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@core @core_grades @gradereport_grader @javascript
Feature: Group searching functionality within the grader report.
Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category | groupmode |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 | 1 |
And the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email | idnumber |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | | t1 |
| student1 | Student | 1 | | s1 |
| student2 | Student | 2 | | s2 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
| student1 | C1 | student |
| student2 | C1 | student |
And the following "groups" exist:
| name | course | idnumber |
| Default group | C1 | dg |
| Group 2 | C1 | g2 |
| Tutor group | C1 | tg |
| Marker group | C1 | mg |
And the following "group members" exist:
| user | group |
| student1 | dg |
| student2 | g2 |
And I am on the "Course 1" "grades > Grader report > View" page logged in as "teacher1"
Scenario: A teacher can see the 'group' search widget only when group mode is enabled in the course
Given ".groupsearchwidget" "css_element" should exist
And I am on the "C1" "course editing" page
And I set the following fields to these values:
| id_groupmode | No groups |
And I press "Save and display"
When I navigate to "View > Grader report" in the course gradebook
Then ".groupsearchwidget" "css_element" should not exist
Scenario: A teacher can search for and find a group to display
Given I confirm "Tutor group" in "group" search within the gradebook widget exists
And I confirm "Marker group" in "group" search within the gradebook widget exists
When I set the field "Search groups" to "tutor"
And I wait until "Marker group" "option_role" does not exist
Then I confirm "Tutor group" in "group" search within the gradebook widget exists
And I confirm "Marker group" in "group" search within the gradebook widget does not exist
And I click on "Tutor group" in the "group" search widget
# The search input remains in the field on reload this is in keeping with other search implementations.
And I click on ".groupsearchwidget" "css_element"
And the field "Search groups" matches value "tutor"
Then I set the field "Search groups" to "Turtle"
And I should see "No results for \"Turtle\""
Scenario: A teacher can only see the group members in the 'user' search widget after selecting a group option
# Confirm that all users are initially displayed in the 'user' search widget.
Given I set the field "Search users" to "Student"
And I confirm "Student 1" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
And I confirm "Student 2" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
# Select a particular group from the 'group' search widget.
When I click on "Default group" in the "group" search widget
# Confirm that only users which are members of the selected group are displayed in the 'user' search widget.
And I set the field "Search users" to "Student"
Then I confirm "Student 1" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
And I confirm "Student 2" in "user" search within the gradebook widget does not exist
And I click on "Tutor group" in the "group" search widget
And I set the field "Search users" to "Student"
And I confirm "Student 1" in "user" search within the gradebook widget does not exist
And I confirm "Student 2" in "user" search within the gradebook widget does not exist
And I click on "All participants" in the "group" search widget
And I set the field "Search users" to "Student"
And I confirm "Student 1" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
And I confirm "Student 2" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
Scenario: A teacher can set focus and search using the input with a keyboard
Given I click on ".groupsearchwidget" "css_element"
# Basic tests for the page.
And the page should meet accessibility standards
And the page should meet "wcag131, wcag141, wcag412" accessibility standards
And the page should meet accessibility standards with "wcag131, wcag141, wcag412" extra tests
# Move onto general keyboard navigation testing.
And I click on "Search groups" "field"
And I wait until "Default group" "option_role" exists
And I press the down key
And the focused element is "Search groups" "field"
And ".active" "css_element" should exist in the "All participants" "option_role"
And I press the up key
And the focused element is "Search groups" "field"
And ".active" "css_element" should exist in the "Tutor group" "option_role"
And I press the down key
And the focused element is "Search groups" "field"
And ".active" "css_element" should exist in the "All participants" "option_role"
Then I set the field "Search groups" to "Goodmeme"
And I wait until "Tutor group" "option_role" does not exist
And I press the down key
And the focused element is "Search groups" "field"
And I navigate to "View > User report" in the course gradebook
And I click on ".groupsearchwidget" "css_element"
And I set the field "Search groups" to "Tutor"
And I wait until "All participants" "option_role" does not exist
And I press the down key
And the focused element is "Search groups" "field"
And ".active" "css_element" should exist in the "Tutor group" "option_role"
# Lets check the tabbing order.
And I set the field "Search groups" to "Marker"
And I wait until "Marker group" "option_role" exists
And I press the tab key
And the focused element is "Clear search input" "button"
And I press the enter key
And I wait until the page is ready
And ".groupsearchwidget" "css_element" should exist