Proyectos de Subversion Moodle


Autoría | Ultima modificación | Ver Log |

@core @core_course @core_courseformat @core_completion
Feature: Course page activities completion
    In order to check activities completions
    As a student
    I need to see the activity completion criterias dropdown.

    Given the following "users" exist:
      | username | firstname | lastname | email                |
      | teacher1 | Teacher   | 1        | |
      | student1 | Student   | 1        | |
    And the following "courses" exist:
      | shortname | fullname | enablecompletion |
      | C1        | Course 1 | 1                |
    And the following "course enrolments" exist:
      | user     | course | role           |
      | student1 | C1     | student        |
      | teacher1 | C1     | editingteacher |

  Scenario: Teacher does not see manual completion button
    Given the following "activity" exists:
      | activity       | assign          |
      | name           | Activity sample |
      | course         | C1              |
      | completion     | 1               |
      | completionview | 0               |
    When I am on the "C1" "Course" page logged in as "teacher1"
    Then "Mark as done" "button" should not exist in the "Activity sample" "activity"
    And the "Mark as done" item should exist in the "Completion" dropdown of the "Activity sample" "activity"

  Scenario: Student should see the manual completion button
    Given the following "activity" exists:
      | activity       | assign          |
      | name           | Activity sample |
      | course         | C1              |
      | completion     | 1               |
      | completionview | 0               |
    When I am on the "C1" "Course" page logged in as "student1"
    Then the manual completion button for "Activity sample" should exist
    And the manual completion button of "Activity sample" is displayed as "Mark as done"
    And I toggle the manual completion state of "Activity sample"
    And the manual completion button of "Activity sample" is displayed as "Done"

  Scenario: Teacher should see the automatic completion criterias of activities
    Given the following "activity" exists:
      | activity       | assign          |
      | name           | Activity sample |
      | course         | C1              |
      | completion     | 2               |
      | completionview | 1               |
    When I am on the "C1" "Course" page logged in as "teacher1"
    And the "View" item should exist in the "Completion" dropdown of the "Activity sample" "activity"
    # After viewing the activity, the completion criteria dropdown should still display "Completion".
    And I am on the "Activity sample" "assign Activity" page
    And I am on the "Course 1" course page
    And "Completion" "button" should exist in the "Activity sample" "activity"

  Scenario: Student should see the automatic completion criterias statuses of activities with completion view
    Given the following "activity" exists:
      | activity       | assign          |
      | name           | Activity sample |
      | course         | C1              |
      | completion     | 2               |
      | completionview | 1               |
    When I am on the "C1" "Course" page logged in as "student1"
    And the "View" item should exist in the "To do" dropdown of the "Activity sample" "activity"
    # After viewing the activity, the completion criteria dropdown should display "Done" instead of "To do".
    And I am on the "Activity sample" "assign Activity" page
    And I am on the "Course 1" course page
    And "To do" "button" should not exist in the "Activity sample" "activity"
    And the "View" item should exist in the "Done" dropdown of the "Activity sample" "activity"

  Scenario: Student should see the automatic completion criterias statuses of activities with completion grade
    Given the following "activities" exist:
      | activity   | name              | course | idnumber | gradepass | completion | completionusegrade |
      | quiz       | Activity sample 1 | C1     | quiz1    | 5.00      | 2          | 1                  |
      | quiz       | Activity sample 2 | C1     | quiz2    | 5.00      | 2          | 1                  |
    And the following "question categories" exist:
      | contextlevel | reference | name           |
      | Course       | C1        | Test questions |
    And the following "questions" exist:
      | questioncategory | qtype     | name           | questiontext              |
      | Test questions   | truefalse | First question | Answer the first question |
    And quiz "Activity sample 1" contains the following questions:
      | question       | page |
      | First question | 1    |
    And quiz "Activity sample 2" contains the following questions:
      | question       | page |
      | First question | 1    |
    When I am on the "C1" "Course" page logged in as "student1"
    Then the "Receive a grade" item should exist in the "To do" dropdown of the "Activity sample 1" "activity"
    And the "Receive a grade" item should exist in the "To do" dropdown of the "Activity sample 2" "activity"
    # Pass grade.
    And user "student1" has attempted "Activity sample 1" with responses:
      | slot | response |
      | 1    | True    |
    # Fail grade.
    And user "student1" has attempted "Activity sample 2" with responses:
      | slot | response |
      | 1    | False    |
    # After receiving a grade, the completion criteria dropdown should display "Done" instead of "To do", regardless of pass/fail.
    And I am on the "Course 1" course page
    And "To do" "button" should not exist in the "Activity sample 1" "activity"
    And the "Receive a grade" item should exist in the "Done" dropdown of the "Activity sample 1" "activity"
    And "To do" "button" should not exist in the "Activity sample 2" "activity"
    And the "Receive a grade" item should exist in the "Done" dropdown of the "Activity sample 2" "activity"

  Scenario: Student should see the automatic completion criterias statuses of activities with completion passgrade
    Given the following "activities" exist:
      | activity   | name              | course | idnumber | gradepass | completion | completionusegrade | completionpassgrade |
      | quiz       | Activity sample 1 | C1     | quiz1    | 5.00      | 2          | 1                  | 1                   |
      | quiz       | Activity sample 2 | C1     | quiz2    | 5.00      | 2          | 1                  | 1                   |
    And the following "question categories" exist:
      | contextlevel | reference | name           |
      | Course       | C1        | Test questions |
    And the following "questions" exist:
      | questioncategory | qtype     | name           | questiontext              |
      | Test questions   | truefalse | First question | Answer the first question |
    And quiz "Activity sample 1" contains the following questions:
      | question       | page |
      | First question | 1    |
    And quiz "Activity sample 2" contains the following questions:
      | question       | page |
      | First question | 1    |
    When I am on the "C1" "Course" page logged in as "student1"
    Then the "Receive a grade" item should exist in the "To do" dropdown of the "Activity sample 1" "activity"
    And the "Receive a grade" item should exist in the "To do" dropdown of the "Activity sample 2" "activity"
    # Pass grade.
    And user "student1" has attempted "Activity sample 1" with responses:
      | slot | response |
      | 1    | True    |
    # Fail grade.
    And user "student1" has attempted "Activity sample 2" with responses:
      | slot | response |
      | 1    | False    |
    # After receiving a grade, the completion criteria dropdown should display "Done" only for the passing grade.
    And I am on the "Course 1" course page
    And "To do" "button" should not exist in the "Activity sample 1" "activity"
    And the "Receive a grade" item should exist in the "Done" dropdown of the "Activity sample 1" "activity"
    But "To do" "button" should exist in the "Activity sample 2" "activity"
    And the "Receive a grade" item should exist in the "To do" dropdown of the "Activity sample 2" "activity"

  Scenario: Teacher can edit activity completion using completion dialog link
    Given the following "activity" exists:
        | activity       | assign          |
        | name           | Activity sample |
        | course         | C1              |
        | completion     | 2               |
        | completionview | 1               |
    When I am on the "C1" "Course" page logged in as "teacher1"
    # Edit conditions link should not be displayed when editing mode is off.
    Then "Edit conditions" "link" should not exist in the "Activity sample" "core_courseformat > Activity completion"
    # Edit conditions link should be displayed when editing mode is on.
    But I am on "C1" course homepage with editing mode on
    And I click on "Edit conditions" "link" in the "Activity sample" "core_courseformat > Activity completion"
    And I should see "Activity sample" in the "page-header" "region"
    And I should see "Edit settings"
    And I should see "Activity completion"

  Scenario: Completion dialog shows warning message if there are no criterias
    # Create an activity with automatic completion but without completion criterias.
    Given the following "activity" exists:
      | activity       | assign          |
      | name           | Activity sample |
      | course         | C1              |
      | completion     | 2               |
    # Teacher view.
    When I am on the "C1" "Course" page logged in as "teacher1"
    And I turn editing mode on
    And "You have to add at least one completion condition." "text" should exist in the "Activity sample" "core_courseformat > Activity completion"
    And "Add conditions" "link" should exist in the "Activity sample" "core_courseformat > Activity completion"
    And I log out
    # Student view.
    And I am on the "C1" "Course" page logged in as "student1"
    And "There are no completion conditions set for this activity." "text" should exist in the "Activity sample" "core_courseformat > Activity completion"