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* A class for loading and preparing grade data from import.
* @package gradeimport_csv
* @copyright 2014 Adrian Greeve <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* A class for loading and preparing grade data from import.
* @package gradeimport_csv
* @copyright 2014 Adrian Greeve <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class gradeimport_csv_load_data {
/** @var string $error csv import error. */
protected $error;
/** @var int $iid Unique identifier for these csv records. */
protected $iid;
/** @var array $headers Column names for the data. */
protected $headers;
/** @var array $previewdata A subsection of the csv imported data. */
protected $previewdata;
// The map_user_data_with_value variables.
/** @var array $newgrades Grades to be inserted into the gradebook. */
protected $newgrades;
/** @var array $newfeedbacks Feedback to be inserted into the gradebook. */
protected $newfeedbacks;
/** @var int $studentid Student ID*/
protected $studentid;
// The prepare_import_grade_data() variables.
/** @var bool $status The current status of the import. True = okay, False = errors. */
protected $status;
/** @var int $importcode The code for this batch insert. */
protected $importcode;
/** @var array $gradebookerrors An array of errors from trying to import into the gradebook. */
protected $gradebookerrors;
/** @var array $newgradeitems An array of new grade items to be inserted into the gradebook. */
protected $newgradeitems;
* Load CSV content for previewing.
* @param string $text The grade data being imported.
* @param string $encoding The type of encoding the file uses.
* @param string $separator The separator being used to define each field.
* @param int $previewrows How many rows are being previewed.
public function load_csv_content($text, $encoding, $separator, $previewrows) {
$this->iid = csv_import_reader::get_new_iid('grade');
$csvimport = new csv_import_reader($this->iid, 'grade');
$csvimport->load_csv_content($text, $encoding, $separator);
$this->error = $csvimport->get_error();
// If there are no import errors then proceed.
if (empty($this->error)) {
// Get header (field names).
$this->headers = $csvimport->get_columns();
$this->previewdata = array();
for ($numlines = 0; $numlines <= $previewrows; $numlines++) {
$lines = $csvimport->next();
if ($lines) {
$this->previewdata[] = $lines;
* Gets all of the grade items in this course.
* @param int $courseid Course id;
* @return array An array of grade items for the course.
public static function fetch_grade_items($courseid) {
$gradeitems = null;
if ($allgradeitems = grade_item::fetch_all(array('courseid' => $courseid))) {
foreach ($allgradeitems as $gradeitem) {
// Skip course type and category type.
if ($gradeitem->itemtype == 'course' || $gradeitem->itemtype == 'category') {
$displaystring = null;
if (!empty($gradeitem->itemmodule)) {
$displaystring = get_string('modulename', $gradeitem->itemmodule).get_string('labelsep', 'langconfig')
} else {
$displaystring = $gradeitem->get_name();
$gradeitems[$gradeitem->id] = $displaystring;
return $gradeitems;
* Cleans the column headers from the CSV file.
protected function trim_headers() {
foreach ($this->headers as $i => $h) {
$h = trim($h); // Remove whitespace.
$h = clean_param($h, PARAM_RAW); // Clean the header.
$this->headers[$i] = $h;
* Raises the php execution time and memory limits for importing the CSV file.
protected function raise_limits() {
// Large files are likely to take their time and memory. Let PHP know
// that we'll take longer, and that the process should be recycled soon
// to free up memory.
* Inserts a record into the grade_import_values table. This also adds common record information.
* @param stdClass $record The grade record being inserted into the database.
* @param int $studentid The student ID.
* @param grade_item $gradeitem Grade item.
* @return mixed true or insert id on success. Null if the grade value is too high or too low or grade item not exist.
protected function insert_grade_record(stdClass $record, int $studentid, grade_item $gradeitem): mixed {
global $DB, $USER, $CFG;
$record->importcode = $this->importcode;
$record->userid = $studentid;
$record->importer = $USER->id;
// If the record final grade is set then check that the grade value isn't too high.
// Final grade will not be set if we are inserting feedback.
$gradepointmaximum = $gradeitem->grademax;
$gradepointminimum = $gradeitem->grademin;
$finalgradeinrange =
isset($record->finalgrade) && $record->finalgrade <= $gradepointmaximum && $record->finalgrade >= $gradepointminimum;
if (!isset($record->finalgrade) || $finalgradeinrange || $CFG->unlimitedgrades) {
return $DB->insert_record('grade_import_values', $record);
} else {
if ($record->finalgrade > $gradepointmaximum) {
$this->cleanup_import(get_string('gradevaluetoobig', 'grades', format_float($gradepointmaximum)));
} else {
$this->cleanup_import(get_string('gradevaluetoosmall', 'grades', format_float($gradepointminimum)));
return null;
* Insert the new grade into the grade item buffer table.
* @param array $header The column headers from the CSV file.
* @param int $key Current row identifier.
* @param string $value The value for this row (final grade).
* @return stdClass new grade that is ready for commiting to the gradebook.
protected function import_new_grade_item($header, $key, $value) {
global $DB, $USER;
// First check if header is already in temp database.
if (empty($this->newgradeitems[$key])) {
$newgradeitem = new stdClass();
$newgradeitem->itemname = $header[$key];
$newgradeitem->importcode = $this->importcode;
$newgradeitem->importer = $USER->id;
// Insert into new grade item buffer.
$this->newgradeitems[$key] = $DB->insert_record('grade_import_newitem', $newgradeitem);
$newgrade = new stdClass();
$newgrade->newgradeitem = $this->newgradeitems[$key];
$trimmed = trim($value);
if ($trimmed === '' or $trimmed == '-') {
// Blank or dash grade means null, ie "no grade".
$newgrade->finalgrade = null;
} else {
// We have an actual grade.
$newgrade->finalgrade = $value;
$this->newgrades[] = $newgrade;
return $newgrade;
* Check that the user is in the system.
* @param string $value The value, from the csv file, being mapped to identify the user.
* @param array $userfields Contains the field and label being mapped from.
* @return int Returns the user ID if it exists, otherwise null.
protected function check_user_exists($value, $userfields) {
global $DB;
$user = null;
$errorkey = false;
// The user may use the incorrect field to match the user. This could result in an exception.
try {
$field = $userfields['field'];
// Fields that can be queried in a case-insensitive manner.
$caseinsensitivefields = [
// Build query predicate.
if (in_array($field, $caseinsensitivefields)) {
// Case-insensitive.
$select = $DB->sql_equal($field, ':' . $field, false);
} else {
// Exact-value.
$select = "{$field} = :{$field}";
// Validate if the user id value is numerical.
if ($field === 'id' && !is_numeric($value)) {
$errorkey = 'usermappingerror';
// Make sure the record exists and that there's only one matching record found.
$user = $DB->get_record_select('user', $select, array($userfields['field'] => $value), '*', MUST_EXIST);
} catch (dml_missing_record_exception $missingex) {
$errorkey = 'usermappingerror';
} catch (dml_multiple_records_exception $multiex) {
$errorkey = 'usermappingerrormultipleusersfound';
// Field may be fine, but no records were returned.
if ($errorkey) {
$usermappingerrorobj = new stdClass();
$usermappingerrorobj->field = $userfields['label'];
$usermappingerrorobj->value = $value;
$this->cleanup_import(get_string($errorkey, 'grades', $usermappingerrorobj));
return null;
return $user->id;
* Check to see if the feedback matches a grade item.
* @param int $courseid The course ID.
* @param int $itemid The ID of the grade item that the feedback relates to.
* @param string $value The actual feedback being imported.
* @return object Creates a feedback object with the item ID and the feedback value.
protected function create_feedback($courseid, $itemid, $value) {
// Case of an id, only maps id of a grade_item.
// This was idnumber.
if (!new grade_item(array('id' => $itemid, 'courseid' => $courseid))) {
// Supplied bad mapping, should not be possible since user
// had to pick mapping.
$this->cleanup_import(get_string('importfailed', 'grades'));
return null;
// The itemid is the id of the grade item.
$feedback = new stdClass();
$feedback->itemid = $itemid;
$feedback->feedback = $value;
return $feedback;
* This updates existing grade items.
* @param int $courseid The course ID.
* @param array $map Mapping information provided by the user.
* @param int $key The line that we are currently working on.
* @param bool $verbosescales Form setting for grading with scales.
* @param string $value The grade value.
* @return array grades to be updated.
protected function update_grade_item($courseid, $map, $key, $verbosescales, $value) {
// Case of an id, only maps id of a grade_item.
// This was idnumber.
if (!$gradeitem = new grade_item(array('id' => $map[$key], 'courseid' => $courseid))) {
// Supplied bad mapping, should not be possible since user
// had to pick mapping.
$this->cleanup_import(get_string('importfailed', 'grades'));
return null;
// Check if grade item is locked if so, abort.
if ($gradeitem->is_locked()) {
$this->cleanup_import(get_string('gradeitemlocked', 'grades'));
return null;
$newgrade = new stdClass();
$newgrade->itemid = $gradeitem->id;
if ($gradeitem->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE and $verbosescales) {
if ($value === '' or $value == '-') {
$value = null; // No grade.
} else {
$scale = $gradeitem->load_scale();
$scales = explode(',', $scale->scale);
$scales = array_map('trim', $scales); // Hack - trim whitespace around scale options.
array_unshift($scales, '-'); // Scales start at key 1.
$key = array_search($value, $scales);
if ($key === false) {
$this->cleanup_import(get_string('badgrade', 'grades'));
return null;
$value = $key;
$newgrade->finalgrade = $value;
} else {
if ($value === '' or $value == '-') {
$value = null; // No grade.
} else {
// If the value has a local decimal or can correctly be unformatted, do it.
$validvalue = unformat_float($value, true);
if ($validvalue !== false) {
$value = $validvalue;
} else {
// Non numeric grade value supplied, possibly mapped wrong column.
$this->cleanup_import(get_string('badgrade', 'grades'));
return null;
$newgrade->finalgrade = $value;
$this->newgrades[] = $newgrade;
return $this->newgrades;
* Clean up failed CSV grade import. Clears the temp table for inserting grades.
* @param string $notification The error message to display from the unsuccessful grade import.
protected function cleanup_import($notification) {
$this->status = false;
$this->gradebookerrors[] = $notification;
* Check user mapping.
* @param string $mappingidentifier The user field that we are matching together.
* @param string $value The value we are checking / importing.
* @param array $header The column headers of the csv file.
* @param array $map Mapping information provided by the user.
* @param int $key Current row identifier.
* @param int $courseid The course ID.
* @param int $feedbackgradeid The ID of the grade item that the feedback relates to.
* @param bool $verbosescales Form setting for grading with scales.
protected function map_user_data_with_value($mappingidentifier, $value, $header, $map, $key, $courseid, $feedbackgradeid,
$verbosescales) {
// Fields that the user can be mapped from.
$userfields = array(
'userid' => array(
'field' => 'id',
'label' => 'id',
'useridnumber' => array(
'field' => 'idnumber',
'label' => 'idnumber',
'useremail' => array(
'field' => 'email',
'label' => 'email address',
'username' => array(
'field' => 'username',
'label' => 'username',
switch ($mappingidentifier) {
case 'userid':
case 'useridnumber':
case 'useremail':
case 'username':
$this->studentid = $this->check_user_exists($value, $userfields[$mappingidentifier]);
case 'new':
$this->import_new_grade_item($header, $key, $value);
case 'feedback':
if ($feedbackgradeid) {
$feedback = $this->create_feedback($courseid, $feedbackgradeid, $value);
if (isset($feedback)) {
$this->newfeedbacks[] = $feedback;
// Existing grade items.
if (!empty($map[$key])) {
$this->newgrades = $this->update_grade_item($courseid, $map, $key, $verbosescales, $value,
// Otherwise, we ignore this column altogether because user has chosen
// to ignore them (e.g. institution, address etc).
* Checks and prepares grade data for inserting into the gradebook.
* @param array $header Column headers of the CSV file.
* @param object $formdata Mapping information from the preview page.
* @param object $csvimport csv import reader object for iterating over the imported CSV file.
* @param int $courseid The course ID.
* @param bool $separatemode If we have groups are they separate?
* @param mixed $currentgroup current group information.
* @param bool $verbosescales Form setting for grading with scales.
* @return bool True if the status for importing is okay, false if there are errors.
public function prepare_import_grade_data($header, $formdata, $csvimport, $courseid, $separatemode, $currentgroup,
$verbosescales) {
global $DB, $USER;
// The import code is used for inserting data into the grade tables.
$this->importcode = $formdata->importcode;
$this->status = true;
$this->headers = $header;
$this->studentid = null;
$this->gradebookerrors = null;
$forceimport = $formdata->forceimport;
// Temporary array to keep track of what new headers are processed.
$this->newgradeitems = array();
$timeexportkey = null;
$map = array();
// Loops mapping_0, mapping_1 .. mapping_n and construct $map array.
foreach ($header as $i => $head) {
if (isset($formdata->{'mapping_'.$i})) {
$map[$i] = $formdata->{'mapping_'.$i};
if ($head == get_string('timeexported', 'gradeexport_txt')) {
$timeexportkey = $i;
// If mapping information is supplied.
$map[clean_param($formdata->mapfrom, PARAM_RAW)] = clean_param($formdata->mapto, PARAM_RAW);
// Check for mapto collisions.
$maperrors = array();
foreach ($map as $i => $j) {
if (($j == 0) || ($j == 'new')) {
// You can have multiple ignores or multiple new grade items.
} else {
if (!isset($maperrors[$j])) {
$maperrors[$j] = true;
} else {
// Collision.
throw new \moodle_exception('cannotmapfield', '', '', $j);
while ($line = $csvimport->next()) {
if (count($line) <= 1) {
// There is no data on this line, move on.
// Array to hold all grades to be inserted.
$this->newgrades = array();
// Array to hold all feedback.
$this->newfeedbacks = array();
// Each line is a student record.
foreach ($line as $key => $value) {
$value = clean_param($value, PARAM_RAW);
$value = trim($value);
* the options are
* 1) userid, useridnumber, usermail, username - used to identify user row
* 2) new - new grade item
* 3) id - id of the old grade item to map onto
* 3) feedback_id - feedback for grade item id
// Explode the mapping for feedback into a label 'feedback' and the identifying number.
$mappingbase = explode("_", $map[$key]);
$mappingidentifier = $mappingbase[0];
// Set the feedback identifier if it exists.
if (isset($mappingbase[1])) {
$feedbackgradeid = (int)$mappingbase[1];
} else {
$feedbackgradeid = '';
$this->map_user_data_with_value($mappingidentifier, $value, $header, $map, $key, $courseid, $feedbackgradeid,
if ($this->status === false) {
return $this->status;
// No user mapping supplied at all, or user mapping failed.
if (empty($this->studentid) || !is_numeric($this->studentid)) {
// User not found, abort whole import.
$this->cleanup_import(get_string('usermappingerrorusernotfound', 'grades'));
if ($separatemode and !groups_is_member($currentgroup, $this->studentid)) {
// Not allowed to import into this group, abort.
$this->cleanup_import(get_string('usermappingerrorcurrentgroup', 'grades'));
// Insert results of this students into buffer.
if ($this->status and !empty($this->newgrades)) {
foreach ($this->newgrades as $newgrade) {
// Check if grade_grade is locked and if so, abort.
if (!empty($newgrade->itemid) and $gradegrade = new grade_grade(array('itemid' => $newgrade->itemid,
'userid' => $this->studentid))) {
if ($gradegrade->is_locked()) {
// Individual grade locked.
$this->cleanup_import(get_string('gradelocked', 'grades'));
return $this->status;
// Check if the force import option is disabled and the last exported date column is present.
if (!$forceimport && !empty($timeexportkey)) {
$exportedtime = $line[$timeexportkey];
if (clean_param($exportedtime, PARAM_INT) != $exportedtime || $exportedtime > time() ||
$exportedtime < strtotime("-1 year", time())) {
// The date is invalid, or in the future, or more than a year old.
$this->cleanup_import(get_string('invalidgradeexporteddate', 'grades'));
return $this->status;
$timemodified = $gradegrade->get_dategraded();
if (!empty($timemodified) && ($exportedtime < $timemodified)) {
// The item was graded after we exported it, we return here not to override it.
$user = core_user::get_user($this->studentid);
$this->cleanup_import(get_string('gradealreadyupdated', 'grades', fullname($user)));
return $this->status;
if (isset($newgrade->itemid)) {
$gradeitem = new grade_item(['id' => $newgrade->itemid]);
} else if (isset($newgrade->newgradeitem)) {
$gradeitem = new grade_item(['id' => $newgrade->newgradeitem]);
$insertid = isset($gradeitem) ? self::insert_grade_record($newgrade, $this->studentid, $gradeitem) : null;
// Check to see if the insert was successful.
if (empty($insertid)) {
return null;
// Updating/inserting all comments here.
if ($this->status and !empty($this->newfeedbacks)) {
foreach ($this->newfeedbacks as $newfeedback) {
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM {grade_import_values}
WHERE importcode=? AND userid=? AND itemid=? AND importer=?";
if ($feedback = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($this->importcode, $this->studentid, $newfeedback->itemid,
$USER->id))) {
$newfeedback->id = $feedback->id;
$DB->update_record('grade_import_values', $newfeedback);
} else {
// The grade item for this is not updated.
$newfeedback->importonlyfeedback = true;
$insertid = self::insert_grade_record($newfeedback, $this->studentid, new grade_item(['id' => $newfeedback->itemid]));
// Check to see if the insert was successful.
if (empty($insertid)) {
return null;
return $this->status;
* Returns the headers parameter for this class.
* @return array returns headers parameter for this class.
public function get_headers() {
return $this->headers;
* Returns the error parameter for this class.
* @return string returns error parameter for this class.
public function get_error() {
return $this->error;
* Returns the iid parameter for this class.
* @return int returns iid parameter for this class.
public function get_iid() {
return $this->iid;
* Returns the preview_data parameter for this class.
* @return array returns previewdata parameter for this class.
public function get_previewdata() {
return $this->previewdata;
* Returns the gradebookerrors parameter for this class.
* @return array returns gradebookerrors parameter for this class.
public function get_gradebookerrors() {
return $this->gradebookerrors;