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* A bulk operation for the coursecompleted enrolment plugin to edit selected users enrolments.
* @package enrol_coursecompleted
* @copyright 2020 eWallah (
* @author Renaat Debleu <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
// @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/enrol/locallib.php');
// @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
* A bulk operation for the coursecompleted enrolment plugin to edit selected users enrolments.
* @package enrol_coursecompleted
* @copyright 2020 eWallah (
* @author Renaat Debleu <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class enrol_coursecompleted_bulkedit extends enrol_bulk_enrolment_operation {
* Returns the identifier for this bulk operation. This is the key used when the plugin
* returns an array containing all of the bulk operations it supports.
* @return string
public function get_identifier() {
return 'editselectedusers';
* Returns the title to display for this bulk operation.
* @return string
public function get_title() {
return get_string('editselectedusers', 'enrol_coursecompleted');
* Returns a enrol_bulk_enrolment_operation extension form to be used
* in collecting required information for this operation to be processed.
* @param string|moodle_url|null $defaultaction
* @param mixed $defaultcustomdata
* @return enrol_coursecompleted_deleteselectedusers_form
public function get_form($defaultaction = null, $defaultcustomdata = null) {
$data = is_array($defaultcustomdata) ? $defaultcustomdata : [];
$data['title'] = $this->get_title();
$data['message'] = get_string('confirmbulkediteenrolment', 'enrol_coursecompleted');
$data['button'] = get_string('editusers', 'enrol_coursecompleted');
return new \enrol_coursecompleted\form\bulkedit($defaultaction, $data);
* Processes the bulk operation request for the given userids with the provided properties.
* @param course_enrolment_manager $manager
* @param array $users
* @param stdClass $properties The data returned by the form.
* @return bool
public function process(course_enrolment_manager $manager, array $users, stdClass $properties) {
global $DB, $USER;
$context = $manager->get_context();
if (!has_capability("enrol/coursecompleted:manage", $context)) {
return false;
$ueids = $updatesql = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
foreach ($user->enrolments as $enrolment) {
$ueids[] = $enrolment->id;
$courseid = $enrolment->enrolmentinstance->courseid;
// Trigger event.
$event = \core\event\user_enrolment_updated::create(
'objectid' => $enrolment->id,
'courseid' => $courseid,
'context' => \context_course::instance($courseid),
'relateduserid' => $user->id,
'other' => ['enrol' => 'coursecompleted'],
list($ueidsql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($ueids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
if ($properties->status == ENROL_USER_ACTIVE || $properties->status == ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED) {
$updatesql[] = 'status = :status';
$params['status'] = (int)$properties->status;
if (!empty($properties->timestart)) {
$updatesql[] = 'timestart = :timestart';
$params['timestart'] = (int)$properties->timestart;
if (!empty($properties->timeend)) {
$updatesql[] = 'timeend = :timeend';
$params['timeend'] = (int)$properties->timeend;
if (empty($updatesql)) {
return true;
$updatesql[] = 'modifierid = :modifierid';
$params['modifierid'] = (int)$USER->id;
$updatesql[] = 'timemodified = :timemodified';
$params['timemodified'] = time();
$updatesql = join(', ', $updatesql);
$sql = "UPDATE {user_enrolments} SET $updatesql WHERE id $ueidsql";
cache::make('core', 'coursecontacts')->delete($context->instanceid);
return (bool)$DB->execute($sql, $params);