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namespace enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\entity;
* Tests for resource_link.
* @package enrol_lti
* @copyright 2021 Jake Dallimore <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* @coversDefaultClass \enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\entity\resource_link
class resource_link_test extends \advanced_testcase {
* Test creation of the object instances.
* @dataProvider instantiation_data_provider
* @param array $args the arguments to the creation method.
* @param array $expectations various expectations for the test cases.
* @covers ::create
public function test_create(array $args, array $expectations): void {
if (!$expectations['valid']) {
} else {
$reslink = resource_link::create(...array_values($args));
$this->assertEquals($args['resourcelinkid'], $reslink->get_resourcelinkid());
$this->assertEquals($args['resourceid'], $reslink->get_resourceid());
$this->assertEquals($args['deploymentid'], $reslink->get_deploymentid());
$this->assertEquals($args['contextid'], $reslink->get_contextid());
$this->assertEquals($args['id'], $reslink->get_id());
$this->assertEquals(null, $reslink->get_grade_service());
$this->assertEquals(null, $reslink->get_names_and_roles_service());
* Data provider for testing object instantiation.
* @return array the data for testing.
public function instantiation_data_provider(): array {
return [
'Valid creation, no context or id provided' => [
'args' => [
'resourcelinkid' => 'res-link-id-123',
'deploymentid' => 45,
'resourceid' => 24,
'contextid' => null,
'id' => null
'expectations' => [
'valid' => true
'Valid creation, context id provided, no id provided' => [
'args' => [
'resourcelinkid' => 'res-link-id-123',
'deploymentid' => 45,
'resourceid' => 24,
'contextid' => 777,
'id' => null
'expectations' => [
'valid' => true
'Valid creation, context id and id provided' => [
'args' => [
'resourcelinkid' => 'res-link-id-123',
'deploymentid' => 45,
'resourceid' => 24,
'contextid' => 777,
'id' => 33
'expectations' => [
'valid' => true
'Invlid creation, empty resource link id string' => [
'args' => [
'resourcelinkid' => '',
'deploymentid' => 45,
'resourceid' => 24,
'contextid' => null,
'id' => null
'expectations' => [
'valid' => false,
'exception' => \coding_exception::class,
'exceptionmessage' => 'Error: resourcelinkid cannot be an empty string'
* Test confirming that a grade service instance can be added to the object instance.
* @param array $args the array of method arguments
* @param array $expected the array of expectations
* @dataProvider add_grade_service_provider
* @covers ::add_grade_service
public function test_add_grade_service(array $args, array $expected): void {
$reslink = resource_link::create('res-link-id-123', 24, 44);
if (!$expected['valid']) {
$gradeservice = $reslink->get_grade_service();
$this->assertInstanceOf(ags_info::class, $gradeservice);
$this->assertEquals($args['lineitemsurl'], $gradeservice->get_lineitemsurl());
$this->assertEquals($args['lineitemurl'], $gradeservice->get_lineitemurl());
$this->assertEquals($args['scope'], $gradeservice->get_scopes());
* Data provider for testing the add_grade_service method.
* @return array the array of test case data.
public function add_grade_service_provider(): array {
return [
'Valid, both URLs, some scopes' => [
'args' => [
'lineitemsurl' => new \moodle_url(''),
'lineitemurl' => new \moodle_url(''),
'scope' => [
'expected' => [
'valid' => true,
'Valid, only coupled line item URL, some scopes' => [
'args' => [
'lineitemsurl' => null,
'lineitemurl' => new \moodle_url(''),
'scope' => [
'expected' => [
'valid' => true,
'Valid, only decoupled line items URL, some scopes' => [
'args' => [
'lineitemsurl' => new \moodle_url(''),
'lineitemurl' => null,
'scope' => [
'expected' => [
'valid' => true,
'Valid, URLs without any scopes' => [
'args' => [
'lineitemsurl' => new \moodle_url(''),
'lineitemurl' => new \moodle_url(''),
'scope' => []
'expected' => [
'valid' => true,
'Invalid, missing both URLs' => [
'args' => [
'lineitemsurl' => null,
'lineitemurl' => null,
'scope' => [
'expected' => [
'valid' => false,
'exception' => \coding_exception::class
* Test confirming that a names and roles service instance can be added to the object instance.
* @covers ::add_names_and_roles_service
public function test_add_names_and_roles_service(): void {
$reslink = resource_link::create('res-link-id-123', 24, 44);
$reslink->add_names_and_roles_service(new \moodle_url(''), ['2.0']);
$nrps = $reslink->get_names_and_roles_service();
$this->assertInstanceOf(nrps_info::class, $nrps);
$this->assertEquals(new \moodle_url(''),
$this->assertEquals(['2.0'], $nrps->get_service_versions());
* Verify that a user can be created from a resource link that has an id.
* @covers ::add_user
public function test_add_user(): void {
global $CFG;
$reslinkwithid = resource_link::create('res-link-id-123', 24, 44, 66, 33);
$user = $reslinkwithid->add_user(2, 'platform-user-id-123', $CFG->lang, 'Sydney', 'AU', 'Test university', '99');
$this->assertInstanceOf(user::class, $user);
$this->assertEquals(33, $user->get_resourcelinkid());
$reslinkwithoutid = resource_link::create('res-link-id-123', 24, 44);
$this->expectExceptionMessage("Can't add user to a resource_link that hasn't first been saved");
$reslinkwithoutid->add_user(2, 'platform-user-id-123', $CFG->lang, 'Sydney', 'Australia', 'Test university', '99');
* Test confirming that the resourceid can be changed on the object.
* @covers ::set_resourceid
public function test_set_resource_id(): void {
$reslink = resource_link::create('res-link-id-123', 24, 44);
$this->assertEquals(44, $reslink->get_resourceid());
$this->assertEquals(333, $reslink->get_resourceid());
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Resource id must be a positive int');
* Test confirming that the contextid can be changed on the object.
* @covers ::set_contextid
public function test_set_context_id(): void {
$reslink = resource_link::create('res-link-id-123', 24, 44);
$this->assertEquals(null, $reslink->get_contextid());
$this->assertEquals(333, $reslink->get_contextid());
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Context id must be a positive int');