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 * Steps definitions for marking guides.
 * @package   gradingform_guide
 * @category  test
 * @copyright 2015 Jun Pataleta
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../../lib/behat/behat_base.php');

use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode as TableNode,
    Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException as ElementNotFoundException,
    Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException as ExpectationException;

 * Steps definitions to help with marking guides.
 * @package   gradingform_guide
 * @category  test
 * @copyright 2015 Jun Pataleta
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class behat_gradingform_guide extends behat_base {

     * Defines the marking guide with the provided data, following marking guide's definition grid cells.
     * This method fills the marking guide of the marking guide definition
     * form; the provided TableNode should contain one row for
     * each criterion and each cell of the row should contain:
     * # Criterion name, a.k.a. shortname
     * # Description for students
     * # Description for markers
     * # Max score
     * Works with both JS and non-JS.
     * @When /^I define the following marking guide:$/
     * @throws ExpectationException
     * @param TableNode $guide
    public function i_define_the_following_marking_guide(TableNode $guide) {
        $steptableinfo = '| Criterion name | Description for students | Description for markers | Maximum score |';

        if ($criteria = $guide->getHash()) {
            $addcriterionbutton = $this->find_button(get_string('addcriterion', 'gradingform_guide'));

            foreach ($criteria as $index => $criterion) {
                // Make sure the criterion array has 4 elements.
                if (count($criterion) != 4) {
                    throw new ExpectationException(
                        'The criterion definition should contain name, description for students and markers, and maximum points. ' .
                        'Please follow this format: ' . $steptableinfo,

                // On load, there's already a criterion template ready.
                $shortnamevisible = false;
                if ($index > 0) {
                    // So if the index is greater than 0, we click the Add new criterion button to add a new criterion.
                    $shortnamevisible = true;

                $criterionroot = 'guide[criteria][NEWID' . ($index + 1) . ']';

                // Set the field value for the Criterion name.
                $this->set_guide_field_value($criterionroot . '[shortname]', $criterion['Criterion name'], $shortnamevisible);

                // Set the field value for the Description for students field.
                $this->set_guide_field_value($criterionroot . '[description]', $criterion['Description for students']);

                // Set the field value for the Description for markers field.
                $this->set_guide_field_value($criterionroot . '[descriptionmarkers]', $criterion['Description for markers']);

                // Set the field value for the Max score field.
                $this->set_guide_field_value($criterionroot . '[maxscore]', $criterion['Maximum score']);

     * Defines the marking guide with the provided data, following marking guide's definition grid cells.
     * This method fills the table of frequently used comments of the marking guide definition form.
     * The provided TableNode should contain one row for each frequently used comment.
     * Each row contains:
     * # Comment
     * Works with both JS and non-JS.
     * @When /^I define the following frequently used comments:$/
     * @throws ExpectationException
     * @param TableNode $commentstable
    public function i_define_the_following_frequently_used_comments(TableNode $commentstable) {
        $steptableinfo = '| Comment |';

        if ($comments = $commentstable->getRows()) {
            $addcommentbutton = $this->find_button(get_string('addcomment', 'gradingform_guide'));

            foreach ($comments as $index => $comment) {
                // Make sure the comment array has only 1 element.
                if (count($comment) != 1) {
                    throw new ExpectationException(
                        'The comment cannot be empty. Please follow this format: ' . $steptableinfo,

                // On load, there's already a comment template ready.
                $commentfieldvisible = false;
                if ($index > 0) {
                    // So if the index is greater than 0, we click the Add frequently used comment button to add a new criterion.
                    $commentfieldvisible = true;

                $commentroot = 'guide[comments][NEWID' . ($index + 1) . ']';

                // Set the field value for the frequently used comment.
                $this->set_guide_field_value($commentroot . '[description]', $comment[0], $commentfieldvisible);

     * Performs grading of the student by filling out the marking guide.
     * Set one line per criterion and for each criterion set "| Criterion name | Points | Remark |".
     * @When /^I grade by filling the marking guide with:$/
     * @throws ExpectationException
     * @param TableNode $guide
     * @return void
    public function i_grade_by_filling_the_marking_guide_with(TableNode $guide) {

        $criteria = $guide->getRowsHash();

        $stepusage = '"I grade by filling the rubric with:" step needs you to provide a table where each row is a criterion' .
            ' and each criterion has 3 different values: | Criterion name | Number of points | Remark text |';

        // First element -> name, second -> points, third -> Remark.
        foreach ($criteria as $name => $criterion) {

            // We only expect the points and the remark, as the criterion name is $name.
            if (count($criterion) !== 2) {
                throw new ExpectationException($stepusage, $this->getSession());

            // Numeric value here.
            $points = $criterion[0];
            if (!is_numeric($points)) {
                throw new ExpectationException($stepusage, $this->getSession());

            $criterionid = 0;
            if ($criterionnamediv = $this->find('xpath', "//div[@class='criterionshortname'][text()='$name']")) {
                $criteriondivname = $criterionnamediv->getAttribute('name');
                // Criterion's name is of the format "advancedgrading[criteria][ID][shortname]".
                // So just explode the string with "][" as delimiter to extract the criterion ID.
                if ($nameparts = explode('][', $criteriondivname)) {
                    $criterionid = $nameparts[1];

            if ($criterionid) {
                $criterionroot = 'advancedgrading[criteria]' . '[' . $criterionid . ']';

                $this->execute('behat_forms::i_set_the_field_to', array($criterionroot . '[score]', $points));

                $this->execute('behat_forms::i_set_the_field_to', array($criterionroot . '[remark]', $criterion[1]));

     * Makes a hidden marking guide field visible (if necessary) and sets a value on it.
     * @param string $name The name of the field
     * @param string $value The value to set
     * @param bool $visible
     * @return void
    protected function set_guide_field_value($name, $value, $visible = false) {
        // Fields are hidden by default.
        if ($this->running_javascript() && $visible === false) {
            $xpath = "//*[@name='$name']/following-sibling::*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' plainvalue ')]";
            $textnode = $this->find('xpath', $xpath);

        // Set the value now.
        $field = $this->find_field($name);