Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

namespace gradereport_singleview\report;

use context_course;
use grade_report;
use moodle_url;
use renderer_base;
use stdClass;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;

require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/grade/report/lib.php');

 * This class is the main class that must be implemented by a grade report plugin.
 * @package   gradereport_singleview
 * @copyright 2014 Moodle Pty Ltd (
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class singleview extends grade_report {

    /** @var string|null $itemselector The raw HTML of the item selector based on the selected single view item type. */
    public ?string $itemselector = null;

    /** @var \gradereport_singleview\local\screen\screen screen type. */
    public $screen;

     * Return the list of valid screens, used to validate the input.
     * @return array List of screens.
    public static function valid_screens(): array {
        // This is a list of all the known classes representing a screen in this plugin.
        return ['user', 'select', 'grade', 'user_select', 'grade_select'];

     * Process data from a form submission. Delegated to the current screen.
     * @param array $data The data from the form
     * @return array|object List of warnings
    public function process_data($data) {
        if (has_capability('moodle/grade:edit', $this->context)) {
            return $this->screen->process($data);

     * Unused - abstract function declared in the parent class.
     * @param string $target
     * @param string $action
    public function process_action($target, $action) {

     * Constructor for this report. Creates the appropriate screen class based on itemtype.
     * @param int $courseid The course id.
     * @param object $gpr grade plugin return tracking object
     * @param context_course $context
     * @param string $itemtype Should be user, select or grade
     * @param int|null $itemid The id of the user or grade item
     * @param string|null $unused Used to be group id but that was removed and this is now unused.
    public function __construct(
        int $courseid,
        object $gpr,
        context_course $context,
        string $itemtype,
        ?int $itemid,
        ?string $unused = null
    ) {
        parent::__construct($courseid, $gpr, $context);

        $base = '/grade/report/singleview/index.php';

        $idparams = ['id' => $courseid];

        $this->baseurl = new moodle_url($base, $idparams);

        $this->pbarurl = new moodle_url($base, $idparams + [
                'item' => $itemtype,
                'itemid' => $itemid

        //  The setup_group method is used to validate group mode and permissions and define the currentgroup value.

        if (($itemtype !== 'grade') && ($itemtype !== 'user')) {
            $itemid = null;

        $this->setup_item_selector($itemtype, $itemid);

        $screenclass = "\\gradereport_singleview\\local\\screen\\{$itemtype}";

        $this->screen = new $screenclass($courseid, $itemid, $this->currentgroup);

        // Load custom or predifined js.

     * Build the html for the screen.
     * @return string HTML to display
    public function output(): string {
        global $OUTPUT;
        return $OUTPUT->container($this->screen->html());

    protected function setup_groups() {
        $this->group_selector = static::groups_course_menu($this->course);

     * Ideally we should move this function to the base class and call it from the setup_groups in the base class,
     * so all reports would automatically use it.
     * @param stdClass $course
     * @return string
    protected static function groups_course_menu(stdClass $course) {
        global $PAGE;

        $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core_grades');
        return $renderer->group_selector($course);

     * Function used to set the appropriate item selector (raw HTML) based on the selected single view item type.
     * @param string $itemtype The single view item type.
     * @param int|null $itemid The item ID.
    protected function setup_item_selector(string $itemtype, ?int $itemid) {
        global $PAGE;

        $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('gradereport_singleview');

        if ($itemtype === 'user' || $itemtype === 'user_select' ) {
            $this->itemselector = $renderer->users_selector($this->course, $itemid, $this->currentgroup);
        } else if ($itemtype === 'grade' || $itemtype === 'grade_select' ) {
            $this->itemselector = $renderer->grade_items_selector($this->course, $itemid);

     * Adds bulk actions menu.
     * @param renderer_base $output
     * @return string HTML to display
    public function bulk_actions_menu(renderer_base $output): string {
        $options = [
            'overrideallgrades' => get_string('overrideallgrades', 'gradereport_singleview'),
            'overridenonegrades' => get_string('overridenonegrades', 'gradereport_singleview'),
            'excludeallgrades' => get_string('excludeallgrades', 'gradereport_singleview'),
            'excludenonegrades' => get_string('excludenonegrades', 'gradereport_singleview'),
            'bulklegend' => get_string('bulklegend', 'gradereport_singleview')

        $menu = new \action_menu();
        $menu->set_menu_trigger(get_string('actions'), 'text-dark');

        foreach ($options as $type => $option) {
            $action = new \action_menu_link_secondary(new \moodle_url('#'), null, $option,
                ['data-action' => $type, 'data-role' => 'bulkaction']);
        $menu->attributes['class'] .= ' float-left my-auto';

        return $output->render($menu);