AutorÃa | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |
* Amanote filter script.
* @copyright 2020 Amaplex Software
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
define(['jquery', 'core/modal_factory'], ($, modalFactory) =>
class Main
* Init the plugin's scripts. This method is called by AMD.
* @param rawUserParams
public init(rawUserParams: string): void
// Parse the params.
const pluginParams = window['amanote_params'];
const moodleUserParams = Main.parseParams(rawUserParams);
if (!pluginParams || !moodleUserParams)
// Init the Moodle service (Singleton).
MoodleService.init(pluginParams, moodleUserParams, modalFactory);
// Add Amanote button to each course modules.
const courseModuleFilter = new CourseModuleFilter();
* Parse the given plugin params.
* @param rawParams - The serialized params.
* @returns The parsed params as an object.
private static parseParams(rawParams: string): IMoodleUserParams
return JSON.parse(rawParams);
catch (error)
return null;
class MoodleService
private static instance: MoodleService;
constructor(private readonly pluginParams: IPluginParams,
private readonly moodleUserParams: IMoodleUserParams,
private readonly modalFactory: any)
if (MoodleService.instance)
throw new Error("Error - Use MoodleService.getInstance()");
const userOpeningMode = localStorage.getItem(StorageKeysEnum.OpeningMode);
if (userOpeningMode !== null)
this.pluginParams.plugin.openingMode = userOpeningMode as OpeningModeEnum;
catch (error)
* Get the plugin params.
* @returns The moodle plugin params.
public getPluginParams(): IPluginParams
return this.pluginParams;
* Get the user params.
* @returns The user params.
public getUserParams(): IMoodleUserParams
return this.moodleUserParams;
* Get the modal factory.
* @returns The modal factory.
public getModalFactory(): any
return this.modalFactory;
* Get an annotatable by course module id (cmid).
* @param cmid - The course module id (cmid).
* @returns The annotatable.
public getAnnotatableByCmId(cmid: number): IAnnotatable
return (this.pluginParams.annotatables || [])
.filter(cm => cm.cmid == cmid).pop();
* Get an annotatable by id.
* @param id - The annotatable id.
* @returns The annotatable.
public getAnnotatableById(id: string): IAnnotatable
return (this.pluginParams.annotatables || [])
.filter(a => == id).pop();
* Get a annotatable by the path of the content.
* @param path - The path to find.
* @returns The annotatable.
public getAnnotatableByContentPath(path: string): IAnnotatable
const annotatable = this.pluginParams.annotatables || [];
for (let i = 0; i < annotatable.length; i++)
if (annotatable[i].url === path)
return annotatable[i];
else if (annotatable[i].internal)
let path1 = annotatable[i].url;
let path2 = path.split('pluginfile.php')[1]
.replace('intro/0', 'intro')
.replace('content/0/', 'content/1/');
path1 = decodeURIComponent(path1 || '');
path2 = decodeURIComponent(path2 || '');
if (path1 && path2 && path1 === path2)
return annotatable[i];
return null;
* Get the filename of the note linked to the annotatable if any.
* @param annotatable The annotatable.
* @returns The file name if any or null otherwise.
public getSavedNoteFilenameForAnnotatable(annotatable: IAnnotatable): string
const savedNotes = this.pluginParams.savedNotes || {};
if (savedNotes[ + '.ama'])
return savedNotes[ + '.ama'].filename;
else if (annotatable.legacyid && savedNotes[annotatable.legacyid + '.ama'])
return savedNotes[annotatable.legacyid + '.ama'].filename;
return null;
* Get the Amanote logo for a given annotatable.
* @param annotatable The annotatable.
* @returns The logo depending if the annotatable is annotated or note.
public getLogoForAnnotatable(annotatable: IAnnotatable): string
if (this.getSavedNoteFilenameForAnnotatable(annotatable))
return this.pluginParams.plugin.annotatedLogo;
return this.pluginParams.plugin.logo;
* Generate an URL to open a file in Amanote.
* @param annotatable - The annotatable to open.
* @param route - The route.
* @returns The generated url.
public generateAmanoteURL(annotatable: IAnnotatable, route = 'note-taking'): string
if (!annotatable)
return '';
if (route === 'note-taking' && != OpeningTargetEnum.Amanote)
return `${this.pluginParams.siteURL}/filter/amanote/annotate.php?annotatableId=${}`;
// Parse the PDF path.
let filePath = annotatable.url;
if (annotatable.internal && filePath.indexOf('pluginfile.php') >= 0)
filePath = filePath.split('pluginfile.php')[1].replace('content/0/', 'content/1/');
filePath = encodeURIComponent(filePath);
// Generate the AMA path.
const noteFilename = this.getSavedNoteFilenameForAnnotatable(annotatable) || `${}.ama`;
const amaPath = this.pluginParams.privateFilePath + noteFilename;
let protocol = 'https';
if (this.pluginParams.siteURL.indexOf('https') < 0)
protocol = 'http';
if (route === 'note-taking' && annotatable.kind === ContentKindEnum.Video)
route = `/note-taking/moodle/video/${}`;
route = `/moodle/${route}`;
return protocol + '://' + this.pluginParams.language + route + '?' +
'siteURL=' + this.pluginParams.siteURL + '&' +
'accessToken=' + this.moodleUserParams.token.value + '&' +
'tokenExpDate=' + this.moodleUserParams.token.expiration + '&' +
'userId=' + + '&' +
'filePath=' + filePath + '&' +
'mimeType=' + annotatable.mimetype + '&' +
'amaPath=' + amaPath + '&' +
'resourceId=' + + '&' +
'legacyResourceId=' + (annotatable.legacyid || + '&' +
'saveInProvider=' + (this.pluginParams.plugin.saveInProvider ? '1' : '0') + '&' +
'providerVersion=' + this.pluginParams.moodle.version + '&' +
'pluginVersion=' + this.pluginParams.plugin.version + '&' +
'key=' + this.pluginParams.plugin.key + '&' +
'worksheet=' + (this.pluginParams.plugin.worksheet ? '1' : '0') + '&' +
'anonymous=' + (this.pluginParams.plugin.anonymous ? '1' : '0');
* Init the Singleton.
* @param pluginParams - The plugin params.
* @param moodleUserParams - The moodle user params.
* @param modalFactory - THe modal factory.
public static init(pluginParams: IPluginParams, moodleUserParams: IMoodleUserParams, modalFactory: any): void
MoodleService.instance = new MoodleService(pluginParams, moodleUserParams, modalFactory);
* Get the Singleton instance.
* @returns The Singleton instance.
public static getInstance(): MoodleService
return MoodleService.instance;
class CourseModuleFilter
private static readonly annotatableIDAttribute = 'annotatable-id';
private static readonly amanoteButtonClass = 'amanote-button';
private observer: MutationObserver;
private menuModal = new MenuModal();
private moodleService = MoodleService.getInstance();
private params = this.moodleService.getPluginParams();
private userParams = this.moodleService.getUserParams();
constructor() { }
* Add the Amanote buttons on each supported module and listen changes.
public addButtonToCourseModules(): void
if (
} = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) =>
if (this.doesMutationsContainAnActivity(mutationsList))
const targetNode = document.getElementById('page-content');, { childList: true, subtree: true });
* Check if a given DOM mutations list contains a new activity instance node.
* @param mutationsList - The list of mutations.
* @returns True if a mutation contains a new activity instance, False otherwise.
private doesMutationsContainAnActivity(mutationsList: any[]): boolean
for (let i = 0; i < mutationsList.length; i++)
const mutation = mutationsList[i];
if (mutation.type !== 'childList')
for (let j = 0; j < mutation.addedNodes.length; j++)
const addedNode = mutation.addedNodes[j];
if ($(addedNode).find('.activityinstance, .activity-instance').length > 0)
return true;
return false;
* Add the Amanote buttons on each supported module.
private addAmanoteButtons(): void
this.forEachNewInstances(['modtype_resource', 'modtype_url'], (element) =>
const annotatable = this.getAnnotatableFromElement(element);
if (!annotatable)
let activityLink = $(element).find('.activitytitle').find('a').first();
if (activityLink.length === 0)
activityLink = $(element).find('a').first();
if (this.openWithButton())
const button = this.generateAmanoteButton(annotatable);
activityLink.css('display', 'inline-block');
if ($(element).find('.activity-instance').length > 0)
else if ($(element).find('.activity-basis').length > 0)
this.replaceLink(activityLink, annotatable);
// Replace link on activity icon if any.
const iconLink = $(element).find('a.activity-icon').first();
if (iconLink.length > 0)
this.replaceLink(iconLink, annotatable);
this.forEachNewInstances(['fp-filename-icon'], (element) =>
// Get file id from file url.
const fileLink = $(element).find('a').first();
if (fileLink.length !== 1)
const filePath = fileLink.attr('href');
const annotatable = this.moodleService.getAnnotatableByContentPath(filePath);
if (!annotatable)
if (this.openWithButton())
const button = this.generateAmanoteButton(annotatable);
fileLink.css('display', 'inline-block');
this.replaceLink(fileLink, annotatable);
this.forEachNewInstances(['modtype_folder'], (element) =>
this.forEachNewInstances(['modtype_label'], (element) =>
const annotatable = this.getAnnotatableFromElement(element);
if (!annotatable)
if (this.openWithButton())
const button = this.generateAmanoteButton(annotatable);
this.replaceLink($(element).find('a').first(), annotatable);
// Listen click on amanote button.
setTimeout(() =>
$(`.${CourseModuleFilter.amanoteButtonClass}`).on('click', (event) =>
const annotatableId = $(event.currentTarget).attr(CourseModuleFilter.annotatableIDAttribute);
const annotatable = this.moodleService.getAnnotatableById(annotatableId);
if (this.params.plugin.openingMode === OpeningModeEnum.FileClick)
annotatable.openInMoodleURL = event.currentTarget.href;
if ((this.params.plugin.openingMode !== OpeningModeEnum.FileClick || this.params.plugin.preventDownload) && !this.userParams.isTeacher)
{, 'note-taking'), 'blank');
}, 500);
* Get the annotatable from an element. The element must contains and id property with
* a value of kind "module-xx" where xx is the cmid.
* @param element - The element.
* @returns The annotatable corresponding to the cmid of the element.
private getAnnotatableFromElement(element: HTMLElement): IAnnotatable
const elementId = $(element).attr('id');
if (!elementId || elementId.indexOf('module-') < 0)
const courseModuleId = parseInt(elementId.replace('module-', ''), 10);
return this.moodleService.getAnnotatableByCmId(courseModuleId);
* Determine if it should open the menu with a button or by replacing the current link.
* @returns True the menu should open with a button.
private openWithButton(): boolean
return this.params.plugin.openingMode !== OpeningModeEnum.FileClick;
* Apply action to all new course module instance.
* @param classNames - The module class names.
* @param action - The action.
private forEachNewInstances(classNames: string[], action: (e: HTMLElement) => void): void
$('.' + classNames.join(', .')).each((index, element) =>
if ($(element).find('.' + CourseModuleFilter.amanoteButtonClass).length > 0)
* Generate a new button for a given annotatable.
* @param annotatable - The annotatable for which the button should be created.
* @returns The JQuery generate button.
private generateAmanoteButton(annotatable: IAnnotatable): JQuery
const moodleService = MoodleService.getInstance();
const logo = moodleService.getLogoForAnnotatable(annotatable);
const widthByMode = {
[OpeningModeEnum.FileClick]: 90,
[OpeningModeEnum.LogoNextToFile]: 90,
[OpeningModeEnum.IconNextToFile]: 40,
[OpeningModeEnum.IconNextToFileWithText]: 130,
const width = widthByMode[this.params.plugin.openingMode] || 90;
const a = $(`<a class="mx-4 my-2 amanote-button"><img src="${logo}" width="${width}px" alt="Open in Amanote"></a>`);
a.css('display', 'inline-block');
a.css('cursor', 'pointer');
a.css('margin', 'auto');
if (this.params.plugin.openingMode === OpeningModeEnum.LogoNextToFile)
a.css('min-width', '110px');
return a;
* Replace a link element with an Amanote button.
* @param link - The link to replace.
* @param annotatable - The annotatable for which the button should be created.
private replaceLink(link: JQuery, annotatable: IAnnotatable): void
link.css('cursor', 'pointer');
* Add a warning when the user want to delete a resource.
* @param activity - The activity to which the warning should be added.
private addOnDeleteWarning(activity: JQuery): void
activity.find('.editing_delete').first().on('click', () =>
setTimeout(() => { this.menuModal.showDeleteWarning(); }, 500);
class MenuModal
private moodleService = MoodleService.getInstance();
private modalFactory = this.moodleService.getModalFactory();
private pluginParams = this.moodleService.getPluginParams();
private moodleUserParams = this.moodleService.getUserParams();
constructor() { }
* Open the menu modal for a given annotatable.
public open(annotatable: IAnnotatable): Promise<void>
if (!annotatable)
const modalParams = {
title: 'Amanote',
body: this.generateModalBodyHTML(annotatable),
footer: '',
return this.modalFactory.create(modalParams)
.then((modal) =>
* Show a warning popup before deleting a resource.
public showDeleteWarning(): void
const hideDeleteWarningExp = localStorage.getItem(StorageKeysEnum.HideDeleteWarningExp);
if (hideDeleteWarningExp && !isNaN(Date.parse(hideDeleteWarningExp)))
const hideDate = new Date(hideDeleteWarningExp);
const now = new Date();
if ((now.getTime() - hideDate.getTime()) < (30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))
const guideLink = '';
var message = `<div class="alert alert-warning">
<p><a href="${guideLink}" target="_blank">${this.pluginParams.strings.seeguide}</a></p>
<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 1rem;">
<a class="text-muted" style="cursor: pointer;" data-action="hide"
onclick="localStorage.setItem('${StorageKeysEnum.HideDeleteWarningExp}', new Date().toISOString());">
const modalParams = {
title: 'Amanote Warning',
body: message,
footer: '',
.then((modal) =>
* Generate the modal body for a given annotatable.
* @param annotatable - The annotatable.
* @returns The modal body in HTML.
private generateModalBodyHTML(annotatable: IAnnotatable): string
const openInAmanoteURL = this.moodleService.generateAmanoteURL(annotatable, 'note-taking');
let body = `<p class="mb-0 text-muted">${this.pluginParams.strings.modalDescription}</p>`;
body += MenuModal.generateButtonHTML(openInAmanoteURL, this.pluginParams.strings.annotateResource, 'fa fa-edit', 'font-weight: 600; background: #2cdf90; color: #03341f; border: none');
if (this.pluginParams.plugin.openingMode === OpeningModeEnum.FileClick && !this.pluginParams.plugin.preventDownload)
body += MenuModal.generateButtonHTML(annotatable.openInMoodleURL, this.pluginParams.strings.viewResource, 'fa fa-eye', 'font-weight: 600;');
if (this.moodleUserParams.isTeacher && annotatable.kind === ContentKindEnum.Document)
body += '<hr style="margin-bottom: 0px">';
// Add Learning Analytics.
const openAnalyticsURL = this.moodleService.generateAmanoteURL(annotatable, `document-analytics/${}/view`);
body += MenuModal.generateButtonHTML(openAnalyticsURL, this.pluginParams.strings.openAnalytics);
// Add Podcast Creator.
if (this.pluginParams.plugin.key && !this.pluginParams.plugin.anonymous)
const openPodcastCreatorURL = this.moodleService.generateAmanoteURL(annotatable, 'podcast/creator');
body += MenuModal.generateButtonHTML(openPodcastCreatorURL, this.pluginParams.strings.openPodcastCreator);
// Add Open student's works.
if (this.pluginParams.plugin.worksheet && !this.pluginParams.plugin.anonymous)
const openStudentWorkURL = this.moodleService.generateAmanoteURL(annotatable, `document-analytics/${}/notes`);
body += MenuModal.generateButtonHTML(openStudentWorkURL, this.pluginParams.strings.openStudentsWorks);
if (this.pluginParams.plugin.openingMode === OpeningModeEnum.FileClick &&
!this.moodleUserParams.isTeacher &&
body += `
<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 1rem;">
<a class="text-muted" style="cursor: pointer;" data-action="hide"
onclick="localStorage.setItem('${StorageKeysEnum.OpeningMode}', '${OpeningModeEnum.LogoNextToFile}'); location.reload()">
return body;
* Generate a button.
* @param href - The button's href.
* @param title - The button's title.
* @returns The button as HTML string.
private static generateButtonHTML(href: string, title: string, faIconClass?: string, style: string = ''): string
let faIconHTML = '';
if (faIconClass)
faIconHTML = `<i class="${faIconClass} mr-2"></i> `;
return `<a class="btn btn-secondary" style="width: 100%; margin-top: 1rem; ${style}" href="${href}" target="_blank">${faIconHTML}${title}</a>`;
return new Main();
enum OpeningModeEnum
FileClick = '0',
LogoNextToFile = '1',
IconNextToFile = '2',
IconNextToFileWithText = '3',
enum OpeningTargetEnum
Amanote = '0',
MoodleFullscreen = '1',
MoodleEmbedded = '2',
enum ContentKindEnum
Document = 'document',
Video = 'video',
enum StorageKeysEnum
OpeningMode = 'amanote.preferences.openingMode',
HideDeleteWarningExp = 'amanote.preferences.hideDeleteWarningExp',
interface IAnnotatable
id: string;
legacyid: string;
cmid: number;
mimetype: string;
url: string;
internal: boolean;
kind: ContentKindEnum;
openInMoodleURL: string;
interface IMoodleUserParams
id: string;
token: {
value: string;
expiration: number;
isTeacher: boolean;
interface IPluginSettings
version: string;
saveInProvider: boolean;
openingMode: OpeningModeEnum;
target: OpeningTargetEnum;
preventDownload: boolean;
anonymous: boolean;
key: string;
logo: string;
annotatedLogo: string;
worksheet: boolean;
interface IPluginParams
siteURL: string;
language: string;
privateFilePath: string;
annotatables: IAnnotatable[];
savedNotes: { [filename: string]: { filename: string}};
moodle: {
version: string;
plugin: IPluginSettings,
strings: {
modalDescription: string;
annotateResource: string;
viewResource: string;
downloadNotes: string;
openAnalytics: string;
openPodcastCreator: string;
openStudentsWorks: string;
teacher: string;
deletefilewarning: string;
seeguide: string;
stopmodal: string;