Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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 * IBM DB2 Native Client driver.
 * Originally DB2 drivers were dependent on an ODBC driver, and some installations
 * may still use that. To use an ODBC driver connection, use the odbc_db2
 * ADOdb driver. For Linux, you need the 'ibm_db2' PECL extension for PHP,
 * For Windows, you need to locate an appropriate version of the php_ibm_db2.dll,
 * as well as the IBM data server client software.
 * This is basically a full rewrite of the original driver, for information
 * about all the changes, see the update information on the ADOdb website
 * for version 5.21.0.
 * @link PECL Extension For DB2
 * This file is part of ADOdb, a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP.
 * @package ADOdb
 * @link Project's web site and documentation
 * @link Source code and issue tracker
 * The ADOdb Library is dual-licensed, released under both the BSD 3-Clause
 * and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) v2.1 or, at your option,
 * any later version. This means you can use it in proprietary products.
 * See the file distributed with this source code for details.
 * @license BSD-3-Clause
 * @license LGPL-2.1-or-later
 * @copyright 2000-2013 John Lim
 * @copyright 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
 * @author Mark Newnham

// security - hide paths
if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die();

define("_ADODB_DB2_LAYER", 2 );

class ADODB_db2 extends ADOConnection {
        var $databaseType = "db2";
        var $fmtDate = "'Y-m-d'";
        var $concat_operator = '||';

        var $sysTime = 'CURRENT TIME';
        var $sysDate = 'CURRENT DATE';
        var $sysTimeStamp = 'CURRENT TIMESTAMP';

        var $fmtTimeStamp = "'Y-m-d H:i:s'";
        var $replaceQuote = "''"; // string to use to replace quotes
        var $dataProvider = "db2";
        var $hasAffectedRows = true;

        var $binmode = DB2_BINARY;

        * setting this to true will make array elements in FETCH_ASSOC
        * mode case-sensitive breaking backward-compat
        var $useFetchArray = false;
        var $_bindInputArray = true;
        var $_genIDSQL = "VALUES NEXTVAL FOR %s";
        var $_genSeqSQL = "
        var $_dropSeqSQL = "DROP SEQUENCE %s";
        var $_autocommit = true;
        var $_lastAffectedRows = 0;
        var $hasInsertID = true;
        var $hasGenID    = true;

         * Character used to wrap column and table names for escaping special
         * characters in column and table names as well as forcing upper and
         * lower case
        public $nameQuote = '"';

         * Holds information about the stored procedure request
         * currently being built
        private $storedProcedureParameters = false;

        function __construct() {}

        protected function _insertID($table = '', $column = '')
                return ADOConnection::GetOne('VALUES IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()');

        public function _connect($argDSN, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)
                return $this->doDB2Connect($argDSN, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename);

        public function _pconnect($argDSN, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)
                return $this->doDB2Connect($argDSN, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename,true);

        private function doDB2Connect($argDSN, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename, $persistent=false)

                if (!function_exists('db2_connect')) {
                        ADOConnection::outp("DB2 extension not installed.");
                        return null;

                $connectionParameters = $this->unpackParameters($argDSN,

                if ($connectionParameters == null)
                         * Error thrown
                        return null;

                $argDSN                          = $connectionParameters['dsn'];
                $argUsername             = $connectionParameters['uid'];
                $argPassword             = $connectionParameters['pwd'];
                $argDatabasename         = $connectionParameters['database'];
                $useCataloguedConnection = $connectionParameters['catalogue'];

                if ($this->debug){
                        if ($useCataloguedConnection){
                                $connectMessage = "Catalogued connection using parameters: ";
                                $connectMessage .= "DB=$argDatabasename / ";
                                $connectMessage .= "UID=$argUsername / ";
                                $connectMessage .= "PWD=$argPassword";
                                $connectMessage = "Uncatalogued connection using DSN: $argDSN";
                 * This needs to be set before the connect().
                ini_set('ibm_db2.binmode', $this->binmode);

                if ($persistent)
                        $db2Function = 'db2_pconnect';
                        $db2Function = 'db2_connect';

                * We need to flatten out the connectionParameters

                $db2Options = array();
                if ($this->connectionParameters)
                        foreach($this->connectionParameters as $p)
                                foreach($p as $k=>$v)
                                        $db2Options[$k] = $v;

                if ($useCataloguedConnection)
                        $this->_connectionID = $db2Function($argDatabasename,
                        $this->_connectionID = $db2Function($argDSN,

                $this->_errorMsg = @db2_conn_errormsg();

                if ($this->_connectionID && $this->connectStmt)

                return $this->_connectionID != false;


         * Validates and preprocesses the passed parameters for consistency
         * @param       string  $argDSN                         Either DSN or database
         * @param       string  $argUsername            User name or null
         * @param       string  $argPassword            Password or null
         * @param       string  $argDatabasename        Either DSN or database
         * @return mixed  array if correct, null if not
        private function unpackParameters($argDSN, $argUsername, $argPassword, $argDatabasename)

                $connectionParameters = array('dsn'=>'',

                 * Uou can either connect to a catalogued connection
                 * with a database name e.g. 'SAMPLE'
                 * or an uncatalogued connection with a DSN like connection
                 * DATABASE=database;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=password;

                if (!$argDSN && !$argDatabasename)
                        $errorMessage = 'Supply either catalogued or uncatalogued connection parameters';
                        $this->_errorMsg = $errorMessage;
                        if ($this->debug)
                        return null;

                $useCataloguedConnection = true;
                $schemaName                      = '';

                if ($argDSN && $argDatabasename)
                         * If a catalogued connection if provided,
                         * as well as user and password
                         * that will take priority
                        if ($argUsername && $argPassword && !$this->isDsn($argDatabasename))
                                if ($this->debug){
                                        $errorMessage = 'Warning: Because you provided user,';
                                        $errorMessage.= 'password and database, DSN connection ';
                                        $errorMessage.= 'parameters were discarded';

                                $argDSN = '';
                        else if ($this->isDsn($argDSN) && $this->isDsn($argDatabasename))
                                $errorMessage = 'Supply uncatalogued connection parameters ';
                                $errorMessage.= 'in either the database or DSN arguments, ';
                                $errorMessage.= 'but not both';

                                if ($this->debug)
                                return null;

                if (!$this->isDsn($argDSN) && $this->isDsn($argDatabasename))
                         * Switch them around for next test
                        $temp           = $argDSN;
                        $argDsn         = $argDatabasename;
                        $argDatabasenME = $temp;

                if ($this->isDsn($argDSN))

                        if (!preg_match('/uid=/i',$argDSN)
                        ||  !preg_match('/pwd=/i',$argDSN))
                                $errorMessage = 'For uncatalogued connections, provide ';
                                $errorMessage.= 'both UID and PWD in the connection string';

                                if ($this->debug)
                                return null;

                        if (preg_match('/database=/i',$argDSN))
                                if ($argDatabasename)
                                        $argDatabasename = '';
                                        if ($this->debug)
                                                $errorMessage = 'Warning: Because you provided ';
                                                $errorMessage.= 'database information in the DSN ';
                                                $errorMessage.= 'parameters, the supplied database ';
                                                $errorMessage.= 'name was discarded';
                                $useCataloguedConnection = false;

                        elseif ($argDatabasename)
                                $this->database = $argDatabasename;
                                $argDSN .= ';database=' . $argDatabasename;
                                $argDatabasename = '';
                                $useCataloguedConnection = false;

                                $errorMessage = 'Uncatalogued connection parameters ';
                                $errorMessage.= 'must contain a database= argument';

                                if ($this->debug)
                                return null;

                if ($argDSN && !$argDatabasename && $useCataloguedConnection)
                        $argDatabasename = $argDSN;
                        $argDSN          = '';

                if ($useCataloguedConnection
                && (!$argDatabasename
                || !$argUsername
                || !$argPassword))

                        $errorMessage = 'For catalogued connections, provide ';
                        $errorMessage.= 'database, username and password';
                        $this->_errorMsg = $errorMessage;
                        if ($this->debug)
                        return null;


                if ($argDatabasename)
                        $this->database = $argDatabasename;
                elseif (!$this->database)
                        $this->database = $this->getDatabasenameFromDsn($argDSN);

                $connectionParameters = array('dsn'=>$argDSN,

                return $connectionParameters;


          * Does the provided string look like a DSN
          * @param      string  $dsnString
          * @return bool
        private function isDsn($dsnString){
                $dsnArray = preg_split('/[;=]+/',$dsnString);
                if (count($dsnArray) > 2)
                        return true;
                return false;

          * Gets the database name from the DSN
          * @param      string  $dsnString
          * @return string
        private function getDatabasenameFromDsn($dsnString){

                $dsnArray = preg_split('/[;=]+/',$dsnString);
                $dbIndex  = array_search('database',$dsnArray);

                return $dsnArray[$dbIndex + 1];

        * format and return date string in database timestamp format
        * @param        mixed   $ts             either a string or a unixtime
        * @param        bool    $isField        discarded
        * @return string
        function dbTimeStamp($ts,$isField=false)
                if (empty($ts) && $ts !== 0) return 'null';
                if (is_string($ts)) $ts = ADORecordSet::unixTimeStamp($ts);
                return 'TO_DATE('.adodb_date($this->fmtTimeStamp,$ts).",'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')";

        * Format date column in sql string given an input format that understands Y M D
        * @param        string  $fmt
        * @param        bool    $col
        * @return string
        function sqlDate($fmt, $col=false)
                if (!$col) $col = $this->sysDate;

                /* use TO_CHAR() if $fmt is TO_CHAR() allowed fmt */
                if ($fmt== 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
                        return 'TO_CHAR('.$col.", 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')";

                $s = '';

                $len = strlen($fmt);
                for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++) {
                        if ($s) $s .= $this->concat_operator;
                        $ch = $fmt[$i];
                        switch($ch) {
                        case 'Y':
                        case 'y':
                                if ($len==1) return "year($col)";
                                $s .= "char(year($col))";
                        case 'M':
                                if ($len==1) return "monthname($col)";
                                $s .= "substr(monthname($col),1,3)";
                        case 'm':
                                if ($len==1) return "month($col)";
                                $s .= "right(digits(month($col)),2)";
                        case 'D':
                        case 'd':
                                if ($len==1) return "day($col)";
                                $s .= "right(digits(day($col)),2)";
                        case 'H':
                        case 'h':
                                if ($len==1) return "hour($col)";
                                if ($col != $this->sysDate) $s .= "right(digits(hour($col)),2)";
                                else $s .= "''";
                        case 'i':
                        case 'I':
                                if ($len==1) return "minute($col)";
                                if ($col != $this->sysDate)
                                        $s .= "right(digits(minute($col)),2)";
                                        else $s .= "''";
                        case 'S':
                        case 's':
                                if ($len==1) return "second($col)";
                                if ($col != $this->sysDate)
                                        $s .= "right(digits(second($col)),2)";
                                else $s .= "''";
                                if ($ch == '\\') {
                                        $ch = substr($fmt,$i,1);
                                $s .= $this->qstr($ch);
                return $s;

        function serverInfo()
                $sql = "SELECT service_level, fixpack_num
                                  FROM TABLE(sysproc.env_get_inst_info())
                                        AS INSTANCEINFO";
                $row = $this->GetRow($sql);

                if ($row) {
                        $info['version'] = $row[0].':'.$row[1];
                        $info['fixpack'] = $row[1];
                        $info['description'] = '';
                } else {
                        return ADOConnection::serverInfo();

                return $info;

        function createSequence($seqname='adodbseq',$start=1)
                if (empty($this->_genSeqSQL))
                        return false;

                $ok = $this->execute(sprintf($this->_genSeqSQL,$seqname,$start));
                if (!$ok)
                        return false;
                return true;

        function dropSequence($seqname='adodbseq')
                if (empty($this->_dropSeqSQL)) return false;
                return $this->execute(sprintf($this->_dropSeqSQL,$seqname));

        function selectLimit($sql,$nrows=-1,$offset=-1,$inputArr=false,$secs2cache=0)
                $nrows = (integer) $nrows;

                if ($offset <= 0)
                        if ($nrows >= 0)
                                $sql .=  " FETCH FIRST $nrows ROWS ONLY ";

                        $rs = $this->execute($sql,$inputArr);

                        if ($offset > 0 && $nrows < 0);

                                $nrows += $offset;
                                $sql .=  " FETCH FIRST $nrows ROWS ONLY ";

                         * DB2 has no native support for mid table offset
                        $rs = ADOConnection::selectLimit($sql,$nrows,$offset,$inputArr);


                return $rs;

        function errorMsg()
                if ($this->_errorMsg !== false)
                        return $this->_errorMsg;

                if (empty($this->_connectionID))
                        return @db2_conn_errormsg();

                return @db2_conn_errormsg($this->_connectionID);

        function errorNo()

                if ($this->_errorCode !== false)
                        return $this->_errorCode;

                if (empty($this->_connectionID))
                        $e = @db2_conn_error();

                        $e = @db2_conn_error($this->_connectionID);

                return $e;

        function beginTrans()
                if (!$this->hasTransactions)
                        return false;
                if ($this->transOff)
                        return true;

                $this->transCnt += 1;

                $this->_autocommit = false;

                return db2_autocommit($this->_connectionID,false);

        function CommitTrans($ok=true)
                if ($this->transOff)
                        return true;

                if (!$ok)
                        return $this->RollbackTrans();

                if ($this->transCnt)
                        $this->transCnt -= 1;

                $this->_autocommit = true;
                $ret = @db2_commit($this->_connectionID);
                return $ret;

        function RollbackTrans()
                if ($this->transOff) return true;
                if ($this->transCnt) $this->transCnt -= 1;
                $this->_autocommit = true;
                $ret = @db2_rollback($this->_connectionID);
                return $ret;

         * Return a list of Primary Keys for a specified table
         * We don't use db2_statistics as the function does not seem to play
         * well with mixed case table names
         * @param string   $table
         * @param bool     $primary    (optional) only return primary keys
         * @param bool     $owner      (optional) not used in this driver
         * @return string[]    Array of indexes
        public function metaPrimaryKeys($table,$owner=false)

                $primaryKeys = array();

                global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                $schema = '';

                $table = $this->getTableCasedValue($table);

                $savem                    = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                $sql = "SELECT *
                                  FROM syscat.indexes
                                 WHERE tabname='$table'";

                $rows = $this->getAll($sql);

                $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savem;

                if (empty($rows))
                        return false;

                foreach ($rows as $r)
                        if ($r[7] != 'P')

                        $cols = explode('+',$r[6]);
                        foreach ($cols as $colIndex=>$col)
                                if ($colIndex == 0)
                                $columnName = $this->getMetaCasedValue($col);
                                $primaryKeys[] = $columnName;
                return $primaryKeys;

         * Returns a list of Foreign Keys associated with a specific table.
         * @param string $table
         * @param string $owner       discarded
         * @param bool   $upper       discarded
         * @param bool   $associative discarded
         * @return string[]|false An array where keys are tables, and values are foreign keys;
         *                        false if no foreign keys could be found.
        public function metaForeignKeys($table, $owner = '', $upper = false, $associative = false)

                global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                $schema = '';

                $savem = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;


                $sql = "SELECT SUBSTR(tabname,1,20) table_name,
                                           SUBSTR(constname,1,20) fk_name,
                                           SUBSTR(REFTABNAME,1,12) parent_table,
                                           SUBSTR(refkeyname,1,20) pk_orig_table,
                                 FROM syscat.references
                                WHERE tabname = '$table'";

                $results = $this->getAll($sql);

                $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savem;

                if (empty($results))
                        return false;

                $foreignKeys = array();

                foreach ($results as $r)
                        $parentTable = trim($this->getMetaCasedValue($r[2]));
                        $keyName     = trim($this->getMetaCasedValue($r[1]));
                        $foreignKeys[$parentTable] = $keyName;

                return $foreignKeys;

         * Returns a list of tables
         * @param string        $ttype (optional)
         * @param       string  $schema (optional)
         * @param       string  $mask   (optional)
         * @return array
        public function metaTables($ttype=false,$schema=false,$mask=false)

                global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                $savem                    = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                * Values for TABLE_TYPE
                * ---------------------------
                * TYPED TABLE, TYPED VIEW, and VIEW
                * If $ttype passed as '', match 'TABLE' and 'VIEW'
                * If $ttype passed as 'T' it is assumed to be 'TABLE'
                * if $ttype passed as 'V' it is assumed to be 'VIEW'
                $ttype = strtoupper($ttype);
                if ($ttype) {
                         * @todo We could do valid type checking or array type
                         if ($ttype == 'V')
                                $ttype = 'VIEW';
                        if ($ttype == 'T')
                                $ttype = 'TABLE';

                if (!$schema)
                        $schema = '%';

                if (!$mask)
                        $mask = '%';

                $qid = @db2_tables($this->_connectionID,NULL,$schema,$mask,$ttype);

                $rs = new ADORecordSet_db2($qid);

                $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savem;

                if (!$rs)
                        return false;

                $arr = $rs->getArray();


                $tableList = array();

                * Array items
                * ---------------------------------
                * 0 TABLE_CAT   The catalog that contains the table.
                *                               The value is NULL if this table does not have catalogs.
                * 1 TABLE_SCHEM Name of the schema that contains the table.
                * 2 TABLE_NAME  Name of the table.
                * 3 TABLE_TYPE  Table type identifier for the table.
                * 4 REMARKS             Description of the table.

                for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($arr); $i++)

                        $tableRow = $arr[$i];
                        $tableName = $tableRow[2];
                        $tableType = $tableRow[3];

                        if (!$tableName)

                        if ($ttype == '' && (strcmp($tableType,'TABLE') <> 0 && strcmp($tableType,'VIEW') <> 0))

                         * Set metacasing if required
                        $tableName = $this->getMetaCasedValue($tableName);

                         * If we requested a schema, we prepend the schema
                           name to the table name
                        if (strcmp($schema,'%') <> 0)
                                $tableName = $schema . '.' . $tableName;

                        $tableList[] = $tableName;

                return $tableList;

          * Return a list of indexes for a specified table
          * We don't use db2_statistics as the function does not seem to play
          * well with mixed case table names
          * @param string   $table
          * @param bool     $primary    (optional) only return primary keys
          * @param bool     $owner      (optional) not used in this driver
          * @return string[]    Array of indexes
        public function metaIndexes($table, $primary = false, $owner = false) {

                global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                 /* Array(
                 *   [name_of_index] => Array(
                 *     [unique] => true or false
                 *     [columns] => Array(
                 *       [0] => firstcol
                 *       [1] => nextcol
                 *       [2] => etc........
                 *     )
                 *   )
                 * )
                $indices                = array();
                $primaryKeyName = '';

                $table = $this->getTableCasedValue($table);

                $savem                    = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                $sql = "SELECT *
                                  FROM syscat.indexes
                                 WHERE tabname='$table'";

                $rows = $this->getAll($sql);

                $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savem;

                if (empty($rows))
                        return false;

                foreach ($rows as $r)

                        $primaryIndex = $r[7] == 'P'?1:0;
                        if (!$primary)
                                 * Primary key not requested, ignore that one
                                if ($r[7] == 'P')

                        $indexName = $this->getMetaCasedValue($r[1]);
                        if (!isset($indices[$indexName]))
                                $unique = ($r[7] == 'U')?1:0;
                                $indices[$indexName] = array('unique'=>$unique,
                        $cols = explode('+',$r[6]);
                        foreach ($cols as $colIndex=>$col)
                                if ($colIndex == 0)
                                $columnName = $this->getMetaCasedValue($col);
                                $indices[$indexName]['columns'][] = $columnName;


                return $indices;


         * List procedures or functions in an array.
         * We interrogate syscat.routines instead of calling the PHP
         * function procedures because ADOdb requires the type of procedure
         * this is not available in the php function
         * @param       string $procedureNamePattern (optional)
         * @param       string $catalog                          (optional)
         * @param       string $schemaPattern            (optional)

         * @return array of procedures on current database.
        public function metaProcedures($procedureNamePattern = null, $catalog  = null, $schemaPattern  = null) {

                global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                $metaProcedures = array();
                $procedureSQL   = '';
                $catalogSQL     = '';
                $schemaSQL      = '';

                $savem                    = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                if ($procedureNamePattern)
                        $procedureSQL = "AND ROUTINENAME LIKE " . strtoupper($this->qstr($procedureNamePattern));

                if ($catalog)
                        $catalogSQL = "AND OWNER=" . strtoupper($this->qstr($catalog));

                if ($schemaPattern)
                        $schemaSQL = "AND ROUTINESCHEMA LIKE {$this->qstr($schemaPattern)}";

                $fields = "
                CASE ROUTINETYPE
                         WHEN 'P' THEN 'PROCEDURE'
                         WHEN 'F' THEN 'FUNCTION'
                         ELSE 'METHOD'
                         END AS ROUTINETYPE_NAME,

                $SQL = "SELECT $fields
                                  FROM syscat.routines
                                 WHERE OWNER IS NOT NULL
                                ORDER BY ROUTINENAME

                $result = $this->execute($SQL);

                $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savem;

                if (!$result)
                        return false;

                while ($r = $result->fetchRow()){
                        $procedureName = $this->getMetaCasedValue($r[0]);
                        $schemaName    = $this->getMetaCasedValue($r[2]);
                        $metaProcedures[$procedureName] = array('type'=> $r[1],
                                                                                                   'catalog' => '',
                                                                                                   'schema'  => $schemaName,
                                                                                                   'remarks' => $r[3]

                return $metaProcedures;


          * Lists databases. Because instances are independent, we only know about
          * the current database name
          * @return string[]
        public function metaDatabases(){

                $dbName = $this->getMetaCasedValue($this->database);

                return (array)$dbName;


/ SQL data type codes /
#define SQL_UNKNOWN_TYPE        0
#define SQL_CHAR                        1
#define SQL_NUMERIC              2
#define SQL_DECIMAL              3
#define SQL_INTEGER              4
#define SQL_SMALLINT            5
#define SQL_FLOAT                  6
#define SQL_REAL                        7
#define SQL_DOUBLE                8
#if (DB2VER >= 0x0300)
#define SQL_DATETIME            9
#define SQL_VARCHAR             12

/ One-parameter shortcuts for date/time data types /
#if (DB2VER >= 0x0300)
#define SQL_TYPE_DATE     91
#define SQL_TYPE_TIME     92

#define SQL_UNICODE                             (-95)
#define SQL_UNICODE_VARCHAR                     (-96)
#define SQL_UNICODE_LONGVARCHAR                 (-97)
        function DB2Types($t)
                switch ((integer)$t) {
                case 1:
                case 12:
                case 0:
                case -95:
                case -96:
                        return 'C';
                case -97:
                case -1: //text
                        return 'X';
                case -4: //image
                        return 'B';

                case 9:
                case 91:
                        return 'D';

                case 10:
                case 11:
                case 92:
                case 93:
                        return 'T';

                case 4:
                case 5:
                case -6:
                        return 'I';

                case -11: // uniqidentifier
                        return 'R';
                case -7: //bit
                        return 'L';

                        return 'N';

        public function metaColumns($table, $normalize=true)
                global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                $savem = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                $schema = '%';
                $table = $this->getTableCasedValue($table);
                $colname = "%";
                $qid = db2_columns($this->_connectionID, null, $schema, $table, $colname);
                if (empty($qid))
                        if ($this->debug)
                                $errorMessage = @db2_conn_errormsg($this->_connectionID);
                        return false;

                $rs = new ADORecordSet_db2($qid);

                if (!$rs)
                        return false;


                $retarr = array();

                $rs->fields indices
                0 TABLE_QUALIFIER
                1 TABLE_SCHEM
                2 TABLE_NAME
                3 COLUMN_NAME
                4 DATA_TYPE
                5 TYPE_NAME
                6 PRECISION
                7 LENGTH
                8 SCALE
                9 RADIX
                10 NULLABLE
                11 REMARKS
                12 Column Default
                13 SQL Data Type
                14 SQL DateTime SubType
                15 Max length in Octets
                16 Ordinal Position
                17 Is NULLABLE
                while (!$rs->EOF)
                        if ($rs->fields[2] == $table)

                                $fld       = new ADOFieldObject();
                                $fld->name = $rs->fields[3];
                                $fld->type = $this->DB2Types($rs->fields[4]);

                                // ref:
                                // access uses precision to store length for char/varchar

                                if ($fld->type == 'C' or $fld->type == 'X') {
                                        if ($rs->fields[4] <= -95) // UNICODE
                                                $fld->max_length = $rs->fields[7]/2;
                                                $fld->max_length = $rs->fields[7];
                                } else
                                        $fld->max_length = $rs->fields[7];

                                $fld->not_null         = !empty($rs->fields[10]);
                                $fld->scale            = $rs->fields[8];
                                $fld->primary_key      = false;

                                //$columnName = $this->getMetaCasedValue($fld->name);
                                $columnName = strtoupper($fld->name);
                                $retarr[$columnName] = $fld;

                        else if (sizeof($retarr)>0)



                if (empty($retarr))
                        $retarr = false;

                 * Now we find out if the column is part of a primary key

                $qid = @db2_primary_keys($this->_connectionID, "", $schema, $table);
                if (empty($qid))
                        return false;

                $rs = new ADORecordSet_db2($qid);

                if (!$rs)
                        $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savem;
                        return $retarr;

                $rs->fields indices
                0 TABLE_CAT
                1 TABLE_SCHEM
                2 TABLE_NAME
                3 COLUMN_NAME
                4 KEY_SEQ
                5 PK_NAME
                while (!$rs->EOF) {
                        if (strtoupper(trim($rs->fields[2])) == $table
                        && (!$schema || strtoupper($rs->fields[1]) == $schema))
                                $retarr[strtoupper($rs->fields[3])]->primary_key = true;
                        else if (sizeof($retarr)>0)


                $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savem;

                if (empty($retarr))
                        return false;

                * If the fetch mode is numeric, return as numeric array
                if ($ADODB_FETCH_MODE == ADODB_FETCH_NUM)
                        $retarr = array_values($retarr);

                return $retarr;

          * In this version if prepareSp, we just check to make sure
          * that the name of the stored procedure is correct
          * If true, we returns an array
          * else false
          * @param      string  $procedureName
          * @param      mixed   $parameters (not used in db2 connections)
          * @return mixed[]
        function prepareSp($procedureName,$parameters=false) {

                global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                $this->storedProcedureParameters = array('name'=>'',
                                                                                                 'keyvalue' => array());

                //$procedureName = strtoupper($procedureName);
                //$procedureName = $this->getTableCasedValue($procedureName);

                $savem = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                $qid = db2_procedures($this->_connectionID, NULL , '%' , $procedureName );

                $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savem;

                if (!$qid)
                        if ($this->debug)
                                ADOConnection::outp(sprintf('No Procedure of name %s available',$procedureName));
                        return false;

                $this->storedProcedureParameters['name'] = $procedureName;
                 * Now we know we have a valid procedure name, lets see if it requires
                 * parameters
                $savem = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;

                $qid = db2_procedure_columns($this->_connectionID, NULL , '%' , $procedureName , NULL );

                $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $savem;

                if (!$qid)
                        if ($this->debug)
                                ADOConnection::outp(sprintf('No columns of name %s available',$procedureName));
                        return false;
                $rs = new ADORecordSet_db2($qid);
                if (!$rs)
                        return false;

                $preparedStatement = 'CALL %s(%s)';
                $parameterMarkers = array();
                while (!$rs->EOF)
                        $parameterName = $rs->fields[3];
                        if ($parameterName == '')
                        $parameterType = $rs->fields[4];
                        $ordinalPosition = $rs->fields[17];
                        case DB2_PARAM_IN:
                        case DB2_PARAM_INOUT:
                                $this->storedProcedureParameters['in'][$parameterName] = '';
                        case DB2_PARAM_INOUT:
                        case DB2_PARAM_OUT:
                                $this->storedProcedureParameters['out'][$parameterName] = '';
                        $this->storedProcedureParameters['index'][$parameterName] = $ordinalPosition;
                        $this->storedProcedureParameters['parameters'][$ordinalPosition] = $rs->fields;

                $parameterCount = count($this->storedProcedureParameters['index']);
                $parameterMarkers = array_fill(0,$parameterCount,'?');

                 * We now know how many parameters to bind to the stored procedure
                $parameterList = implode(',',$parameterMarkers);

                $sql = sprintf($preparedStatement,$procedureName,$parameterList);

                $spResource = @db2_prepare($this->_connectionID,$sql);

                if (!$spResource)
                        $errorMessage = @db2_conn_errormsg($this->_connectionID);
                        $this->_errorMsg = $errorMessage;

                        if ($this->debug)

                        return false;

                $this->storedProcedureParameters['resource'] = $spResource;

                if ($this->debug)

                        ADOConnection::outp('The following parameters will be used in the SP call');
                 * We now have a stored parameter resource
                 * to bind to. The spResource and sql that is returned are
                 * not usable, its for dummy compatibility. Everything
                 * will be handled by the storedProcedureParameters
                 * array
                return array($sql,$spResource);


        private function storedProcedureParameter(&$stmt,

                $name = strtoupper($name);

                 * Must exist in the list of parameter names for the type
                if ($isOutput
                && !isset( $this->storedProcedureParameters['out'][$name]))
                        $errorMessage = sprintf('%s is not a valid OUT parameter name',$name);

                        $this->_errorMsg = $errorMessage;
                        if ($this->debug)
                        return false;

                if (!$isOutput
                && !isset( $this->storedProcedureParameters['in'][$name]))
                        $errorMessage = sprintf('%s is not a valid IN parameter name',$name);

                        $this->_errorMsg = $errorMessage;
                        if ($this->debug)
                        return false;

                 * We will use these values to bind to when we execute
                 * the query
                $this->storedProcedureParameters['keyvalue'][$name] = &$var;

                return true;


        * Executes a prepared stored procedure.
        * The function uses the previously accumulated information and
        * resources in the $storedProcedureParameters array
        * @return mixed The statement id if successful, or false
        private function executeStoredProcedure()

                 * Get the previously built resource
                $stmtid = $this->storedProcedureParameters['resource'];

                 * Bind our variables to the DB2 procedure
                foreach ($this->storedProcedureParameters['keyvalue'] as $spName=>$spValue){

                         * Get the ordinal position, required for binding
                        $ordinalPosition = $this->storedProcedureParameters['index'][$spName];

                         * Get the db2 column dictionary for the parameter
                        $columnDictionary = $this->storedProcedureParameters['parameters'][$ordinalPosition];
                        $parameterType    = $columnDictionary[4];
                        $dataType         = $columnDictionary[5];
                        $precision        = $columnDictionary[10];
                        $scale            = $columnDictionary[9];

                        $ok = @db2_bind_param ($this->storedProcedureParameters['resource'],
                                                                  $ordinalPosition ,

                        if (!$ok)
                                $this->_errorMsg  = @db2_stmt_errormsg();
                                $this->_errorCode = @db2_stmt_error();

                                if ($this->debug)
                                return false;

                        if ($this->debug)
                                ADOConnection::outp("Correctly Bound parameter $spName to procedure");

                         * Build a variable in the current environment that matches
                         * the parameter name
                        ${$spName} = $spValue;


                 * All bound, execute

                if (!@db2_execute($stmtid))
                        $this->_errorMsg = @db2_stmt_errormsg();
                        $this->_errorCode = @db2_stmt_error();

                        if ($this->debug)
                        return false;

                 * We now take the changed parameters back into the
                 * stored procedures array where we can query them later
                 * Remember that $spValue was passed in by reference, so we
                 * can access the value in the variable that was originally
                 * passed to inParameter or outParameter
                foreach ($this->storedProcedureParameters['keyvalue'] as $spName=>$spValue)
                         * We make it available to the environment
                        $spValue = ${$spName};
                        $this->storedProcedureParameters['keyvalue'][$spName] = $spValue;

                return $stmtid;

         * Accepts an input or output parameter to bind to either a stored
         * or prepared statements. For DB2, this should not be called as an
         * API. always wrap with inParameter and outParameter
         * @param mixed[] $stmt                 Statement returned by Prepare() or PrepareSP().
         * @param mixed   $var          PHP variable to bind to. Can set to null (for isNull support).
         * @param string  $name                 Name of stored procedure variable name to bind to.
         * @param int    $isOutput      optional) Indicates direction of parameter
         *                                                      0/false=IN  1=OUT  2= IN/OUT
         *                                                      This is ignored for Stored Procedures
         * @param int   $maxLen         (optional)Holds an maximum length of the variable.
         *                                                      This is ignored for Stored Procedures
         * @param int   $type           (optional) The data type of $var.
         *                                                      This is ignored for Stored Procedures
         * @return bool                         Success of the operation
        public function parameter(&$stmt, &$var, $name, $isOutput=false, $maxLen=4000, $type=false)

                 * If the $stmt is the name of a stored procedure we are
                 * setting up, we will process it one way, otherwise
                 * we assume we are setting up a prepared statement
                if (is_array($stmt))
                        if ($this->debug)
                                ADOConnection::outp("Adding parameter to stored procedure");
                        if ($stmt[1] == $this->storedProcedureParameters['resource'])
                                return $this->storedProcedureParameter($stmt[1],


                 * We are going to add a parameter to a prepared statement
                if ($this->debug)
                        ADOConnection::outp("Adding parameter to prepared statement");

         * Prepares a prepared SQL statement, not used for stored procedures
         * @param string        $sql
         * @return mixed
        function prepare($sql)

                if (! $this->_bindInputArray) return $sql; // no binding

                $stmt = @db2_prepare($this->_connectionID,$sql);
                if (!$stmt) {
                        // we don't know whether db2 driver is parsing prepared stmts, so just return sql
                        return $sql;
                return array($sql,$stmt,false);

         * Executes a query
         * @param       mixed $sql
         * @param       mixed $inputarr An optional array of parameters
         * @return mixed                                either the queryID or false
        function _query($sql, $inputarr = false)
                $db2Options = array();
                 * Use DB2 Internal case handling for best speed
                case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_UPPER:
                        $db2Options = array('db2_attr_case'=>DB2_CASE_UPPER);
                        $setOption = @db2_set_option($this->_connectionID,$db2Options,1);

                 case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_LOWER:
                        $db2Options = array('db2_attr_case'=>DB2_CASE_LOWER);
                        $setOption = @db2_set_option($this->_connectionID,$db2Options,1);

                        $db2Options = array('db2_attr_case'=>DB2_CASE_NATURAL);
                        $setOption = @db2_set_option($this->_connectionID,$db2Options,1);

                if ($inputarr)
                        if (is_array($sql))
                                $stmtid = $sql[1];
                                $stmtid = @db2_prepare($this->_connectionID,$sql);

                                if ($stmtid == false)
                                        $this->_errorMsg  = @db2_stmt_errormsg();
                                        $this->_errorCode = @db2_stmt_error();

                                        if ($this->debug)

                                        return false;

                        if (! @db2_execute($stmtid,$inputarr))
                                $this->_errorMsg = @db2_stmt_errormsg();
                                $this->_errorCode = @db2_stmt_error();
                                if ($this->debug)
                                return false;

                else if (is_array($sql))

                         * Either a prepared statement or a stored procedure

                        if (is_array($this->storedProcedureParameters)
                                && is_resource($this->storedProcedureParameters['resource']
                                 * This is all handled in the separate method for
                                 * readability
                                return $this->executeStoredProcedure();

                         * First, we prepare the statement
                        $stmtid = @db2_prepare($this->_connectionID,$sql[0]);
                        if (!$stmtid){
                                $this->_errorMsg = @db2_stmt_errormsg();
                                $this->_errorCode = @db2_stmt_error();
                                if ($this->debug)
                                        ADOConnection::outp("Prepare failed: " . $this->_errorMsg);

                                return false;
                         * We next bind some input parameters
                        $ordinal = 1;
                        foreach ($sql[1] as $psVar=>$psVal){
                                ${$psVar} = $psVal;
                                $ok = @db2_bind_param($stmtid, $ordinal, $psVar, DB2_PARAM_IN);
                                if (!$ok)
                                        $this->_errorMsg = @db2_stmt_errormsg();
                                        $this->_errorCode = @db2_stmt_error();
                                        if ($this->debug)
                                                ADOConnection::outp("Bind failed: " . $this->_errorMsg);
                                        return false;

                        if (!@db2_execute($stmtid))
                                $this->_errorMsg = @db2_stmt_errormsg();
                                $this->_errorCode = @db2_stmt_error();
                                if ($this->debug)
                                return false;

                        return $stmtid;

                        $stmtid = @db2_exec($this->_connectionID,$sql);
                $this->_lastAffectedRows = 0;
                if ($stmtid)
                        if (@db2_num_fields($stmtid) == 0)
                                $this->_lastAffectedRows = db2_num_rows($stmtid);
                                $stmtid = true;
                                $this->_lastAffectedRows = 0;

                        $this->_errorMsg = '';
                        $this->_errorCode = 0;


                        $this->_errorMsg = @db2_stmt_errormsg();
                        $this->_errorCode = @db2_stmt_error();

                return $stmtid;

                Insert a null into the blob field of the table first.
                Then use UpdateBlob to store the blob.


                $conn->execute('INSERT INTO blobtable (id, blobcol) VALUES (1, null)');
        function updateBlob($table,$column,$val,$where,$blobtype='BLOB')
                return $this->execute("UPDATE $table SET $column=? WHERE $where",array($val)) != false;

        // returns true or false
        function _close()
                $ret = @db2_close($this->_connectionID);
                $this->_connectionID = false;
                return $ret;

        function _affectedrows()
                return $this->_lastAffectedRows;

         * Gets a meta cased parameter
         * Receives an input variable to be processed per the metaCasing
         * rule, and returns the same value, processed
         * @param string $value
         * @return string
        final public function getMetaCasedValue($value)
                global $ADODB_ASSOC_CASE;

                case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_LOWER:
                        $value = strtolower($value);
                case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_UPPER:
                        $value = strtoupper($value);
                return $value;

        const TABLECASE_LOWER    =  0;
        const TABLECASE_UPPER    =  1;
        const TABLECASE_DEFAULT  =  2;

         * Controls the casing of the table provided to the meta functions
        private $tableCase = 2;

         * Sets the table case parameter
         * @param int $caseOption
         * @return null
        final public function setTableCasing($caseOption)
                $this->tableCase = $caseOption;

         * Gets the table casing parameter
         * @return int $caseOption
        final public function getTableCasing()
                return $this->tableCase;

         * Gets a table cased parameter
         * Receives an input variable to be processed per the tableCasing
         * rule, and returns the same value, processed
         * @param string $value
         * @return string
        final public function getTableCasedValue($value)
                case self::TABLECASE_LOWER:
                        $value = strtolower($value);
                case self::TABLECASE_UPPER:
                        $value = strtoupper($value);
                return $value;


         Class Name: Recordset

class ADORecordSet_db2 extends ADORecordSet {

        var $bind = false;
        var $databaseType = "db2";
        var $dataProvider = "db2";
        var $useFetchArray;

        function __construct($id,$mode=false)
                if ($mode === false) {
                        global $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
                        $mode = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
                $this->fetchMode = $mode;

                $this->_queryID = $id;

        // returns the field object
        function fetchField($offset = 0)
                $o                         = new ADOFieldObject();
                $o->name           = @db2_field_name($this->_queryID,$offset);
                $o->type           = @db2_field_type($this->_queryID,$offset);
                $o->max_length = @db2_field_width($this->_queryID,$offset);

                if (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 0)
                        $o->name = strtolower($o->name);
                else if (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE == 1)
                        $o->name = strtoupper($o->name);
                return $o;

        /* Use associative array to get fields array */
        function fields($colname)

                if ($this->fetchMode & ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC) {
                        return $this->fields[$colname];

                if (!$this->bind) {
                        $this->bind = array();
                        for ($i=0; $i < $this->_numOfFields; $i++) {
                                $o = $this->FetchField($i);
                                $this->bind[strtoupper($o->name)] = $i;

                 return $this->fields[$this->bind[strtoupper($colname)]];

        function _initrs()
                global $ADODB_COUNTRECS;
                $this->_numOfRows = ($ADODB_COUNTRECS) ? @db2_num_rows($this->_queryID) : -1;

                $this->_numOfFields = @db2_num_fields($this->_queryID);

                // some silly drivers such as db2 as/400 and intersystems cache return _numOfRows = 0

                if ($this->_numOfRows == 0)
                        $this->_numOfRows = -1;

        function _seek($row)
                return false;

        function getArrayLimit($nrows,$offset=0)
                if ($offset <= 0) {
                        $rs = $this->GetArray($nrows);
                        return $rs;


                $results = array();
                $cnt = 0;
                while (!$this->EOF && $nrows != $cnt) {
                        $results[$cnt++] = $this->fields;

                return $results;

        function moveNext()
                if ($this->EOF || $this->_numOfRows == 0)
                        return false;


                return $this->processMoveRecord();


        private function processCoreFetch()
                switch ($this->fetchMode){
                case ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC:

                         * Associative array
                        $this->fields = @db2_fetch_assoc($this->_queryID);

                case ADODB_FETCH_BOTH:
                         * Fetch both numeric and Associative array
                        $this->fields = @db2_fetch_both($this->_queryID);
                         * Numeric array
                        $this->fields = @db2_fetch_array($this->_queryID);

        private function processMoveRecord()
                if (!$this->fields){
                        $this->EOF = true;
                        return false;

                return true;

        function _fetch()
                if ($this->fields)
                        return true;

                $this->fields = false;
                return false;

        function _close()
                $ok = @db2_free_result($this->_queryID);
                if (!$ok)
                        $this->connection->_errorMsg  = @db2_stmt_errormsg($this->_queryID);
                        $this->connection->_errorCode = @db2_stmt_error();

                        if ($this->debug)
                        return false;
