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This files describes API changes in /grade/report/*,
information provided here is intended especially for developers.
=== 4.4 ===
* Method grader_report_grader::get_right_avg_row() has been deprecated. Please use grade_report::calculate_average() instead.
* The method grade_report::ungraded_counts() now has 2 parameters - group ID and includehidden. First is needed since
for grader report we calculate averages for overall and for a group at same time. Second is used to decide if we want
to include hidden items in the count or not (For grader and summary reports they are included, for user report - not).
=== 4.3 ===
* The load_users() method in the gradereport_singleview\local\screen class has been deprecated. Please use
grade_report::get_gradable_users() instead.
* The \gradereport_singleview\local\screen\select has been deprecated. This class generates the output for the initial
view to select the single view item type (user or grade item) which is no longer actively used as we do not provide
direct links to it.
* The following reports now use the combobox search PHP & JS rather than defining their own:
- gradereport_grader
- gradereport_singleview
- gradereport_user
Each of these reports extend the base user, grade or group JS class in either core or core_grades so that they can define how their clickable links are generated.
Any special handling of the search dropdowns should be done in the JS class "closest" to your plugin rather than in core_grades or the base search class itself.
=== 4.2 ===
* 'Show calculations' setting has been removed from grader report (link is moved to grade action menu)
* 'Show activity icons' setting has been removed from grader report
* The grade_report_grader:get_icons(), grade_report_grader:get_left_icons_row()
and grade_report_grader:get_right_icons_row() functions have been deprecated and are not used anymore.
* 'Show grade analysis icon' setting has been removed from grader report (link is moved to grade action menu)
* 'Show locks' setting has been removed from grader report (link is moved to grade action menu)
* 'Show show/hide icons' setting has been removed from grader report (link is moved to grade action menu)
* 'Enable AJAX' interface has been deprecated for grader report
* 'Quick feedback' interface has been deprecated for grader report
* A new method grade_report::get_additional_context() is created to obtain links to other grade plugins report pages.
It loops through all installed grade report plugins and checks if callback function gradereport_*_get_report_link
is implemented in for given grade report plugin in the corresponding lib.php
* The setting $CFG->grade_report_studentsperpage has been completely removed because it's not required anymore. This setting
was used to set the default number of students displayed per page in the grader report. Now the default is set to
* The get_grade_item_id() function in behat_gradereport_grader.php has been deprecated. Please use
behat_grades::get_grade_item_id() instead.
* The grade_report::get_lang_string() has been deprecated. Please use get_string() instead.
=== 3.6 ===
* External function gradereport_user_external::get_grade_items now return the following information (only for course managers).
- locked: Whether the grade item is locked.
- gradeislocked: Whether the user grade is locked.
- gradeisoverridden: Whether the user grade is overridden.
=== 3.2 ===
* External function gradereport_user_external::get_grades_table now has an optional groupid parameter.
Is recommended to use this parameter in courses with separate groups or when the user requesting the report is in more than one group.
=== 2.9 ===
* Deprecating grade_report_grader:get_collapsing_icon.
* A new web service function gradereport_user_get_grades_table has been added which will allow external system to retrieve grade information ready to be formatted as a table similar to the gradebook user report one.
=== 2.8.2 ===
* gradereport_singleview::__construct doesn't need groupid parameter anymore, so it was renamed to $unused.
=== 2.6.5, 2.7.2 ===
* The callback function grade_report_*_profilereport now takes one more parameter $viewasuser. This parameter
is set to true when the report must be viewed as the user whose grades are being displayed. For instance,
when a mentor/parent is viewing the report, they should see the same grades, not more, not less. When the
setting is set to false (default), the capability checks, visibility and access levels are using the
currently logged in user.
=== 2.6 ===
* grade_report_grader::get_toggles_html() and grade_report_grader::print_toggle()
can not be used any more
* class grade_report get_numusers($groups = true, $users = false)
An extra parameter has been added to restrict count to those users being
* class grade_report_grader get_left_rows($displayaverages)
A parameter has been added to indicate whether averages are applicable and
should be displayed on the report
* class grade_report_grader get_right_rows($displayaverages)
A parameter has been added to indicate whether averages are applicable and
should be displayed on the report
* class grade_report_grader get_grade_table($displayaverages = false)
A parameter has been added to indicate whether averages are applicable and
should be displayed on the report
=== 2.3.5, 2.4.2 ===
* class_grade_report::showtotalsifcontainhidden has been switched from a single integer value to an array.
The array keys are course IDs while the array values are the value of the course setting "report_overview_showtotalsifcontainhidden".