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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace core_course;
use core_course_category;
* Tests for class core_course_category
* @package core_course
* @category test
* @copyright 2013 Marina Glancy
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class category_test extends \advanced_testcase {
protected $roles;
protected function setUp(): void {
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
protected function get_roleid($context = null) {
global $USER;
if ($context === null) {
$context = \context_system::instance();
if (is_object($context)) {
$context = $context->id;
if (empty($this->roles)) {
$this->roles = array();
if (empty($this->roles[$USER->id])) {
$this->roles[$USER->id] = array();
if (empty($this->roles[$USER->id][$context])) {
$this->roles[$USER->id][$context] = create_role('Role for '.$USER->id.' in '.$context, 'role'.$USER->id.'-'.$context, '-');
role_assign($this->roles[$USER->id][$context], $USER->id, $context);
return $this->roles[$USER->id][$context];
protected function assign_capability($capability, $permission = CAP_ALLOW, $contextid = null) {
if ($contextid === null) {
$contextid = \context_system::instance();
if (is_object($contextid)) {
$contextid = $contextid->id;
assign_capability($capability, $permission, $this->get_roleid($contextid), $contextid, true);
public function test_create_coursecat(): void {
// Create the category.
$data = new \stdClass();
$data->name = 'aaa';
$data->description = 'aaa';
$data->idnumber = '';
$category1 = core_course_category::create($data);
// Initially confirm that base data was inserted correctly.
$this->assertSame($data->name, $category1->name);
$this->assertSame($data->description, $category1->description);
$this->assertSame($data->idnumber, $category1->idnumber);
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(1, $category1->sortorder);
// Create two more categories and test the sortorder worked correctly.
$data->name = 'ccc';
$category2 = core_course_category::create($data);
$data->name = 'bbb';
$category3 = core_course_category::create($data);
$this->assertGreaterThan($category1->sortorder, $category2->sortorder);
$this->assertGreaterThan($category2->sortorder, $category3->sortorder);
public function test_name_idnumber_exceptions(): void {
try {
core_course_category::create(array('name' => ''));
$this->fail('Missing category name exception expected in core_course_category::create');
} catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
$this->assertInstanceOf('moodle_exception', $e);
$cat1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1', 'idnumber' => '1'));
try {
$cat1->update(array('name' => ''));
$this->fail('Missing category name exception expected in core_course_category::update');
} catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
$this->assertInstanceOf('moodle_exception', $e);
try {
core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2', 'idnumber' => '1'));
$this->fail('Duplicate idnumber exception expected in core_course_category::create');
} catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
$this->assertInstanceOf('moodle_exception', $e);
$cat2 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2', 'idnumber' => '2'));
try {
$cat2->update(array('idnumber' => '1'));
$this->fail('Duplicate idnumber exception expected in core_course_category::update');
} catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
$this->assertInstanceOf('moodle_exception', $e);
// Test that duplicates with an idnumber of 0 cannot be created.
core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat3', 'idnumber' => '0'));
try {
core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat4', 'idnumber' => '0'));
$this->fail('Duplicate idnumber "0" exception expected in core_course_category::create');
} catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
$this->assertInstanceOf('moodle_exception', $e);
// Test an update cannot make a duplicate idnumber of 0.
try {
$cat2->update(array('idnumber' => '0'));
$this->fail('Duplicate idnumber "0" exception expected in core_course_category::update');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertInstanceOf('moodle_exception', $e);
public function test_visibility(): void {
// Create category 1 initially hidden.
$category1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1', 'visible' => 0));
$this->assertEquals(0, $category1->visible);
$this->assertEquals(0, $category1->visibleold);
// Create category 2 initially hidden as a child of hidden category 1.
$category2 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2', 'visible' => 0, 'parent' => $category1->id));
$this->assertEquals(0, $category2->visible);
$this->assertEquals(0, $category2->visibleold);
// Create category 3 initially visible as a child of hidden category 1.
$category3 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat3', 'visible' => 1, 'parent' => $category1->id));
$this->assertEquals(0, $category3->visible);
$this->assertEquals(1, $category3->visibleold);
// Show category 1 and make sure that category 2 is hidden and category 3 is visible.
$this->assertEquals(1, core_course_category::get($category1->id)->visible);
$this->assertEquals(0, core_course_category::get($category2->id)->visible);
$this->assertEquals(1, core_course_category::get($category3->id)->visible);
// Create visible category 4.
$category4 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat4'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $category4->visible);
$this->assertEquals(1, $category4->visibleold);
// Create visible category 5 as a child of visible category 4.
$category5 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat5', 'parent' => $category4->id));
$this->assertEquals(1, $category5->visible);
$this->assertEquals(1, $category5->visibleold);
// Hide category 4 and make sure category 5 is hidden too.
$this->assertEquals(0, $category4->visible);
$this->assertEquals(0, $category4->visibleold);
$category5 = core_course_category::get($category5->id); // We have to re-read from DB.
$this->assertEquals(0, $category5->visible);
$this->assertEquals(1, $category5->visibleold);
// Show category 4 and make sure category 5 is visible too.
$this->assertEquals(1, $category4->visible);
$this->assertEquals(1, $category4->visibleold);
$category5 = core_course_category::get($category5->id); // We have to re-read from DB.
$this->assertEquals(1, $category5->visible);
$this->assertEquals(1, $category5->visibleold);
// Move category 5 under hidden category 2 and make sure it became hidden.
$this->assertEquals(0, $category5->visible);
$this->assertEquals(1, $category5->visibleold);
// Re-read object for category 5 from DB and check again.
$category5 = core_course_category::get($category5->id);
$this->assertEquals(0, $category5->visible);
$this->assertEquals(1, $category5->visibleold);
// Rricky one! Move hidden category 5 under visible category ("Top") and make sure it is still hidden-
// WHY? Well, different people may expect different behaviour here. So better keep it hidden.
$this->assertEquals(0, $category5->visible);
$this->assertEquals(1, $category5->visibleold);
public function test_hierarchy(): void {
$category1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1'));
$category2 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2', 'parent' => $category1->id));
$category3 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat3', 'parent' => $category1->id));
$category4 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat4', 'parent' => $category2->id));
// Check function get_children().
$this->assertEquals(array($category2->id, $category3->id), array_keys($category1->get_children()));
// Check function get_parents().
$this->assertEquals(array($category1->id, $category2->id), $category4->get_parents());
// Can not move category to itself or to it's children.
// Can move category to grandparent.
try {
$this->fail('Exception expected - can not move category');
} catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
$this->assertInstanceOf('moodle_exception', $e);
$this->assertEquals(array(), $category4->get_parents());
$this->assertEquals(array($category2->id, $category3->id), array_keys($category1->get_children()));
$this->assertEquals(array(), array_keys($category2->get_children()));
public function test_update(): void {
$category1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1'));
$timecreated = $category1->timemodified;
$this->assertSame('Cat1', $category1->name);
$testdescription = 'This is cat 1 а также русский текст';
$category1->update(array('description' => $testdescription));
$this->assertSame($testdescription, $category1->description);
$category1 = core_course_category::get($category1->id);
$this->assertSame($testdescription, $category1->description);
$category1 = core_course_category::get($category1->id);
$this->assertSame($testdescription, $category1->description);
$this->assertGreaterThan($timecreated, $category1->timemodified);
public function test_delete(): void {
global $DB;
$initialcatid = $DB->get_field_sql('SELECT max(id) from {course_categories}');
$category1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1'));
$category2 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2', 'parent' => $category1->id));
$category3 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat3'));
$category4 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat4', 'parent' => $category2->id));
$course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $category2->id));
$course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $category4->id));
$course3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $category4->id));
$course4 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $category1->id));
// Now we have
// $category1
// $category2
// $category4
// $course2
// $course3
// $course1
// $course4
// $category3
// structure.
// Login as another user to test course:delete capability (user who created course can delete it within 24h even without cap).
// Delete category 2 and move content to category 3.
$this->assertFalse($category2->can_move_content_to($category3->id)); // No luck!
// Add necessary capabilities.
$this->assign_capability('moodle/course:create', CAP_ALLOW, \context_coursecat::instance($category3->id));
$this->assertTrue($category2->can_move_content_to($category3->id)); // Hurray!
// Make sure we have:
// $category1
// $course4
// $category3
// $category4
// $course2
// $course3
// $course1
// structure.
$this->assertNull(core_course_category::get($category2->id, IGNORE_MISSING, true));
$this->assertEquals(array(), $category1->get_children());
$this->assertEquals(array($category4->id), array_keys($category3->get_children()));
$this->assertEquals($category4->id, $DB->get_field('course', 'category', array('id' => $course2->id)));
$this->assertEquals($category4->id, $DB->get_field('course', 'category', array('id' => $course3->id)));
$this->assertEquals($category3->id, $DB->get_field('course', 'category', array('id' => $course1->id)));
// Delete category 3 completely.
$this->assertFalse($category3->can_delete_full()); // No luck!
// Add necessary capabilities.
$this->assign_capability('moodle/course:delete', CAP_ALLOW, \context_coursecat::instance($category3->id));
$this->assertTrue($category3->can_delete_full()); // Hurray!
// Make sure we have:
// $category1
// $course4
// structure.
// Note that we also have default course category and default 'site' course.
$this->assertEquals(1, $DB->get_field_sql('SELECT count(*) FROM {course_categories} WHERE id > ?', array($initialcatid)));
$this->assertEquals($category1->id, $DB->get_field_sql('SELECT max(id) FROM {course_categories}'));
$this->assertEquals(1, $DB->get_field_sql('SELECT count(*) FROM {course} WHERE id <> ?', array(SITEID)));
$this->assertEquals(array('id' => $course4->id, 'category' => $category1->id),
(array)$DB->get_record_sql('SELECT id, category from {course} where id <> ?', array(SITEID)));
public function test_get_children(): void {
$category1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1'));
$category2 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2', 'parent' => $category1->id));
$category3 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat3', 'parent' => $category1->id, 'visible' => 0));
$category4 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat4', 'idnumber' => '12', 'parent' => $category1->id));
$category5 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat5', 'idnumber' => '11',
'parent' => $category1->id, 'visible' => 0));
$category6 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat6', 'idnumber' => '10', 'parent' => $category1->id));
$category7 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat0', 'parent' => $category1->id));
$children = $category1->get_children();
// User does not have the capability to view hidden categories, so the list should be
// 2, 4, 6, 7.
$this->assertEquals(array($category2->id, $category4->id, $category6->id, $category7->id), array_keys($children));
$this->assertEquals(4, $category1->get_children_count());
$children = $category1->get_children(array('offset' => 2));
$this->assertEquals(array($category6->id, $category7->id), array_keys($children));
$this->assertEquals(4, $category1->get_children_count());
$children = $category1->get_children(array('limit' => 2));
$this->assertEquals(array($category2->id, $category4->id), array_keys($children));
$children = $category1->get_children(array('offset' => 1, 'limit' => 2));
$this->assertEquals(array($category4->id, $category6->id), array_keys($children));
$children = $category1->get_children(array('sort' => array('name' => 1)));
// Must be 7, 2, 4, 6.
$this->assertEquals(array($category7->id, $category2->id, $category4->id, $category6->id), array_keys($children));
$children = $category1->get_children(array('sort' => array('idnumber' => 1, 'name' => -1)));
// Must be 2, 7, 6, 4.
$this->assertEquals(array($category2->id, $category7->id, $category6->id, $category4->id), array_keys($children));
// Check that everything is all right after purging the caches.
$children = $category1->get_children();
$this->assertEquals(array($category2->id, $category4->id, $category6->id, $category7->id), array_keys($children));
$this->assertEquals(4, $category1->get_children_count());
* Test the get_all_children_ids function.
public function test_get_all_children_ids(): void {
$category1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1'));
$category2 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2'));
$category11 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat11', 'parent' => $category1->id));
$category12 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat12', 'parent' => $category1->id));
$category13 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat13', 'parent' => $category1->id));
$category111 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat111', 'parent' => $category11->id));
$category112 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat112', 'parent' => $category11->id));
$category1121 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1121', 'parent' => $category112->id));
$this->assertCount(0, $category2->get_all_children_ids());
$this->assertCount(6, $category1->get_all_children_ids());
$cmpchildrencat1 = array($category11->id, $category12->id, $category13->id, $category111->id, $category112->id,
$childrencat1 = $category1->get_all_children_ids();
// Order of values does not matter. Compare sorted arrays.
$this->assertEquals($cmpchildrencat1, $childrencat1);
$this->assertCount(3, $category11->get_all_children_ids());
$this->assertCount(0, $category111->get_all_children_ids());
$this->assertCount(1, $category112->get_all_children_ids());
$this->assertEquals(array($category1121->id), $category112->get_all_children_ids());
* Test the countall function
public function test_count_all(): void {
global $DB;
// Dont assume there is just one. An add-on might create a category as part of the install.
$numcategories = $DB->count_records('course_categories');
$this->assertEquals($numcategories, core_course_category::count_all());
$this->assertDebuggingCalled('Method core_course_category::count_all() is deprecated. Please use ' .
'core_course_category::is_simple_site()', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$category1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1'));
$category2 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2', 'parent' => $category1->id));
$category3 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat3', 'parent' => $category2->id, 'visible' => 0));
// Now we've got three more.
$this->assertEquals($numcategories + 3, core_course_category::count_all());
$this->assertDebuggingCalled('Method core_course_category::count_all() is deprecated. Please use ' .
'core_course_category::is_simple_site()', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
// We should still have 4.
$this->assertEquals($numcategories + 3, core_course_category::count_all());
$this->assertDebuggingCalled('Method core_course_category::count_all() is deprecated. Please use ' .
'core_course_category::is_simple_site()', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
* Test the is_simple_site function
public function test_is_simple_site(): void {
// By default site has one category and is considered simple.
$this->assertEquals(true, core_course_category::is_simple_site());
$default = core_course_category::get_default();
// When there is only one category but it is hidden, it is not a simple site.
$default->update(['visible' => 0]);
$this->assertEquals(false, core_course_category::is_simple_site());
$default->update(['visible' => 1]);
$this->assertEquals(true, core_course_category::is_simple_site());
// As soon as there is more than one category, site is not simple any more.
core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1'));
$this->assertEquals(false, core_course_category::is_simple_site());
* Test a categories ability to resort courses.
public function test_resort_courses(): void {
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator();
$category = $generator->create_category();
$course1 = $generator->create_course(array(
'category' => $category->id,
'idnumber' => '006-01',
'shortname' => 'Biome Study',
'fullname' => '<span lang="ar" class="multilang">'.'دراسة منطقة إحيائية'.'</span><span lang="en" class="multilang">Biome Study</span>',
'timecreated' => '1000000001'
$course2 = $generator->create_course(array(
'category' => $category->id,
'idnumber' => '007-02',
'shortname' => 'Chemistry Revision',
'fullname' => 'Chemistry Revision',
'timecreated' => '1000000002'
$course3 = $generator->create_course(array(
'category' => $category->id,
'idnumber' => '007-03',
'shortname' => 'Swiss Rolls and Sunflowers',
'fullname' => 'Aarkvarks guide to Swiss Rolls and Sunflowers',
'timecreated' => '1000000003'
$course4 = $generator->create_course(array(
'category' => $category->id,
'idnumber' => '006-04',
'shortname' => 'Scratch',
'fullname' => '<a href="test.php">Basic Scratch</a>',
'timecreated' => '1000000004'
$c1 = (int)$course1->id;
$c2 = (int)$course2->id;
$c3 = (int)$course3->id;
$c4 = (int)$course4->id;
$coursecat = core_course_category::get($category->id);
$this->assertSame(array($c1, $c4, $c2, $c3), array_keys($coursecat->get_courses()));
$this->assertSame(array($c1, $c2, $c4, $c3), array_keys($coursecat->get_courses()));
$this->assertSame(array($c1, $c2, $c3, $c4), array_keys($coursecat->get_courses()));
try {
// Enable the multilang filter and set it to apply to headings and content.
filter_set_global_state('multilang', TEXTFILTER_ON);
filter_set_applies_to_strings('multilang', true);
$expected = array($c3, $c4, $c1, $c2);
} catch (\coding_exception $ex) {
$expected = array($c3, $c4, $c2, $c1);
$this->assertSame($expected, array_keys($coursecat->get_courses()));
public function test_get_search_courses(): void {
global $DB;
$cat1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1'));
$cat2 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2', 'parent' => $cat1->id));
$c1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $cat1->id, 'fullname' => 'Test 3', 'summary' => ' ', 'idnumber' => 'ID3'));
$c2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $cat1->id, 'fullname' => 'Test 1', 'summary' => ' ', 'visible' => 0));
$c3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $cat1->id, 'fullname' => 'Математика', 'summary' => ' Test '));
$c4 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $cat1->id, 'fullname' => 'Test 4', 'summary' => ' ', 'idnumber' => 'ID4'));
$c5 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $cat2->id, 'fullname' => 'Test 5', 'summary' => ' '));
$c6 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $cat2->id, 'fullname' => 'Дискретная Математика', 'summary' => ' '));
$c7 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $cat2->id, 'fullname' => 'Test 7', 'summary' => ' ', 'visible' => 0));
$c8 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $cat2->id, 'fullname' => 'Test 8', 'summary' => ' '));
// Get courses in category 1 (returned visible only because user is not enrolled).
$res = $cat1->get_courses(array('sortorder' => 1));
$this->assertEquals(array($c4->id, $c3->id, $c1->id), array_keys($res)); // Courses are added in reverse order.
$this->assertEquals(3, $cat1->get_courses_count());
// Get courses in category 1 recursively (returned visible only because user is not enrolled).
$res = $cat1->get_courses(array('recursive' => 1));
$this->assertEquals(array($c4->id, $c3->id, $c1->id, $c8->id, $c6->id, $c5->id), array_keys($res));
$this->assertEquals(6, $cat1->get_courses_count(array('recursive' => 1)));
// Get courses sorted by fullname.
$res = $cat1->get_courses(array('sort' => array('fullname' => 1)));
$this->assertEquals(array($c1->id, $c4->id, $c3->id), array_keys($res));
$this->assertEquals(3, $cat1->get_courses_count(array('sort' => array('fullname' => 1))));
// Get courses sorted by fullname recursively.
$res = $cat1->get_courses(array('recursive' => 1, 'sort' => array('fullname' => 1)));
$this->assertEquals(array($c1->id, $c4->id, $c5->id, $c8->id, $c6->id, $c3->id), array_keys($res));
$this->assertEquals(6, $cat1->get_courses_count(array('recursive' => 1, 'sort' => array('fullname' => 1))));
// Get courses sorted by fullname recursively, use offset and limit.
$res = $cat1->get_courses(array('recursive' => 1, 'offset' => 1, 'limit' => 2, 'sort' => array('fullname' => -1)));
$this->assertEquals(array($c6->id, $c8->id), array_keys($res));
// Offset and limit do not affect get_courses_count().
$this->assertEquals(6, $cat1->get_courses_count(array('recursive' => 1, 'offset' => 1, 'limit' => 2, 'sort' => array('fullname' => 1))));
// Calling get_courses_count without prior call to get_courses().
$this->assertEquals(3, $cat2->get_courses_count(array('recursive' => 1, 'sort' => array('idnumber' => 1))));
// Search courses.
// Search by text.
$res = core_course_category::search_courses(array('search' => 'Test'));
$this->assertEquals(array($c4->id, $c3->id, $c1->id, $c8->id, $c5->id), array_keys($res));
$this->assertEquals(5, core_course_category::search_courses_count(array('search' => 'Test')));
// Search by text with specified offset and limit.
$options = array('sort' => array('fullname' => 1), 'offset' => 1, 'limit' => 2);
$res = core_course_category::search_courses(array('search' => 'Test'), $options);
$this->assertEquals(array($c4->id, $c5->id), array_keys($res));
$this->assertEquals(5, core_course_category::search_courses_count(array('search' => 'Test'), $options));
// IMPORTANT: the tests below may fail on some databases
// case-insensitive search.
$res = core_course_category::search_courses(array('search' => 'test'));
$this->assertEquals(array($c4->id, $c3->id, $c1->id, $c8->id, $c5->id), array_keys($res));
$this->assertEquals(5, core_course_category::search_courses_count(array('search' => 'test')));
// Non-latin language search.
$res = core_course_category::search_courses(array('search' => 'Математика'));
$this->assertEquals(array($c3->id, $c6->id), array_keys($res));
$this->assertEquals(2, core_course_category::search_courses_count(array('search' => 'Математика'), array()));
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Add necessary capabilities.
$this->assign_capability('moodle/course:create', CAP_ALLOW, \context_coursecat::instance($cat2->id));
// Do another search with restricted capabilities.
$reqcaps = array('moodle/course:create');
$res = core_course_category::search_courses(array('search' => 'test'), array(), $reqcaps);
$this->assertEquals(array($c8->id, $c5->id), array_keys($res));
$this->assertEquals(2, core_course_category::search_courses_count(array('search' => 'test'), array(), $reqcaps));
// We should get no courses here as user is not enrolled to any courses.
$res = core_course_category::search_courses([
'search' => '',
'limittoenrolled' => 1,
$this->assertEquals([], $res);
$this->assertEquals(0, core_course_category::search_courses_count([
'search' => '',
'limittoenrolled' => 1,
$manual = enrol_get_plugin('manual');
$teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', ['shortname' => 'editingteacher']);
$enrol = $DB->get_record('enrol', ['courseid' => $c5->id, 'enrol' => 'manual'], '*', MUST_EXIST);
$manual->enrol_user($enrol, $user->id, $teacherrole->id);
// Avoid using the cached values from previous method call.
\cache::make('core', 'coursecat')->purge();
// As the user is now enrolled, we should get this one course.
$res = core_course_category::search_courses([
'search' => '',
'limittoenrolled' => 1,
$this->assertEquals([$c5->id], array_keys($res));
$this->assertEquals(1, core_course_category::search_courses_count([
'search' => '',
'limittoenrolled' => 1,
public function test_course_contacts(): void {
global $DB, $CFG;
set_config('coursecontactduplicates', false);
$teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname'=>'editingteacher'));
$managerrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname'=>'manager'));
$studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname'=>'student'));
$oldcoursecontact = $CFG->coursecontact;
$CFG->coursecontact = $managerrole->id. ','. $teacherrole->id;
* User is listed in course contacts for the course if he has one of the
* "course contact" roles ($CFG->coursecontact) AND is enrolled in the course.
* If the user has several roles only the highest is displayed.
// Test case:
// == Cat1 (user2 has teacher role)
// == Cat2
// -- course21 (user2 is enrolled as manager) | [Expected] Manager: F2 L2
// -- course22 (user2 is enrolled as student) | [Expected] Teacher: F2 L2
// == Cat4 (user2 has manager role)
// -- course41 (user4 is enrolled as teacher, user5 is enrolled as manager) | [Expected] Manager: F5 L5, Teacher: F4 L4
// -- course42 (user2 is enrolled as teacher) | [Expected] Manager: F2 L2
// == Cat3 (user3 has manager role)
// -- course31 (user3 is enrolled as student) | [Expected] Manager: F3 L3
// -- course32 | [Expected]
// -- course11 (user1 is enrolled as teacher) | [Expected] Teacher: F1 L1
// -- course12 (user1 has teacher role) | [Expected]
// also user4 is enrolled as teacher but enrolment is not active
$category = $course = $enrol = $user = array();
$category[1] = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1'))->id;
$category[2] = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2', 'parent' => $category[1]))->id;
$category[3] = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat3', 'parent' => $category[1]))->id;
$category[4] = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat4', 'parent' => $category[2]))->id;
foreach (array(1, 2, 3, 4) as $catid) {
foreach (array(1, 2) as $courseid) {
$course[$catid][$courseid] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('idnumber' => 'id'.$catid.$courseid,
'category' => $category[$catid]))->id;
$enrol[$catid][$courseid] = $DB->get_record('enrol', array('courseid'=>$course[$catid][$courseid], 'enrol'=>'manual'), '*', MUST_EXIST);
foreach (array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) as $userid) {
$user[$userid] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('firstname' => 'F'.$userid, 'lastname' => 'L'.$userid))->id;
$manual = enrol_get_plugin('manual');
// Nobody is enrolled now and course contacts are empty.
$allcourses = core_course_category::get(0)->get_courses(
array('recursive' => true, 'coursecontacts' => true, 'sort' => array('idnumber' => 1)));
foreach ($allcourses as $onecourse) {
// Cat1 (user2 has teacher role)
role_assign($teacherrole->id, $user[2], \context_coursecat::instance($category[1]));
// course21 (user2 is enrolled as manager)
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[2][1], $user[2], $managerrole->id);
// course22 (user2 is enrolled as student)
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[2][2], $user[2], $studentrole->id);
// Cat4 (user2 has manager role)
role_assign($managerrole->id, $user[2], \context_coursecat::instance($category[4]));
// course41 (user4 is enrolled as teacher, user5 is enrolled as manager)
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[4][1], $user[4], $teacherrole->id);
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[4][1], $user[5], $managerrole->id);
// course42 (user2 is enrolled as teacher)
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[4][2], $user[2], $teacherrole->id);
// Cat3 (user3 has manager role)
role_assign($managerrole->id, $user[3], \context_coursecat::instance($category[3]));
// course31 (user3 is enrolled as student)
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[3][1], $user[3], $studentrole->id);
// course11 (user1 is enrolled as teacher)
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[1][1], $user[1], $teacherrole->id);
// -- course12 (user1 has teacher role)
// also user4 is enrolled as teacher but enrolment is not active
role_assign($teacherrole->id, $user[1], \context_course::instance($course[1][2]));
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[1][2], $user[4], $teacherrole->id, 0, 0, ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED);
$allcourses = core_course_category::get(0)->get_courses(
array('recursive' => true, 'coursecontacts' => true, 'sort' => array('idnumber' => 1)));
// Simplify the list of contacts for each course (similar as renderer would do).
$contacts = array();
foreach (array(1, 2, 3, 4) as $catid) {
foreach (array(1, 2) as $courseid) {
$tmp = array();
foreach ($allcourses[$course[$catid][$courseid]]->get_course_contacts() as $contact) {
$tmp[] = $contact['rolename']. ': '. $contact['username'];
$contacts[$catid][$courseid] = join(', ', $tmp);
// Assert:
// -- course21 (user2 is enrolled as manager) | Manager: F2 L2
$this->assertSame('Manager: F2 L2', $contacts[2][1]);
// -- course22 (user2 is enrolled as student) | Teacher: F2 L2
$this->assertSame('Teacher: F2 L2', $contacts[2][2]);
// -- course41 (user4 is enrolled as teacher, user5 is enrolled as manager) | Manager: F5 L5, Teacher: F4 L4
$this->assertSame('Manager: F5 L5, Teacher: F4 L4', $contacts[4][1]);
// -- course42 (user2 is enrolled as teacher) | [Expected] Manager: F2 L2
$this->assertSame('Manager: F2 L2', $contacts[4][2]);
// -- course31 (user3 is enrolled as student) | Manager: F3 L3
$this->assertSame('Manager: F3 L3', $contacts[3][1]);
// -- course32 |
$this->assertSame('', $contacts[3][2]);
// -- course11 (user1 is enrolled as teacher) | Teacher: F1 L1
$this->assertSame('Teacher: F1 L1', $contacts[1][1]);
// -- course12 (user1 has teacher role) |
$this->assertSame('', $contacts[1][2]);
// Suspend user 4 and make sure he is no longer in contacts of course 1 in category 4.
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[4][1], $user[4], $teacherrole->id, 0, 0, ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED);
$allcourses = core_course_category::get(0)->get_courses(array(
'recursive' => true,
'coursecontacts' => true,
'sort' => array('idnumber' => 1))
$contacts = $allcourses[$course[4][1]]->get_course_contacts();
$this->assertCount(1, $contacts);
$contact = reset($contacts);
$this->assertEquals('F5 L5', $contact['username']);
$CFG->coursecontact = $oldcoursecontact;
public function test_course_contacts_with_duplicates(): void {
global $DB, $CFG;
set_config('coursecontactduplicates', true);
$displayall = get_config('core', 'coursecontactduplicates');
$this->assertEquals(true, $displayall);
$teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'editingteacher'));
$managerrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'manager'));
$studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'student'));
$oldcoursecontact = $CFG->coursecontact;
$CFG->coursecontact = $managerrole->id. ','. $teacherrole->id;
* User is listed in course contacts for the course if he has one of the
* "course contact" roles ($CFG->coursecontact) AND is enrolled in the course.
* If the user has several roles all roles are displayed, but each role only once per user.
* Test case:
* == Cat1 (user2 has teacher role)
* == Cat2
* -- course21 (user2 is enrolled as manager) | [Expected] Manager: F2 L2
* -- course22 (user2 is enrolled as student) | [Expected] Teacher: F2 L2
* == Cat4 (user2 has manager role)
* -- course41 (user4 is enrolled as teacher, user5 is enrolled as manager)
* | [Expected] Manager: F5 L5, Teacher: F4 L4
* -- course42 (user2 is enrolled as teacher) | [Expected] Manager: F2 L2
* == Cat3 (user3 has manager role)
* -- course31 (user3 is enrolled as student) | [Expected] Manager: F3 L3
* -- course32 | [Expected]
* -- course11 (user1 is enrolled as teacher) | [Expected] Teacher: F1 L1
* -- course12 (user1 has teacher role) | [Expected]
* also user4 is enrolled as teacher but enrolment is not active
$category = $course = $enrol = $user = array();
$category[1] = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1'))->id;
$category[2] = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2', 'parent' => $category[1]))->id;
$category[3] = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat3', 'parent' => $category[1]))->id;
$category[4] = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat4', 'parent' => $category[2]))->id;
foreach (array(1, 2, 3, 4) as $catid) {
foreach (array(1, 2) as $courseid) {
$course[$catid][$courseid] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array(
'idnumber' => 'id'.$catid.$courseid,
'category' => $category[$catid])
$enrol[$catid][$courseid] = $DB->get_record(
array('courseid' => $course[$catid][$courseid], 'enrol' => 'manual'),
foreach (array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) as $userid) {
$user[$userid] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array(
'firstname' => 'F'.$userid,
'lastname' => 'L'.$userid)
$manual = enrol_get_plugin('manual');
// Nobody is enrolled now and course contacts are empty.
$allcourses = core_course_category::get(0)->get_courses(array(
'recursive' => true,
'coursecontacts' => true,
'sort' => array('idnumber' => 1))
foreach ($allcourses as $onecourse) {
// Cat1: user2 has teacher role.
role_assign($teacherrole->id, $user[2], \context_coursecat::instance($category[1]));
// Course21: user2 is enrolled as manager.
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[2][1], $user[2], $managerrole->id);
// Course22: user2 is enrolled as student.
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[2][2], $user[2], $studentrole->id);
// Cat4: user2 has manager role.
role_assign($managerrole->id, $user[2], \context_coursecat::instance($category[4]));
// Course41: user4 is enrolled as teacher, user5 is enrolled as manager.
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[4][1], $user[4], $teacherrole->id);
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[4][1], $user[5], $managerrole->id);
// Course42: user2 is enrolled as teacher.
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[4][2], $user[2], $teacherrole->id);
// Cat3: user3 has manager role.
role_assign($managerrole->id, $user[3], \context_coursecat::instance($category[3]));
// Course31: user3 is enrolled as student.
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[3][1], $user[3], $studentrole->id);
// Course11: user1 is enrolled as teacher and user4 is enrolled as teacher and has manager role.
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[1][1], $user[1], $teacherrole->id);
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[1][1], $user[4], $teacherrole->id);
role_assign($managerrole->id, $user[4], \context_course::instance($course[1][1]));
// Course12: user1 has teacher role, but is not enrolled, as well as user4 is enrolled as teacher, but user4's enrolment is
// not active.
role_assign($teacherrole->id, $user[1], \context_course::instance($course[1][2]));
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[1][2], $user[4], $teacherrole->id, 0, 0, ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED);
$allcourses = core_course_category::get(0)->get_courses(
array('recursive' => true, 'coursecontacts' => true, 'sort' => array('idnumber' => 1)));
// Simplify the list of contacts for each course (similar as renderer would do).
$contacts = array();
foreach (array(1, 2, 3, 4) as $catid) {
foreach (array(1, 2) as $courseid) {
$tmp = array();
foreach ($allcourses[$course[$catid][$courseid]]->get_course_contacts() as $contact) {
$rolenames = array_map(function ($role) {
return $role->displayname;
}, $contact['roles']);
$tmp[] = implode(", ", $rolenames). ': '.
$contacts[$catid][$courseid] = join(', ', $tmp);
// Assert:
// Course21: user2 is enrolled as manager. [Expected] Manager: F2 L2, Teacher: F2 L2.
$this->assertSame('Manager, Teacher: F2 L2', $contacts[2][1]);
// Course22: user2 is enrolled as student. [Expected] Teacher: F2 L2.
$this->assertSame('Teacher: F2 L2', $contacts[2][2]);
// Course41: user4 is enrolled as teacher, user5 is enrolled as manager. [Expected] Manager: F5 L5, Teacher: F4 L4.
$this->assertSame('Manager: F5 L5, Teacher: F4 L4', $contacts[4][1]);
// Course42: user2 is enrolled as teacher. [Expected] Manager: F2 L2, Teacher: F2 L2.
$this->assertSame('Manager, Teacher: F2 L2', $contacts[4][2]);
// Course31: user3 is enrolled as student. [Expected] Manager: F3 L3.
$this->assertSame('Manager: F3 L3', $contacts[3][1]);
// Course32: nobody is enrolled. [Expected] (nothing).
$this->assertSame('', $contacts[3][2]);
// Course11: user1 is enrolled as teacher and user4 is enrolled as teacher and has manager role. [Expected] Manager: F4 L4,
// Teacher: F1 L1, Teacher: F4 L4.
$this->assertSame('Manager, Teacher: F4 L4, Teacher: F1 L1', $contacts[1][1]);
// Course12: user1 has teacher role, but is not enrolled, as well as user4 is enrolled as teacher, but user4's enrolment is
// not active. [Expected] (nothing).
$this->assertSame('', $contacts[1][2]);
// Suspend user 4 and make sure he is no longer in contacts of course 1 in category 4.
$manual->enrol_user($enrol[4][1], $user[4], $teacherrole->id, 0, 0, ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED);
$allcourses = core_course_category::get(0)->get_courses(array(
'recursive' => true,
'coursecontacts' => true,
'sort' => array('idnumber' => 1)
$contacts = $allcourses[$course[4][1]]->get_course_contacts();
$this->assertCount(1, $contacts);
$contact = reset($contacts);
$this->assertEquals('F5 L5', $contact['username']);
$CFG->coursecontact = $oldcoursecontact;
public function test_overview_files(): void {
global $CFG;
$cat1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1'));
// Create course c1 with one image file.
$dratid1 = $this->fill_draft_area(array('filename.jpg' => 'Test file contents1'));
$c1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $cat1->id,
'fullname' => 'Test 1', 'overviewfiles_filemanager' => $dratid1));
// Create course c2 with two image files (only one file will be added because of settings).
$dratid2 = $this->fill_draft_area(array('filename21.jpg' => 'Test file contents21', 'filename22.jpg' => 'Test file contents22'));
$c2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $cat1->id,
'fullname' => 'Test 2', 'overviewfiles_filemanager' => $dratid2));
// Create course c3 without files.
$c3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $cat1->id, 'fullname' => 'Test 3'));
// Change the settings to allow multiple files of any types.
$CFG->courseoverviewfileslimit = 3;
$CFG->courseoverviewfilesext = '*';
// Create course c5 with two image files.
$dratid4 = $this->fill_draft_area(array('filename41.jpg' => 'Test file contents41', 'filename42.jpg' => 'Test file contents42'));
$c4 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $cat1->id,
'fullname' => 'Test 4', 'overviewfiles_filemanager' => $dratid4));
// Create course c6 with non-image file.
$dratid5 = $this->fill_draft_area(array('' => 'Test file contents51'));
$c5 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('category' => $cat1->id,
'fullname' => 'Test 5', 'overviewfiles_filemanager' => $dratid5));
// Reset default settings.
$CFG->courseoverviewfileslimit = 1;
$CFG->courseoverviewfilesext = 'web_image';
$courses = $cat1->get_courses();
$this->assertTrue($courses[$c5->id]->has_course_overviewfiles()); // Does not validate the filetypes.
$this->assertEquals(1, count($courses[$c1->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(1, count($courses[$c2->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($courses[$c3->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(1, count($courses[$c4->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($courses[$c5->id]->get_course_overviewfiles())); // Validate the filetypes.
// Overview files are not allowed, all functions return empty values.
$CFG->courseoverviewfileslimit = 0;
$this->assertEquals(0, count($courses[$c1->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($courses[$c2->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($courses[$c3->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($courses[$c4->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($courses[$c5->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
// Multiple overview files are allowed but still limited to images.
$CFG->courseoverviewfileslimit = 3;
$this->assertTrue($courses[$c5->id]->has_course_overviewfiles()); // Still does not validate the filetypes.
$this->assertEquals(1, count($courses[$c1->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(1, count($courses[$c2->id]->get_course_overviewfiles())); // Only 1 file was actually added.
$this->assertEquals(0, count($courses[$c3->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(2, count($courses[$c4->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($courses[$c5->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
// Multiple overview files of any type are allowed.
$CFG->courseoverviewfilesext = '*';
$this->assertEquals(1, count($courses[$c1->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(1, count($courses[$c2->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($courses[$c3->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(2, count($courses[$c4->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
$this->assertEquals(1, count($courses[$c5->id]->get_course_overviewfiles()));
public function test_get_nested_name(): void {
$cat1name = 'Cat1';
$cat2name = 'Cat2';
$cat3name = 'Cat3';
$cat4name = 'Cat4';
$category1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => $cat1name));
$category2 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => $cat2name, 'parent' => $category1->id));
$category3 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => $cat3name, 'parent' => $category2->id));
$category4 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => $cat4name, 'parent' => $category2->id));
$this->assertEquals($cat1name, $category1->get_nested_name(false));
$this->assertEquals("{$cat1name} / {$cat2name}", $category2->get_nested_name(false));
$this->assertEquals("{$cat1name} / {$cat2name} / {$cat3name}", $category3->get_nested_name(false));
$this->assertEquals("{$cat1name} / {$cat2name} / {$cat4name}", $category4->get_nested_name(false));
public function test_coursecat_is_uservisible(): void {
global $USER;
// Create category 1 as visible.
$category1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1', 'visible' => 1));
// Create category 2 as hidden.
$category2 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2', 'visible' => 0));
// First, store current user's id, then login as another user.
$userid = $USER->id;
// User $user should still have the moodle/category:viewhiddencategories capability.
$this->assign_capability('moodle/category:viewhiddencategories', CAP_INHERIT);
public function test_current_user_coursecat_get(): void {
// Create category 1 as visible.
$category1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1', 'visible' => 1));
// Create category 2 as hidden.
$category2 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2', 'visible' => 0));
$this->assertEquals($category1->id, core_course_category::get($category1->id)->id);
$this->assertEquals($category2->id, core_course_category::get($category2->id)->id);
// Login as another user to test core_course_category::get.
$this->assertEquals($category1->id, core_course_category::get($category1->id)->id);
// Expecting to get an exception as this new user does not have the moodle/category:viewhiddencategories capability.
$this->expectExceptionMessage(get_string('cannotviewcategory', 'error'));
public function test_another_user_coursecat_get(): void {
global $USER;
// Create category 1 as visible.
$category1 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat1', 'visible' => 1));
// Create category 2 as hidden.
$category2 = core_course_category::create(array('name' => 'Cat2', 'visible' => 0));
// First, store current user's object, then login as another user.
$user1 = $USER;
$user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$this->assertEquals($category1->id, core_course_category::get($category1->id, MUST_EXIST, false, $user1)->id);
$this->assertEquals($category2->id, core_course_category::get($category2->id, MUST_EXIST, false, $user1)->id);
$this->assertEquals($category1->id, core_course_category::get($category1->id, MUST_EXIST, false, $user2)->id);
$this->expectExceptionMessage(get_string('cannotviewcategory', 'error'));
core_course_category::get($category2->id, MUST_EXIST, false, $user2);
* Creates a draft area for current user and fills it with fake files
* @param array $files array of files that need to be added to filearea, filename => filecontents
* @return int draftid for the filearea
protected function fill_draft_area(array $files) {
global $USER;
$usercontext = \context_user::instance($USER->id);
$draftid = file_get_unused_draft_itemid();
foreach ($files as $filename => $filecontents) {
// Add actual file there.
$filerecord = array('component' => 'user', 'filearea' => 'draft',
'contextid' => $usercontext->id, 'itemid' => $draftid,
'filename' => $filename, 'filepath' => '/');
$fs = get_file_storage();
$fs->create_file_from_string($filerecord, $filecontents);
return $draftid;
* This test ensures that is the list of courses in a category can be retrieved while a course is being deleted.
public function test_get_courses_during_delete(): void {
global $DB;
$category = self::getDataGenerator()->create_category();
$course = self::getDataGenerator()->create_course(['category' => $category->id]);
$othercourse = self::getDataGenerator()->create_course(['category' => $category->id]);
$coursecategory = core_course_category::get($category->id);
// Get a list of courses before deletion to populate the cache.
$originalcourses = $coursecategory->get_courses();
$this->assertCount(2, $originalcourses);
$this->assertArrayHasKey($course->id, $originalcourses);
$this->assertArrayHasKey($othercourse->id, $originalcourses);
// Simulate the course deletion process being part way though.
$DB->delete_records('course', ['id' => $course->id]);
// Get the list of courses while a deletion is in progress.
$courses = $coursecategory->get_courses();
$this->assertCount(1, $courses);
$this->assertArrayHasKey($othercourse->id, $courses);
* Test get_nearest_editable_subcategory() method.
* @covers \core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory
public function test_get_nearest_editable_subcategory(): void {
global $DB;
$coursecreatorrole = $DB->get_record('role', ['shortname' => 'coursecreator']);
$managerrole = $DB->get_record('role', ['shortname' => 'manager']);
// Create categories.
$category1 = core_course_category::create(['name' => 'Cat1']);
$category2 = core_course_category::create(['name' => 'Cat2']);
$category3 = core_course_category::create(['name' => 'Cat3']);
// Get the category contexts.
$category1context = $category1->get_context();
$category2context = $category2->get_context();
$category3context = $category3->get_context();
// Create user.
$user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Assign the user1 to 'Course creator' role for Cat1.
role_assign($coursecreatorrole->id, $user1->id, $category1context->id);
// Assign the user2 to 'Manager' role for Cat3.
role_assign($managerrole->id, $user2->id, $category3context->id);
// Start scenario 1.
// user3 has no permission to create course or manage category.
$coursecat = core_course_category::user_top();
$this->assertEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['create']));
$this->assertEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['moodle/course:create']));
$this->assertEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['manage']));
$this->assertEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['moodle/category:manage']));
$this->assertEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['create', 'manage']));
// End scenario 1.
// Start scenario 2.
// user1 has permission to create course but has no permission to manage category.
$coursecat = core_course_category::user_top();
$this->assertNotEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['create']));
$this->assertNotEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['moodle/course:create']));
$this->assertEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['manage']));
$this->assertEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['moodle/category:manage']));
$this->assertEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['create', 'manage']));
// The get_nearest_editable_subcategory should return Cat1.
$this->assertEquals($category1->id, core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['create'])->id);
core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['moodle/course:create'])->id);
// Assign the user1 to 'Course creator' role for Cat2.
role_assign($coursecreatorrole->id, $user1->id, $category2context->id);
// The get_nearest_editable_subcategory should still return Cat1 (First creatable subcategory) for create course capability.
$this->assertEquals($category1->id, core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['create'])->id);
core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['moodle/course:create'])->id);
// End scenario 2.
// Start scenario 3.
// user2 has no permission to create course but has permission to manage category.
// Remove the moodle/course:create capability for the manager role.
unassign_capability('moodle/course:create', $managerrole->id);
$coursecat = core_course_category::user_top();
$this->assertEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['create']));
$this->assertEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['moodle/course:create']));
$this->assertNotEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['manage']));
$this->assertNotEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['moodle/category:manage']));
$this->assertEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['create', 'manage']));
// The get_nearest_editable_subcategory should return Cat3.
$this->assertEquals($category3->id, core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['manage'])->id);
core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['moodle/category:manage'])->id);
// End scenario 3.
// Start scenario 4.
// user2 has both permission to create course and manage category.
// Add the moodle/course:create capability back again for the manager role.
assign_capability('moodle/course:create', CAP_ALLOW, $managerrole->id, $category3context->id);
$coursecat = core_course_category::user_top();
$this->assertNotEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['create']));
$this->assertNotEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['moodle/course:create']));
$this->assertNotEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['manage']));
$this->assertNotEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['moodle/category:manage']));
$this->assertNotEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['create', 'manage']));
// The get_nearest_editable_subcategory should return Cat3.
core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, ['create', 'manage'])->id);
$this->assertEquals($category3->id, core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat,
['moodle/course:create', 'moodle/category:manage'])->id);
// End scenario 4.
// Start scenario 5.
// Exception will be thrown if $permissionstocheck is empty.
$coursecat = core_course_category::user_top();
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid permissionstocheck parameter');
$this->assertNotEmpty(core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory($coursecat, []));
// End scenario 5.
* Test get_nearest_editable_subcategory() method with hidden categories.
* @param int $visible Whether the category is visible or not.
* @param bool $child Whether the category is child of main category or not.
* @param string $role The role the user must have.
* @param array $permissions An array of permissions we must check.
* @param bool $result Whether the result should be the category or null.
* @dataProvider get_nearest_editable_subcategory_provider
* @covers \core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory
public function test_get_nearest_editable_subcategory_with_hidden_categories(
int $visible = 0,
bool $child = false,
string $role = 'manager',
array $permissions = [],
bool $result = false
): void {
global $DB;
$userrole = $DB->get_record('role', ['shortname' => $role]);
$maincat = core_course_category::create(['name' => 'Main cat']);
$catparams = new \stdClass();
$catparams->name = 'Test category';
$catparams->visible = $visible;
if ($child) {
$catparams->parent = $maincat->id;
$category = core_course_category::create($catparams);
$catcontext = $category->get_context();
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
role_assign($userrole->id, $user->id, $catcontext->id);
$nearestcat = core_course_category::get_nearest_editable_subcategory(core_course_category::user_top(), $permissions);
if ($result) {
$this->assertEquals($category->id, $nearestcat->id);
} else {
* Data provider for test_get_nearest_editable_subcategory_with_hidden_categories().
* @return array
public function get_nearest_editable_subcategory_provider(): array {
return [
'Hidden main category for manager. Checking create and manage' => [
['create', 'manage'],
'Hidden main category for course creator. Checking create and manage' => [
['create', 'manage'],
'Hidden main category for student. Checking create and manage' => [
['create', 'manage'],
'Hidden main category for manager. Checking create' => [
'Hidden main category for course creator. Checking create' => [
'Hidden main category for student. Checking create' => [
'Hidden subcategory for manager. Checking create and manage' => [
['create', 'manage'],
'Hidden subcategory for course creator. Checking create and manage' => [
['create', 'manage'],
'Hidden subcategory for student. Checking create and manage' => [
['create', 'manage'],
'Hidden subcategory for manager. Checking create' => [
'Hidden subcategory for course creator. Checking create' => [
'Hidden subcategory for student. Checking create' => [
* This test ensures that the filter context list is populated by the correct filter contexts from make_category_list.
* @coversNothing
public function test_make_category_list_context(): void {
global $DB;
// Ensure that the category list is empty.
set_config('perfdebug', 15);
// Create a few categories to populate the context cache.
$this->getDataGenerator()->create_category(['name' => 'cat1']);
$this->getDataGenerator()->create_category(['name' => 'cat2']);
$this->getDataGenerator()->create_category(['name' => 'cat3']);
$filtermanager = \filter_manager::instance();
// Configure a filter to apply to all content and headings.
filter_set_global_state('multilang', TEXTFILTER_ON);
filter_set_applies_to_strings('multilang', true);
$perf = $filtermanager->get_performance_summary();
$this->assertEquals(0, $perf[0]['contextswithfilters']);
// Now fill the cache with the category strings.
// 3 Categories + system context.
$perf = $filtermanager->get_performance_summary();
$this->assertEquals(3, $perf[0]['contextswithfilters']);
// We need to refresh the instance, resetting caches unloads the singleton.
$filtermanager = \filter_manager::instance();
\cache_helper::purge_by_definition('core', 'coursecat');
// Now flip the bit on the filter context.
set_config('filternavigationwithsystemcontext', 1);
// Repeat the check. Only context should be system context.
$perf = $filtermanager->get_performance_summary();
$this->assertEquals(1, $perf[0]['contextswithfilters']);