Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

namespace enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\service;

use enrol_lti\helper;
use enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\entity\context;
use enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\entity\deployment;
use enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\entity\migration_claim;
use enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\entity\resource_link;
use enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\entity\user;
use enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\repository\application_registration_repository;
use enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\repository\context_repository;
use enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\repository\deployment_repository;
use enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\repository\legacy_consumer_repository;
use enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\repository\resource_link_repository;
use enrol_lti\local\ltiadvantage\repository\user_repository;
use Packback\Lti1p3\LtiMessageLaunch;

 * Class tool_launch_service.
 * This class handles the launch of a resource by a user, using the LTI Advantage Resource Link Launch.
 * See
 * @package enrol_lti
 * @copyright 2021 Jake Dallimore <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class tool_launch_service {

    /** @var deployment_repository $deploymentrepo instance of a deployment repository. */
    private $deploymentrepo;

    /** @var application_registration_repository instance of a application_registration repository */
    private $registrationrepo;

    /** @var resource_link_repository instance of a resource_link repository */
    private $resourcelinkrepo;

    /** @var user_repository instance of a user repository*/
    private $userrepo;

    /** @var context_repository instance of a context repository  */
    private $contextrepo;

     * The tool_launch_service constructor.
     * @param deployment_repository $deploymentrepo instance of a deployment_repository.
     * @param application_registration_repository $registrationrepo instance of an application_registration_repository.
     * @param resource_link_repository $resourcelinkrepo instance of a resource_link_repository.
     * @param user_repository $userrepo instance of a user_repository.
     * @param context_repository $contextrepo instance of a context_repository.
    public function __construct(deployment_repository $deploymentrepo,
            application_registration_repository $registrationrepo, resource_link_repository $resourcelinkrepo,
            user_repository $userrepo, context_repository $contextrepo) {

        $this->deploymentrepo = $deploymentrepo;
        $this->registrationrepo = $registrationrepo;
        $this->resourcelinkrepo = $resourcelinkrepo;
        $this->userrepo = $userrepo;
        $this->contextrepo = $contextrepo;

    /** Get the launch data from the launch.
     * @param LtiMessageLaunch $launch the launch instance.
     * @return \stdClass the launch data.
    private function get_launch_data(LtiMessageLaunch $launch): \stdClass {
        $launchdata = $launch->getLaunchData();
        $data = [
            'platform' => $launchdata['iss'],
            // The 'aud' property may be an array with one or more values, but can be a string if there is only one value.
            'clientid' => is_array($launchdata['aud']) ? $launchdata['aud'][0] : $launchdata['aud'],
            'exp' => $launchdata['exp'],
            'nonce' => $launchdata['nonce'],
            'sub' => $launchdata['sub'],
            'roles' => $launchdata[''],
            'deploymentid' => $launchdata[''],
            'context' => !empty($launchdata['']) ?
                $launchdata[''] : null,
            'resourcelink' => $launchdata[''],
            'targetlinkuri' => $launchdata[''],
            'custom' => $launchdata[''] ?? null,
            'launchid' => $launch->getLaunchId(),
            'user' => [
                'givenname' => !empty($launchdata['given_name']) ? $launchdata['given_name'] : null,
                'familyname' => !empty($launchdata['family_name']) ? $launchdata['family_name'] : null,
                'name' => !empty($launchdata['name']) ? $launchdata['name'] : null,
                'email' => !empty($launchdata['email']) ? $launchdata['email'] : null,
                'picture' => !empty($launchdata['picture']) ? $launchdata['picture'] : null,
            'ags' => $launchdata[''] ?? null,
            'nrps' => $launchdata[''] ?? null,
            'lti1p1' => $launchdata[''] ?? null

        return (object) $data;

     * Get a context instance from the launch data.
     * @param \stdClass $launchdata launch data.
     * @param deployment $deployment the deployment to which the context belongs.
     * @return context the context instance.
    private function context_from_launchdata(\stdClass $launchdata, deployment $deployment): context {
        if ($context = $this->contextrepo->find_by_contextid($launchdata->context['id'], $deployment->get_id())) {
            // The context has been mapped, just update it.
        } else {
            // Map a new context.
            $context = $deployment->add_context($launchdata->context['id'], $launchdata->context['type']);
        return $context;

     * Get a resource_link from the launch data.
     * @param \stdClass $launchdata the launch data.
     * @param \stdClass $resource the resource to which the resource link refers.
     * @param deployment $deployment the deployment to which the resource_link belongs.
     * @param context|null $context optional context in which the resource_link lives, null if not needed.
     * @return resource_link the resource_link instance.
    private function resource_link_from_launchdata(\stdClass $launchdata, \stdClass $resource, deployment $deployment,
            ?context $context): resource_link {

        if ($resourcelink = $this->resourcelinkrepo->find_by_deployment($deployment, $launchdata->resourcelink['id'])) {
            // Resource link exists, so update it.
            if (isset($context)) {
            // A resource link may have been updated, via content item selection, to refer to a different resource.
            if ($resourcelink->get_resourceid() != $resource->id) {
        } else {
            // Create a new resource link.
            $resourcelink = $deployment->add_resource_link(
                $context ? $context->get_id() : null
        // Add the AGS configuration for the resource link.
        // See:
        if ($launchdata->ags && (!empty($launchdata->ags['lineitems']) || !empty($launchdata->ags['lineitem']))) {
                !empty($launchdata->ags['lineitems']) ? new \moodle_url($launchdata->ags['lineitems']) : null,
                !empty($launchdata->ags['lineitem']) ? new \moodle_url($launchdata->ags['lineitem']) : null,

        // NRPS.
        if ($launchdata->nrps) {
                new \moodle_url($launchdata->nrps['context_memberships_url']),
        return $resourcelink;

     * Get an lti user instance from the launch data.
     * @param \stdClass $user the moodle user object.
     * @param \stdClass $launchdata the launch data.
     * @param \stdClass $resource the resource to which the user belongs.
     * @param resource_link $resourcelink the resource_link from which the user originated.
     * @return user the user instance.
    private function lti_user_from_launchdata(\stdClass $user, \stdClass $launchdata, \stdClass $resource,
            resource_link $resourcelink): user {

        // Find the user based on the unique-to-the-issuer 'sub' value.
        if ($ltiuser = $this->userrepo->find_single_user_by_resource($user->id, $resource->id)) {
            // User exists, so update existing based on resource data which may have changed.
        } else {
            // Create the lti user.
            $ltiuser = $resourcelink->add_user(
                $resource->city ?? '',
                $resource->country ?? '',
                $resource->institution ?? '',
                $resource->timezone ?? '',
                $resource->maildisplay ?? null,
        return $ltiuser;

     * Get the migration claim from the launch data, or null if not found.
     * @param \stdClass $launchdata the launch data.
     * @return migration_claim|null the claim instance if present in the launch data, else null.
    private function migration_claim_from_launchdata(\stdClass $launchdata): ?migration_claim {
        if (!isset($launchdata->lti1p1)) {
            return null;

        // Despite the spec requiring the oauth_consumer_key field be present in the migration claim:
        // (see,
        // Platforms may omit this field making migration impossible.
        // E.g. for Canvas launches taking place after an assignment_selection placement.
        if (empty($launchdata->lti1p1['oauth_consumer_key'])) {
            return null;

        return new migration_claim($launchdata->lti1p1, $launchdata->deploymentid,
            $launchdata->platform, $launchdata->clientid, $launchdata->exp, $launchdata->nonce,
            new legacy_consumer_repository());

     * Check whether the launch user has an admin role.
     * @param \stdClass $launchdata the launch data.
     * @return bool true if the user is admin, false otherwise.
    private function user_is_admin(\stdClass $launchdata): bool {
        // See:
        if ($launchdata->roles) {
            $adminroles = [

            foreach ($adminroles as $validrole) {
                if (in_array($validrole, $launchdata->roles)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Check whether the launch user is an instructor.
     * @param \stdClass $launchdata the launch data.
     * @param bool $includelegacy whether to also consider legacy simple names as valid roles.
     * @return bool true if the user is an instructor, false otherwise.
    private function user_is_staff(\stdClass $launchdata, bool $includelegacy = false): bool {
        // See:
        // This method also provides support for (legacy, deprecated) simple names for context roles.
        // I.e. 'ContentDeveloper' may be supported.
        if ($launchdata->roles) {
            $staffroles = [

            if ($includelegacy) {
                $staffroles[] = 'ContentDeveloper';
                $staffroles[] = 'Instructor';
                $staffroles[] = 'Instructor#TeachingAssistant';

            foreach ($staffroles as $validrole) {
                if (in_array($validrole, $launchdata->roles)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Handles the use case "A user launches the tool so they can view an external resource".
     * @param \stdClass $user the Moodle user record, obtained via the auth_lti authentication process.
     * @param LtiMessageLaunch $launch the launch data.
     * @return array array containing [int $userid, \stdClass $resource]
     * @throws \moodle_exception if launch problems are encountered.
    public function user_launches_tool(\stdClass $user, LtiMessageLaunch $launch): array {

        $launchdata = $this->get_launch_data($launch);

        if (!$registration = $this->registrationrepo->find_by_platform($launchdata->platform, $launchdata->clientid)) {
            throw new \moodle_exception('ltiadvlauncherror:invalidregistration', 'enrol_lti', '',
                [$launchdata->platform, $launchdata->clientid]);

        if (!$deployment = $this->deploymentrepo->find_by_registration($registration->get_id(),
            $launchdata->deploymentid)) {
            throw new \moodle_exception('ltiadvlauncherror:invaliddeployment', 'enrol_lti', '',

        $resourceuuid = $launchdata->custom['id'] ?? null;
        if (empty($resourceuuid)) {
            throw new \moodle_exception('ltiadvlauncherror:missingid', 'enrol_lti');

        $resource = array_values(helper::get_lti_tools(['uuid' => $resourceuuid]));
        $resource = $resource[0] ?? null;
        if (empty($resource) || $resource->status != ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED) {
            throw new \moodle_exception('ltiadvlauncherror:invalidid', 'enrol_lti', '', $resourceuuid);

        // Update the deployment with the legacy consumer_key information, allowing migration of users to take place in future
        // names and roles syncs.
        if ($migrationclaim = $this->migration_claim_from_launchdata($launchdata)) {

        // Save the context, if that claim is present.
        $context = null;
        if ($launchdata->context) {
            $context = $this->context_from_launchdata($launchdata, $deployment);
            $context = $this->contextrepo->save($context);

        // Save the resource link for the tool deployment.
        $resourcelink = $this->resource_link_from_launchdata($launchdata, $resource, $deployment, $context);
        $resourcelink = $this->resourcelinkrepo->save($resourcelink);

        // Save the user launching the resource link.
        $ltiuser = $this->lti_user_from_launchdata($user, $launchdata, $resource, $resourcelink);
        $ltiuser = $this->userrepo->save($ltiuser);

        // Set the frame embedding mode, which controls the display of blocks and nav when launching.
        global $SESSION;
        $context = \context::instance_by_id($resource->contextid);
        $isforceembed = $launchdata->custom['force_embed'] ?? false;
        $isinstructor = $this->user_is_staff($launchdata, true) || $this->user_is_admin($launchdata);
        $isforceembed = $isforceembed || ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE && !$isinstructor);
        if ($isforceembed) {
            $SESSION->forcepagelayout = 'embedded';
        } else {

        // Enrol the user in the course with no role.
        $result = helper::enrol_user($resource, $ltiuser->get_localid());
        if ($result !== helper::ENROLMENT_SUCCESSFUL) {
            throw new \moodle_exception($result, 'enrol_lti');

        // Give the user the role in the given context.
        $roleid = $isinstructor ? $resource->roleinstructor : $resource->rolelearner;
        role_assign($roleid, $ltiuser->get_localid(), $resource->contextid);

        return [$ltiuser->get_localid(), $resource];
