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This library was originally published by the IMS at which no longer exists. The
current code was taken from - with
several changes to the code (including bug fixes). As the library is no longer supported upgrades are not possible.
In future releases we should look into using a supported library.
2022-01-05 - MDL-73502 - Removed get_magic_quotes_gpc() use, was returning false since ages ago.
2022-01-20 - MDL-73523 - Conditional openssl_free_key() use, deprecated by PHP 8.0
2022-03-05 - MDL-73520 - replace deprecated php_errormsg with error_get_last(), deprecated by PHP 8.0
2023-05-03 - MDL-77840 - Throw exception on openssl_sign to avoid null reaching base64_encode, deprecated by PHP 8.1
2023-05-17 - MDL-77350 - Added $callback_url property to class OAuthConsumer to comply with PHP 8.2