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@enrol @enrol_manual
Feature: A course welcome message will be sent to the user when they are enrolled in a course
In order to let the user know they have been enrolled in a course
As a teacher
I want the user to receive a welcome message when they are enrolled in a course
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| manager | Manager | User | |
| teacher | Teacher | User | |
| user1 | First | User | |
| user2 | Second | User | |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 |
| Course 2 | C2 | 0 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| manager | C1 | manager |
| teacher | C1 | editingteacher |
| teacher | C2 | editingteacher |
Scenario: Manager should see the new settings for course welcome message
Given I am on the "C1" "Enrolled users" page logged in as manager
And I set the field "Participants tertiary navigation" to "Enrolment methods"
When I click on "Edit" "link" in the "Manual enrolments" "table_row"
Then I should see "Send course welcome message"
And the field "Send course welcome message" matches value "From the course contact"
And I should see "Custom welcome message"
And the field "Custom welcome message" matches value "Dear {$a->fullname}, you have successfully been enrolled to course {$a->coursename}"
And I should see "Accepted formats: Plain text or Moodle-auto format. HTML tags and multi-lang tags are also accepted, as well as the following placeholders:"
And I set the field "Send course welcome message" to "No"
And I should not see "Custom welcome message"
And I should not see "Accepted formats: Plain text or Moodle-auto format. HTML tags and multi-lang tags are also accepted, as well as the following placeholders:"
Scenario: Student should not receive a welcome message if the setting is disabled
Given I am on the "C1" "Enrolled users" page logged in as manager
And I set the field "Participants tertiary navigation" to "Enrolment methods"
And I click on "Edit" "link" in the "Manual enrolments" "table_row"
And I set the field "Send course welcome message" to "No"
And I press "Save changes"
And I am on the "C1" "Enrolled users" page logged in as teacher
And I press "Enrol users"
And I set the field "Select users" to "First User"
And I should see "First User"
And I click on "Enrol users" "button" in the "Enrol users" "dialogue"
And I should see "Active" in the "First User" "table_row"
When I am on the "C1" "course" page logged in as user1
Then I should not see "1" in the "#nav-notification-popover-container [data-region='count-container']" "css_element"
Scenario: Students should receive a welcome message if the setting is enabled - Default message
Given I am on the "C1" "Enrolled users" page logged in as teacher
# Enrol first user to Course 1.
And I press "Enrol users"
And I set the field "Select users" to "First User"
And I should see "First User"
And I click on "Enrol users" "button" in the "Enrol users" "dialogue"
# Enrol second user to Course 2.
And I am on the "C2" "Enrolled users" page
And I press "Enrol users"
And I set the field "Select users" to "Second User"
And I should see "Second User"
And I click on "Enrol users" "button" in the "Enrol users" "dialogue"
# Login as first user and check the notification.
When I am on the "C1" "course" page logged in as user1
Then I should see "1" in the "#nav-notification-popover-container [data-region='count-container']" "css_element"
And I open the notification popover
And I should see "Welcome to Course 1"
And I click on "View full notification" "link" in the ".popover-region-notifications" "css_element"
And I should see "Dear First User, you have successfully been enrolled to course Course 1"
# Login as second user and check the notification.
And I am on the "C1" "course" page logged in as user2
And I should see "1" in the "#nav-notification-popover-container [data-region='count-container']" "css_element"
And I open the notification popover
And I should see "Welcome to Course 2"
And I click on "View full notification" "link" in the ".popover-region-notifications" "css_element"
And I should see "Dear Second User, you have successfully been enrolled to course Course 2"
Scenario: Students should receive a welcome message if the setting is enabled - Custom message
Given I am on the "C1" "Enrolled users" page logged in as manager
And I set the field "Participants tertiary navigation" to "Enrolment methods"
And I click on "Edit" "link" in the "Manual enrolments" "table_row"
And I set the field "Custom welcome message" to multiline:
Dear {$a->fullname}, you have successfully been enrolled to course {$a->coursename}.
Your email address: {$a->email}
Your first name: {$a->firstname}
Your last name: {$a->lastname}
Your course role: {$a->courserole}
And I press "Save changes"
# Enrol first user and second user to Course 1.
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| user1 | C1 | student |
| user2 | C1 | student |
# Login as first user and check the notification.
When I am on the "C1" "course" page logged in as user1
Then I should see "1" in the "#nav-notification-popover-container [data-region='count-container']" "css_element"
And I open the notification popover
And I should see "Welcome to Course 1"
And I click on "View full notification" "link" in the ".popover-region-notifications" "css_element"
And I should see "Dear First User, you have successfully been enrolled to course Course 1"
And I should see "Your email address:"
And I should see "Your first name: First"
And I should see "Your last name: User"
And I should see "Your course role: student"
# Login as second user and check the notification.
When I am on the "C1" "course" page logged in as user2
Then I should see "1" in the "#nav-notification-popover-container [data-region='count-container']" "css_element"
And I open the notification popover
And I should see "Welcome to Course 1"
And I click on "View full notification" "link" in the ".popover-region-notifications" "css_element"
And I should see "Dear Second User, you have successfully been enrolled to course Course 1"
And I should see "Your email address:"
And I should see "Your first name: Second"
And I should see "Your last name: User"
And I should see "Your course role: student"