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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Strings for component 'h5p', language 'en', branch 'master'
* @package core_h5p
* @copyright 2019 Moodle
* @author Sara Arjona <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['a11yTitle:label'] = 'Assistive Technologies label';
$string['actions'] = 'Actions';
$string['acceptTerms'] = 'I accept the <a href=":url" target="_blank">terms of use</a>';
$string['accountDetailsLinkText'] = 'here';
$string['add'] = 'Add';
$string['addedandupdatedpp'] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P libraries and updated {$a->%old} old ones.';
$string['addedandupdatedps'] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P libraries and updated {$a->%old} old one.';
$string['addedandupdatedsp'] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P library and updated {$a->%old} old ones.';
$string['addedandupdatedss'] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P library and updated {$a->%old} old one.';
$string['addednewlibraries'] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P libraries.';
$string['addednewlibrary'] = 'Added {$a->%new} new H5P library.';
$string['additionallicenseinfo'] = 'Any additional information about the licence';
$string['address'] = 'Address';
$string['age'] = 'Typical age';
$string['ageDescription'] = 'The target audience of this content. Possible input formats separated by commas: "1,34-45,-50,59-".';
$string['altText'] = 'Alt text';
$string['atto_h5p'] = 'Insert H5P button';
$string['atto_h5p_description'] = 'The Insert H5P button in the Atto editor enables users to insert H5P content by either entering a URL or embed code, or by uploading an H5P file.';
$string['author'] = 'Author';
$string['authorcomments'] = 'Author comments';
$string['authorcommentsdescription'] = 'Comments for the editor of the content. (This text will not be published as a part of the copyright info.)';
$string['authorname'] = 'Author\'s name';
$string['authorrole'] = 'Author\'s role';
$string['back'] = 'Back';
$string['by'] = 'by';
$string['cancellabel'] = 'Cancel';
$string['cancelPublishConfirmationDialogCancelButtonText'] = 'No';
$string['cancelPublishConfirmationDialogConfirmButtonText'] = 'Yes';
$string['cancelPublishConfirmationDialogDescription'] = 'Are you sure you want to cancel the sharing process?';
$string['cancelPublishConfirmationDialogTitle'] = 'Cancel sharing';
$string['ccattribution'] = 'Attribution (CC BY)';
$string['ccattributionnc'] = 'Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)';
$string['ccattributionncnd'] = 'Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)';
$string['ccattributionncsa'] = 'Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)';
$string['ccattributionnd'] = 'Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND)';
$string['ccattributionsa'] = 'Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)';
$string['ccpdd'] = 'Public Domain Dedication (CC0)';
$string['changedby'] = 'Changed by';
$string['changedescription'] = 'Description of change';
$string['changeHasBeenSubmitted'] = 'A change has been submited for';
$string['changelog'] = 'Changelog';
$string['changeplaceholder'] = 'Photo cropped, text changed, etc.';
$string['city'] = 'City';
$string['close'] = 'Close';
$string['confirmdialogbody'] = 'Please confirm that you wish to proceed. This action cannot be undone.';
$string['confirmdialogheader'] = 'Confirm action';
$string['confirmlabel'] = 'Confirm';
$string['connectionLost'] = 'Connection lost. Results will be stored and sent when the connection is reestablished.';
$string['connectionReestablished'] = 'Connection reestablished.';
$string['contactPerson'] = 'Contact person';
$string['contactPersonDescription'] = 'H5P will reach out to the contact person in case there are any issues with the content shared by the publisher. The contact person\'s name or other information will not be published or shared with third parties';
$string['contentAvailable'] = 'Your content will normally be available in the Hub within one business day.';
$string['contentCopied'] = 'Content is copied to the clipboard';
$string['contentchanged'] = 'This content has changed since you last used it.';
$string['contentinuse'] = 'This content may be in use in other places.';
$string['contentLicenseTitle'] = 'Content license info';
$string['contenttype'] = 'Content type';
$string['contentUpdateSoon'] = 'Your content will update soon';
$string['copyright'] = 'Rights of use';
$string['copyrightinfo'] = 'Copyright information';
$string['copyrightstring'] = 'Copyright';
$string['copyrighttitle'] = 'View copyright information for this content.';
$string['copyrightWarning'] = 'Copyrighted material cannot be shared in the H5P Content Hub. If the content is licensed with a OER friendly license like Creative Commons, please choose the appropriate license. If not this content cannot be shared.';
$string['couldNotParseJSONFromZip'] = 'Unable to parse JSON from the package: {$a->%fileName}';
$string['couldNotReadFileFromZip'] = 'Unable to read file from the package: {$a->%fileName}';
$string['country'] = 'Country';
$string['creativecommons'] = 'Creative Commons';
$string['currentStep'] = 'Step :step of :total';
$string['date'] = 'Date';
$string['deletelibraryconfirm'] = '<p>Are you sure you want to delete version <em>\'{$a->version}\'</em> from library <em>\'{$a->name}\'</em>? It will remove the library and all its uses.</p><p>This operation can not be undone.</p>';
$string['deletelibraryversion'] = 'Delete version';
$string['deleting'] = 'Deleting a library';
$string['description'] = 'Description';
$string['disablefullscreen'] = 'Disable fullscreen';
$string['discipline:dropdownButton'] = 'Dropdown button';
$string['discipline:in'] = 'in';
$string['discipline:searchPlaceholder'] = 'Type to search for disciplines';
$string['disciplines'] = 'Disciplines';
$string['disciplineLabel'] = 'Disciplines';
$string['disciplineDescription'] = 'You can select multiple disciplines';
$string['disciplineLimitReachedMessage'] = 'You can select up to :numDisciplines disciplines';
$string['download'] = 'Download';
$string['downloadtitle'] = 'Download this content as a H5P file.';
$string['editcontent'] = 'Edit H5P content';
$string['editInfoTitle'] = 'Edit info for <strong>:title</strong>';
$string['editingFailed'] = 'Editing failed.';
$string['editor'] = 'Editor';
$string['emailAddress'] = 'Email address';
$string['emailAddressDescription'] = 'The email address will be used by H5P to reach out to the publisher in case of any issues with the content or in case the publisher needs to recover their account. It will not be published or shared with any third parties';
$string['embed'] = 'Embed';
$string['embedtitle'] = 'View the embed code for this content.';
$string['error:emptycontentid'] = 'The given URL is incorrect or you cannot edit this file.';
$string['eventh5pviewed'] = 'H5P content viewed';
$string['eventh5pdeleted'] = 'H5P deleted';
$string['feature'] = 'Feature';
$string['fetchtypesfailure'] = 'No information could be obtained on the H5P content types available. H5P repository connection failure';
$string['fileExceedsMaxSize'] = 'One of the files inside the package exceeds the maximum file size allowed. ({$a->%file} {$a->%used} > {$a->%max})';
$string['filter_displayh5p'] = 'Display H5P filter';
$string['filter_displayh5p_description'] = 'The Display H5P filter converts URLs into embedded H5P content.';
$string['fullscreen'] = 'Fullscreen';
$string['gpl'] = 'General Public License v3';
$string['h5p'] = 'H5P';
$string['h5peditor'] = 'H5P editor';
$string['h5ptitle'] = 'Visit to check out more content.';
$string['h5pfilenotfound'] = 'H5P file not found';
$string['h5pinvalidurl'] = 'Invalid H5P content URL.';
$string['h5plibraryhandler'] = 'H5P framework handler';
$string['h5plibraryhandler_help'] = 'The H5P framework used to display H5P content. The latest version is recommended.';
$string['h5pcustomcss'] = 'Custom CSS';
$string['h5pcustomcss_help'] = 'CSS to apply to H5P content.';
$string['h5pprivatefile'] = 'This H5P content can\'t be displayed because you don\'t have access to the .h5p file.';
$string['h5pmanage'] = 'Manage H5P content types';
$string['h5poverview'] = 'H5P overview';
$string['h5ppackage'] = 'H5P content type';
$string['h5ppackage_help'] = 'An H5P content type is a file with an H5P or ZIP extension containing all libraries required to display the content.';
$string['h5psettings'] = 'H5P settings';
$string['height'] = 'height';
$string['helpChoosingLicense'] = 'Help me choose a license';
$string['hideadvanced'] = 'Hide advanced';
$string['icon'] = 'Icon';
$string['iconDescription'] = '640x480px. If not selected content will use category icon';
$string['installedcontentlibraries'] = 'Installed H5P libraries';
$string['installedcontenttypes'] = 'Installed H5P content types';
$string['installedh5p'] = 'Installed H5P';
$string['invalidAge'] = 'Invalid input format for Typical age. Possible input formats separated by commas: "1, 34-45, -50, -59-".';
$string['invalidcontextid'] = 'H5P file not found (invalid contextid)';
$string['invalidfile'] = 'File "{$a->%filename}" not allowed. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: {$a->%files-allowed}.';
$string['invalidlanguagefile'] = 'Invalid language file {$a->%file} in library {$a->%library}';
$string['invalidlanguagefile2'] = 'Invalid language file {$a->%languageFile} has been included in the library {$a->%name}';
$string['invalidlibrarydata'] = 'Invalid data provided for {$a->%property} in {$a->%library}';
$string['invalidlibrarydataboolean'] = 'Invalid data provided for {$a->%property} in {$a->%library}. Boolean expected.';
$string['invalidlibraryname'] = 'Invalid library name: {$a->%name}';
$string['invalidlibrarynamed'] = 'The H5P library {$a->%library} used in the content is not valid';
$string['invalidlibraryoption'] = 'Illegal option {$a->%option} in {$a->%library}';
$string['invalidlibraryproperty'] = 'Can\'t read the property {$a->%property} in {$a->%library}';
$string['invalidmainjson'] = 'A valid main h5p.json file is missing';
$string['invalidmultiselectoption'] = 'Invalid selected option in multi-select.';
$string['invalidpackage'] = 'Invalid H5P content type';
$string['invalidselectoption'] = 'Invalid selected option in select.';
$string['invalidsemanticsjson'] = 'Invalid semantics.json file has been included in the library {$a->%name}';
$string['invalidsemanticstype'] = 'H5P internal error: unknown content type "{$a->@type}" in semantics. Removing content!';
$string['invalidstring'] = 'Provided string is not valid according to regexp in semantics. (value: "{$a->%value}", regexp: "{$a->%regexp}")';
$string['isNowSubmitted'] = 'Is now submitted to H5P Hub';
$string['keywords'] = 'Keywords';
$string['keywordsDescription'] = 'You can add multiple keywords separated by commas. Press "Enter" or "Add" to confirm keywords';
$string['keywordExists'] = 'Keyword already exists!';
$string['keywordsExits'] = 'Keywords already exists!';
$string['keywordsPlaceholder'] = 'Add keywords';
$string['language'] = 'Language';
$string['level'] = 'Level';
$string['librarydirectoryerror'] = 'Library directory name must match machineName or machineName-majorVersion.minorVersion (from library.json). (Directory: {$a->%directoryName} , machineName: {$a->%machineName}, majorVersion: {$a->%majorVersion}, minorVersion: {$a->%minorVersion})';
$string['librariesmanagerdescription'] = '<p>H5P enables users to create interactive content by providing a range of content types.</p><p>To ensure that only trusted H5P content types are used on your site, you need to <i>either</i></p><ul><li>Upload H5P content types from <i>or</i></li><li>Enable the scheduled task \'Download available H5P content types from\'</li></ul><p>Note that users will only be able to use the H5P content types which are installed on your site.</p>';
$string['license'] = 'Licence';
$string['licenseCC010'] = 'CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication';
$string['licenseCC010U'] = 'CC0 1.0 Universal';
$string['licenseCC10'] = '1.0 Generic';
$string['licenseCC20'] = '2.0 Generic';
$string['licenseCC25'] = '2.5 Generic';
$string['licenseCC30'] = '3.0 Unported';
$string['licenseCC40'] = '4.0 International';
$string['licenseDescription'] = 'Select a license for your content';
$string['licenseDetails'] = 'License details';
$string['licenseDialogDescription'] = 'Click on a specific license to get info about proper usage';
$string['licenseGPL'] = 'General Public License';
$string['licenseV1'] = 'Version 1';
$string['licenseV2'] = 'Version 2';
$string['licenseV3'] = 'Version 3';
$string['licensee'] = 'Licensee';
$string['licenseextras'] = 'Licence extras';
$string['licenseversion'] = 'Licence version';
$string['licenseVersionDescription'] = 'Select a license version';
$string['lockh5pdeploy'] = 'This H5P content cannot be accessed because it is being deployed. Please try again later.';
$string['logoUploadText'] = 'Organization logo or avatar';
$string['longDescription'] = 'Long description';
$string['longDescriptionPlaceholder'] = 'Long description of your content';
$string['mainTitle'] = 'Sharing <strong>:title</strong>';
$string['mainlibrarydisabled'] = 'This file can\'t be displayed because its content type is disabled. Please contact your administrator to ask for the content type to be enabled.';
$string['maxLength'] = ':length is the maximum number of characters';
$string['missingcontentfolder'] = 'A valid content folder is missing';
$string['missingcoreversion'] = 'The system was unable to install the {$a->%component} component from the package, as it requires a newer version of the H5P plugin. This site is currently running version {$a->%current}, whereas the required version is {$a->%required} or higher. Please upgrade and then try again.';
$string['missingdependency'] = 'Missing dependency {$a->@dep} required by {$a->@lib}.';
$string['missinglibrary'] = 'Missing required library {$a->@library}';
$string['missingmainlibrary'] = 'Missing main library {$a->@library}';
$string['missinglibraryfile'] = 'The file "{$a->%file}" is missing from library: "{$a->%name}"';
$string['missinglibraryjson'] = 'Could not find library.json file with valid json format for library {$a->%name}';
$string['missinglibraryproperty'] = 'The required property {$a->%property} is missing from {$a->%library}';
$string['missingmbstring'] = 'The mbstring PHP extension is not loaded. It is required for H5P to function properly.';
$string['missinguploadpermissions'] = 'Note that the libraries may exist in the file you uploaded, but you\'re not allowed to upload new libraries. Please contact your administrator.';
$string['next'] = 'Next';
$string['nocopyright'] = 'No copyright information available for this content.';
$string['noextension'] = 'The file you uploaded is not a valid HTML5 Package. (It doesn\'t have the .h5p file extension.)';
$string['noh5plibhandlerdefined'] = 'There isn\'t any H5P framework handler installed, so H5P content can\'t be displayed.';
$string['nojson'] = 'The main h5p.json file is not valid';
$string['nopermissiontodeploy'] = 'This file can\'t be displayed because it has been uploaded by a user without the required capability to deploy H5P content.';
$string['nopermissiontoedit'] = 'You do not have permission to edit H5P content.';
$string['notrustablefile'] = 'This file can\'t be displayed because it has been uploaded by a user without the capability to update H5P content types. Please contact your administrator to ask for the content type to be installed.';
$string['nounzip'] = 'The file you uploaded is not a valid HTML5 Package. (It is not possible to unzip it.)';
$string['offlineDialogBody'] = 'We were unable to send information about your completion of this task. Please check your internet connection.';
$string['offlineDialogHeader'] = 'Your connection to the server was lost';
$string['offlineDialogRetryButtonLabel'] = 'Retry now';
$string['offlineDialogRetryMessage'] = 'Retrying in :num....';
$string['offlineSuccessfulSubmit'] = 'Successfully submitted results.';
$string['optionalInfo'] = 'Optional info';
$string['originator'] = 'Originator';
$string['pd'] = 'Public Domain';
$string['pddl'] = 'Public Domain Dedication and Licence';
$string['pdm'] = 'Public Domain Mark (PDM)';
$string['phone'] = 'Phone';
$string['pleaseWait'] = 'Please wait...';
$string['pluginname'] = 'H5P Package';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'H5P subsystem does not store any personal data.';
$string['publisherDescription'] = 'Publisher description';
$string['publisherDescriptionText'] = 'This will be displayed under "Publisher info" on shared content';
$string['publisherFieldDescription'] = 'This will display as the "Publisher name" on shared content';
$string['publisherFieldTitle'] = 'Publisher';
$string['registerOnHub'] = 'Register on the H5P Hub';
$string['registrationFailed'] = 'An error occurred';
$string['registrationFailedDescription'] = 'We were not able to create an account at this point. Something went wrong. Try again later.';
$string['registrationTitle'] = 'H5P Hub Registration';
$string['remove'] = 'Remove';
$string['removeChip'] = 'Remove :chip from the list';
$string['removeImage'] = 'Remove image';
$string['requiredInfo'] = 'Required info';
$string['resizescript'] = 'Include this script on your website if you want dynamic sizing of the embedded content:';
$string['resubmitScores'] = 'Attempting to submit stored results.';
$string['reuse'] = 'Reuse';
$string['reuseContent'] = 'Reuse content';
$string['reuseDescription'] = 'Reuse this content.';
$string['reviewAndSave'] = 'Review & Save';
$string['reviewAndShare'] = 'Review & Share';
$string['reviewInfo'] = 'Review info';
$string['reviewMessage'] = 'Please review the info below before you share';
$string['saveChanges'] = 'Save changes';
$string['screenshots'] = 'Screenshots';
$string['screenshotsDescription'] = 'Add up to five screenshots of your content';
$string['share'] = 'Share';
$string['shared'] = 'Shared';
$string['shareFailed'] = 'Share failed.';
$string['shareTryAgain'] = 'Something went wrong, please try to share again.';
$string['sharingNote'] = 'All content details can be edited after sharing';
$string['shortDescription'] = 'Short description';
$string['shortDescriptionPlaceholder'] = 'Short description of your content';
$string['showadvanced'] = 'Show advanced';
$string['showless'] = 'Show less';
$string['showmore'] = 'Show more';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['size'] = 'Size';
$string['someKeywordsExits'] = 'Some of these keywords already exist';
$string['source'] = 'Source';
$string['startingover'] = 'You\'ll be starting over.';
$string['subContentWarning'] = 'Sub-content (images, questions etc.) will be shared under :license unless otherwise specified in the authoring tool';
$string['sublevel'] = 'Sublevel';
$string['submitted'] = 'Submitted!';
$string['successfullyRegistred'] = 'You have successfully registered an account on the H5P Hub';
$string['successfullyRegistredDescription'] = 'You account details can be changed';
$string['successfullyUpdated'] = 'Your H5P Hub account settings have successfully been changed';
$string['task_h5p'] = 'H5P scheduled task';
$string['task_h5p_description'] = 'The H5P scheduled task downloads available H5P content types from';
$string['thumbnail'] = 'Thumbnail';
$string['title'] = 'Title';
$string['undisclosed'] = 'Undisclosed';
$string['unpackedFilesExceedsMaxSize'] = 'The total size of the unpacked files exceeds the maximum size allowed. ({$a->%used} > {$a->%max})';
$string['updatedlibraries'] = 'Updated {$a->%old} H5P libraries.';
$string['updatedlibrary'] = 'Updated {$a->%old} H5P library.';
$string['uploadlibraries'] = 'Upload H5P content types';
$string['updateRegistrationOnHub'] = 'Save account settings';
$string['uploadsuccess'] = 'H5P content types uploaded successfully';
$string['width'] = 'width';
$string['wrongversion'] = 'The version of the H5P library {$a->%machineName} used in this content is not valid. Content contains {$a->%contentLibrary}, but it should be {$a->%semanticsLibrary}.';
$string['year'] = 'Year';
$string['years'] = 'Year(s)';
$string['yearsfrom'] = 'Years (from)';
$string['yearsto'] = 'Years (to)';
$string['zip'] = 'Zip';