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* Contains renderer used for displaying rubric
* @package gradingform_rubric
* @copyright 2011 Marina Glancy
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Grading method plugin renderer
* @package gradingform_rubric
* @copyright 2011 Marina Glancy
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class gradingform_rubric_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
* This function returns html code for displaying criterion. Depending on $mode it may be the
* code to edit rubric, to preview the rubric, to evaluate somebody or to review the evaluation.
* This function may be called from display_rubric() to display the whole rubric, or it can be
* called by itself to return a template used by JavaScript to add new empty criteria to the
* rubric being designed.
* In this case it will use macros like {NAME}, {LEVELS}, {CRITERION-id}, etc.
* When overriding this function it is very important to remember that all elements of html
* form (in edit or evaluate mode) must have the name $elementname.
* Also JavaScript relies on the class names of elements and when developer changes them
* script might stop working.
* @param int $mode rubric display mode, see {@link gradingform_rubric_controller}
* @param array $options display options for this rubric, defaults are: {@link gradingform_rubric_controller::get_default_options()}
* @param string $elementname the name of the form element (in editor mode) or the prefix for div ids (in view mode)
* @param array|null $criterion criterion data
* @param string $levelsstr evaluated templates for this criterion levels
* @param array|null $value (only in view mode) teacher's feedback on this criterion
* @return string
public function criterion_template($mode, $options, $elementname = '{NAME}', $criterion = null, $levelsstr = '{LEVELS}', $value = null) {
// TODO MDL-31235 description format, remark format
if ($criterion === null || !is_array($criterion) || !array_key_exists('id', $criterion)) {
$criterion = array('id' => '{CRITERION-id}', 'description' => '{CRITERION-description}', 'sortorder' => '{CRITERION-sortorder}', 'class' => '{CRITERION-class}');
} else {
foreach (array('sortorder', 'description', 'class') as $key) {
// set missing array elements to empty strings to avoid warnings
if (!array_key_exists($key, $criterion)) {
$criterion[$key] = '';
$criteriontemplate = html_writer::start_tag('tr', array('class' => 'criterion'. $criterion['class'], 'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}'));
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FULL) {
$criteriontemplate .= html_writer::start_tag('td', array('class' => 'controls'));
foreach (array('moveup', 'delete', 'movedown', 'duplicate') as $key) {
$value = get_string('criterion'.$key, 'gradingform_rubric');
$button = html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}]['.$key.']',
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-'.$key, 'value' => $value));
$criteriontemplate .= html_writer::tag('div', $button, array('class' => $key));
$criteriontemplate .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden',
'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][sortorder]',
'value' => $criterion['sortorder']));
$criteriontemplate .= html_writer::end_tag('td'); // .controls
// Criterion description text area.
$descriptiontextareaparams = array(
'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][description]',
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-description',
'aria-label' => get_string('criterion', 'gradingform_rubric', ''),
'cols' => '10', 'rows' => '5'
$description = html_writer::tag('textarea', s($criterion['description']), $descriptiontextareaparams);
} else {
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FROZEN) {
$criteriontemplate .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][sortorder]', 'value' => $criterion['sortorder']));
$criteriontemplate .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][description]', 'value' => $criterion['description']));
$description = s($criterion['description']);
$descriptionclass = 'description';
if (isset($criterion['error_description'])) {
$descriptionclass .= ' error';
// Description cell params.
$descriptiontdparams = array(
'class' => $descriptionclass,
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-description-cell'
if ($mode != gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FULL &&
$mode != gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FROZEN) {
// Set description's cell as tab-focusable.
$descriptiontdparams['tabindex'] = '0';
// Set label for the criterion cell.
$descriptiontdparams['aria-label'] = get_string('criterion', 'gradingform_rubric', s($criterion['description']));
// Description cell.
$criteriontemplate .= html_writer::tag('td', $description, $descriptiontdparams);
// Levels table.
$levelsrowparams = [
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-levels',
'aria-label' => get_string('levelsgroup', 'gradingform_rubric'),
// Add radiogroup role only when not previewing or editing.
$isradiogroup = !in_array($mode, [
$levelsrowparams['role'] = $isradiogroup ? 'radiogroup' : 'list';
$levelsrow = html_writer::tag('tr', $levelsstr, $levelsrowparams);
$levelstableparams = [
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-levels-table',
'role' => 'none',
$levelsstrtable = html_writer::tag('table', $levelsrow, $levelstableparams);
$levelsclass = 'levels';
if (isset($criterion['error_levels'])) {
$levelsclass .= ' error';
$criteriontemplate .= html_writer::tag('td', $levelsstrtable, array('class' => $levelsclass));
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FULL) {
$value = get_string('criterionaddlevel', 'gradingform_rubric');
$button = html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][levels][addlevel]',
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-levels-addlevel', 'value' => $value, 'class' => 'btn btn-secondary'));
$criteriontemplate .= html_writer::tag('td', $button, array('class' => 'addlevel'));
$displayremark = ($options['enableremarks'] && ($mode != gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_VIEW || $options['showremarksstudent']));
if ($displayremark) {
$currentremark = '';
if (isset($value['remark'])) {
$currentremark = $value['remark'];
// Label for criterion remark.
$remarkinfo = new stdClass();
$remarkinfo->description = s($criterion['description']);
$remarkinfo->remark = $currentremark;
$remarklabeltext = get_string('criterionremark', 'gradingform_rubric', $remarkinfo);
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EVAL) {
// HTML parameters for remarks text area.
$remarkparams = array(
'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][remark]',
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-remark',
'cols' => '10', 'rows' => '5',
'aria-label' => $remarklabeltext
$input = html_writer::tag('textarea', s($currentremark), $remarkparams);
$criteriontemplate .= html_writer::tag('td', $input, array('class' => 'remark'));
} else if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EVAL_FROZEN) {
$criteriontemplate .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][remark]', 'value' => $currentremark));
}else if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_REVIEW || $mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_VIEW) {
// HTML parameters for remarks cell.
$remarkparams = array(
'class' => 'remark',
'tabindex' => '0',
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-remark',
'aria-label' => $remarklabeltext
$criteriontemplate .= html_writer::tag('td', s($currentremark), $remarkparams);
$criteriontemplate .= html_writer::end_tag('tr'); // .criterion
$criteriontemplate = str_replace('{NAME}', $elementname, $criteriontemplate);
$criteriontemplate = str_replace('{CRITERION-id}', $criterion['id'], $criteriontemplate);
return $criteriontemplate;
* This function returns html code for displaying one level of one criterion. Depending on $mode
* it may be the code to edit rubric, to preview the rubric, to evaluate somebody or to review the evaluation.
* This function may be called from display_rubric() to display the whole rubric, or it can be
* called by itself to return a template used by JavaScript to add new empty level to the
* criterion during the design of rubric.
* In this case it will use macros like {NAME}, {CRITERION-id}, {LEVEL-id}, etc.
* When overriding this function it is very important to remember that all elements of html
* form (in edit or evaluate mode) must have the name $elementname.
* Also JavaScript relies on the class names of elements and when developer changes them
* script might stop working.
* @param int $mode rubric display mode see {@link gradingform_rubric_controller}
* @param array $options display options for this rubric, defaults are: {@link gradingform_rubric_controller::get_default_options()}
* @param string $elementname the name of the form element (in editor mode) or the prefix for div ids (in view mode)
* @param string|int $criterionid either id of the nesting criterion or a macro for template
* @param array|null $level level data, also in view mode it might also have property $level['checked'] whether this level is checked
* @return string
public function level_template($mode, $options, $elementname = '{NAME}', $criterionid = '{CRITERION-id}', $level = null) {
// TODO MDL-31235 definition format
if (!isset($level['id'])) {
$level = array('id' => '{LEVEL-id}', 'definition' => '{LEVEL-definition}', 'score' => '{LEVEL-score}', 'class' => '{LEVEL-class}', 'checked' => false);
} else {
foreach (array('score', 'definition', 'class', 'checked', 'index') as $key) {
// set missing array elements to empty strings to avoid warnings
if (!array_key_exists($key, $level)) {
$level[$key] = '';
// Get level index.
$levelindex = isset($level['index']) ? $level['index'] : '{LEVEL-index}';
// Template for one level within one criterion
$tdattributes = array(
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-levels-{LEVEL-id}',
'class' => 'text-break level' . $level['class']
if (isset($level['tdwidth'])) {
$tdattributes['style'] = "width: " . round($level['tdwidth']).'%;';
$leveltemplate = html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'level-wrapper'));
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FULL) {
$definitionparams = array(
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-levels-{LEVEL-id}-definition',
'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][levels][{LEVEL-id}][definition]',
'aria-label' => get_string('leveldefinition', 'gradingform_rubric', $levelindex),
'cols' => '10', 'rows' => '4'
$definition = html_writer::tag('textarea', s($level['definition']), $definitionparams);
$scoreparams = array(
'type' => 'text',
'id' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][levels][{LEVEL-id}][score]',
'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][levels][{LEVEL-id}][score]',
'aria-label' => get_string('scoreinputforlevel', 'gradingform_rubric', $levelindex),
'size' => '3',
'value' => $level['score']
$score = html_writer::empty_tag('input', $scoreparams);
} else {
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FROZEN) {
$leveltemplate .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][levels][{LEVEL-id}][definition]', 'value' => $level['definition']));
$leveltemplate .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][levels][{LEVEL-id}][score]', 'value' => $level['score']));
$definition = s($level['definition']);
$score = $level['score'];
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EVAL) {
$levelradioparams = array(
'type' => 'radio',
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-levels-{LEVEL-id}-definition',
'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][levelid]',
'value' => $level['id']
if ($level['checked']) {
$levelradioparams['checked'] = 'checked';
$input = html_writer::empty_tag('input', $levelradioparams);
$leveltemplate .= html_writer::div($input, 'radio');
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EVAL_FROZEN && $level['checked']) {
$leveltemplate .= html_writer::empty_tag('input',
'type' => 'hidden',
'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][levelid]',
'value' => $level['id']
$score = html_writer::tag('span', $score, array('id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-levels-{LEVEL-id}-score', 'class' => 'scorevalue'));
$definitionclass = 'definition';
if (isset($level['error_definition'])) {
$definitionclass .= ' error';
if ($mode != gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FULL &&
$mode != gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FROZEN) {
$tdattributes['tabindex'] = '0';
$levelinfo = new stdClass();
$levelinfo->definition = s($level['definition']);
$levelinfo->score = $level['score'];
$tdattributes['aria-label'] = get_string('level', 'gradingform_rubric', $levelinfo);
if ($mode != gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_PREVIEW &&
$mode != gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_PREVIEW_GRADED) {
// Add role of radio button to level cell if not in edit and preview mode.
$tdattributes['role'] = 'radio';
if ($level['checked']) {
$tdattributes['aria-checked'] = 'true';
} else {
$tdattributes['aria-checked'] = 'false';
} else {
$tdattributes['role'] = 'listitem';
} else {
$tdattributes['role'] = 'listitem';
$leveltemplateparams = array(
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-levels-{LEVEL-id}-definition-container'
$leveltemplate .= html_writer::div($definition, $definitionclass, $leveltemplateparams);
$displayscore = true;
if (!$options['showscoreteacher'] && in_array($mode, array(gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EVAL, gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EVAL_FROZEN, gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_REVIEW))) {
$displayscore = false;
if (!$options['showscorestudent'] && in_array($mode, array(gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_VIEW, gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_PREVIEW_GRADED))) {
$displayscore = false;
if ($displayscore) {
$scoreclass = 'score d-inline';
if (isset($level['error_score'])) {
$scoreclass .= ' error';
$leveltemplate .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('scorepostfix', 'gradingform_rubric', $score), array('class' => $scoreclass));
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FULL) {
$value = get_string('leveldelete', 'gradingform_rubric', $levelindex);
$buttonparams = array(
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][{CRITERION-id}][levels][{LEVEL-id}][delete]',
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-{CRITERION-id}-levels-{LEVEL-id}-delete',
'value' => $value
$button = html_writer::empty_tag('input', $buttonparams);
$leveltemplate .= html_writer::tag('div', $button, array('class' => 'delete'));
$leveltemplate .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .level-wrapper
$leveltemplate = html_writer::tag('td', $leveltemplate, $tdattributes); // The .level cell.
$leveltemplate = str_replace('{NAME}', $elementname, $leveltemplate);
$leveltemplate = str_replace('{CRITERION-id}', $criterionid, $leveltemplate);
$leveltemplate = str_replace('{LEVEL-id}', $level['id'], $leveltemplate);
return $leveltemplate;
* This function returns html code for displaying rubric template (content before and after
* criteria list). Depending on $mode it may be the code to edit rubric, to preview the rubric,
* to evaluate somebody or to review the evaluation.
* This function is called from display_rubric() to display the whole rubric.
* When overriding this function it is very important to remember that all elements of html
* form (in edit or evaluate mode) must have the name $elementname.
* Also JavaScript relies on the class names of elements and when developer changes them
* script might stop working.
* @param int $mode rubric display mode see {@link gradingform_rubric_controller}
* @param array $options display options for this rubric, defaults are: {@link gradingform_rubric_controller::get_default_options()}
* @param string $elementname the name of the form element (in editor mode) or the prefix for div ids (in view mode)
* @param string $criteriastr evaluated templates for this rubric's criteria
* @return string
protected function rubric_template($mode, $options, $elementname, $criteriastr) {
$classsuffix = ''; // CSS suffix for class of the main div. Depends on the mode
switch ($mode) {
case gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FULL:
$classsuffix = ' editor editable'; break;
case gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FROZEN:
$classsuffix = ' editor frozen'; break;
case gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_PREVIEW:
case gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_PREVIEW_GRADED:
$classsuffix = ' editor preview'; break;
case gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EVAL:
$classsuffix = ' evaluate editable'; break;
case gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EVAL_FROZEN:
$classsuffix = ' evaluate frozen'; break;
case gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_REVIEW:
$classsuffix = ' review'; break;
case gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_VIEW:
$classsuffix = ' view'; break;
$rubrictemplate = html_writer::start_tag('div', array('id' => 'rubric-{NAME}', 'class' => 'clearfix gradingform_rubric'.$classsuffix));
// Rubric table.
$rubrictableparams = [
'class' => 'criteria',
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria',
$caption = html_writer::tag('caption', get_string('rubric', 'gradingform_rubric'), ['class' => 'sr-only']);
$rubrictable = html_writer::tag('table', $caption . $criteriastr, $rubrictableparams);
$rubrictemplate .= $rubrictable;
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FULL) {
$value = get_string('addcriterion', 'gradingform_rubric');
$criteriainputparams = array(
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => '{NAME}[criteria][addcriterion]',
'id' => '{NAME}-criteria-addcriterion',
'value' => $value
$input = html_writer::empty_tag('input', $criteriainputparams);
$rubrictemplate .= html_writer::tag('div', $input, array('class' => 'addcriterion btn btn-secondary'));
$rubrictemplate .= $this->rubric_edit_options($mode, $options);
$rubrictemplate .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
return str_replace('{NAME}', $elementname, $rubrictemplate);
* Generates html template to view/edit the rubric options. Expression {NAME} is used in
* template for the form element name
* @param int $mode rubric display mode see {@link gradingform_rubric_controller}
* @param array $options display options for this rubric, defaults are: {@link gradingform_rubric_controller::get_default_options()}
* @return string
protected function rubric_edit_options($mode, $options) {
if ($mode != gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FULL
&& $mode != gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FROZEN
&& $mode != gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_PREVIEW) {
// Options are displayed only for people who can manage
$html = html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'options'));
$html .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('rubricoptions', 'gradingform_rubric'), array('class' => 'optionsheading'));
$attrs = array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => '{NAME}[options][optionsset]', 'value' => 1);
foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
$html .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'option '.$option));
$attrs = array('name' => '{NAME}[options]['.$option.']', 'id' => '{NAME}-options-'.$option);
switch ($option) {
case 'sortlevelsasc':
// Display option as dropdown
$html .= html_writer::label(get_string($option, 'gradingform_rubric'), $attrs['id'], false);
$value = (int)(!!$value); // make sure $value is either 0 or 1
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FULL) {
$selectoptions = array(0 => get_string($option.'0', 'gradingform_rubric'), 1 => get_string($option.'1', 'gradingform_rubric'));
$valuestr = html_writer::select($selectoptions, $attrs['name'], $value, false, array('id' => $attrs['id']));
$html .= html_writer::tag('span', $valuestr, array('class' => 'value'));
} else {
$html .= html_writer::tag('span', get_string($option.$value, 'gradingform_rubric'), array('class' => 'value'));
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FROZEN) {
$html .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', $attrs + array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $value));
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FROZEN && $value) {
// Id should be different then the actual input added later.
$attrs['id'] .= '_hidden';
$html .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', $attrs + array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $value));
// Display option as checkbox
$attrs['type'] = 'checkbox';
$attrs['value'] = 1;
if ($value) {
$attrs['checked'] = 'checked';
if ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EDIT_FROZEN || $mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_PREVIEW) {
$attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled';
// Id should be different then the actual input added later.
$attrs['id'] .= '_disabled';
$html .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', $attrs);
$html .= html_writer::tag('label', get_string($option, 'gradingform_rubric'), array('for' => $attrs['id']));
if (get_string_manager()->string_exists($option.'_help', 'gradingform_rubric')) {
$html .= $this->help_icon($option, 'gradingform_rubric');
$html .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .option
$html .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); // .options
return $html;
* This function returns html code for displaying rubric. Depending on $mode it may be the code
* to edit rubric, to preview the rubric, to evaluate somebody or to review the evaluation.
* It is very unlikely that this function needs to be overriden by theme. It does not produce
* any html code, it just prepares data about rubric design and evaluation, adds the CSS
* class to elements and calls the functions level_template, criterion_template and
* rubric_template
* @param array $criteria data about the rubric design
* @param array $options display options for this rubric, defaults are: {@link gradingform_rubric_controller::get_default_options()}
* @param int $mode rubric display mode, see {@link gradingform_rubric_controller}
* @param string $elementname the name of the form element (in editor mode) or the prefix for div ids (in view mode)
* @param array $values evaluation result
* @return string
public function display_rubric($criteria, $options, $mode, $elementname = null, $values = null) {
$criteriastr = '';
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($criteria as $id => $criterion) {
$criterion['class'] = $this->get_css_class_suffix($cnt++, sizeof($criteria) -1);
$criterion['id'] = $id;
$levelsstr = '';
$levelcnt = 0;
if (isset($values['criteria'][$id])) {
$criterionvalue = $values['criteria'][$id];
} else {
$criterionvalue = null;
$index = 1;
foreach ($criterion['levels'] as $levelid => $level) {
$level['id'] = $levelid;
$level['class'] = $this->get_css_class_suffix($levelcnt++, sizeof($criterion['levels']) -1);
$level['checked'] = (isset($criterionvalue['levelid']) && ((int)$criterionvalue['levelid'] === $levelid));
if ($level['checked'] && ($mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_EVAL_FROZEN || $mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_REVIEW || $mode == gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_VIEW)) {
$level['class'] .= ' checked';
//in mode DISPLAY_EVAL the class 'checked' will be added by JS if it is enabled. If JS is not enabled, the 'checked' class will only confuse
if (isset($criterionvalue['savedlevelid']) && ((int)$criterionvalue['savedlevelid'] === $levelid)) {
$level['class'] .= ' currentchecked';
$level['tdwidth'] = 100/count($criterion['levels']);
$level['index'] = $index;
$levelsstr .= $this->level_template($mode, $options, $elementname, $id, $level);
$criteriastr .= $this->criterion_template($mode, $options, $elementname, $criterion, $levelsstr, $criterionvalue);
return $this->rubric_template($mode, $options, $elementname, $criteriastr);
* Help function to return CSS class names for element (first/last/even/odd) with leading space
* @param int $idx index of this element in the row/column
* @param int $maxidx maximum index of the element in the row/column
* @return string
protected function get_css_class_suffix($idx, $maxidx) {
$class = '';
if ($idx == 0) {
$class .= ' first';
if ($idx == $maxidx) {
$class .= ' last';
if ($idx%2) {
$class .= ' odd';
} else {
$class .= ' even';
return $class;
* Displays for the student the list of instances or default content if no instances found
* @param array $instances array of objects of type gradingform_rubric_instance
* @param string $defaultcontent default string that would be displayed without advanced grading
* @param boolean $cangrade whether current user has capability to grade in this context
* @return string
public function display_instances($instances, $defaultcontent, $cangrade) {
$return = '';
if (sizeof($instances)) {
$return .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'advancedgrade'));
$idx = 0;
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
$return .= $this->display_instance($instance, $idx++, $cangrade);
$return .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
return $return. $defaultcontent;
* Displays one grading instance
* @param gradingform_rubric_instance $instance
* @param int $idx unique number of instance on page
* @param bool $cangrade whether current user has capability to grade in this context
public function display_instance(gradingform_rubric_instance $instance, $idx, $cangrade) {
$criteria = $instance->get_controller()->get_definition()->rubric_criteria;
$options = $instance->get_controller()->get_options();
$values = $instance->get_rubric_filling();
if ($cangrade) {
$mode = gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_REVIEW;
$showdescription = $options['showdescriptionteacher'];
} else {
$mode = gradingform_rubric_controller::DISPLAY_VIEW;
$showdescription = $options['showdescriptionstudent'];
$output = '';
if ($showdescription) {
$output .= $this->box($instance->get_controller()->get_formatted_description(), 'gradingform_rubric-description');
$output .= $this->display_rubric($criteria, $options, $mode, 'rubric'.$idx, $values);
return $output;
* Displays confirmation that students require re-grading
* @param string $elementname
* @param int $changelevel
* @param string $value
* @return string
public function display_regrade_confirmation($elementname, $changelevel, $value) {
$html = html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'gradingform_rubric-regrade', 'role' => 'alert'));
if ($changelevel<=2) {
$html .= html_writer::label(get_string('regrademessage1', 'gradingform_rubric'), 'menu' . $elementname . 'regrade');
$selectoptions = array(
0 => get_string('regradeoption0', 'gradingform_rubric'),
1 => get_string('regradeoption1', 'gradingform_rubric')
$html .= html_writer::select($selectoptions, $elementname.'[regrade]', $value, false);
} else {
$html .= get_string('regrademessage5', 'gradingform_rubric');
$html .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('name' => $elementname.'[regrade]', 'value' => 1, 'type' => 'hidden'));
$html .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
return $html;
* Generates and returns HTML code to display information box about how rubric score is converted to the grade
* @param array $scores
* @return string
public function display_rubric_mapping_explained($scores) {
$html = '';
if (!$scores) {
return $html;
if ($scores['minscore'] <> 0) {
$html .= $this->output->notification(get_string('zerolevelsabsent', 'gradingform_rubric'), 'error');
$html .= $this->output->notification(get_string('rubricmappingexplained', 'gradingform_rubric', (object)$scores), 'info');
return $html;