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/* global ns */
* Construct a library selector.
* @param {Array} libraries
* @param {String} defaultLibrary
* @param {Object} defaultParams
* @returns {ns.LibrarySelector}
ns.LibrarySelector = function (libraries, defaultLibrary, defaultParams) {
var that = this;
this.libraries = libraries;;
try {
this.defaultParams = JSON.parse(defaultParams);
if (!(this.defaultParams instanceof Object)) {
throw true;
catch (event) {
// Content parameters are broken. Reset. (This allows for broken content to be reused without deleting it)
this.defaultParams = {};
this.defaultLibrary = this.currentLibrary = defaultLibrary;
this.defaultLibraryParameterized = defaultLibrary ? defaultLibrary.replace('.', '-').toLowerCase() : undefined;
//Add tutorial and example link:
this.$tutorialUrl = ns.$(
'<a class="h5p-tutorial-url" target="_blank">' +
'<span class="h5p-tutorial-url-label">' +
ns.t('core', 'tutorial') +
'</span>' +
this.$exampleUrl = ns.$(
'<a class="h5p-example-url" target="_blank">' +
'<span class="h5p-example-url-label">' +
ns.t('core', 'example') +
'</span>' +
// Create confirm dialog
var changeLibraryDialog = new H5P.ConfirmationDialog({
headerText: H5PEditor.t('core', 'changeLibrary'),
dialogText: H5PEditor.t('core', 'confirmChangeLibrary')
if (H5PIntegration.hubIsEnabled) {
this.selector = new ns.SelectorHub(libraries, defaultLibrary, changeLibraryDialog);
else {
this.selector = new ns.SelectorLegacy(libraries, defaultLibrary, changeLibraryDialog);
this.$selector = ns.$(this.selector.getElement());
* @private
* @param {object} library
var librarySelectHandler = function (library) {
that.currentLibrary = library.uberName;
that.loadSemantics(library.uberName, that.selector.getParams(), that.selector.getMetadata());
that.$tutorialUrl.attr('href', library.tutorialUrl ? library.tutorialUrl : '#').toggle(!!library.tutorialUrl);
that.$exampleUrl.attr('href', library.exampleUrl ? library.exampleUrl : '#').toggle(!!library.exampleUrl);
* Event handler for loading a new library editor
* @private
var loadLibrary = function () {
that.trigger('editorload', that.selector.currentLibrary);
* Confirm replace if there is content selected
* @param {number} top Offset
* @param {function} next Next callback
this.confirmPasteError = function (message, top, next) {
// Confirm changing library
var confirmReplace = new H5P.ConfirmationDialog({
headerText: H5PEditor.t('core', 'pasteError'),
dialogText: message,
cancelText: ' ',
confirmText: H5PEditor.t('core', 'ok')
confirmReplace.on('confirmed', next);;
// Change library on confirmation
changeLibraryDialog.on('confirmed', loadLibrary);
// Revert selector on cancel
changeLibraryDialog.on('canceled', function () {
that.selector.resetSelection(that.currentLibrary, that.defaultParams, that.form.metadata, true);
// First time a library is selected in the editor
this.selector.on('selected', loadLibrary);
this.selector.on('resize', function () {
this.on('select', loadLibrary);
H5P.externalDispatcher.on('datainclipboard', this.updateCopyPasteButtons.bind(this));
this.selector.on('paste', this.pasteContent.bind(this));
// Extends the event dispatcher
ns.LibrarySelector.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype);
ns.LibrarySelector.prototype.constructor = ns.LibrarySelector;
* Sets the current library
* @param {string} library
ns.LibrarySelector.prototype.setLibrary = function (library) {
* Append the selector html to the given container.
* @param {jQuery} $element
* @returns {undefined}
ns.LibrarySelector.prototype.appendTo = function ($element) {
var self = this;
this.$parent = $element;
Start Moodle change
This line is commented out to prevent display of the hub selector in Moodle.
For more information see MDL-67814.
// this.$selector.appendTo($element);
/* End Moodle change */
if (window.localStorage) {
var $buttons = ns.$(ns.createCopyPasteButtons()).appendTo($element);
// Hide copy paste until library is selected:
self.on('editorloaded', function () {
this.$copyButton = $buttons.find('.h5peditor-copy-button').click(function () {
library: self.getCurrentLibrary(),
params: self.getParams(),
metadata: self.getMetadata()
H5PEditor.t('core', 'copiedToClipboard'), {
position: {
horizontal: 'center',
vertical: 'above',
noOverflowX: true
this.$pasteButton = $buttons.find('.h5peditor-paste-button')
* Update state of copy and paste buttons dependent on what is currently in
* the clipboard
ns.LibrarySelector.prototype.updateCopyPasteButtons = function () {
if (!window.localStorage) {
// Check if content type is supported here
const pasteCheck = ns.canPastePlus(H5P.getClipboard(), this.libraries);
const canPaste = pasteCheck.canPaste;
.prop('disabled', false)
.toggleClass('disabled', false);
.text(ns.t('core', 'pasteAndReplaceButton'))
.attr('title', canPaste ? ns.t('core', 'pasteAndReplaceFromClipboard') : pasteCheck.description)
.toggleClass('disabled', !canPaste)
.prop('disabled', !canPaste);
this.selector.setCanPaste && this.selector.setCanPaste(canPaste, !canPaste ? pasteCheck.description : undefined);
* Sets the current library
* @param {string} library
ns.LibrarySelector.prototype.pasteContent = function () {
var self = this;
var clipboard = H5P.getClipboard();
ns.confirmReplace(self.getCurrentLibrary(), self.$parent.offset().top, function () {
self.selector.resetSelection(clipboard.generic.library, clipboard.generic.params, clipboard.generic.metadata, false);
* Display loading message and load library semantics.
* @param {String} library
* @param {Object} params Pass in params to semantics
* @returns {unresolved}
ns.LibrarySelector.prototype.loadSemantics = function (library, params, metadata) {
var that = this;
if (this.form !== undefined) {
// Remove old form.
if (library === '-') {
// No library chosen.
this.$parent.attr('class', 'h5peditor');
this.$parent.attr('class', 'h5peditor ' + library.split(' ')[0].toLowerCase().replace('.', '-') + '-editor');
// Display loading message
var $loading = ns.$('<div class="h5peditor-loading h5p-throbber">' + ns.t('core', 'loading') + '</div>').appendTo(this.$parent);
this.$selector.attr('disabled', true);
ns.loadLibrary(library, function (semantics) {
if (!semantics) {
that.form = ns.$('<div/>', {
'class': 'h5p-errors',
text: H5PEditor.t('core', 'noSemantics'),
insertAfter: $loading
else {
var overrideParams = {};
if (params) {
overrideParams = params;
that.defaultParams = overrideParams;
else if (library === that.defaultLibrary || library === that.defaultLibraryParameterized) {
overrideParams = that.defaultParams;
if (!metadata) {
metadata = overrideParams.metadata;
const defaultLanguage = metadata && metadata.defaultLanguage
? metadata.defaultLanguage
: null;
that.form = new ns.Form(
that.form.currentLibrary = library;
that.form.processSemantics(semantics, overrideParams, metadata);
that.$selector.attr('disabled', false);
that.trigger('editorloaded', library);
* Returns currently selected library
* @returns {string} Currently selected library
ns.LibrarySelector.prototype.getCurrentLibrary = function () {
return this.currentLibrary;
* Return params needed to start library.
ns.LibrarySelector.prototype.getParams = function () {
if (this.form === undefined) {
// Only return if all fields has validated.
//var valid = true;
if (this.form.metadataForm.children !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.form.metadataForm.children.length; i++) {
if (this.form.metadataForm.children[i].validate() === false) {
//valid = false;
if (this.form.children !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.form.children.length; i++) {
if (this.form.children[i].validate() === false) {
//valid = false;
//return valid ? this.form.params : false;
return this.form.params; // TODO: Switch to the line above when we are able to tell the user where the validation fails
* Get the metadata of the main form.
* @return {object} Metadata object.
ns.LibrarySelector.prototype.getMetadata = function () {
if (this.form === undefined) {
return this.form.metadata;
* @param content
* @param library
* @returns {H5PEditor.Presave} Result after processing library and content
ns.LibrarySelector.prototype.presave = function (content, library) {
return (new ns.Presave).process(library, content);