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@core @core_grades @gradereport_singleview @javascript
Feature: We can bulk insert grades for students in a course
As a teacher
In order to quickly grade items
I can bulk insert values for all or empty grades.
Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 |
And the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email | idnumber | alternatename |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | | t1 | fred |
| student1 | Student | 1 | | s1 | james |
| student2 | Student | 2 | | s2 | holly |
| student3 | Student | 3 | | s3 | anna |
| student4 | Student | 4 | | s4 | zac |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
| student1 | C1 | student |
| student2 | C1 | student |
| student3 | C1 | student |
| student4 | C1 | student |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | course | idnumber | name | intro |
| assign | C1 | a1 | Test assignment one | Submit something! |
| assign | C1 | a2 | Test assignment two | Submit something! |
| assign | C1 | a3 | Test assignment three | Submit something! |
| assign | C1 | a4 | Test assignment four | Submit nothing! |
And I am on the "Course 1" "Course" page logged in as "teacher1"
And I turn editing mode on
Scenario: I can not save bulk insert until I fill required form elements
Given I navigate to "View > Grader report" in the course gradebook
And I click on grade item menu "Test assignment one" of type "gradeitem" on "grader" page
And I choose "Single view for this item" in the open action menu
And I click on "Actions" "link"
When I click on "Bulk insert" "link"
And the "Empty grades" "radio" should be disabled
And the "All grades" "radio" should be disabled
And the "[name=bulkinsertmodal]" "css_element" should be disabled
And the "[data-action=save]" "css_element" should be disabled
And I click on "I understand that my unsaved changes will be lost." "checkbox"
And the "Empty grades" "radio" should be enabled
And the "All grades" "radio" should be enabled
And the "[name=bulkinsertmodal]" "css_element" should be enabled
And the "[data-action=save]" "css_element" should be disabled
And I click on "Empty grades" "radio"
And the "Empty grades" "radio" should be enabled
And the "All grades" "radio" should be enabled
And the "[name=bulkinsertmodal]" "css_element" should be enabled
Then the "[data-action=save]" "css_element" should be enabled
Scenario: I can bulk insert grades and check their override flags for grade view.
Given I am on the "Test assignment one" "assign activity" page
And I follow "View all submissions"
And I click on "Grade" "link" in the "Student 1" "table_row"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Grade out of 100 | 50 |
And I press "Save changes"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage with editing mode on
And I navigate to "View > Grader report" in the course gradebook
And I click on grade item menu "Test assignment one" of type "gradeitem" on "grader" page
And I choose "Single view for this item" in the open action menu
And the field "Grade for Student 1" matches value "50.00"
And the field "Override for Student 1" matches value "0"
And I click on "Actions" "link"
And I click on "Bulk insert" "link"
And I click on "I understand that my unsaved changes will be lost." "checkbox"
And I click on "Empty grades" "radio"
And I set the field "Insert new grade" to "1.0"
And I click on "Save" "button" in the ".modal-dialog" "css_element"
And the field "Grade for Student 1" matches value "50.00"
And the field "Override for Student 1" matches value "0"
And the field "Grade for Student 2" matches value "1.00"
And the field "Override for Student 2" matches value "1"
And the field "Grade for Student 3" matches value "1.00"
And the field "Override for Student 3" matches value "1"
And the field "Grade for Student 4" matches value "1.00"
And the field "Override for Student 4" matches value "1"
And I click on "Actions" "link"
When I click on "Bulk insert" "link"
And I click on "I understand that my unsaved changes will be lost." "checkbox"
And I click on "All grades" "radio"
And I set the field "Insert new grade" to "2.0"
And I click on "Save" "button" in the ".modal-dialog" "css_element"
And the field "Grade for Student 1" matches value "2.00"
And the field "Override for Student 1" matches value "1"
And the field "Grade for Student 2" matches value "2.00"
And the field "Override for Student 2" matches value "1"
And the field "Grade for Student 3" matches value "2.00"
And the field "Override for Student 3" matches value "1"
And the field "Grade for Student 4" matches value "2.00"
Then the field "Override for Student 4" matches value "1"
Scenario: I can bulk insert grades and check their override flags for user view.
Given I am on the "Test assignment two" "assign activity" page
And I follow "View all submissions"
And I click on "Grade" "link" in the "Student 1" "table_row"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Grade out of 100 | 50 |
And I press "Save changes"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage with editing mode on
And I navigate to "View > Grader report" in the course gradebook
And I click on user menu "Student 1"
And I choose "Single view for this user" in the open action menu
And the field "Grade for Test assignment two" matches value "50.00"
And the field "Override for Test assignment two" matches value "0"
And I click on "Actions" "link"
When I click on "Bulk insert" "link"
And I click on "I understand that my unsaved changes will be lost." "checkbox"
And I click on "Empty grades" "radio"
And I set the field "Insert new grade" to "1.0"
And I click on "Save" "button" in the ".modal-dialog" "css_element"
And the field "Grade for Test assignment two" matches value "50.00"
And the field "Override for Test assignment two" matches value "0"
And the field "Grade for Test assignment one" matches value "1.00"
And the field "Override for Test assignment one" matches value "1"
And the field "Grade for Test assignment three" matches value "1.00"
And the field "Override for Test assignment three" matches value "1"
And the field "Grade for Test assignment four" matches value "1.00"
Then the field "Override for Test assignment four" matches value "1"
Scenario: I can not update grades if the value is out of bounds.
Given I navigate to "View > Grader report" in the course gradebook
And I click on grade item menu "Test assignment one" of type "gradeitem" on "grader" page
And I choose "Single view for this item" in the open action menu
And I click on "Actions" "link"
When I click on "Bulk insert" "link"
And I click on "I understand that my unsaved changes will be lost." "checkbox"
And I click on "Empty grades" "radio"
And I set the field "Insert new grade" to "-1"
And I click on "Save" "button" in the ".modal-dialog" "css_element"
And I should see "The grade entered for Test assignment one for Student 1 is less than the minimum allowed"
And I should see "The grade entered for Test assignment one for Student 2 is less than the minimum allowed"
And I should see "The grade entered for Test assignment one for Student 3 is less than the minimum allowed"
And I should see "The grade entered for Test assignment one for Student 4 is less than the minimum allowed"
Then I should see "Grades were set for 0 items"