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@core @core_course @javascript
Feature: Display and choose from the available activities in course
In order to add activities to a course
As a teacher
I should be enabled to choose from a list of available activities and also being able to read their summaries.
Given the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| teacher | Teacher | 1 | |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | format | startdate |
| Course | C | topics | |
| Course 2 | C2 | weeks | 95713920 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher | C | editingteacher |
| teacher | C2 | editingteacher |
And the following config values are set as admin:
| enablemoodlenet | 0 | tool_moodlenet |
And I log in as "teacher"
And I am on "Course" course homepage with editing mode on
Scenario: The available activities are displayed to the teacher in the activity chooser
Given I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
Then I should see "Add an activity or resource" in the ".modal-title" "css_element"
And I should see "Assignment" in the ".modal-body" "css_element"
Scenario: The teacher can choose to add an activity from the activity items in the activity chooser
Given I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
When I click on "Add a new Assignment" "link" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Then I should see "New Assignment"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Assignment name | Test Assignment |
And I press "Save and return to course"
Then I should see "Test Assignment" in the "New section" "section"
Scenario: The teacher can choose to add an activity from the activity summary in the activity chooser
Given I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
When I click on "Information about the Assignment activity" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
When I click on "Add a new Assignment" "link" in the "help" "core_course > Activity chooser screen"
Then I should see "New Assignment"
Scenario: Show summary
Given I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
When I click on "Information about the Assignment activity" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Then I should see "Assignment" in the "help" "core_course > Activity chooser screen"
And I should see "The assignment activity module enables a teacher to communicate tasks, collect work and provide grades and feedback."
# Confirm show summary also works for weekly format course
And I am on "C2" course homepage with editing mode on
And I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "13 January - 19 January" "section"
And I click on "Information about the Assignment activity" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I should see "Assignment" in the "help" "core_course > Activity chooser screen"
And I should see "The assignment activity module enables a teacher to communicate tasks, collect work and provide grades and feedback."
Scenario: Hide summary
Given I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
When I click on "Information about the Assignment activity" "button" in the "modules" "core_course > Activity chooser screen"
And I should see "The assignment activity module enables a teacher to communicate tasks, collect work and provide grades and feedback." in the "help" "core_course > Activity chooser screen"
And I should see "Back" in the "help" "core_course > Activity chooser screen"
When I click on "Back" "button" in the "help" "core_course > Activity chooser screen"
Then "modules" "core_course > Activity chooser screen" should be visible
And "help" "core_course > Activity chooser screen" should not be visible
And "Back" "button" should not exist in the "modules" "core_course > Activity chooser screen"
And I should not see "The assignment activity module enables a teacher to communicate tasks, collect work and provide grades and feedback." in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
# Confirm hide summary also works for weekly format course
And I am on "C2" course homepage with editing mode on
And I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "13 January - 19 January" "section"
And I click on "Information about the Assignment activity" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I click on "Back" "button" in the "help" "core_course > Activity chooser screen"
And "modules" "core_course > Activity chooser screen" should be visible
And "help" "core_course > Activity chooser screen" should not be visible
And "Back" "button" should not exist in the "modules" "core_course > Activity chooser screen"
And I should not see "The assignment activity module enables a teacher to communicate tasks, collect work and provide grades and feedback." in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Scenario: View recommended activities
When I log out
And I log in as "admin"
And I am on site homepage
And I navigate to "Courses > Activity chooser > Recommended activities" in site administration
And I click on ".activity-recommend-checkbox" "css_element" in the "Book" "table_row"
# Setup done, lets check it works with a teacher.
And I log out
And I log in as "teacher"
And I am on "Course" course homepage with editing mode on
And I open the activity chooser
Then I should see "Recommended" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I click on "Recommended" "link" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I should see "Book" in the "recommended" "core_course > Activity chooser tab"
Scenario: Favourite a module in the activity chooser
Given I open the activity chooser
And I should not see "Starred" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I click on "Star Assignment activity" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I should see "Starred" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
When I click on "Starred" "link" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Then I should see "Assignment" in the "favourites" "core_course > Activity chooser tab"
And I click on "Information about the Assignment activity" "button" in the "favourites" "core_course > Activity chooser tab"
And I should see "The assignment activity module enables a teacher to communicate tasks, collect work and provide grades and feedback."
Scenario: Add a favourite module and check it exists when reopening the chooser
Given I open the activity chooser
And I click on "Star Assignment activity" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I click on "Star Forum activity" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I should see "Starred" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I click on "Close" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
When I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
And I click on "Starred" "link" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Then I should see "Forum" in the "favourites" "core_course > Activity chooser tab"
Scenario: Add a favourite and then remove it whilst checking the tabs work as expected
Given I open the activity chooser
And I click on "Star Assignment activity" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I click on "Starred" "link" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I click on "Star Assignment activity" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Then I should not see "Starred" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Scenario: The teacher can search for an activity by it's name
Given I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
When I set the field "search" to "Lesson"
Then I should see "1 results found" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I should see "Lesson" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Scenario: The teacher can search for an activity by it's description
Given I open the activity chooser
When I set the field "search" to "The lesson activity module enables a teacher to deliver content"
Then I should see "1 results found" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I should see "Lesson" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Scenario: Search results are not returned if the search query does not match any activity name or description
Given I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
When I set the field "search" to "Random search query"
Then I should see "0 results found" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And ".option" "css_element" should not exist in the ".searchresultitemscontainer" "css_element"
Scenario: Teacher can return to the default activity chooser state by manually removing the search query
Given I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
And I set the field "search" to "Lesson"
And I should see "1 results found" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I should see "Lesson" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
When I set the field "search" to ""
And I should not see "1 results found" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Then ".searchresultscontainer" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".optionscontainer" "css_element" should exist
Scenario: Teacher can not see a "clear" button if a search query is not entered in the activity chooser search bar
When I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
Then "Clear search input" "button" should not be visible
Scenario: Teacher can see a "clear" button after entering a search query in the activity chooser search bar
Given I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
When I set the field "search" to "Search query"
Then "Clear search input" "button" should not be visible
Scenario: Teacher can not see a "clear" button if the search query is removed in the activity chooser search bar
Given I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
And I set the field "search" to "Search query"
And "Clear search input" "button" should exist
When I set the field "search" to ""
# Waiting for the animation to hide the button to finish.
And I wait "1" seconds
Then "Clear search input" "button" should not be visible
Scenario: Teacher can instantly remove the search query from the activity search bar by clicking on the "clear" button
Given I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
And I set the field "search" to "Search query"
And I should see "results found" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
When I click on "Clear search input" "button"
Then I should not see "Search query"
And ".searchresultscontainer" "css_element" should not be visible
And ".optionscontainer" "css_element" should exist
Scenario: Teacher gets the base case for the Activity Chooser tab mode
Given I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
And I should see "Activities" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
When I click on "Activities" "link" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Then I should not see "Book" in the "activity" "core_course > Activity chooser tab"
And I click on "Resources" "link" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I should not see "Assignment" in the "resources" "core_course > Activity chooser tab"
Scenario: Teacher gets the simple case for the Activity Chooser tab mode
Given I log out
And I log in as "admin"
And I am on site homepage
When I navigate to "Courses > Activity chooser > Activity chooser settings" in site administration
And I select "Starred, All, Recommended" from the "Activity chooser tabs" singleselect
And I press "Save changes"
And I log out
And I log in as "teacher"
And I am on "Course" course homepage with editing mode on
And I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
Then I should not see "Activities" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I should not see "Resources" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Scenario: Teacher gets the final case for the Activity Chooser tab mode
Given I log out
And I log in as "admin"
And I am on site homepage
When I navigate to "Courses > Activity chooser > Activity chooser settings" in site administration
And I select "Starred, Activities, Resources, Recommended" from the "Activity chooser tabs" singleselect
And I press "Save changes"
And I log out
And I log in as "teacher"
And I am on "Course" course homepage with editing mode on
And I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
Then I should not see "All" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I should see "Activities" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I should see "Resources" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Scenario: Recommended tab is displayed in the right position depending on the activitychoosertabmode setting
Given I log out
And I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Courses > Activity chooser > Recommended activities" in site administration
And I click on ".activity-recommend-checkbox" "css_element" in the "Book" "table_row"
And the following config values are set as admin:
# 3 = Starred, Recommended, All, Activities, Resources
| activitychoosertabmode | 3 |
And I log out
And I log in as "teacher"
And I am on "Course" course homepage with editing mode on
When I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
Then "Recommended" "link" should appear before "All" "link" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
But the following config values are set as admin:
# 0 = Starred, All, Activities, Resources, Recommended
| activitychoosertabmode | 0 |
And I reload the page
And I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
And "Recommended" "link" should appear after "Resources" "link" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
But the following config values are set as admin:
# 1 = Starred, All, Recommended
| activitychoosertabmode | 1 |
And I reload the page
And I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
And "Recommended" "link" should appear after "All" "link" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
But the following config values are set as admin:
# 2 = Starred, Activities, Resources, Recommended
| activitychoosertabmode | 2 |
And I reload the page
And I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
And "Recommended" "link" should appear after "Resources" "link" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
But the following config values are set as admin:
# 4 = Starred, Recommended, All
| activitychoosertabmode | 4 |
And I reload the page
And I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
And "Recommended" "link" should appear before "All" "link" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
But the following config values are set as admin:
# 5 = Starred, Recommended, Activities, Resources
| activitychoosertabmode | 5 |
And I reload the page
And I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
And "Recommended" "link" should appear before "Activities" "link" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
Scenario: Teacher can navigate through activity chooser in Topics format course
When I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
Then I should see "All" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I press the tab key
And I press the tab key
And I press the tab key
And I press the tab key
# Confirm right key works
And I press the right key
And I press the right key
And the focused element is "Choice" "menuitem" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
# Confirm left key works
And I press the left key
And the focused element is "Book" "menuitem" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
# Confirm clicking "x" button closes modal
And I click on "Close" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue" should not be visible
And I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
# Confirm escape key closes the modal
And I press the escape key
And "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue" should not be visible
Scenario: Teacher can navigate through activity chooser in Weekly format course
Given I am on "C2" course homepage with editing mode on
When I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "13 January - 19 January" "section"
Then I should see "All" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I press the tab key
And I press the tab key
And I press the tab key
And I press the tab key
# Confirm right key works
And I press the right key
And I press the right key
And the focused element is "Choice" "menuitem" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
# Confirm left key works
And I press the left key
And the focused element is "Book" "menuitem" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
# Confirm clicking "x" button closes modal
And I click on "Close" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue" should not be visible
And I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "13 January - 19 January" "section"
# Confirm escape key closes the modal
And I press the escape key
And "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue" should not be visible
Scenario: Teacher can access 'More help' from activity information in activity chooser
Given I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "New section" "section"
When I click on "Information about the Assignment activity" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
# Confirm more help link exists
Then "More help" "link" should exist
# Confirm that corresponding help icon exist
And ".iconhelp" "css_element" should exist
# Confirm that link opens in new window
And "Opens in new window" "link" should be visible
# Confirm the same behaviour for weekly format course
And I am on "C2" course homepage with editing mode on
And I click on "Add an activity or resource" "button" in the "13 January - 19 January" "section"
And I should see "All" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
And I click on "Information about the Assignment activity" "button" in the "Add an activity or resource" "dialogue"
# Confirm more help link exists
And "More help" "link" should exist
# Confirm that corresponding help icon exist
And ".iconhelp" "css_element" should exist
# Confirm that link opens in new window
And "Opens in new window" "link" should be visible