false)

                if ($type) {
                else {
                        $this->_stmt->bindParam($name, $var);

        function Affected_Rows()
                return ($this->_stmt) ? $this->_stmt->rowCount() : 0;

        function ErrorMsg()
                if ($this->_stmt) {
                        $arr = $this->_stmt->errorInfo();
                else {
                        $arr = $this->_connectionID->errorInfo();

                if (is_array($arr)) {
                        if ((integer) $arr[0] && isset($arr[2])) {
                                return $arr[2];
                        else {
                                return '';
                } else {
                        return '-1';

        function NumCols()
                return ($this->_stmt) ? $this->_stmt->columnCount() : 0;

        function ErrorNo()
                if ($this->_stmt) {
                        return $this->_stmt->errorCode();
                else {
                        return $this->_connectionID->errorInfo();

        Class Name: Recordset

class ADORecordSet_pdo extends ADORecordSet {

        var $bind = false;
        var $databaseType = "pdo";
        var $dataProvider = "pdo";

        /** @var PDOStatement */
        var $_queryID;

        function __construct($id,$mode=false)
                if ($mode === false) {
                        global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
                        $mode = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
                $this->adodbFetchMode = $mode;
                switch($mode) {
                case ADODB_FETCH_NUM: $mode = PDO::FETCH_NUM; break;
                case ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC:  $mode = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC; break;

                case ADODB_FETCH_BOTH:
                default: $mode = PDO::FETCH_BOTH; break;
                $this->fetchMode = $mode;

                $this->_queryID = $id;

        function Init()
                if ($this->_inited) {
                $this->_inited = true;
                if ($this->_queryID) {
                else {
                        $this->_numOfRows = 0;
                        $this->_numOfFields = 0;
                if ($this->_numOfRows != 0 && $this->_currentRow == -1) {
                        $this->_currentRow = 0;
                        if ($this->EOF = ($this->_fetch() === false)) {
                                $this->_numOfRows = 0; // _numOfRows could be -1
                } else {
                        $this->EOF = true;

        function _initrs()
        global $ADODB_COUNTRECS;

                $this->_numOfRows = ($ADODB_COUNTRECS) ? @$this->_queryID->rowCount() : -1;
                if (!$this->_numOfRows) {
                        $this->_numOfRows = -1;
                $this->_numOfFields = $this->_queryID->columnCount();

        // returns the field object
        function FetchField($fieldOffset = -1)
                $off=$fieldOffset+1; // offsets begin at 1

                $o= new ADOFieldObject();
                $arr = @$this->_queryID->getColumnMeta($fieldOffset);
                if (!$arr) {
                        $o->name = 'bad getColumnMeta()';
                        $o->max_length = -1;
                        $o->type = 'VARCHAR';
                        $o->precision = 0;
        #               $false = false;
                        return $o;
                $o->name = $arr['name'];
                if (isset($arr['sqlsrv:decl_type']) && $arr['sqlsrv:decl_type'] <> "null")
                    * If the database is SQL server, use the native built-ins
                    $o->type = $arr['sqlsrv:decl_type'];
                elseif (isset($arr['native_type']) && $arr['native_type'] <> "null")
                    $o->type = $arr['native_type'];
                     $o->type = adodb_pdo_type($arr['pdo_type']);

                $o->max_length = $arr['len'];
                $o->precision = $arr['precision'];

                switch(ADODB_ASSOC_CASE) {
                        case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_LOWER:
                                $o->name = strtolower($o->name);
                        case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_UPPER:
                                $o->name = strtoupper($o->name);
                return $o;

        function _seek($row)
                return false;

        function _fetch()
                if (!$this->_queryID) {
                        return false;

                $this->fields = $this->_queryID->fetch($this->fetchMode);
                return !empty($this->fields);

        function _close()
                $this->_queryID = false;

        function Fields($colname)
                if ($this->adodbFetchMode != ADODB_FETCH_NUM) {
                        return @$this->fields[$colname];

                if (!$this->bind) {
                        $this->bind = array();
                        for ($i=0; $i < $this->_numOfFields; $i++) {
                                $o = $this->FetchField($i);
                                $this->bind[strtoupper($o->name)] = $i;
                return $this->fields[$this->bind[strtoupper($colname)]];


class ADORecordSet_array_pdo extends ADORecordSet_array {
        /** @var PDOStatement */
        var $_queryID;