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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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namespace core_favourites;
use core_favourites\local\entity\favourite;
* Test class covering the user_favourite_service within the service layer of favourites.
* @package core_favourites
* @category test
* @copyright 2018 Jake Dallimore <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class user_favourite_service_test extends \advanced_testcase {
public function setUp(): void {
// Basic setup stuff to be reused in most tests.
protected function setup_users_and_courses() {
$user1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user1context = \context_user::instance($user1->id);
$user2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2context = \context_user::instance($user2->id);
$course1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$course2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$course1context = \context_course::instance($course1->id);
$course2context = \context_course::instance($course2->id);
return [$user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context];
* Generates an in-memory repository for testing, using an array store for CRUD stuff.
* @param array $mockstore
* @return \PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
protected function get_mock_repository(array $mockstore) {
// This mock will just store data in an array.
$mockrepo = $this->getMockBuilder(\core_favourites\local\repository\favourite_repository_interface::class)
->will($this->returnCallback(function(favourite $favourite) use (&$mockstore) {
// Mock implementation of repository->add(), where an array is used instead of the DB.
// Duplicates are confirmed via the unique key, and exceptions thrown just like a real repo.
$key = $favourite->userid . $favourite->component . $favourite->itemtype . $favourite->itemid
. $favourite->contextid;
// Check the objects for the unique key.
foreach ($mockstore as $item) {
if ($item->uniquekey == $key) {
throw new \moodle_exception('Favourite already exists');
$index = count($mockstore); // Integer index.
$favourite->uniquekey = $key; // Simulate the unique key constraint.
$favourite->id = $index;
$mockstore[$index] = $favourite;
return $mockstore[$index];
->will($this->returnCallback(function(array $criteria, int $limitfrom = 0, int $limitnum = 0) use (&$mockstore) {
// Check for single value key pair vs multiple.
$multipleconditions = [];
foreach ($criteria as $key => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$multipleconditions[$key] = $value;
// Check the mockstore for all objects with properties matching the key => val pairs in $criteria.
foreach ($mockstore as $index => $mockrow) {
$mockrowarr = (array)$mockrow;
if (array_diff_assoc($criteria, $mockrowarr) == []) {
$found = true;
foreach ($multipleconditions as $key => $value) {
if (!in_array($mockrowarr[$key], $value)) {
$found = false;
if ($found) {
$returns[$index] = $mockrow;
// Return a subset of the records, according to the paging options, if set.
if ($limitnum != 0) {
return array_slice($returns, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
// Otherwise, just return the full set.
return $returns;
->will($this->returnCallback(function(int $userid, string $comp, string $type, int $id, int $ctxid) use (&$mockstore) {
// Check the mockstore for all objects with properties matching the key => val pairs in $criteria.
$crit = ['userid' => $userid, 'component' => $comp, 'itemtype' => $type, 'itemid' => $id, 'contextid' => $ctxid];
foreach ($mockstore as $fakerow) {
$fakerowarr = (array)$fakerow;
if (array_diff_assoc($crit, $fakerowarr) == []) {
return $fakerow;
throw new \dml_missing_record_exception("Item not found");
->will($this->returnCallback(function(int $id) use (&$mockstore) {
return $mockstore[$id];
->will($this->returnCallback(function(int $id) use (&$mockstore) {
return array_key_exists($id, $mockstore);
->will($this->returnCallback(function(array $criteria) use (&$mockstore) {
$count = 0;
// Check the mockstore for all objects with properties matching the key => val pairs in $criteria.
foreach ($mockstore as $index => $mockrow) {
$mockrowarr = (array)$mockrow;
if (array_diff_assoc($criteria, $mockrowarr) == []) {
return $count;
->will($this->returnCallback(function(int $id) use (&$mockstore) {
foreach ($mockstore as $mockrow) {
if ($mockrow->id == $id) {
->will($this->returnCallback(function(array $criteria) use (&$mockstore) {
// Check the mockstore for all objects with properties matching the key => val pairs in $criteria.
foreach ($mockstore as $index => $mockrow) {
$mockrowarr = (array)$mockrow;
if (array_diff_assoc($criteria, $mockrowarr) == []) {
return true;
return false;
return $mockrepo;
* Test getting a user_favourite_service from the static locator.
public function test_get_service_for_user_context(): void {
list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses();
$userservice = \core_favourites\service_factory::get_service_for_user_context($user1context);
$this->assertInstanceOf(\core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service::class, $userservice);
* Test confirming an item can be favourited only once.
public function test_create_favourite_basic(): void {
list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses();
// Get a user_favourite_service for a user.
$repo = $this->get_mock_repository([]); // Mock repository, using the array as a mock DB.
$user1service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo);
// Favourite a course.
$favourite1 = $user1service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
$this->assertObjectHasProperty('id', $favourite1);
// Try to favourite the same course again.
$user1service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
* Test confirming that an exception is thrown if trying to favourite an item for a non-existent component.
public function test_create_favourite_nonexistent_component(): void {
list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses();
// Get a user_favourite_service for the user.
$repo = $this->get_mock_repository([]); // Mock repository, using the array as a mock DB.
$user1service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo);
// Try to favourite something in a non-existent component.
$user1service->create_favourite('core_cccourse', 'my_area', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
* Test fetching favourites for single user, by area.
public function test_find_favourites_by_type_single_user(): void {
list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses();
// Get a user_favourite_service for the user.
$repo = $this->get_mock_repository([]); // Mock repository, using the array as a mock DB.
$service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo);
// Favourite 2 courses, in separate areas.
$fav1 = $service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
$fav2 = $service->create_favourite('core_course', 'anothertype', $course2context->instanceid, $course2context);
// Verify we can get favourites by area.
$favourites = $service->find_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'course');
$this->assertCount(1, $favourites); // We only get favourites for the 'core_course/course' area.
$this->assertEquals($fav1->id, $favourites[$fav1->id]->id);
$favourites = $service->find_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'anothertype');
$this->assertCount(1, $favourites); // We only get favourites for the 'core_course/course' area.
$this->assertEquals($fav2->id, $favourites[$fav2->id]->id);
* Test fetching favourites for single user, by area.
public function test_find_all_favourites(): void {
list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses();
// Get a user_favourite_service for the user.
$repo = $this->get_mock_repository([]); // Mock repository, using the array as a mock DB.
$service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo);
// Favourite 2 courses, in separate areas.
$fav1 = $service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
$fav2 = $service->create_favourite('core_course', 'anothertype', $course2context->instanceid, $course2context);
$fav3 = $service->create_favourite('core_course', 'yetanothertype', $course2context->instanceid, $course2context);
// Verify we can get favourites by area.
$favourites = $service->find_all_favourites('core_course', ['course']);
$this->assertCount(1, $favourites); // We only get favourites for the 'core_course/course' area.
$this->assertEquals($fav1->id, $favourites[$fav1->id]->id);
$favourites = $service->find_all_favourites('core_course', ['course', 'anothertype']);
// We only get favourites for the 'core_course/course' and 'core_course/anothertype area.
$this->assertCount(2, $favourites);
$this->assertEquals($fav1->id, $favourites[$fav1->id]->id);
$this->assertEquals($fav2->id, $favourites[$fav2->id]->id);
$favourites = $service->find_all_favourites('core_course');
$this->assertCount(3, $favourites); // We only get favourites for the 'core_cours' area.
$this->assertEquals($fav2->id, $favourites[$fav2->id]->id);
$this->assertEquals($fav1->id, $favourites[$fav1->id]->id);
$this->assertEquals($fav3->id, $favourites[$fav3->id]->id);
* Make sure the find_favourites_by_type() method only returns favourites for the scoped user.
public function test_find_favourites_by_type_multiple_users(): void {
list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses();
// Get a user_favourite_service for 2 users.
$repo = $this->get_mock_repository([]);
$user1service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo);
$user2service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user2context, $repo);
// Now, as each user, favourite the same course.
$fav1 = $user1service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
$fav2 = $user2service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
// Verify find_favourites_by_type only returns results for the user to which the service is scoped.
$user1favourites = $user1service->find_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'course');
$this->assertCount(1, $user1favourites); // We only get favourites for the 'core_course/course' area for $user1.
$this->assertEquals($fav1->id, $user1favourites[$fav1->id]->id);
$user2favourites = $user2service->find_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'course');
$this->assertCount(1, $user2favourites); // We only get favourites for the 'core_course/course' area for $user2.
$this->assertEquals($fav2->id, $user2favourites[$fav2->id]->id);
* Test confirming that an exception is thrown if trying to get favourites for a non-existent component.
public function test_find_favourites_by_type_nonexistent_component(): void {
list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses();
// Get a user_favourite_service for the user.
$repo = $this->get_mock_repository([]);
$service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo);
// Verify we get an exception if we try to search for favourites in an invalid component.
$service->find_favourites_by_type('cccore_notreal', 'something');
* Test confirming the pagination support for the find_favourites_by_type() method.
public function test_find_favourites_by_type_pagination(): void {
list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses();
// Get a user_favourite_service for the user.
$repo = $this->get_mock_repository([]);
$service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo);
// Favourite 10 arbitrary items.
foreach (range(1, 10) as $i) {
$service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $i, $course1context);
// Verify we have 10 favourites.
$this->assertCount(10, $service->find_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'course'));
// Verify we get back 5 favourites for page 1.
$favourites = $service->find_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'course', 0, 5);
$this->assertCount(5, $favourites);
// Verify we get back 5 favourites for page 2.
$favourites = $service->find_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'course', 5, 5);
$this->assertCount(5, $favourites);
// Verify we get back an empty array if querying page 3.
$favourites = $service->find_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'course', 10, 5);
$this->assertCount(0, $favourites);
* Test confirming the basic deletion behaviour.
public function test_delete_favourite_basic(): void {
list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses();
// Get a user_favourite_service for the user.
$repo = $this->get_mock_repository([]);
$service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo);
// Favourite a course.
$fav1 = $service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
// Delete the favourite.
$service->delete_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
// Verify the favourite doesn't exist.
// Try to delete a favourite which we know doesn't exist.
$service->delete_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
* Test confirming the behaviour of the favourite_exists() method.
public function test_favourite_exists(): void {
list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses();
// Get a user_favourite_service for the user.
$repo = $this->get_mock_repository([]);
$service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo);
// Favourite a course.
$fav1 = $service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
// Verify we can check existence of the favourite.
// And one that we know doesn't exist.
* Test confirming the behaviour of the get_favourite() method.
public function test_get_favourite(): void {
list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses();
// Get a user_favourite_service for the user.
$repo = $this->get_mock_repository([]);
$service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo);
// Favourite a course.
$fav1 = $service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
$result = $service->get_favourite(
// Verify we can get the favourite.
$this->assertEquals($fav1->id, $result->id);
// And one that we know doesn't exist.
* Test confirming the behaviour of the count_favourites_by_type() method.
public function test_count_favourites_by_type(): void {
list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses();
// Get a user_favourite_service for the user.
$repo = $this->get_mock_repository([]);
$service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo);
$this->assertEquals(0, $service->count_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'course', $course1context));
// Favourite a course.
$service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
$this->assertEquals(1, $service->count_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'course', $course1context));
// Favourite another course.
$service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course2context->instanceid, $course1context);
$this->assertEquals(2, $service->count_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'course', $course1context));
// Favourite a course in another context.
$service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course2context->instanceid, $course2context);
// Doesn't affect original context.
$this->assertEquals(2, $service->count_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'course', $course1context));
// Gets counted if we include all contexts.
$this->assertEquals(3, $service->count_favourites_by_type('core_course', 'course'));
* Verify that the join sql generated by get_join_sql_by_type is valid and can be used to include favourite information.
public function test_get_join_sql_by_type(): void {
global $DB;
list($user1context, $user2context, $course1context, $course2context) = $this->setup_users_and_courses();
// Get a user_favourite_service for the user.
// We need to use a real (DB) repository, as we want to run the SQL.
$repo = new \core_favourites\local\repository\favourite_repository();
$service = new \core_favourites\local\service\user_favourite_service($user1context, $repo);
// Favourite the first course only.
$service->create_favourite('core_course', 'course', $course1context->instanceid, $course1context);
// Generate the join snippet.
list($favsql, $favparams) = $service->get_join_sql_by_type('core_course', 'course', 'favalias', '');
// Join against a simple select, including the 2 courses only.
$params = ['courseid1' => $course1context->instanceid, 'courseid2' => $course2context->instanceid];
$params = $params + $favparams;
$records = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT, favalias.component
FROM {course} c $favsql
WHERE = :courseid1 OR = :courseid2", $params);
// Verify the favourite information is returned, but only for the favourited course.
$this->assertCount(2, $records);
$this->assertEquals('core_course', $records[$course1context->instanceid]->component);