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/* global ns */
* Creates a coordinates picker for the form.
* @param {mixed} parent
* @param {object} field
* @param {mixed} params
* @param {function} setValue
* @returns {ns.Coordinates}
ns.Coordinates = function (parent, field, params, setValue) {
var that = this;
this.parent = parent;
this.field = H5P.cloneObject(field, true); // TODO: Cloning is a quick fix, make sure this field doesn't change semantics!
// Find image field to get max size from.
// TODO: Use followField?
this.findImageField('max', function (field) {
if (field instanceof ns.File) {
if (field.params !== undefined) {
that.setMax(field.params.width, field.params.height);
field.changes.push(function (file) {
if (file === undefined) {
// TODO: This callback should be removed when this item is removed.
that.setMax(file.params.width, file.params.height);
else if (field instanceof ns.Dimensions) {
if (field.params !== undefined) {
that.setMax(field.params.width, field.params.height);
field.changes.push(function (width, height) {
// TODO: This callback should be removed when this item is removed.
that.setMax(width, height);
this.params = params;
this.setValue = setValue;
* Set max coordinates.
* @param {string} x
* @param {string} y
* @returns {undefined}
ns.Coordinates.prototype.setMax = function (x, y) {
this.field.max = {
x: parseInt(x),
y: parseInt(y)
if (this.params !== undefined) {
* Find the image field for the given property and then run the callback.
* @param {string} property
* @param {function} callback
* @returns {unresolved}
ns.Coordinates.prototype.findImageField = function (property, callback) {
var that = this;
var str = 'string';
if (typeof this.field[property] !== str) {
// Find field when tree is ready.
this.parent.ready(function () {
if (typeof that.field[property] !== str) {
if (that.field[property] !== undefined) {
return; // We've already found this field before.
var path = that.field[property];
that.field[property] = ns.findField(that.field[property], that.parent);
if (!that.field[property]) {
throw ns.t('core', 'unknownFieldPath', {':path': path});
if (that.field[property].field.type !== 'image' && that.field[property].field.widget !== 'dimensions') {
throw ns.t('core', 'notImageOrDimensionsField', {':path': path});
* Append the field to the wrapper.
* @param {jQuery} $wrapper
* @returns {undefined}
ns.Coordinates.prototype.appendTo = function ($wrapper) {
var that = this;
this.$item = ns.$(this.createHtml()).appendTo($wrapper);
this.$inputs = this.$item.find('input');
this.$errors = this.$item.children('.h5p-errors');
this.$inputs.change(function () {
// Validate
var value = that.validate();
if (value) {
// Set param
that.params = value;
that.setValue(that.field, value);
}).click(function () {
return false;
}).click(function () {
return false;
* Create HTML for the coordinates picker.
ns.Coordinates.prototype.createHtml = function () {
const id = ns.getNextFieldId(this.field);
const descriptionId = (this.field.description !== undefined ? ns.getDescriptionId(id) : undefined)
var input =
ns.createText(this.params !== undefined ? this.params.x : undefined, 15, 'X', id, descriptionId) +
' , ' +
ns.createText(this.params !== undefined ? this.params.y : undefined, 15, 'Y', undefined, descriptionId);
return ns.createFieldMarkup(this.field, input, id);
* Validate the current values.
ns.Coordinates.prototype.validate = function () {
var that = this;
var coordinates = {};
this.$inputs.each(function (i) {
var $input = ns.$(this);
var value = H5P.trim($input.val());
var property = i ? 'y' : 'x';
if (that.field.optional && !value.length) {
return true;
if ((that.field.optional === undefined || !that.field.optional) && !value.length) {
that.$errors.append(ns.createError(ns.t('core', 'requiredProperty', {':property': property})));
return false;
if (value.length && !value.match(new RegExp('^[0-9]+$'))) {
that.$errors.append(ns.createError(ns.t('core', 'onlyNumbers', {':property': property})));
return false;
value = parseInt(value);
if (that.field.max !== undefined && value > that.field.max[property]) {
that.$errors.append(ns.createError(ns.t('core', 'exceedsMax', {':property': property, ':max': that.field.max[property]})));
return false;
coordinates[property] = value;
return ns.checkErrors(this.$errors, this.$inputs, coordinates);
* Remove this item.
ns.Coordinates.prototype.remove = function () {
// Tell the editor what widget we are.
ns.widgets.coordinates = ns.Coordinates;