Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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/* global ns */
 * Create a number picker field for the form.
 * @param {mixed} parent
 * @param {Object} field
 * @param {mixed} params
 * @param {function} setValue
 * @returns {ns.Number}
ns.Number = function (parent, field, params, setValue) {
  this.field = field;
  this.value = params;
  this.setValue = setValue;

 * Append field to wrapper.
 * @param {jQuery} $wrapper
 * @returns {undefined}
ns.Number.prototype.appendTo = function ($wrapper) {
  var that = this;

  this.$item = ns.$(this.createHtml()).appendTo($wrapper);
  this.$errors = this.$item.find('.h5p-errors');
  var $inputs = this.$item.find('input');
  if ($inputs.length === 1) {
    this.$input = $inputs;
  else {
    this.$range = $inputs.filter(':first');
    this.$input = this.$;

  this.$input.change(function () {
    // Validate
    var value = that.validate();

    if (value !== false) {
      // Set param
      that.value = value;
      that.setValue(that.field, value);
      if (that.$range !== undefined) {
      if (value !== undefined && that.field.unit) {
        that.$input.val(value + ' ' + that.field.unit);

  if (this.$range !== undefined) {
    if (this.$range.attr('type') === 'range') {
      this.$range.change(function () {

      // Add some styles for IE.
      if (H5PEditor.isIE) {
        this.$range.css('margin-top', 0);
        this.$input.css('margin-top', '7px');
    else {

 * Create HTML for the field.
ns.Number.prototype.createHtml = function () {
  const id = ns.getNextFieldId(this.field);
  const descriptionId = (this.field.description !== undefined ? ns.getDescriptionId(id) : undefined)
  const value = this.field.unit && this.value !== undefined ? (this.value + ' ' + this.field.unit) : this.value;
  var input = ns.createText(value, 15, undefined, id, descriptionId);
  /* TODO: Add back in when FF gets support for input:range....
   *if (this.field.min !== undefined && this.field.max !== undefined && this.field.step !== undefined) {
    input = '<input type="range" min="' + this.field.min + '" max="' + this.field.max + '" step="' + this.field.step + '"' + (this.value === undefined ? '' : ' value="' + this.value + '"') + '/>' + input;

  return ns.createFieldMarkup(this.field, input, id);

 * Validate the current text field.
ns.Number.prototype.validate = function () {
  var that = this;

  var value = H5P.trim(this.$input.val());
  var decimals = this.field.decimals !== undefined && this.field.decimals;

  if (this.field.unit) {
    value = value.replace(new RegExp(' *' + this.field.unit + '$'), '');

  // Clear errors before showing new ones

  // Determine property name
  var propertyName = (that.field.label === 0 ? ns.t('core', 'numberField') : that.field.label);

  if (!value.length) {
    if (that.field.optional === true) {
      // Field is optional and does not have a value, nothing more to validate

    // Field must have a value
    this.$errors.append(ns.createError(ns.t('core', 'requiredProperty', {':property': ns.t('core', 'numberField')})));
  else {
    var isInt = value.match(new RegExp('^-?[0-9]+$'));
    if (decimals && !isInt && !value.match(new RegExp('^-?[0-9]+(.|,)[0-9]{1,' + decimals + '}$'))) {
      this.$errors.append(ns.createError(ns.t('core', 'illegalDecimalNumber', {
        ':property': propertyName,
        ':decimals': decimals
    else if (!decimals && !isInt) {
      this.$errors.append(ns.createError(ns.t('core', 'onlyNumbers', {':property': propertyName})));
    else {
      if (decimals) {
        value = parseFloat(value.replace(',', '.'));
      else {
        value = parseInt(value);

      if (this.field.max !== undefined && value > this.field.max) {
        this.$errors.append(ns.createError(ns.t('core', 'exceedsMax', {':property': propertyName, ':max': this.field.max})));
      else if (this.field.min !== undefined && value < this.field.min) {
        this.$errors.append(ns.createError(ns.t('core', 'belowMin', {':property': propertyName, ':min': this.field.min})));
      else if (this.field.step !== undefined && value % this.field.step)  {
        this.$errors.append(ns.createError(ns.t('core', 'outOfStep', {':property': propertyName, ':step': this.field.step})));

  this.$input.toggleClass('error', this.$errors.html().length > 0);

  return ns.checkErrors(this.$errors, this.$input, value);

 * Remove this item.
ns.Number.prototype.remove = function () {

// Tell the editor what widget we are.
ns.widgets.number = ns.Number;