Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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H5PEditor.SemanticStructure = (function ($) {

   * The base of the semantic structure system.
   * All semantic structure class types will inherit this class.
   * @class
   * @param {Object} field
   * @param {Object} defaultWidget
  function SemanticStructure(field, defaultWidget) {
    var self = this;

    // Initialize event inheritance;

     * Determine this fields label. Used in error messages.
     * @public
    self.label = (field.label === undefined ? : field.label);

    // Support old editor libraries
    self.field = {};

    const id = H5PEditor.getNextFieldId(field);
    const descriptionId = (field.description !== undefined ? H5PEditor.getDescriptionId(id) : undefined)

     * Global instance variables.
     * @private
    var $widgetSelect, $wrapper, $inner, $errors, $helpText, widgets;

     * Initialize. Wrapped to avoid leaking variables
     * @private
    var init = function () {
      // Create field wrapper
      $wrapper = $('<div/>', {
        'class': 'field ' + field.type + ' ' + H5PEditor.createImportance(field.importance)

      /* We want to be in control of the label, description and errors
      containers to give the editor some structure. Also we do not provide
      direct access to the field object to avoid cluttering semantics.json with
      non-semantic properties and options. Getters and setters will be
      created for what is needed. */

      // Create field label
      if (field.label !== 0) {
        // Add label
        createLabel(self.label, field.optional, id).appendTo($wrapper);

      // Create description
      var $description;
      if (field.description !== undefined) {
        $description = $('<div/>', {
          'id': descriptionId,
          'class': 'h5peditor-field-description',
          text: field.description,
          appendTo: $wrapper
        $description.html($description.html().replace('\n', '<br/>'));

      widgets = getValidWidgets();
      if (widgets.length > 1) {
        // Create widget select box
        $widgetSelect = $('<ul/>', {
          'class': 'h5peditor-widget-select',
          title: H5PEditor.t('core', 'editMode'),
          appendTo: $wrapper
        for (var i = 0; i < widgets.length; i++) {
          addWidgetOption(widgets[i], i === 0);

        // Allow custom styling when selector is present

      // Create inner wrapper
      $inner = $('<div/>', {
        'class': 'h5peditor-widget-wrapper' + (widgets.length > 1 ? ' content' : ' '),
        appendTo: $wrapper

      // Create errors container
      $errors = $('<div/>', {
        'class': 'h5p-errors'

      // Create help text
      $helpText = $('<div/>', {
        'class': 'h5p-help-text'

     * Add widget select option.
     * @private
    var addWidgetOption = function (widget, active) {
      var $option = $('<li/>', {
        'class': 'h5peditor-widget-option' + (active ? ' ' + CLASS_WIDGET_ACTIVE : ''),
        text: widget.label,
        role: 'button',
        tabIndex: 1,
        on: {
          click: function () {
            // Update UI
            $widgetSelect.children('.' + CLASS_WIDGET_ACTIVE).removeClass(CLASS_WIDGET_ACTIVE);

            // Change Widget

     * Get a list of widgets that are valid and loaded.
     * @private
     * @throws {TypeError} widgets must be an array
     * @returns {Array} List of valid widgets
    var getValidWidgets = function () {
      if (field.widgets === undefined) {
        // No widgets specified use default
        return [defaultWidget];
      if (!(field.widgets instanceof Array)) {
        throw TypeError('widgets must be an array');

      // Check if specified widgets are valid
      var validWidgets = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < field.widgets.length; i++) {
        var widget = field.widgets[i];
        if (getWidget( {

      if (!validWidgets.length) {
        // There are no valid widgets, add default

      return validWidgets;

     * Finds the widget class with the given name.
     * @private
     * @param {String} name
     * @returns {Class}
    var getWidget = function (name) {
      return H5PEditor[name];

     * Change the UI widget.
     * @private
     * @param {String} name
    var changeWidget = function (name) {
      if (self.widget !== undefined) {
        // Validate our fields first to makes sure all "stored" from their widgets

        // Remove old widgets

      // TODO: Improve error handling?
      var widget = getWidget(name);
      self.widget = new widget(self);

      // Add errors container and description.

      if (self.widget.helpText !== undefined) {
      else {

     * Appends the field widget to the given container.
     * @public
     * @param {jQuery} $container
    self.appendTo = function ($container) {
      // Use first widget by default


     * Remove this field and widget.
     * @public
    self.remove = function () {

     * Remove this field and widget.
     * @public
     * @param {String} message
    self.setError = function (message) {

     * Clear error messages.
     * @public
    self.clearErrors = function () {

     * Get the name of this field.
     * @public
     * @returns {String} Name of the current field
    self.getName = function () {

     * Get the input id the label points to.
     * @returns {String} Name of the current field
    self.getId = function () {
      return id;

     * Get the description id to point to.
     * @returns {String} Name of the current field
    self.getDescriptionId = function () {
      return descriptionId;

    // Must be last

  // Extends the event dispatcher
  SemanticStructure.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype);
  SemanticStructure.prototype.constructor = SemanticStructure;

   * Create generic editor label.
   * @private
   * @param {String} text
   * @returns {jQuery}
  var createLabel = function (text, optional, id) {
    return $('<label/>', {
      'for': id,
      'class': 'h5peditor-label' + (optional ? '' : ' h5peditor-required'),
      text: text

   * @constant
  var CLASS_WIDGET_ACTIVE = 'h5peditor-widget-active';

  return SemanticStructure;