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 * Recordset pagination with First/Prev/Next/Last links
 * This file is part of ADOdb, a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP.
 * @package ADOdb
 * @link Project's web site and documentation
 * @link Source code and issue tracker
 * The ADOdb Library is dual-licensed, released under both the BSD 3-Clause
 * and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) v2.1 or, at your option,
 * any later version. This means you can use it in proprietary products.
 * See the file distributed with this source code for details.
 * @license BSD-3-Clause
 * @license LGPL-2.1-or-later
 * @copyright 2000-2013 John Lim
 * @copyright 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community

class ADODB_Pager {
        var $id;        // unique id for pager (defaults to 'adodb')
        var $db;        // ADODB connection object
        var $sql;       // sql used
        var $rs;        // recordset generated
        var $curr_page; // current page number before Render() called, calculated in constructor
        var $rows;              // number of rows per page
    var $linksPerPage=10; // number of links per page in navigation bar
    var $showPageLinks;

        var $gridAttributes = 'width=100% border=1 bgcolor=white';

        // Localize text strings here
        var $first = '<code>|&lt;</code>';
        var $prev = '<code>&lt;&lt;</code>';
        var $next = '<code>>></code>';
        var $last = '<code>>|</code>';
        var $moreLinks = '...';
        var $startLinks = '...';
        var $gridHeader = false;
        var $htmlSpecialChars = true;
        var $page = 'Page';
        var $linkSelectedColor = 'red';
        var $cache = 0;  #secs to cache with CachePageExecute()

        // constructor
        // $db  adodb connection object
        // $sql sql statement
        // $id  optional id to identify which pager,
        //              if you have multiple on 1 page.
        //              $id should be only be [a-z0-9]*
        function __construct(&$db,$sql,$id = 'adodb', $showPageLinks = false)
        global $PHP_SELF;

                $curr_page = $id.'_curr_page';
                if (!empty($PHP_SELF)) $PHP_SELF = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // htmlspecialchars() to prevent XSS attacks

                $this->sql = $sql;
                $this->id = $id;
                $this->db = $db;
                $this->showPageLinks = $showPageLinks;

                $next_page = $id.'_next_page';

                if (isset($_GET[$next_page])) {
                        $_SESSION[$curr_page] = (integer) $_GET[$next_page];
                if (empty($_SESSION[$curr_page])) $_SESSION[$curr_page] = 1; ## at first page

                $this->curr_page = $_SESSION[$curr_page];


        // Display link to first page
        function Render_First($anchor=true)
        global $PHP_SELF;
                if ($anchor) {
                <a href="<?php echo $PHP_SELF,'?',$this->id;?>_next_page=1"><?php echo $this->first;?></a> &nbsp;
                } else {
                        print "$this->first &nbsp; ";

        // Display link to next page
        function render_next($anchor=true)
        global $PHP_SELF;

                if ($anchor) {
                <a href="<?php echo $PHP_SELF,'?',$this->id,'_next_page=',$this->rs->AbsolutePage() + 1 ?>"><?php echo $this->next;?></a> &nbsp;
                } else {
                        print "$this->next &nbsp; ";

        // Link to last page
        // for better performance with large recordsets, you can set
        // $this->db->pageExecuteCountRows = false, which disables
        // last page counting.
        function render_last($anchor=true)
        global $PHP_SELF;

                if (!$this->db->pageExecuteCountRows) return;

                if ($anchor) {
                        <a href="<?php echo $PHP_SELF,'?',$this->id,'_next_page=',$this->rs->LastPageNo() ?>"><?php echo $this->last;?></a> &nbsp;
                } else {
                        print "$this->last &nbsp; ";

        // original code by "Pablo Costa" <>
        function render_pagelinks()
        global $PHP_SELF;
            $pages        = $this->rs->LastPageNo();
            $linksperpage = $this->linksPerPage ? $this->linksPerPage : $pages;
            for($i=1; $i <= $pages; $i+=$linksperpage)
                if($this->rs->AbsolutePage() >= $i)
                    $start = $i;
                        $numbers = '';
            $end = $start+$linksperpage-1;
                        $link = $this->id . "_next_page";
            if($end > $pages) $end = $pages;

                        if ($this->startLinks && $start > 1) {
                                $pos = $start - 1;
                                $numbers .= "<a href=$PHP_SELF?$link=$pos>$this->startLinks</a>  ";

                        for($i=$start; $i <= $end; $i++) {
                if ($this->rs->AbsolutePage() == $i)
                    $numbers .= "<font color=$this->linkSelectedColor><b>$i</b></font>  ";
                     $numbers .= "<a href=$PHP_SELF?$link=$i>$i</a>  ";

                        if ($this->moreLinks && $end < $pages)
                                $numbers .= "<a href=$PHP_SELF?$link=$i>$this->moreLinks</a>  ";
            print $numbers . ' &nbsp; ';
        // Link to previous page
        function render_prev($anchor=true)
        global $PHP_SELF;
                if ($anchor) {
                <a href="<?php echo $PHP_SELF,'?',$this->id,'_next_page=',$this->rs->AbsolutePage() - 1 ?>"><?php echo $this->prev;?></a> &nbsp;
                } else {
                        print "$this->prev &nbsp; ";

        // Simply rendering of grid. You should override this for
        // better control over the format of the grid
        // We use output buffering to keep code clean and readable.
        function RenderGrid()
        global $gSQLBlockRows; // used by rs2html to indicate how many rows to display
                $gSQLBlockRows = $this->rows;
                $s = ob_get_contents();
                return $s;

        // Navigation bar
        // we use output buffering to keep the code easy to read.
        function RenderNav()
                if (!$this->rs->AtFirstPage()) {
                } else {
        if ($this->showPageLinks){
                if (!$this->rs->AtLastPage()) {
                } else {
                $s = ob_get_contents();
                return $s;

        // This is the footer
        function RenderPageCount()
                if (!$this->db->pageExecuteCountRows) return '';
                $lastPage = $this->rs->LastPageNo();
                if ($lastPage == -1) $lastPage = 1; // check for empty rs.
                if ($this->curr_page > $lastPage) $this->curr_page = 1;
                return "<font size=-1>$this->page ".$this->curr_page."/".$lastPage."</font>";

        // Call this class to draw everything.
        function Render($rows=10)
        global $ADODB_COUNTRECS;

                $this->rows = $rows;

                if ($this->db->dataProvider == 'informix') $this->db->cursorType = IFX_SCROLL;

                $savec = $ADODB_COUNTRECS;
                if ($this->db->pageExecuteCountRows) $ADODB_COUNTRECS = true;
                if ($this->cache)
                        $rs = $this->db->CachePageExecute($this->cache,$this->sql,$rows,$this->curr_page);
                        $rs = $this->db->PageExecute($this->sql,$rows,$this->curr_page);
                $ADODB_COUNTRECS = $savec;

                $this->rs = $rs;
                if (!$rs) {
                        print "<h3>Query failed: $this->sql</h3>";

                if (!$rs->EOF && (!$rs->AtFirstPage() || !$rs->AtLastPage()))
                        $header = $this->RenderNav();
                        $header = "&nbsp;";

                $grid = $this->RenderGrid();
                $footer = $this->RenderPageCount();


                $this->rs = false;

        // override this to control overall layout and formatting
        function RenderLayout($header,$grid,$footer,$attributes='border=1 bgcolor=beige')
                echo "<table ".$attributes."><tr><td>",