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/* global ns */
* This file contains helper functions for the editor.
// Grab common resources set in parent window, but avoid sharing back resources set in iframe)
window.ns = window.H5PEditor = H5P.jQuery.extend(false, {}, window.parent.H5PEditor);
ns.$ = H5P.jQuery;
// Load needed resources from parent.
H5PIntegration = H5P.jQuery.extend(false, {}, window.parent.H5PIntegration);
H5PIntegration.loadedJs = [];
H5PIntegration.loadedCss = [];
* Constants used within editor
* @type {{otherLibraries: string}}
ns.constants = {
otherLibraries: 'Other Libraries',
* Keep track of our widgets.
ns.widgets = {};
* Caches library data (semantics, js and css)
ns.libraryCache = {};
* Keeps track of callbacks to run once a library gets loaded.
ns.loadedCallbacks = [];
* Keep track of which libraries have been loaded in the browser, i.e CSS is
* added and JS have been run
* @type {Object}
ns.libraryLoaded = {};
* Indiciates if the user is using Internet Explorer.
ns.isIE = navigator.userAgent.match(/; MSIE \d+.\d+;/) !== null;
* Keep track of renderable common fields.
* @type {Object}
ns.renderableCommonFields = {};
(() => {
const loading = {}; // Map of callbacks for each src being loaded
* Help load JavaScripts, prevents double loading.
* @param {string} src
* @param {Function} done Callback
ns.loadJs = (src, done) => {
if (H5P.jsLoaded(src)) {
// Already loaded
if (loading[src] !== undefined) {
// Loading in progress...
loading[src] = [done];
// Load using script tag
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.charset = 'UTF-8';
script.async = false;
script.onload = function () {
loading[src].forEach(cb => cb());
delete loading[src];
script.onerror = function (err) {
loading[src].forEach(cb => cb(err));
delete loading[src];
script.src = src;
* Helper function invoked when a library is requested. Will add CSS and eval JS
* if not already done.
* @private
* @param {string} libraryName On the form "machineName majorVersion.minorVersion"
* @param {Function} callback
ns.libraryRequested = function (libraryName, callback) {
var libraryData = ns.libraryCache[libraryName];
if (!ns.libraryLoaded[libraryName]) {
// Add CSS.
if (libraryData.css !== undefined) {
libraryData.css.forEach(function (path) {
if (!H5P.cssLoaded(path)) {
if (path) {
ns.$('head').append('<link ' +
'rel="stylesheet" ' +
'href="' + path + '" ' +
'type="text/css" ' +
// Add JS
var loadingJs = false;
if (libraryData.javascript !== undefined && libraryData.javascript.length) {
libraryData.javascript.forEach(function (path) {
if (!H5P.jsLoaded(path)) {
loadingJs = true;
ns.loadJs(path, function (err) {
if (err) {
console.error('Error while loading script', err);
var isFinishedLoading = libraryData.javascript.reduce(function (hasLoaded, jsPath) {
return hasLoaded && H5P.jsLoaded(jsPath);
}, true);
if (isFinishedLoading) {
ns.libraryLoaded[libraryName] = true;
// Need to set translations after all scripts have been loaded
if (libraryData.translations) {
for (var machineName in libraryData.translations) {
H5PEditor.language[machineName] = libraryData.translations[machineName];
if (!loadingJs) {
// Don't have to wait for any scripts, run callback
ns.libraryLoaded[libraryName] = true;
else {
// Already loaded, run callback
* Loads the given library, inserts any css and js and
* then runs the callback with the samantics as an argument.
* @param {string} libraryName
* On the form machineName majorVersion.minorVersion
* @param {function} callback
* @returns {undefined}
ns.loadLibrary = function (libraryName, callback) {
switch (ns.libraryCache[libraryName]) {
// Get semantics from cache.
ns.libraryRequested(libraryName, callback);
case 0:
// Add to queue.
if (ns.loadedCallbacks[libraryName] === undefined) {
ns.loadedCallbacks[libraryName] = [];
case undefined:
// Load semantics.
ns.libraryCache[libraryName] = 0; // Indicates that others should queue.
ns.loadedCallbacks[libraryName] = []; // Other callbacks to run once loaded.
var library = ns.libraryFromString(libraryName);
var url = ns.getAjaxUrl('libraries', library);
// Add content language to URL
if (ns.contentLanguage !== undefined) {
url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'language=' + ns.contentLanguage;
// Add common fields default lanuage to URL
const defaultLanguage = ns.defaultLanguage; // Avoid changes after sending AJAX
if (defaultLanguage !== undefined) {
url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + 'default-language=' + defaultLanguage;
// Fire away!
url: url,
success: function (libraryData) {
libraryData.translation = { // Used to cache all the translations
en: libraryData.semantics
let languageSemantics = [];
if (libraryData.language !== null) {
languageSemantics = JSON.parse(libraryData.language).semantics;
delete libraryData.language; // Avoid caching a lot of unused data
var semantics = ns.$.extend(true, [], libraryData.semantics, languageSemantics);
if (libraryData.defaultLanguage !== null) {
libraryData.translation[defaultLanguage] = JSON.parse(libraryData.defaultLanguage).semantics;
delete libraryData.defaultLanguage; // Avoid caching a lot of unused data
ns.updateCommonFieldsDefault(semantics, libraryData.translation[defaultLanguage]);
libraryData.semantics = semantics;
ns.libraryCache[libraryName] = libraryData;
ns.libraryRequested(libraryName, function (semantics) {
// Run queue.
if (ns.loadedCallbacks[libraryName]) {
for (var i = 0; i < ns.loadedCallbacks[libraryName].length; i++) {
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (window['console'] !== undefined) {
console.warn('Ajax request failed');
dataType: 'json'
* Update common fields default values for the given semantics.
* Works by reference.
* @param {Array} semantics
* @param {Array} translation
* @param {boolean} [parentIsCommon] Used to indicated that one of the ancestors is a common field
ns.updateCommonFieldsDefault = function (semantics, translation, parentIsCommon) {
for (let i = 0; i < semantics.length; i++) {
const isCommon = (semantics[i].common === true || parentIsCommon);
if (isCommon && semantics[i].default !== undefined &&
translation[i] !== undefined && translation[i].default !== undefined) {
// Update value
semantics[i].default = translation[i].default;
if (semantics[i].fields !== undefined && semantics[i].fields.length &&
translation[i].fields !== undefined && translation[i].fields.length) {
// Look into sub fields
ns.updateCommonFieldsDefault(semantics[i].fields, translation[i].fields, isCommon);
if (semantics[i].field !== undefined && translation[i].field !== undefined ) {
// Look into sub field
ns.updateCommonFieldsDefault([semantics[i].field], [translation[i].field], isCommon);
* Reset loaded libraries - i.e removes CSS added previously.
* @method
* @return {[type]}
ns.resetLoadedLibraries = function () {
ns.$('head style.h5p-editor-style').remove();
H5PIntegration.loadedCss = [];
H5PIntegration.loadedJs = [];
ns.loadedCallbacks = [];
ns.libraryLoaded = {};
ns.libraryCache = {};
* Render common fields of content type with given machine name
* @param {string} machineName Machine name of content type with common fields
* @param {Array} [libraries] Library data for machine name
ns.renderCommonField = function (machineName, libraries) {
var commonFields = ns.renderableCommonFields[machineName].fields;
var renderableCommonFields = [];
var ancestor;
commonFields.forEach(function (field) {
if (!field.rendered) {
var commonField = ns.addCommonField(
if (commonField.setValues.length === 1) {
field: field,
instance: commonField.instance
field.instance = commonField.instance;
field.rendered = true;
// Render common fields if found
if (renderableCommonFields.length) {
var libraryName = machineName === ns.constants.otherLibraries ? machineName
: (machineName.length ? machineName.split(' ')[0] : '');
if (libraries.length && libraries[0].title) {
libraryName = libraries[0].title;
// Create a library wrapper
var hasLibraryWrapper = !!ns.renderableCommonFields[machineName].wrapper;
var commonFieldsLibraryWrapper = ns.renderableCommonFields[machineName].wrapper;
if (!hasLibraryWrapper) {
commonFieldsLibraryWrapper = document.createElement('fieldset');
var libraryWrapperClass = libraryName.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase();
commonFieldsLibraryWrapper.classList.add('common-fields-' + libraryWrapperClass);
var libraryTitle = document.createElement('legend');
libraryTitle.textContent = libraryName;
libraryTitle.tabIndex = '0';
libraryTitle.setAttribute('role', 'button');
libraryTitle.addEventListener('click', function () {
libraryTitle.addEventListener('keypress', function (e) {
if (e.which === 32) {
ns.renderableCommonFields[machineName].wrapper = commonFieldsLibraryWrapper;
renderableCommonFields.forEach(function (commonField) {
// Gather under a common ancestor
if (commonField.field && commonField.field.ancestor) {
ancestor = commonField.field.ancestor;
// Ensure that params are updated after common field instance is
// appended since this ensures that defaults are set for common fields
const field = commonField.field;
const library = field.parent.currentLibrary;
const fieldName =;
const ancestorField = ancestor.commonFields[library][fieldName];
ancestorField.params = field.params[fieldName];
if (!hasLibraryWrapper && ancestor) {
* Recursively traverse parents to find the library our field belongs to
* @param parent
* @returns {*}
ns.getParentLibrary = function (parent) {
if (!parent) {
return null;
if (parent.currentLibrary) {
return parent.currentLibrary;
return ns.getParentLibrary(parent.parent);
* Recursive processing of the semantics chunks.
* @param {array} semanticsChunk
* @param {object} params
* @param {jQuery} $wrapper
* @param {mixed} parent
* @param {string} [machineName] Machine name of library that is being processed
* @returns {undefined}
ns.processSemanticsChunk = function (semanticsChunk, params, $wrapper, parent, machineName) {
var ancestor;
parent.children = [];
if (parent.passReadies === undefined) {
throw 'Widget tried to run processSemanticsChunk without handling ready callbacks. [field:' + parent.field.type + ':' + + ']';
if (!parent.passReadies) {
// If the parent can't pass ready callbacks we need to take care of them.
parent.readies = [];
for (var i = 0; i < semanticsChunk.length; i++) {
var field = semanticsChunk[i];
// Check generic field properties.
if ( === undefined) {
throw ns.t('core', 'missingProperty', {':index': i, ':property': 'name'});
if (field.type === undefined) {
throw ns.t('core', 'missingProperty', {':index': i, ':property': 'type'});
// Set default value.
if (params[] === undefined && field['default'] !== undefined) {
params[] = field['default'];
var widget = ns.getWidgetName(field);
// TODO: Remove later, this is here for debugging purposes.
if (ns.widgets[widget] === undefined) {
$wrapper.append('<div>[field:' + field.type + ':' + widget + ':' + + ']</div>');
// Add common fields to bottom of form.
if (field.common !== undefined && field.common) {
if (ancestor === undefined) {
ancestor = ns.findAncestor(parent);
var parentLibrary = ns.getParentLibrary(parent);
var library = machineName ? machineName
: (field.library ? field.library
: (parentLibrary ? parentLibrary
: ns.constants.otherLibraries));
ns.renderableCommonFields[library] = ns.renderableCommonFields[library] || {};
ns.renderableCommonFields[library].fields = ns.renderableCommonFields[library].fields || [];
// Add renderable if it doesn't exist
field: field,
parent: parent,
params: params,
ancestor: ancestor,
rendered: false
var fieldInstance = new ns.widgets[widget](parent, field, params[], function (field, value) {
if (value === undefined) {
delete params[];
else {
params[] = value;
// Render all gathered common field
if (ns.renderableCommonFields) {
for (var commonFieldMachineName in ns.renderableCommonFields) {
if (commonFieldMachineName === ns.constants.otherLibraries) {
// No need to grab library info
else {
// Get title for common fields group
ns.renderCommonField.bind(this, commonFieldMachineName)
if (!parent.passReadies) {
// Run ready callbacks.
for (i = 0; i < parent.readies.length; i++) {
delete parent.readies;
* Attach ancestor of parent's common fields to a new wrapper
* @param {Object} parent Parent content type instance that common fields should be attached to
* @param {HTMLElement} wrapper New wrapper of common fields
ns.setCommonFieldsWrapper = function (parent, wrapper) {
var ancestor = ns.findAncestor(parent);
// Hide the ancestor whose children will be reattached elsewhere
* Add a field to the common container.
* @param {object} field
* @param {object} parent
* @param {object} params
* @param {object} ancestor
* @param {boolean} [skipAppendTo] Skips appending the common field if set
* @returns {undefined}
ns.addCommonField = function (field, parent, params, ancestor, skipAppendTo) {
var commonField;
// Group all fields based on library name + version
if (ancestor.commonFields[parent.currentLibrary] === undefined) {
ancestor.commonFields[parent.currentLibrary] = {};
// Field name will have to be unique for library
if (ancestor.commonFields[parent.currentLibrary][] === undefined) {
var widget = ns.getWidgetName(field);
ancestor.commonFields[parent.currentLibrary][] = {
instance: new ns.widgets[widget](parent, field, params[], function (field, value) {
for (var i = 0; i < commonField.setValues.length; i++) {
commonField.setValues[i](field, value);
setValues: [],
parents: []
commonField = ancestor.commonFields[parent.currentLibrary][];
commonField.setValues.push(function (field, value) {
if (value === undefined) {
delete params[];
else {
params[] = value;
if (commonField.setValues.length === 1) {
if (!skipAppendTo) {
commonField.params = params[];
else {
params[] = commonField.params;
return commonField;
* Find the nearest library ancestor. Used when adding commonfields.
* @param {object} parent
* @returns {ns.findLibraryAncestor.parent|@exp;ns@call;findLibraryAncestor}
ns.findLibraryAncestor = function (parent) {
if (parent.parent === undefined || parent.field.type === 'library') {
return parent;
return ns.findLibraryAncestor(parent.parent);
* getParentZebra
* Alternate the background color of fields
* @param parent
* @returns {string} to determine background color of callee
ns.getParentZebra = function (parent) {
if (parent.zebra) {
return parent.zebra;
else {
return ns.getParentZebra(parent.parent);
* Find the nearest ancestor which handles commonFields.
* @param {type} parent
* @returns {@exp;ns@call;findAncestor|ns.findAncestor.parent}
ns.findAncestor = function (parent) {
if (parent.commonFields === undefined) {
return ns.findAncestor(parent.parent);
return parent;
* Call remove on the given children.
* @param {Array} children
* @returns {unresolved}
ns.removeChildren = function (children) {
if (children === undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
// Common fields will be removed by library.
var isCommonField = (children[i].field === undefined ||
children[i].field.common === undefined ||
var hasRemove = (children[i].remove instanceof Function ||
typeof children[i].remove === 'function');
if (isCommonField && hasRemove) {
* Find field from path.
* @param {String} path
* @param {Object} parent
* @returns {@exp;ns.Form@call;findField|Boolean}
ns.findField = function (path, parent) {
if (typeof path === 'string') {
path = path.split('/');
if (path[0] === '..') {
path.splice(0, 1);
return ns.findField(path, parent.parent);
if (parent.children) {
for (var i = 0; i < parent.children.length; i++) {
if (parent.children[i] === path[0]) {
path.splice(0, 1);
if (path.length) {
return ns.findField(path, parent.children[i]);
else {
return parent.children[i];
return false;
* Find a semantics field in the semantics structure by name of the field
* Will return the first found by depth first search if there are identically named fields
* @param {string} fieldName Name of the field we wish to find
* @param {Object|Array} semanticsStructure Semantics we wish to find the field within
* @returns {null|Object} Returns the field if found, otherwise null.
ns.findSemanticsField = function (fieldName, semanticsStructure) {
if (Array.isArray(semanticsStructure)) {
for (let i = 0; i < semanticsStructure.length; i++) {
var semanticsField = ns.findSemanticsField(fieldName, semanticsStructure[i]);
if (semanticsField !== null) {
// Return immediately if field is found
return semanticsField;
return null;
else if ( === fieldName) {
return semanticsStructure;
else if (semanticsStructure.field) {
// Process field
return ns.findSemanticsField(fieldName, semanticsStructure.field);
else if (semanticsStructure.fields) {
// Process fields
return ns.findSemanticsField(fieldName, semanticsStructure.fields);
else {
// No matching semantics found within known properties and list structures
return null;
* Follow a field and get all changes to its params.
* @param {Object} parent The parent object of the field.
* @param {String} path Relative to parent object.
* @param {Function} callback Gets called for params changes.
* @returns {undefined}
ns.followField = function (parent, path, callback) {
if (path === undefined) {
// Find field when tree is ready.
parent.ready(function () {
var def;
if (path instanceof Object) {
// We have an object with default values
def = H5P.cloneObject(path);
if (path.field === undefined) {
callback(path, null);
return; // Exit if we have no field to follow.
path = def.field;
delete def.field;
var field = ns.findField(path, parent);
if (!field) {
throw ns.t('core', 'unknownFieldPath', {':path': path});
if (field.changes === undefined) {
throw ns.t('core', 'noFollow', {':path': path});
var params = (field.params === undefined ? def : field.params);
callback(params, field.changes.length + 1);
field.changes.push(function () {
var params = (field.params === undefined ? def : field.params);
* Create HTML wrapper for error messages.
* @param {String} message
* @returns {String}
ns.createError = function (message) {
return '<p>' + message + '</p>';
* Turn a numbered importance into a string.
* @param {string} importance
* @returns {String}
ns.createImportance = function (importance) {
return importance ? 'importance-' + importance : '';
* Create HTML wrapper for field items.
* Makes sure the different elements are placed in an consistent order.
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} [label]
* @param {string} [description]
* @param {string} [content]
* @deprecated since version 1.12 (Jan. 2017, will be removed Jan. 2018). Use createFieldMarkup instead.
* @see createFieldMarkup
* @returns {string} HTML
ns.createItem = function (type, label, description, content) {
return '<div class="field ' + type + '">' +
(label ? label : '') +
(description ? '<div class="h5peditor-field-description">' + description + '</div>' : '') +
(content ? content : '') +
'<div class="h5p-errors"></div>' +
* An object describing the semantics of a field
* @typedef {Object} SemanticField
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} type
* @property {string} label
* @property {string} [importance]
* @property {string} [description]
* @property {string} [widget]
* @property {boolean} [optional]
* Create HTML wrapper for a field item.
* Replacement for createItem()
* @since 1.12
* @param {SemanticField} field
* @param {string} content
* @param {string} [inputId]
* @return {string}
ns.createFieldMarkup = function (field, content, inputId) {
content = content || '';
var markup = this.createLabel(field, '', inputId) + this.createDescription(field.description, inputId) + content;
return this.wrapFieldMarkup(field, markup);
* Create HTML wrapper for a boolean field item.
* @param {SemanticField} field
* @param {string} content
* @param {string} [inputId]
* @return {string}
ns.createBooleanFieldMarkup = function (field, content, inputId) {
var markup = '<label class="h5peditor-label">' +
content + (field.label || || '') + '</label>' +
this.createDescription(field.description, inputId);
return this.wrapFieldMarkup(field, markup);
* Wraps a field with some metadata classes, and adds error field
* @param {SemanticField} field
* @param {string} markup
* @private
* @return {string}
ns.wrapFieldMarkup = function (field, markup) {
// removes undefined and joins
var wrapperClasses = this.joinNonEmptyStrings(['field', 'field-name-' +, field.type, ns.createImportance(field.importance), field.widget]);
// wrap and return
return '<div class="' + wrapperClasses + '">' +
markup +
'<div class="h5p-errors"></div>' +
* Joins an array of strings if they are defined and non empty
* @param {string[]} arr
* @param {string} [separator] Default is space
* @return {string}
ns.joinNonEmptyStrings = function (arr, separator) {
separator = separator || ' ';
return arr.filter(function (str) {
return str !== undefined && str.length > 0;
* Create HTML for select options.
* @param {String} value
* @param {String} text
* @param {Boolean} selected
* @returns {String}
ns.createOption = function (value, text, selected) {
return '<option value="' + value + '"' + (selected !== undefined && selected ? ' selected="selected"' : '') + '>' + text + '</option>';
* Create HTML for text input.
* @param {String} value
* @param {number} maxLength
* @param {String} placeholder
* @param {number} [id]
* @param {number} [describedby]
* @returns {String}
ns.createText = function (value, maxLength, placeholder, id, describedby) {
var html = '<input class="h5peditor-text" type="text"';
if (id !== undefined) {
html += ' id="' + id + '"';
if (describedby !== undefined) {
html += ' aria-describedby="' + describedby + '"';
if (value !== undefined) {
html += ' value="' + value + '"';
if (placeholder !== undefined) {
html += ' placeholder="' + placeholder + '"';
html += ' maxlength="' + (maxLength === undefined ? 255 : maxLength) + '"/>';
return html;
ns.getNextFieldId = (function (counter) {
* Generates a consistent and unique field ID for the given field.
* @param {Object} field
* @return {number}
return function (field) {
return 'field-' + + '-' + (counter++);
* Helps generates a consistent description ID across fields.
* @param {string} id
* @return {string}
ns.getDescriptionId = function (id) {
return id + '-description';
* Create a label to wrap content in.
* @param {SemanticField} field
* @param {String} [content]
* @param {String} [inputId]
* @returns {String}
ns.createLabel = function (field, content, inputId) {
// New items can be added next to the label within the flex-wrapper
var html = '<label class="h5peditor-label-wrapper"';
if (inputId !== undefined) {
html += ' for="' + inputId + '"';
html+= '>'
// Temporary fix for the old version of CoursePresentation's custom editor
if (field.widget === 'coursepresentation' && === 'presentation') {
field.label = 0;
if (field.label !== 0) {
html += '<span class="h5peditor-label' + (field.optional ? '' : ' h5peditor-required') + '">' + (field.label === undefined ? : field.label) + '</span>';
return html + (content || '') + '</label>';
* Create a description
* @param {String} description
* @param {number} [inputId] Used to reference description from input
* @returns {string}
ns.createDescription = function (description, inputId) {
var html = '';
if (description !== undefined) {
html += '<div class="h5peditor-field-description"';
if (inputId !== undefined) {
html += ' id="' + ns.getDescriptionId(inputId) + '"';
html += '>' + description + '</div>';
return html;
* Create an important description
* @param {Object} importantDescription
* @returns {String}
ns.createImportantDescription = function (importantDescription) {
var html = '';
if (importantDescription !== undefined) {
html += '<div class="h5peditor-field-important-description">' +
'<div class="important-description-tail">' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="important-description-close" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="' + ns.t('core', 'hideImportantInstructions') + '">' +
'<span>' +
ns.t('core', 'hide') +
'</span>' +
'</div>' +
'<span class="h5p-info-icon">' +
'</span>' +
'<span class="important-description-title">' +
ns.t('core', 'importantInstructions') +
if (importantDescription.description !== undefined) {
html += '<div class="important-description-content">' +
importantDescription.description +
if (importantDescription.example !== undefined) {
html += '<div class="important-description-example">' +
'<div class="important-description-example-title">' +
'<span>' +
ns.t('core', 'example') +
':</span>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="important-description-example-text">' +
'<span>' +
importantDescription.example +
'</span>' +
'</div>' +
html += '</div>' +
'<span class="important-description-show" role="button" tabindex="0">' +
ns.t('core', 'showImportantInstructions') +
'</span><span class="important-description-clear-right"></span>';
return html;
* Bind events to important description
* @param {Object} widget
* @param {String} fieldName
* @param {Object} parent
ns.bindImportantDescriptionEvents = function (widget, fieldName, parent) {
var context;
if (!widget.field.important) {
// Generate a context string for using as referance in ex. localStorage.
var librarySelector = ns.findLibraryAncestor(parent);
if (librarySelector.currentLibrary !== undefined) {
var lib = librarySelector.currentLibrary.split(' ')[0];
context = (lib + '-' + fieldName).replace(/\.|_/g,'-') + '-important-description-open';
// Set first occurance to visible, function (value) {
if (value === undefined || value === true) {
// Bind events to toggle button and update aria-pressed
.click(function () {
widget.$item.addClass('important-description-visible');, true);
.keydown(function (event) {
if (event.which == 13 || event.which == 32) {
// Bind events to close button and update aria-pressed of toggle button
.click(function () {
widget.$item.removeClass('important-description-visible');, false);
.keydown(function (event) {
if (event.which == 13 || event.which == 32) {
* Generate markup for the copy and paste buttons.
* @returns {string} HTML
ns.createCopyPasteButtons = function () {
return '<div class="h5peditor-copypaste-wrap">' +
'<button class="h5peditor-copy-button disabled" title="' + H5PEditor.t('core', 'copyToClipboard') + '" disabled>' + ns.t('core', 'copyButton') + '</button>' +
'<button class="h5peditor-paste-button disabled" title="' + H5PEditor.t('core', 'pasteFromClipboard') + '" disabled>' + ns.t('core', 'pasteButton') + '</button>' +
'</div><div class="h5peditor-clearfix"></div>';
* Confirm replace if there is content selected
* @param {string} library Current selected library
* @param {number} top Offset
* @param {function} next Next callback
ns.confirmReplace = function (library, top, next) {
if (library) {
// Confirm changing library
var confirmReplace = new H5P.ConfirmationDialog({
headerText: H5PEditor.t('core', 'pasteContent'),
dialogText: H5PEditor.t('core', 'confirmPasteContent'),
confirmText: H5PEditor.t('core', 'confirmPasteButtonText')
confirmReplace.on('confirmed', next);;
else {
// No need to confirm
* Check if any errors has been set.
* @param {jQuery} $errors
* @param {jQuery} $input
* @param {String} value
* @returns {mixed}
ns.checkErrors = function ($errors, $input, value) {
if ($errors.children().length) {
$input.keyup(function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 9) { // TAB
return false;
return value;
* @param {object} library
* with machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion params
* @returns {string}
* Concatinated version of the library
ns.libraryToString = function (library) {
return + ' ' + library.majorVersion + '.' + library.minorVersion;
* TODO: Remove from here, and use from H5P instead(move this to the h5p.js...)
* @param {string} library
* library in the format machineName majorVersion.minorVersion
* @returns
* library as an object with machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion properties
* return false if the library parameter is invalid
ns.libraryFromString = function (library) {
var regExp = /(.+)\s(\d+)\.(\d+)$/g;
var res = regExp.exec(library);
if (res !== null) {
return {
'machineName': res[1],
'majorVersion': res[2],
'minorVersion': res[3]
else {
H5P.error('Invalid überName');
return false;
* Helper function for detecting field widget.
* @param {Object} field
* @returns {String} Widget name
ns.getWidgetName = function (field) {
return (field.widget === undefined ? field.type : field.widget);
* Mimics how php's htmlspecialchars works (the way we uses it)
ns.htmlspecialchars = function (string) {
return string.toString().replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/"/g, '"');
* Makes it easier to add consistent buttons across the editor widget.
* @param {string} id Typical CSS class format
* @param {string} title Human readable format
* @param {function} handler Action handler when triggered
* @param {boolean} [displayTitle=false] Show button with text
* @return {H5P.jQuery}
ns.createButton = function (id, title, handler, displayTitle) {
var options = {
class: 'h5peditor-button ' + (displayTitle ? 'h5peditor-button-textual ' : '') + id,
role: 'button',
tabIndex: 0,
'aria-disabled': 'false',
on: {
click: function () {;
keydown: function (event) {
switch (event.which) {
case 13: // Enter
case 32: // Space;
// Determine if we're a icon only button or have a textual label
options[displayTitle ? 'html' : 'aria-label'] = title;
return ns.$('<div/>', options);
* Check if the current library is entitled for the metadata button. True by default.
* It will probably be okay to remove this check at some point in time when
* the majority of content types and plugins have been updated to a version
* that supports the metadata system.
* @param {string} library - Current library.
* @return {boolean} True, if form should have the metadata button.
ns.enableMetadata = function (library) {
if (!library || typeof library !== 'string') {
return false;
library = H5P.libraryFromString(library);
if (!library) {
return false;
// This list holds all old libraries (/older versions implicitly) that need an update for metadata
const blackList = [
// Should never have metadata because it does not make sense
'H5P.IVHotspot 1.2',
'H5P.Link 1.3',
'H5P.TwitterUserFeed 1.0',
'H5P.GoToQuestion 1.3',
'H5P.Nil 1.0',
// Copyright information moved to metadata
'H5P.Audio 1.2',
'H5P.Video 1.4',
'H5P.Image 1.0',
// Title moved to metadata
'H5P.DocumentExportPage 1.3',
'H5P.ExportableTextArea 1.2',
'H5P.GoalsAssessmentPage 1.3',
'H5P.GoalsPage 1.4',
'H5P.StandardPage 1.3',
'H5P.DragQuestion 1.12',
'H5P.ImageHotspotQuestion 1.7',
// Custom editor changed
'H5P.CoursePresentation 1.19',
'H5P.InteractiveVideo 1.19'
let block = blackList.filter(function (item) {
// + ' ' makes sure to avoid partial matches
return item.indexOf(library.machineName + ' ') !== -1;
if (block.length === 0) {
return true;
block = H5P.libraryFromString(block[0]);
if (library.majorVersion > block.majorVersion || library.majorVersion === block.majorVersion && library.minorVersion > block.minorVersion) {
return true;
return false;
// Backwards compatibilty
ns.attachToastTo = H5P.attachToastTo;
* Check if clipboard can be pasted.
* @param {Object} clipboard Clipboard data.
* @param {Object} libs Libraries to compare against.
* @return {boolean} True, if content can be pasted.
ns.canPaste = function (clipboard, libs) {
return (this.canPastePlus(clipboard, libs)).canPaste;
* Check if clipboard can be pasted and give reason if not.
* @param {Object} clipboard Clipboard data.
* @param {Object} libs Libraries to compare against.
* @return {Object} Results. {canPaste: boolean, reason: string, description: string}.
ns.canPastePlus = function (clipboard, libs) {
// Clipboard is empty
if (!clipboard || !clipboard.generic) {
return {
canPaste: false,
reason: 'pasteNoContent',
description: ns.t('core', 'pasteNoContent')
// No libraries to compare to
if (libs === undefined) {
return {
canPaste: false,
reason: 'pasteError',
description: ns.t('core', 'pasteError')
// Translate Hub format to common library format
if (libs.libraries !== undefined) {
libs = libs.libraries;
libs.forEach(function (lib) { = lib.machineName;
lib.majorVersion = lib.localMajorVersion;
lib.minorVersion = lib.localMinorVersion;
// Check if clipboard library type is available
const machineNameClip = clipboard.generic.library.split(' ')[0];
let candidates = libs.filter(function (library) {
return === machineNameClip;
if (candidates.length === 0) {
return {
canPaste: false,
reason: 'pasteContentNotSupported',
description: ns.t('core', 'pasteContentNotSupported')
// Check if clipboard library version is available
const versionClip = clipboard.generic.library.split(' ')[1];
for (let i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) {
if (candidates[i].majorVersion + '.' + candidates[i].minorVersion === versionClip) {
if (candidates[i].restricted !== true) {
return {
canPaste: true
else {
return {
canPaste: false,
reason: 'pasteContentRestricted',
description: ns.t('core', 'pasteContentRestricted')
// Sort remaining candidates by version number
candidates = candidates
.map(function (candidate) {
return '' + candidate.majorVersion + '.' + candidate.minorVersion;
.map(function (candidate) {
return candidate.replace(/\d+/g, function (d) {
return +d + 1000;
.map(function (candidate) {
return candidate.replace(/\d+/g, function (d) {
return +d - 1000;
// Clipboard library is newer than latest available local library
const candidateMax = candidates.slice(-1)[0];
if (+candidateMax.split('.')[0] < +versionClip.split('.')[0] ||
(+candidateMax.split('.')[0] === +versionClip.split('.')[0] &&
+candidateMax.split('.')[1] < +versionClip.split('.')[1])) {
return {
canPaste: false,
reason: 'pasteTooNew',
description: ns.t('core', 'pasteTooNew', {
':clip': versionClip,
':local': candidateMax
// Clipboard library is older than latest available local library
const candidateMin = candidates.slice(0, 1)[0];
if (+candidateMin.split('.')[0] > +versionClip.split('.')[0] ||
(+candidateMin.split('.')[0] === +versionClip.split('.')[0] &&
+candidateMin.split('.')[1] > +versionClip.split('.')[1])) {
return {
canPaste: false,
reason: 'pasteTooOld',
description: ns.t('core', 'pasteTooOld', {
':clip': versionClip,
':local': candidateMin
return {
canPaste: false,
reason: 'pasteError',
description: ns.t('core', 'pasteError')
// Factory for creating storage instance = (function () {
var instance = {
get: function (key, next) {
var value;
// Get value from browser storage
if (window.localStorage !== undefined) {
value = !!window.localStorage.getItem(key);
// Try to get a better value from user data storage
try {
H5P.getUserData(0, key, function (err, result) {
if (!err) {
value = result;
catch (err) {
set: function (key, value) {
// Store in browser
if (window.localStorage !== undefined) {
window.localStorage.setItem(key, value);
// Try to store in user data storage
try {
H5P.setUserData(0, key, value);
catch (err) { /*Intentionally left empty*/ }
return instance;
* Small helper class for library data.
* @class
* @param {string} nameVersionString
ns.ContentType = function ContentType(nameVersionString) {
const libraryNameSplit = nameVersionString.split(' ');
const libraryVersionSplit = libraryNameSplit[1].split('.');
this.machineName = libraryNameSplit[0];
this.majorVersion = libraryVersionSplit[0];
this.minorVersion = libraryVersionSplit[1];
* Look for the best possible upgrade for the given library
* @param {ns.ContentType} library
* @param {Array} libraries Where to look
ns.ContentType.getPossibleUpgrade = function (library, libraries) {
let possibleUpgrade;
for (let i = 0; i < libraries.length; i++) {
const candiate = libraries[i];
if (candiate.installed !== false && ns.ContentType.hasSameName(candiate, library) && ns.ContentType.isHigherVersion(candiate, library)) {
// Check if the upgrade is better than the previous upgrade we found
if (!possibleUpgrade || ns.ContentType.isHigherVersion(candiate, possibleUpgrade)) {
possibleUpgrade = candiate;
return possibleUpgrade;
* Check if candiate is a higher version than original.
* @param {Object} candiate Library object
* @param {Object} original Library object
* @returns {boolean}
ns.ContentType.isHigherVersion = function (candiate, original) {
return (ns.ContentType.getMajorVersion(candiate) > ns.ContentType.getMajorVersion(original) ||
(ns.ContentType.getMajorVersion(candiate) == ns.ContentType.getMajorVersion(original) &&
ns.ContentType.getMinorVersion(candiate) > ns.ContentType.getMinorVersion(original)));
* Check if candiate has same name as original.
* @param {Object} candiate Library object
* @param {Object} original Library object
* @returns {boolean}
ns.ContentType.hasSameName = function (candiate, original) {
return (ns.ContentType.getName(candiate) === ns.ContentType.getName(original));
* Check if candiate has same name as original.
* @param {Object} candiate Library object
* @param {Object} original Library object
* @returns {string}
ns.ContentType.getNameVersionString = function (library) {
return ns.ContentType.getName(library) + ' ' + ns.ContentType.getMajorVersion(library) + '.' + ns.ContentType.getMinorVersion(library);
* Get the major version from a library object.
* @param {Object} library
* @returns {number}
ns.ContentType.getMajorVersion = function (library) {
return parseInt((library.localMajorVersion !== undefined ? library.localMajorVersion : library.majorVersion));
* Get the minor version from a library object.
* @param {Object} library
* @returns {number}
ns.ContentType.getMinorVersion = function (library) {
return parseInt((library.localMinorVersion !== undefined ? library.localMinorVersion : library.minorVersion));
* Get the name from a library object.
* @param {Object} library
* @returns {string}
ns.ContentType.getName = function (library) {
return (library.machineName !== undefined ? library.machineName :;
ns.upgradeContent = (function () {
* A wrapper for loading library data for the content upgrade scripts.
* @param {string} name Library name
* @param {H5P.Version} version
* @param {Function} next Callback
const loadLibrary = function (name, version, next) {
const library = name + ' ' + version.major + '.' + version.minor;
ns.loadLibrary(library, function () {
next(null, ns.libraryCache[library]);
return function contentUpgrade(fromLibrary, toLibrary, parameters, done) {
ns.loadJs(H5PIntegration.libraryUrl + '/h5p-version.js' + H5PIntegration.pluginCacheBuster, function (err) {
ns.loadJs(H5PIntegration.libraryUrl + '/h5p-content-upgrade-process.js' + H5PIntegration.pluginCacheBuster, function (err) {
// TODO: Avoid stringify the parameters
new H5P.ContentUpgradeProcess(ns.ContentType.getName(fromLibrary), new H5P.Version(fromLibrary), new H5P.Version(toLibrary), JSON.stringify(parameters), 1, function (name, version, next) {
loadLibrary(name, version, function (err, library) {
if (library.upgradesScript) {
ns.loadJs(library.upgradesScript, function (err) {
if (err) {
err = 'Error loading upgrades ' + name + ' ' + version;
next(err, library);
else {
next(null, library);
}, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
let header = 'Failed';
let message = 'Could not upgrade content';
switch (err.type) {
case 'errorTooHighVersion':
message += ': ' + ns.t('core', 'errorTooHighVersion', {'%used': err.used, '%supported': err.supported});
case 'errorNotSupported':
message += ': ' + ns.t('core', 'errorNotSupported', {'%used': err.used});
case 'errorParamsBroken':
message += ': ' + ns.t('core', 'errorParamsBroken');
case 'libraryMissing':
message += ': ' + ns.t('core', 'libraryMissing', {'%lib': err.library});
case 'scriptMissing':
message += ': ' + ns.t('core', 'scriptMissing', {'%lib': err.library});
var confirmErrorDialog = new H5P.ConfirmationDialog({
headerText: header,
dialogText: message,
confirmText: 'Continue'
done(err, result);
// List of language code mappings used by the editor
ns.supportedLanguages = {
'aa': 'Afar',
'ab': 'Abkhazian (аҧсуа бызшәа)',
'ae': 'Avestan',
'af': 'Afrikaans',
'ak': 'Akan',
'am': 'Amharic (አማርኛ)',
'ar': 'Arabic (العربية)',
'as': 'Assamese',
'ast': 'Asturian',
'av': 'Avar',
'ay': 'Aymara',
'az': 'Azerbaijani (azərbaycan)',
'ba': 'Bashkir',
'be': 'Belarusian (Беларуская)',
'bg': 'Bulgarian (Български)',
'bh': 'Bihari',
'bi': 'Bislama',
'bm': 'Bambara (Bamanankan)',
'bn': 'Bengali',
'bo': 'Tibetan',
'br': 'Breton',
'bs': 'Bosnian (Bosanski)',
'ca': 'Catalan (Català)',
'ce': 'Chechen',
'ch': 'Chamorro',
'co': 'Corsican',
'cr': 'Cree',
'cs': 'Czech (Čeština)',
'cu': 'Old Slavonic',
'cv': 'Chuvash',
'cy': 'Welsh (Cymraeg)',
'da': 'Danish (Dansk)',
'de': 'German (Deutsch)',
'dv': 'Maldivian',
'dz': 'Bhutani',
'ee': 'Ewe (Ɛʋɛ)',
'el': 'Greek (Ελληνικά)',
'en': 'English',
'en-gb': 'English, British',
'eo': 'Esperanto',
'es': 'Spanish (Español)',
'es-mx': 'Spanish, Mexican',
'et': 'Estonian (Eesti)',
'eu': 'Basque (Euskera)',
'fa': 'Persian (فارسی)',
'ff': 'Fulah (Fulfulde)',
'fi': 'Finnish (Suomi)',
'fil': 'Filipino',
'fj': 'Fiji',
'fo': 'Faeroese',
'fr': 'French (Français)',
'fy': 'Frisian (Frysk)',
'ga': 'Irish (Gaeilge)',
'gd': 'Scots Gaelic',
'gl': 'Galician (Galego)',
'gn': 'Guarani',
'gsw-berne': 'Swiss German',
'gu': 'Gujarati',
'gv': 'Manx',
'ha': 'Hausa',
'he': 'Hebrew (עברית)',
'hi': 'Hindi (हिन्दी)',
'ho': 'Hiri Motu',
'hr': 'Croatian (Hrvatski)',
'hsb': 'Upper Sorbian (hornjoserbšćina)',
'ht': 'Haitian Creole',
'hu': 'Hungarian (Magyar)',
'hy': 'Armenian (Õ€Õ¡ÕµÕ¥Ö€Õ¥Õ¶)',
'hz': 'Herero',
'ia': 'Interlingua',
'id': 'Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)',
'ie': 'Interlingue',
'ig': 'Igbo',
'ik': 'Inupiak',
'is': 'Icelandic (Íslenska)',
'it': 'Italian (Italiano)',
'iu': 'Inuktitut',
'ja': 'Japanese (日本語)',
'jv': 'Javanese',
'ka': 'Georgian',
'kg': 'Kongo',
'ki': 'Kikuyu',
'kj': 'Kwanyama',
'kk': 'Kazakh (Қазақ)',
'kl': 'Greenlandic',
'km': 'Cambodian',
'kn': 'Kannada (ಕನà³à²¨à²¡)',
'ko': 'Korean (한국어)',
'kr': 'Kanuri',
'ks': 'Kashmiri',
'ku': 'Kurdish (Kurdî)',
'kv': 'Komi',
'kw': 'Cornish',
'ky': 'Kyrgyz (Кыргызча)',
'la': 'Latin (Latina)',
'lb': 'Luxembourgish',
'lg': 'Luganda',
'ln': 'Lingala',
'lo': 'Laothian',
'lt': 'Lithuanian (Lietuvių)',
'lv': 'Latvian (Latviešu)',
'mg': 'Malagasy',
'mh': 'Marshallese',
'mi': 'Māori',
'mk': 'Macedonian (Македонски)',
'ml': 'Malayalam (മലയാളം)',
'mn': 'Mongolian',
'mo': 'Moldavian',
'mr': 'Marathi',
'ms': 'Malay (Bahasa Melayu)',
'mt': 'Maltese (Malti)',
'my': 'Burmese',
'na': 'Nauru',
'nd': 'North Ndebele',
'ne': 'Nepali',
'ng': 'Ndonga',
'nl': 'Dutch (Nederlands)',
'nb': 'Norwegian Bokmål (Bokmål)',
'nn': 'Norwegian Nynorsk (Nynorsk)',
'nr': 'South Ndebele',
'nv': 'Navajo',
'ny': 'Chichewa',
'oc': 'Occitan',
'om': 'Oromo',
'or': 'Oriya',
'os': 'Ossetian',
'pa': 'Punjabi',
'pi': 'Pali',
'pl': 'Polish (Polski)',
'ps': 'Pashto (پښتو)',
'pt': 'Portuguese, International',
'pt-pt': 'Portuguese, Portugal (Português)',
'pt-br': 'Portuguese, Brazil (Português)',
'qu': 'Quechua',
'rm': 'Rhaeto-Romance',
'rn': 'Kirundi',
'ro': 'Romanian (Română)',
'ru': 'Russian (Русский)',
'rw': 'Kinyarwanda',
'sa': 'Sanskrit',
'sc': 'Sardinian',
'sco': 'Scots',
'sd': 'Sindhi',
'se': 'Northern Sami',
'sg': 'Sango',
'sh': 'Serbo-Croatian',
'si': 'Sinhala (සිංහල)',
'sk': 'Slovak (Slovenčina)',
'sl': 'Slovenian (Slovenščina)',
'sm': 'Samoan',
'sma': 'Sámi (Southern)',
'sme': 'Sámi (Northern)',
'smj': 'Sámi (Lule)',
'sn': 'Shona',
'so': 'Somali',
'sq': 'Albanian (Shqip)',
'sr': 'Serbian (Српски)',
'ss': 'Siswati',
'st': 'Sesotho',
'su': 'Sudanese',
'sv': 'Swedish (Svenska)',
'sw': 'Swahili (Kiswahili)',
'ta': 'Tamil (தமிழà¯)',
'te': 'Telugu (తెలà±à°—à±)',
'tg': 'Tajik',
'th': 'Thai (ภาษาไทย)',
'ti': 'Tigrinya',
'tk': 'Turkmen',
'tl': 'Tagalog',
'tn': 'Setswana',
'to': 'Tonga',
'tr': 'Turkish (Türkçe)',
'ts': 'Tsonga',
'tt': 'Tatar (Tatarça)',
'tw': 'Twi',
'ty': 'Tahitian',
'ug': 'Uyghur',
'uk': 'Ukrainian (Українська)',
'ur': 'Urdu (اردو)',
'uz': "Uzbek (o'zbek)",
've': 'Venda',
'vi': 'Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)',
'wo': 'Wolof',
'xh': 'Xhosa (isiXhosa)',
'xx-lolspeak': 'Lolspeak)',
'yi': 'Yiddish',
'yo': 'Yoruba (Yorùbá)',
'za': 'Zhuang',
'zh': 'Chinese',
'zh-hans': 'Chinese, Simplified (简体中文)',
'zh-hant': 'Chinese, Traditional (繁體中文)',
'zh-tw': 'Chinese, Taiwan, Traditional',
'zu': 'Zulu (isiZulu)'