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 * Active Record implementation. Superset of Zend Framework's.
 * This is "Active Record eXtended" to support JOIN, WORK and LAZY mode
 * This file is part of ADOdb, a Database Abstraction Layer library for PHP.
 * @package ADOdb
 * @link Project's web site and documentation
 * @link Source code and issue tracker
 * The ADOdb Library is dual-licensed, released under both the BSD 3-Clause
 * and the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) v2.1 or, at your option,
 * any later version. This means you can use it in proprietary products.
 * See the file distributed with this source code for details.
 * @license BSD-3-Clause
 * @license LGPL-2.1-or-later
 * @copyright 2000-2013 John Lim
 * @copyright 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community

// CFR: Active Records Definitions
define('ADODB_JOIN_AR', 0x01);
define('ADODB_WORK_AR', 0x02);
define('ADODB_LAZY_AR', 0x03);

global $ADODB_ACTIVE_CACHESECS; // set to true to enable caching of metadata such as field info
global $ACTIVE_RECORD_SAFETY; // set to false to disable safety checks
global $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS; // use default values of table definition when creating new active record.

// array of ADODB_Active_DB's, indexed by ADODB_Active_Record->_dbat
$_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS = array();
$ACTIVE_RECORD_SAFETY = true; // CFR: disabled while playing with relations

class ADODB_Active_DB {
        var $db; // ADOConnection
        var $tables; // assoc array of ADODB_Active_Table objects, indexed by tablename

class ADODB_Active_Table {
        var $name; // table name
        var $flds; // assoc array of adofieldobjs, indexed by fieldname
        var $keys; // assoc array of primary keys, indexed by fieldname
        var $_created; // only used when stored as a cached file
        var $_belongsTo = array();
        var $_hasMany = array();
        var $_colsCount; // total columns count, including relations

        function updateColsCount()
                $this->_colsCount = sizeof($this->flds);
                foreach($this->_belongsTo as $foreignTable)
                        $this->_colsCount += sizeof($foreignTable->TableInfo()->flds);
                foreach($this->_hasMany as $foreignTable)
                        $this->_colsCount += sizeof($foreignTable->TableInfo()->flds);

// returns index into $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS
function ADODB_SetDatabaseAdapter(&$db)
        global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS;

        foreach($_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS as $k => $d) {
                if ($d->db === $db) {
                        return $k;

        $obj = new ADODB_Active_DB();
        $obj->db = $db;
        $obj->tables = array();

        $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS[] = $obj;

        return sizeof($_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS)-1;

class ADODB_Active_Record {
        static $_changeNames = true; // dynamically pluralize table names
        static $_foreignSuffix = '_id'; //
        var $_dbat; // associative index pointing to ADODB_Active_DB eg. $ADODB_Active_DBS[_dbat]
        var $_table; // tablename, if set in class definition then use it as table name
        var $_sTable; // singularized table name
        var $_pTable; // pluralized table name
        var $_tableat; // associative index pointing to ADODB_Active_Table, eg $ADODB_Active_DBS[_dbat]->tables[$this->_tableat]
        var $_where; // where clause set in Load()
        var $_saved = false; // indicates whether data is already inserted.
        var $_lasterr = false; // last error message
        var $_original = false; // the original values loaded or inserted, refreshed on update

        var $foreignName; // CFR: class name when in a relationship

        static function UseDefaultValues($bool=null)
        global $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS;
                if (isset($bool)) {
                        $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS = $bool;
                return $ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS;

        // should be static
        static function SetDatabaseAdapter(&$db)
                return ADODB_SetDatabaseAdapter($db);

        public function __set($name, $value)
                $name = str_replace(' ', '_', $name);
                $this->$name = $value;

        // php5 constructor
        // Note: if $table is defined, then we will use it as our table name
        // Otherwise we will use our classname...
        // In our database, table names are pluralized (because there can be
        // more than one row!)
        // Similarly, if $table is defined here, it has to be plural form.
        // $options is an array that allows us to tweak the constructor's behaviour
        // if $options['refresh'] is true, we re-scan our metadata information
        // if $options['new'] is true, we forget all relations
        function __construct($table = false, $pkeyarr=false, $db=false, $options=array())
        global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS;

                if ($db == false && is_object($pkeyarr)) {
                        $db = $pkeyarr;
                        $pkeyarr = false;

                if($table) {
                        // table argument exists. It is expected to be
                        // already plural form.
                        $this->_pTable = $table;
                        $this->_sTable = $this->_singularize($this->_pTable);
                else {
                        // We will use current classname as table name.
                        // We need to pluralize it for the real table name.
                        $this->_sTable = strtolower(get_class($this));
                        $this->_pTable = $this->_pluralize($this->_sTable);
                $this->_table = &$this->_pTable;

                $this->foreignName = $this->_sTable; // CFR: default foreign name (singular)

                if ($db) {
                        $this->_dbat = ADODB_Active_Record::SetDatabaseAdapter($db);
                } else
                        $this->_dbat = sizeof($_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS)-1;

                if ($this->_dbat < 0) {
                                "No database connection set; use ADOdb_Active_Record::SetDatabaseAdapter(\$db)",

                $this->_tableat = $this->_table; # reserved for setting the assoc value to a non-table name, eg. the sql string in future

                // CFR: Just added this option because UpdateActiveTable() can refresh its information
                // but there was no way to ask it to do that.
                $forceUpdate = (isset($options['refresh']) && true === $options['refresh']);
                $this->UpdateActiveTable($pkeyarr, $forceUpdate);
                if(isset($options['new']) && true === $options['new']) {
                        $table =& $this->TableInfo();
                        $table->_hasMany = array();
                        $table->_belongsTo = array();

        function __wakeup()
                $class = get_class($this);
                new $class;

        // CFR: Constants found in Rails
        static $IrregularP = array(
                'PERSON'    => 'people',
                'MAN'       => 'men',
                'WOMAN'     => 'women',
                'CHILD'     => 'children',
                'COW'       => 'kine',

        static $IrregularS = array(
                'PEOPLE'    => 'PERSON',
                'MEN'       => 'man',
                'WOMEN'     => 'woman',
                'CHILDREN'  => 'child',
                'KINE'      => 'cow',

        static $WeIsI = array(
                'EQUIPMENT' => true,
                'INFORMATION'   => true,
                'RICE'      => true,
                'MONEY'     => true,
                'SPECIES'   => true,
                'SERIES'    => true,
                'FISH'      => true,
                'SHEEP'     => true,

        function _pluralize($table)
                if (!ADODB_Active_Record::$_changeNames) {
                        return $table;
                $ut = strtoupper($table);
                if(isset(self::$WeIsI[$ut])) {
                        return $table;
                if(isset(self::$IrregularP[$ut])) {
                        return self::$IrregularP[$ut];
                $len = strlen($table);
                $lastc = $ut[$len-1];
                $lastc2 = substr($ut,$len-2);
                switch ($lastc) {
                        case 'S':
                                return $table.'es';
                        case 'Y':
                                return substr($table,0,$len-1).'ies';
                        case 'X':
                                return $table.'es';
                        case 'H':
                                if ($lastc2 == 'CH' || $lastc2 == 'SH') {
                                        return $table.'es';
                                return $table.'s';

        // CFR Lamest singular inflector ever - @todo Make it real!
        // Note: There is an assumption here...and it is that the argument's length >= 4
        function _singularize($table)

                if (!ADODB_Active_Record::$_changeNames) {
                return $table;
                $ut = strtoupper($table);
                if(isset(self::$WeIsI[$ut])) {
                        return $table;
                if(isset(self::$IrregularS[$ut])) {
                        return self::$IrregularS[$ut];
                $len = strlen($table);
                if($ut[$len-1] != 'S') {
                        return $table; // I know...forget oxen
                if($ut[$len-2] != 'E') {
                        return substr($table, 0, $len-1);
                switch($ut[$len-3]) {
                        case 'S':
                        case 'X':
                                return substr($table, 0, $len-2);
                        case 'I':
                                return substr($table, 0, $len-3) . 'y';
                        case 'H';
                                if($ut[$len-4] == 'C' || $ut[$len-4] == 'S') {
                                        return substr($table, 0, $len-2);
                                return substr($table, 0, $len-1); // ?

         * ar->foreignName will contain the name of the tables associated with this table because
         * these other tables' rows may also be referenced by this table using theirname_id or the provided
         * foreign keys (this index name is stored in ar->foreignKey)
         * = other-table-#1.this-table_id
         *               = other-table-#2.this-table_id
        function hasMany($foreignRef,$foreignKey=false)
                $ar = new ADODB_Active_Record($foreignRef);
                $ar->foreignName = $foreignRef;
                $ar->foreignKey = ($foreignKey) ? $foreignKey : strtolower(get_class($this)) . self::$_foreignSuffix;

                $table =& $this->TableInfo();
                if(!isset($table->_hasMany[$foreignRef])) {
                        $table->_hasMany[$foreignRef] = $ar;
# @todo Can I make this guy be lazy?
                $this->$foreignRef = $table->_hasMany[$foreignRef]; // WATCHME Removed assignment by ref. to please __get()

         * ar->foreignName will contain the name of the tables associated with this table because
         * this table's rows may also be referenced by those tables using thistable_id or the provided
         * foreign keys (this index name is stored in ar->foreignKey)
         * this-table.other-table_id =
        function belongsTo($foreignRef,$foreignKey=false)
                global $inflector;

                $ar = new ADODB_Active_Record($this->_pluralize($foreignRef));
                $ar->foreignName = $foreignRef;
                $ar->foreignKey = ($foreignKey) ? $foreignKey : $ar->foreignName . self::$_foreignSuffix;

                $table =& $this->TableInfo();
                if(!isset($table->_belongsTo[$foreignRef])) {
                        $table->_belongsTo[$foreignRef] = $ar;
                $this->$foreignRef = $table->_belongsTo[$foreignRef];

         * __get Access properties - used for lazy loading
         * @param mixed $name
         * @access protected
         * @return void
        function __get($name)
                return $this->LoadRelations($name, '', -1. -1);

        function LoadRelations($name, $whereOrderBy, $offset=-1, $limit=-1)
                $extras = array();
                if($offset >= 0) {
                        $extras['offset'] = $offset;
                if($limit >= 0) {
                        $extras['limit'] = $limit;
                $table =& $this->TableInfo();

                if (strlen($whereOrderBy)) {
                        if (!preg_match('/^[ \n\r]*AND/i',$whereOrderBy)) {
                                if (!preg_match('/^[ \n\r]*ORDER[ \n\r]/i',$whereOrderBy)) {
                                        $whereOrderBy = 'AND '.$whereOrderBy;

                if(!empty($table->_belongsTo[$name])) {
                        $obj = $table->_belongsTo[$name];
                        $columnName = $obj->foreignKey;
                        if(empty($this->$columnName)) {
                                $this->$name = null;
                        else {
                                if(($k = reset($obj->TableInfo()->keys))) {
                                        $belongsToId = $k;
                                else {
                                        $belongsToId = 'id';

                                $arrayOfOne =
                                                $belongsToId.'='.$this->$columnName.' '.$whereOrderBy, false, false, $extras);
                                $this->$name = $arrayOfOne[0];
                        return $this->$name;
                if(!empty($table->_hasMany[$name])) {
                        $obj = $table->_hasMany[$name];
                        if(($k = reset($table->keys))) {
                                $hasManyId   = $k;
                        else {
                                $hasManyId   = 'id';

                        $this->$name =
                                        $obj->foreignKey.'='.$this->$hasManyId.' '.$whereOrderBy, false, false, $extras);
                        return $this->$name;

        // update metadata
        function UpdateActiveTable($pkeys=false,$forceUpdate=false)

                $activedb = $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS[$this->_dbat];

                $table = $this->_table;
                $tables = $activedb->tables;
                $tableat = $this->_tableat;
                if (!$forceUpdate && !empty($tables[$tableat])) {

                        $tobj = $tables[$tableat];
                        foreach($tobj->flds as $name => $fld) {
                                if ($ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS && isset($fld->default_value)) {
                                        $this->$name = $fld->default_value;
                                else {
                                        $this->$name = null;

                $db = $activedb->db;
                $fname = $ADODB_CACHE_DIR . '/adodb_' . $db->databaseType . '_active_'. $table . '.cache';
                if (!$forceUpdate && $ADODB_ACTIVE_CACHESECS && $ADODB_CACHE_DIR && file_exists($fname)) {
                        $fp = fopen($fname,'r');
                        @flock($fp, LOCK_SH);
                        $acttab = unserialize(fread($fp,100000));
                        if ($acttab->_created + $ADODB_ACTIVE_CACHESECS - (abs(rand()) % 16) > time()) {
                                // abs(rand()) randomizes deletion, reducing contention to delete/refresh file
                                // ideally, you should cache at least 32 secs
                                $activedb->tables[$table] = $acttab;

                                //if ($db->debug) ADOConnection::outp("Reading cached active record file: $fname");
                        } else if ($db->debug) {
                                ADOConnection::outp("Refreshing cached active record file: $fname");
                $activetab = new ADODB_Active_Table();
                $activetab->name = $table;

                $save = $ADODB_FETCH_MODE;
                if ($db->fetchMode !== false) {
                        $savem = $db->SetFetchMode(false);

                $cols = $db->MetaColumns($table);

                if (isset($savem)) {
                $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = $save;

                if (!$cols) {
                        $this->Error("Invalid table name: $table",'UpdateActiveTable');
                        return false;
                $fld = reset($cols);
                if (!$pkeys) {
                        if (isset($fld->primary_key)) {
                                $pkeys = array();
                                foreach($cols as $name => $fld) {
                                        if (!empty($fld->primary_key)) {
                                                $pkeys[] = $name;
                        } else {
                                $pkeys = $this->GetPrimaryKeys($db, $table);
                if (empty($pkeys)) {
                        $this->Error("No primary key found for table $table",'UpdateActiveTable');
                        return false;

                $attr = array();
                $keys = array();

                switch (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE) {
                case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_LOWER:
                        foreach($cols as $name => $fldobj) {
                                $name = strtolower($name);
                                if ($ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS && isset($fldobj->default_value)) {
                                        $this->$name = $fldobj->default_value;
                                else {
                                        $this->$name = null;
                                $attr[$name] = $fldobj;
                        foreach($pkeys as $k => $name) {
                                $keys[strtolower($name)] = strtolower($name);

                case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_UPPER:
                        foreach($cols as $name => $fldobj) {
                                $name = strtoupper($name);

                                if ($ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS && isset($fldobj->default_value)) {
                                        $this->$name = $fldobj->default_value;
                                else {
                                        $this->$name = null;
                                $attr[$name] = $fldobj;

                        foreach($pkeys as $k => $name) {
                                $keys[strtoupper($name)] = strtoupper($name);
                        foreach($cols as $name => $fldobj) {
                                $name = ($fldobj->name);

                                if ($ADODB_ACTIVE_DEFVALS && isset($fldobj->default_value)) {
                                        $this->$name = $fldobj->default_value;
                                else {
                                        $this->$name = null;
                                $attr[$name] = $fldobj;
                        foreach($pkeys as $k => $name) {
                                $keys[$name] = $cols[$name]->name;

                $activetab->keys = $keys;
                $activetab->flds = $attr;

                if ($ADODB_ACTIVE_CACHESECS && $ADODB_CACHE_DIR) {
                        $activetab->_created = time();
                        $s = serialize($activetab);
                        if (!function_exists('adodb_write_file')) {
                if (isset($activedb->tables[$table])) {
                        $oldtab = $activedb->tables[$table];

                        if ($oldtab) {
                                $activetab->_belongsTo = $oldtab->_belongsTo;
                                $activetab->_hasMany = $oldtab->_hasMany;
                $activedb->tables[$table] = $activetab;

        function GetPrimaryKeys(&$db, $table)
                return $db->MetaPrimaryKeys($table);

        // error handler for both PHP4+5.
        function Error($err,$fn)
        global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS;

                $fn = get_class($this).'::'.$fn;
                $this->_lasterr = $fn.': '.$err;

                if ($this->_dbat < 0) {
                        $db = false;
                else {
                        $activedb = $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS[$this->_dbat];
                        $db = $activedb->db;

                if (function_exists('adodb_throw')) {
                        if (!$db) {
                                adodb_throw('ADOdb_Active_Record', $fn, -1, $err, 0, 0, false);
                        else {
                                adodb_throw($db->databaseType, $fn, -1, $err, 0, 0, $db);
                } else {
                        if (!$db || $db->debug) {


        // return last error message
        function ErrorMsg()
                if (!function_exists('adodb_throw')) {
                        if ($this->_dbat < 0) {
                                $db = false;
                        else {
                                $db = $this->DB();

                        // last error could be database error too
                        if ($db && $db->ErrorMsg()) {
                                return $db->ErrorMsg();
                return $this->_lasterr;

        function ErrorNo()
                if ($this->_dbat < 0) {
                        return -9999; // no database connection...
                $db = $this->DB();

                return (int) $db->ErrorNo();

        // retrieve ADOConnection from _ADODB_Active_DBs
        function DB()
        global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS;

                if ($this->_dbat < 0) {
                        $false = false;
                        $this->Error("No database connection set: use ADOdb_Active_Record::SetDatabaseAdaptor(\$db)", "DB");
                        return $false;
                $activedb = $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS[$this->_dbat];
                $db = $activedb->db;
                return $db;

        // retrieve ADODB_Active_Table
        function &TableInfo()
        global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS;

                $activedb = $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS[$this->_dbat];
                $table = $activedb->tables[$this->_tableat];
                return $table;

        // I have an ON INSERT trigger on a table that sets other columns in the table.
        // So, I find that for myTable, I want to reload an active record after saving it. -- Malcolm Cook
        function Reload()
                $db =& $this->DB();
                if (!$db) {
                        return false;
                $table =& $this->TableInfo();
                $where = $this->GenWhere($db, $table);

        // set a numeric array (using natural table field ordering) as object properties
        function Set(&$row)
        global $ACTIVE_RECORD_SAFETY;

                $db = $this->DB();

                if (!$row) {
                        $this->_saved = false;
                        return false;

                $this->_saved = true;

                $table = $this->TableInfo();
                $sizeofFlds = sizeof($table->flds);
                $sizeofRow  = sizeof($row);
                if ($ACTIVE_RECORD_SAFETY && $table->_colsCount != $sizeofRow && $sizeofFlds != $sizeofRow) {
                        # <AP>
                        $bad_size = TRUE;
                        if($sizeofRow == 2 * $table->_colsCount || $sizeofRow == 2 * $sizeofFlds) {
                                // Only keep string keys
                                $keys = array_filter(array_keys($row), 'is_string');
                                if (sizeof($keys) == sizeof($table->flds)) {
                                        $bad_size = FALSE;
                        if ($bad_size) {
                                $this->Error("Table structure of $this->_table has changed","Load");
                                return false;
                        # </AP>
                else {
                        $keys = array_keys($row);

                # <AP>
                $this->_original = array();
                foreach($table->flds as $name=>$fld) {
                        $value = $row[current($keys)];
                        $this->$name = $value;
                        $this->_original[] = $value;
                        if(!next($keys)) {
                $table =& $this->TableInfo();
                foreach($table->_belongsTo as $foreignTable) {
                        $ft = $foreignTable->TableInfo();
                        $propertyName = $ft->name;
                        foreach($ft->flds as $name=>$fld) {
                                $value = $row[current($keys)];
                                $foreignTable->$name = $value;
                                $foreignTable->_original[] = $value;
                                if(!next($keys)) {
                foreach($table->_hasMany as $foreignTable) {
                        $ft = $foreignTable->TableInfo();
                        foreach($ft->flds as $name=>$fld) {
                                $value = $row[current($keys)];
                                $foreignTable->$name = $value;
                                $foreignTable->_original[] = $value;
                                if(!next($keys)) {
                # </AP>

                return true;

        // get last inserted id for INSERT
        function LastInsertID(&$db,$fieldname)
                if ($db->hasInsertID) {
                        $val = $db->Insert_ID($this->_table,$fieldname);
                else {
                        $val = false;

                if (is_null($val) || $val === false) {
                        // this might not work reliably in multi-user environment
                        return $db->GetOne("select max(".$fieldname.") from ".$this->_table);
                return $val;

        // quote data in where clause
        function doquote(&$db, $val,$t)
                switch($t) {
                case 'D':
                case 'T':
                        if (empty($val)) {
                                return 'null';
                case 'C':
                case 'X':
                        if (is_null($val)) {
                                return 'null';
                        if (strlen($val)>0 &&
                                (strncmp($val,"'",1) != 0 || substr($val,strlen($val)-1,1) != "'")
                        ) {
                                return $db->qstr($val);
                        return $val;

        // generate where clause for an UPDATE/SELECT
        function GenWhere(&$db, &$table)
                $keys = $table->keys;
                $parr = array();

                foreach($keys as $k) {
                        $f = $table->flds[$k];
                        if ($f) {
                                $parr[] = $k.' = '.$this->doquote($db,$this->$k,$db->MetaType($f->type));
                return implode(' and ', $parr);

        //------------------------------------------------------------ Public functions below

        function Load($where=null,$bindarr=false)
                $db = $this->DB();
                if (!$db) {
                        return false;
                $this->_where = $where;

                $save = $db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
                $qry = "select * from ".$this->_table;
                $table =& $this->TableInfo();

                if(($k = reset($table->keys))) {
                        $hasManyId   = $k;
                else {
                        $hasManyId   = 'id';

                foreach($table->_belongsTo as $foreignTable) {
                        if(($k = reset($foreignTable->TableInfo()->keys))) {
                                $belongsToId = $k;
                        else {
                                $belongsToId = 'id';
                        $qry .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$foreignTable->_table.' ON '.
                foreach($table->_hasMany as $foreignTable)
                        $qry .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$foreignTable->_table.' ON '.
                if($where) {
                        $qry .= ' WHERE '.$where;

                // Simple case: no relations. Load row and return.
                if((count($table->_hasMany) + count($table->_belongsTo)) < 1) {
                        $row = $db->GetRow($qry,$bindarr);
                        if(!$row) {
                                return false;
                        return $this->Set($row);

                // More complex case when relations have to be collated
                $rows = $db->GetAll($qry,$bindarr);
                if(!$rows) {
                        return false;
                if(count($rows) < 1) {
                        return false;
                $class = get_class($this);
                $isFirstRow = true;

                if(($k = reset($this->TableInfo()->keys))) {
                        $myId   = $k;
                else {
                        $myId   = 'id';
                $index = 0; $found = false;
                /** @todo Improve by storing once and for all in table metadata */
                /** @todo Also re-use info for hasManyId */
                foreach($this->TableInfo()->flds as $fld) {
                        if($fld->name == $myId) {
                                $found = true;
                if(!$found) {
                        $this->outp_throw("Unable to locate key $myId for $class in Load()",'Load');

                foreach($rows as $row) {
                        $rowId = intval($row[$index]);
                        if($rowId > 0) {
                                if($isFirstRow) {
                                        $isFirstRow = false;
                                        if(!$this->Set($row)) {
                                                return false;
                                $obj = new $class($table,false,$db);
                                // TODO Copy/paste code below: bad!
                                if(count($table->_hasMany) > 0) {
                                        foreach($table->_hasMany as $foreignTable) {
                                                $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName;
                                                if(!empty($obj->$foreignName)) {
                                                        if(!is_array($this->$foreignName)) {
                                                                $foreignObj = $this->$foreignName;
                                                                $this->$foreignName = array(clone($foreignObj));
                                                        else {
                                                                $foreignObj = $obj->$foreignName;
                                                                array_push($this->$foreignName, clone($foreignObj));
                                if(count($table->_belongsTo) > 0) {
                                        foreach($table->_belongsTo as $foreignTable) {
                                                $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName;
                                                if(!empty($obj->$foreignName)) {
                                                        if(!is_array($this->$foreignName)) {
                                                                $foreignObj = $this->$foreignName;
                                                                $this->$foreignName = array(clone($foreignObj));
                                                        else {
                                                                $foreignObj = $obj->$foreignName;
                                                                array_push($this->$foreignName, clone($foreignObj));
                return true;

        // false on error
        function Save()
                if ($this->_saved) {
                        $ok = $this->Update();
                else {
                        $ok = $this->Insert();

                return $ok;

        // CFR: Sometimes we may wish to consider that an object is not to be replaced but inserted.
        // Sample use case: an 'undo' command object (after a delete())
        function Dirty()
                $this->_saved = false;

        // false on error
        function Insert()
                $db = $this->DB();
                if (!$db) {
                        return false;
                $cnt = 0;
                $table = $this->TableInfo();

                $valarr = array();
                $names = array();
                $valstr = array();

                foreach($table->flds as $name=>$fld) {
                        $val = $this->$name;
                        if(!is_null($val) || !array_key_exists($name, $table->keys)) {
                                $valarr[] = $val;
                                $names[] = $name;
                                $valstr[] = $db->Param($cnt);
                                $cnt += 1;

                if (empty($names)){
                        foreach($table->flds as $name=>$fld) {
                                $valarr[] = null;
                                $names[] = $name;
                                $valstr[] = $db->Param($cnt);
                                $cnt += 1;
                $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$this->_table."(".implode(',',$names).') VALUES ('.implode(',',$valstr).')';
                $ok = $db->Execute($sql,$valarr);

                if ($ok) {
                        $this->_saved = true;
                        $autoinc = false;
                        foreach($table->keys as $k) {
                                if (is_null($this->$k)) {
                                        $autoinc = true;
                        if ($autoinc && sizeof($table->keys) == 1) {
                                $k = reset($table->keys);
                                $this->$k = $this->LastInsertID($db,$k);

                $this->_original = $valarr;
                return !empty($ok);

        function Delete()
                $db = $this->DB();
                if (!$db) {
                        return false;
                $table = $this->TableInfo();

                $where = $this->GenWhere($db,$table);
                $sql = 'DELETE FROM '.$this->_table.' WHERE '.$where;
                $ok = $db->Execute($sql);

                return $ok ? true : false;

        // returns an array of active record objects
        function Find($whereOrderBy,$bindarr=false,$pkeysArr=false,$extra=array())
                $db = $this->DB();
                if (!$db || empty($this->_table)) {
                        return false;
                $table =& $this->TableInfo();
                $arr = $db->GetActiveRecordsClass(get_class($this),$this, $whereOrderBy,$bindarr,$pkeysArr,$extra,
                        array('foreignName'=>$this->foreignName, 'belongsTo'=>$table->_belongsTo, 'hasMany'=>$table->_hasMany));
                return $arr;

        // CFR: In introduced this method to ensure that inner workings are not disturbed by
        // subclasses...for instance when GetActiveRecordsClass invokes Find()
        // Why am I not invoking parent::Find?
        // Shockingly because I want to preserve PHP4 compatibility.
        function packageFind($whereOrderBy,$bindarr=false,$pkeysArr=false,$extra=array())
                $db = $this->DB();
                if (!$db || empty($this->_table)) {
                        return false;
                $table =& $this->TableInfo();
                $arr = $db->GetActiveRecordsClass(get_class($this),$this, $whereOrderBy,$bindarr,$pkeysArr,$extra,
                        array('foreignName'=>$this->foreignName, 'belongsTo'=>$table->_belongsTo, 'hasMany'=>$table->_hasMany));
                return $arr;

        // returns 0 on error, 1 on update, 2 on insert
        function Replace()
                $db = $this->DB();
                if (!$db) {
                        return false;
                $table = $this->TableInfo();

                $pkey = $table->keys;

                foreach($table->flds as $name=>$fld) {
                        $val = $this->$name;
                        if (is_null($val)) {
                                if (isset($fld->not_null) && $fld->not_null) {
                                        if (isset($fld->default_value) && strlen($fld->default_value)) {
                                        else {
                                                $this->Error("Cannot update null into $name","Replace");
                                                return false;
                        if (is_null($val) && !empty($fld->auto_increment)) {
                        $t = $db->MetaType($fld->type);
                        $arr[$name] = $this->doquote($db,$val,$t);
                        $valarr[] = $val;

                if (!is_array($pkey)) {
                        $pkey = array($pkey);

                switch (ADODB_ASSOC_CASE) {
                        case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_LOWER:
                                foreach($pkey as $k => $v) {
                                        $pkey[$k] = strtolower($v);
                        case ADODB_ASSOC_CASE_UPPER:
                                foreach($pkey as $k => $v) {
                                        $pkey[$k] = strtoupper($v);

                $ok = $db->Replace($this->_table,$arr,$pkey);
                if ($ok) {
                        $this->_saved = true; // 1= update 2=insert
                        if ($ok == 2) {
                                $autoinc = false;
                                foreach($table->keys as $k) {
                                        if (is_null($this->$k)) {
                                                $autoinc = true;
                                if ($autoinc && sizeof($table->keys) == 1) {
                                        $k = reset($table->keys);
                                        $this->$k = $this->LastInsertID($db,$k);

                        $this->_original = $valarr;
                return $ok;

        // returns 0 on error, 1 on update, -1 if no change in data (no update)
        function Update()
                $db = $this->DB();
                if (!$db) {
                        return false;
                $table = $this->TableInfo();

                $where = $this->GenWhere($db, $table);

                if (!$where) {
                        $this->error("Where missing for table $table", "Update");
                        return false;
                $valarr = array();
                $neworig = array();
                $pairs = array();
                $i = -1;
                $cnt = 0;
                foreach($table->flds as $name=>$fld) {
                        $i += 1;
                        $val = $this->$name;
                        $neworig[] = $val;

                        if (isset($table->keys[$name])) {

                        if (is_null($val)) {
                                if (isset($fld->not_null) && $fld->not_null) {
                                        if (isset($fld->default_value) && strlen($fld->default_value)) {
                                        else {
                                                $this->Error("Cannot set field $name to NULL","Update");
                                                return false;

                        if (isset($this->_original[$i]) && $val === $this->_original[$i]) {
                        $valarr[] = $val;
                        $pairs[] = $name.'='.$db->Param($cnt);
                        $cnt += 1;

                if (!$cnt) {
                        return -1;
                $sql = 'UPDATE '.$this->_table." SET ".implode(",",$pairs)." WHERE ".$where;
                $ok = $db->Execute($sql,$valarr);
                if ($ok) {
                        $this->_original = $neworig;
                        return 1;
                return 0;

        function GetAttributeNames()
                $table = $this->TableInfo();
                if (!$table) {
                        return false;
                return array_keys($table->flds);


function adodb_GetActiveRecordsClass(&$db, $class, $tableObj,$whereOrderBy,$bindarr, $primkeyArr,
                        $extra, $relations)
        global $_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS;

                if (empty($extra['loading'])) {
                        $extra['loading'] = ADODB_LAZY_AR;
                $save = $db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
                $table = &$tableObj->_table;
                $tableInfo =& $tableObj->TableInfo();
                if(($k = reset($tableInfo->keys))) {
                        $myId = $k;
                else {
                        $myId = 'id';
                $index = 0; $found = false;
                /** @todo Improve by storing once and for all in table metadata */
                /** @todo Also re-use info for hasManyId */
                foreach($tableInfo->flds as $fld)
                        if($fld->name == $myId) {
                                $found = true;
                if(!$found) {
                        $db->outp_throw("Unable to locate key $myId for $class in GetActiveRecordsClass()",'GetActiveRecordsClass');

                $qry = "select * from ".$table;
                if(ADODB_JOIN_AR == $extra['loading']) {
                        if(!empty($relations['belongsTo'])) {
                                foreach($relations['belongsTo'] as $foreignTable) {
                                        if(($k = reset($foreignTable->TableInfo()->keys))) {
                                                $belongsToId = $k;
                                        else {
                                                $belongsToId = 'id';

                                        $qry .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$foreignTable->_table.' ON '.
                        if(!empty($relations['hasMany'])) {
                                if(empty($relations['foreignName'])) {
                                        $db->outp_throw("Missing foreignName is relation specification in GetActiveRecordsClass()",'GetActiveRecordsClass');
                                if(($k = reset($tableInfo->keys))) {
                                        $hasManyId   = $k;
                                else {
                                        $hasManyId   = 'id';

                                foreach($relations['hasMany'] as $foreignTable) {
                                        $qry .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$foreignTable->_table.' ON '.
                if (!empty($whereOrderBy)) {
                        $qry .= ' WHERE '.$whereOrderBy;
                if(isset($extra['limit'])) {
                        $rows = false;
                        if(isset($extra['offset'])) {
                                $rs = $db->SelectLimit($qry, $extra['limit'], $extra['offset']);
                        } else {
                                $rs = $db->SelectLimit($qry, $extra['limit']);
                        if ($rs) {
                                while (!$rs->EOF) {
                                        $rows[] = $rs->fields;
                } else
                        $rows = $db->GetAll($qry,$bindarr);


                $false = false;

                if ($rows === false) {
                        return $false;

                if (!isset($_ADODB_ACTIVE_DBS)) {
                if (!class_exists($class)) {
                        $db->outp_throw("Unknown class $class in GetActiveRecordsClass()",'GetActiveRecordsClass');
                        return $false;
                $uniqArr = array(); // CFR Keep track of records for relations
                $arr = array();
                // arrRef will be the structure that knows about our objects.
                // It is an associative array.
                // We will, however, return arr, preserving regular 0.. order so that
                // obj[0] can be used by app developers.
                $arrRef = array();
                $bTos = array(); // Will store belongTo's indices if any
                foreach($rows as $row) {

                        $obj = new $class($table,$primkeyArr,$db);
                        if ($obj->ErrorNo()){
                                $db->_errorMsg = $obj->ErrorMsg();
                                return $false;
                        // CFR: FIXME: Insane assumption here:
                        // If the first column returned is an integer, then it's a 'id' field
                        // And to make things a bit worse, I use intval() rather than is_int() because, in fact,
                        // $row[0] is not an integer.
                        // So, what does this whole block do?
                        // When relationships are found, we perform JOINs. This is fast. But not accurate:
                        // instead of returning n objects with their n' associated cousins,
                        // we get n*n' objects. This code fixes this.
                        // Note: to-many relationships mess around with the 'limit' parameter
                        $rowId = intval($row[$index]);

                        if(ADODB_WORK_AR == $extra['loading']) {
                                $arrRef[$rowId] = $obj;
                                $arr[] = &$arrRef[$rowId];
                                if(!isset($indices)) {
                                        $indices = $rowId;
                                else {
                                        $indices .= ','.$rowId;
                                if(!empty($relations['belongsTo'])) {
                                        foreach($relations['belongsTo'] as $foreignTable) {
                                                $foreignTableRef = $foreignTable->foreignKey;
                                                // First array: list of foreign ids we are looking for
                                                if(empty($bTos[$foreignTableRef])) {
                                                        $bTos[$foreignTableRef] = array();
                                                // Second array: list of ids found
                                                if(empty($obj->$foreignTableRef)) {
                                                if(empty($bTos[$foreignTableRef][$obj->$foreignTableRef])) {
                                                        $bTos[$foreignTableRef][$obj->$foreignTableRef] = array();
                                                $bTos[$foreignTableRef][$obj->$foreignTableRef][] = $obj;

                        if($rowId>0) {
                                if(ADODB_JOIN_AR == $extra['loading']) {
                                        $isNewObj = !isset($uniqArr['_'.$row[0]]);
                                        if($isNewObj) {
                                                $uniqArr['_'.$row[0]] = $obj;

                                        // TODO Copy/paste code below: bad!
                                        if(!empty($relations['hasMany'])) {
                                                foreach($relations['hasMany'] as $foreignTable) {
                                                        $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName;
                                                        if(!empty($obj->$foreignName)) {
                                                                $masterObj = &$uniqArr['_'.$row[0]];
                                                                // Assumption: this property exists in every object since they are instances of the same class
                                                                if(!is_array($masterObj->$foreignName)) {
                                                                        // Pluck!
                                                                        $foreignObj = $masterObj->$foreignName;
                                                                        $masterObj->$foreignName = array(clone($foreignObj));
                                                                else {
                                                                        // Pluck pluck!
                                                                        $foreignObj = $obj->$foreignName;
                                                                        array_push($masterObj->$foreignName, clone($foreignObj));
                                        if(!empty($relations['belongsTo'])) {
                                                foreach($relations['belongsTo'] as $foreignTable) {
                                                        $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName;
                                                        if(!empty($obj->$foreignName)) {
                                                                $masterObj = &$uniqArr['_'.$row[0]];
                                                                // Assumption: this property exists in every object since they are instances of the same class
                                                                if(!is_array($masterObj->$foreignName)) {
                                                                        // Pluck!
                                                                        $foreignObj = $masterObj->$foreignName;
                                                                        $masterObj->$foreignName = array(clone($foreignObj));
                                                                else {
                                                                        // Pluck pluck!
                                                                        $foreignObj = $obj->$foreignName;
                                                                        array_push($masterObj->$foreignName, clone($foreignObj));
                                        if(!$isNewObj) {
                                                unset($obj); // We do not need this object itself anymore and do not want it re-added to the main array
                                else if(ADODB_LAZY_AR == $extra['loading']) {
                                        // Lazy loading: we need to give AdoDb a hint that we have not really loaded
                                        // anything, all the while keeping enough information on what we wish to load.
                                        // Let's do this by keeping the relevant info in our relationship arrays
                                        // but get rid of the actual properties.
                                        // We will then use PHP's __get to load these properties on-demand.
                                        if(!empty($relations['hasMany'])) {
                                                foreach($relations['hasMany'] as $foreignTable) {
                                                        $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName;
                                                        if(!empty($obj->$foreignName)) {
                                        if(!empty($relations['belongsTo'])) {
                                                foreach($relations['belongsTo'] as $foreignTable) {
                                                        $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName;
                                                        if(!empty($obj->$foreignName)) {

                        if(isset($obj)) {
                                $arr[] = $obj;

                if(ADODB_WORK_AR == $extra['loading']) {
                        // The best of both worlds?
                        // Here, the number of queries is constant: 1 + n*relationship.
                        // The second query will allow us to perform a good join
                        // while preserving LIMIT etc.
                        if(!empty($relations['hasMany'])) {
                                foreach($relations['hasMany'] as $foreignTable) {
                                        $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName;
                                        $className = ucfirst($foreignTable->_singularize($foreignName));
                                        $obj = new $className();
                                        $dbClassRef = $foreignTable->foreignKey;
                                        $objs = $obj->packageFind($dbClassRef.' IN ('.$indices.')');
                                        foreach($objs as $obj) {
                                                if(!is_array($arrRef[$obj->$dbClassRef]->$foreignName)) {
                                                        $arrRef[$obj->$dbClassRef]->$foreignName = array();
                                                array_push($arrRef[$obj->$dbClassRef]->$foreignName, $obj);

                        if(!empty($relations['belongsTo'])) {
                                foreach($relations['belongsTo'] as $foreignTable) {
                                        $foreignTableRef = $foreignTable->foreignKey;
                                        if(empty($bTos[$foreignTableRef])) {
                                        if(($k = reset($foreignTable->TableInfo()->keys))) {
                                                $belongsToId = $k;
                                        else {
                                                $belongsToId = 'id';
                                        $origObjsArr = $bTos[$foreignTableRef];
                                        $bTosString = implode(',', array_keys($bTos[$foreignTableRef]));
                                        $foreignName = $foreignTable->foreignName;
                                        $className = ucfirst($foreignTable->_singularize($foreignName));
                                        $obj = new $className();
                                        $objs = $obj->packageFind($belongsToId.' IN ('.$bTosString.')');
                                        foreach($objs as $obj)
                                                foreach($origObjsArr[$obj->$belongsToId] as $idx=>$origObj)
                                                        $origObj->$foreignName = $obj;

                return $arr;