Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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 * Display H5P filter
 * @package    filter_displayh5p
 * @copyright  2019 Victor Deniz <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;

use core_h5p\local\library\autoloader;

 * Display H5P filter
 * This filter will replace any occurrence of H5P URLs with the corresponding H5P content embed code
 * @package    filter_displayh5p
 * @copyright  2019 Victor Deniz <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class filter_displayh5p extends moodle_text_filter {

     * @var boolean $loadresizerjs This is whether to request the resize.js script.
    private static $loadresizerjs = true;

     * Function filter replaces any h5p-sources.
     * @param  string $text    HTML content to process
     * @param  array  $options options passed to the filters
     * @return string
    public function filter($text, array $options = array()) {
        global $CFG, $USER;

        if (!is_string($text) or empty($text)) {
            // Non string data can not be filtered anyway.
            return $text;

        // We are trying to minimize performance impact checking there's some H5P related URL.
        $h5purl = '(http[^ &<]*h5p)';
        if (!preg_match($h5purl, $text)) {
            return $text;

        $allowedsources = get_config('filter_displayh5p', 'allowedsources');
        $allowedsources = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode("\n", $allowedsources)));

        $localsource = '('.preg_quote($CFG->wwwroot, '~').'/[^ &\#"\'<]*\.h5p([?][^ "\'<]*)?[^ \#"\'<]*)';
        $allowedsources[] = $localsource;

        $params = array(
            'tagbegin' => '<iframe src="',
            'tagend' => '</iframe>'

        $specialchars = ['?', '&'];
        $escapedspecialchars = ['\?', '&amp;'];
        $h5pcontents = array();
        $h5plinks = array();

        // Check all allowed sources.
        foreach ($allowedsources as $source) {
            // It is needed to add "/embed" at the end of URLs like https:://* (
            $params['urlmodifier'] = '';

            // Local files may display a button below the content to modify it when editing mode is on. This button will appear
            // only if the user has the proper capabilities.
            $params['canbeedited'] = (!empty($USER->editing)) && ($source == $localsource);
            if ($source == $localsource) {
                $params['tagbegin'] = '<iframe src="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/h5p/embed.php?url=';
                $escapechars = $source;
                $ultimatepattern = $source;
            } else {
                if (!stripos($source, 'embed')) {
                    $params['urlmodifier'] = '/embed';
                // Convert special chars.
                $sourceid = str_replace('[id]', '[0-9]+', $source);
                $escapechars = str_replace($specialchars, $escapedspecialchars, $sourceid);
                $ultimatepattern = '(' . $escapechars . ')';

            // Improve performance creating filterobjects only when needed.
            if (!preg_match($ultimatepattern, $text)) {

            $h5pcontenturl = new filterobject($source, null, null, false,
                false, null, [$this, 'filterobject_prepare_replacement_callback'], $params + ['ish5plink' => false]);

            $h5pcontenturl->workregexp = '#'.$ultimatepattern.'#';
            $h5pcontents[] = $h5pcontenturl;

            // Regex to find h5p extensions in an <a> tag.
            $linkregexp = '~<a [^>]*href=["\']('.$escapechars.'[^"\']*)["\'][^>]*>([^<]*)</a>~is';

            $h5plinkurl = new filterobject($linkregexp, null, null, false,
                false, null, [$this, 'filterobject_prepare_replacement_callback'], $params + ['ish5plink' => true]);
            $h5plinkurl->workregexp = $linkregexp;
            $h5plinks[] = $h5plinkurl;

        if (empty($h5pcontents) && empty($h5links)) {
            // No matches to deal with.
            return $text;

        // Apply filter inside <a> tag href attribute.
        // We can not use filter_phrase function because it removes all tags and can not be applied in tag attributes.
        foreach ($h5plinks as $h5plink) {
            $text = preg_replace_callback($h5plink->workregexp,
                function ($matches) use ($h5plink) {
                    if ($matches[1] == $matches[2]) {

                        return str_replace('$1', $matches[1], $h5plink->workreplacementphrase);
                    } else {
                        return $matches[0];
                }, $text);

        // The "Edit" button below each H5P content will be displayed only for users with permissions to edit the content (to
        // avoid confusion). So the original H5P file behind this URL will be obtained and checked using the methods in the API.
        // As the H5P URL is required in order to get this information, this action can be done only here(the
        // prepare_replacement_callback method has only the placeholders).
        foreach ($h5pcontents as $h5pcontent) {
            $text = preg_replace_callback($h5pcontent->workregexp,
                function ($matches) use ($h5pcontent) {
                    global $USER, $CFG;

                    // The Edit button placeholder has been added only if the file can be edited.
                    if ($h5pcontent->replacementcallbackdata['canbeedited']) {
                        // If the content was originally a link, ignore it (it won't have the placeholder).
                        $matchurl = new \moodle_url($matches[0]);
                        if (strpos($matchurl->get_path(), 'h5p/embed.php') !== false) {
                            return $matches[0];

                        $contenturl = $matches[0];
                        list($file, $h5p) = \core_h5p\api::get_original_content_from_pluginfile_url($contenturl, true, true);
                        if ($file) {

                            // Check if the user can edit this content.
                            if (\core_h5p\api::can_edit_content($file)) {
                                // If the user can modify the content, replace the placeholder with a link to the editor.
                                $title = get_string('editcontent', 'core_h5p');
                                $editorurl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/h5p/edit.php?url=' . $contenturl;
                                $htmlcode = html_writer::start_tag(
                                    ['class' => 'autolink', 'title' => $title, 'href' => $editorurl]
                                $htmlcode .= $title . html_writer::end_tag('a');
                                $content = str_replace('$2', $htmlcode, $h5pcontent->workreplacementphrase);
                            } else {
                                // If the user can't edit the content, remove the placeholder.
                                $content = str_replace('$2', '', $h5pcontent->workreplacementphrase);

                            return str_replace('$1', $contenturl, $content);

                    return $matches[0];
                }, $text);

        $result = filter_phrases($text, $h5pcontents, null, null, false, true);

        // Encoding H5P file URLs.
        // embed.php page is requesting a PARAM_LOCALURL url parameter, so for files/directories use non-alphanumeric
        // characters, we need to encode the parameter. Fetch url parameter added to embed.php and encode the whole url.
        $localurl = '#\?url=([^" <]*[\/]+[^" <]*\.h5p)([?][^"]*)?#';
        $result = preg_replace_callback($localurl,
            function ($matches) {
                $baseurl = rawurlencode($matches[1]);
                // Deal with possible parameters in the url link.
                if (!empty($matches[2])) {
                    $match = explode('?', $matches[2]);
                    if (!empty($match[1])) {
                        $baseurl = $baseurl."&".$match[1];
                return "?url=".$baseurl;
            }, $result);

        return $result;

     * Callback used by filterobject / filter_phrases.
     * @param string $tagbegin HTML to insert before any match
     * @param string $tagend HTML to insert after any match
     * @param string $urlmodifier string to add to the match URL
     * @param bool $canbeedited Whether the content can be modified or not (to display a link to edit it or not).
     * @param bool $ish5plink Whether the original content comes from an H5P link or not.
     * @return array [$hreftagbegin, $hreftagend, $replacementphrase] for filterobject.
    public function filterobject_prepare_replacement_callback($tagbegin, $tagend, $urlmodifier, $canbeedited, $ish5plink) {

        $sourceurl = "$1";
        if ($urlmodifier !== "") {
            $sourceurl .= $urlmodifier;

        $h5piframesrc = $sourceurl . '" class="h5p-iframe" name="h5pcontent"' .
            ' style="height:230px; width: 100%; border: 0;" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen">';

        // We want to request the resizing script only once.
        if (self::$loadresizerjs) {
            $resizerurl = autoloader::get_h5p_core_library_url('js/h5p-resizer.js');
            $tagend .= '<script src="' . $resizerurl->out() . '"></script>';
            self::$loadresizerjs = false;

        if ($canbeedited && !$ish5plink) {
            // Placeholder to be replaced by the edit content button (depending on the user permissions).
            $tagend .= "$2";

        return [$tagbegin, $tagend, $h5piframesrc];