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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace core_course\output;
use cm_info;
use core_availability\info;
use core_completion\cm_completion_details;
use core_user;
use core_user\fields;
use renderable;
use renderer_base;
use stdClass;
use templatable;
* The activity completion renderable class.
* @package core_course
* @copyright 2023 Mikel Martín <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class activity_completion implements renderable, templatable {
* Constructor.
* @param cm_info $cminfo The course module information.
* @param cm_completion_details $cmcompletion The course module information.
public function __construct(
protected cm_info $cminfo,
protected cm_completion_details $cmcompletion
) {
* Export this data so it can be used as the context for a mustache template.
* @param renderer_base $output Renderer base.
* @return stdClass
public function export_for_template(renderer_base $output): stdClass {
global $CFG;
$overallcompletion = $this->cmcompletion->get_overall_completion();
$isoverallcomplete = $this->cmcompletion->is_overall_complete();
$overrideby = $this->get_overrideby();
$course = $this->cminfo->get_course();
// Whether the completion of this activity controls the availability of other activities/sections in the course.
// An activity with manual completion tracking which is used to enable access to other activities/sections in
// the course needs to refresh the page after having its completion state toggled. This withavailability flag will enable
// this functionality on the course homepage. Otherwise, the completion toggling will just happen normally via ajax.
if ($this->cmcompletion->has_completion() && $this->cmcompletion->is_manual()) {
$withavailability = !empty($CFG->enableavailability) && info::completion_value_used($course, $this->cminfo->id);
return (object) [
'cmid' => $this->cminfo->id,
'activityname' => $this->cminfo->get_formatted_name(),
'uservisible' => $this->cminfo->uservisible,
'hascompletion' => $this->cmcompletion->has_completion(),
'isautomatic' => $this->cmcompletion->is_automatic(),
'ismanual' => $this->cmcompletion->is_manual(),
'showmanualcompletion' => $this->cmcompletion->show_manual_completion(),
'istrackeduser' => $this->cmcompletion->is_tracked_user(),
'overallcomplete' => $isoverallcomplete,
'overallincomplete' => !$isoverallcomplete,
'withavailability' => $withavailability ?? false,
'overrideby' => $overrideby,
'completiondetails' => $this->get_completion_details($overrideby),
'accessibledescription' => $this->get_accessible_description($overrideby, $overallcompletion),
* Returns the name of the user overriding the completion condition, if available.
* @return string
private function get_overrideby(): string {
$overrideby = $this->cmcompletion->overridden_by();
if (!empty($overrideby)) {
$userfields = fields::for_name();
$overridebyrecord = core_user::get_user($overrideby, 'id ' . $userfields->get_sql()->selects, MUST_EXIST);
return fullname($overridebyrecord);
return '';
* Returns automatic completion details
* @param string $overrideby The name of the user overriding the completion condition, if available.
* @return array
private function get_completion_details($overrideby): array {
$details = [];
foreach ($this->cmcompletion->get_details() as $key => $detail) {
$detail->key = $key;
$detail->statuscomplete = in_array($detail->status, [COMPLETION_COMPLETE, COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS]);
$detail->statuscompletefail = $detail->status == COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL;
// This is not used by core themes but may be needed in custom themes.
$detail->statuscompletepass = $detail->status == COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS;
$detail->statusincomplete = $detail->status == COMPLETION_INCOMPLETE;
// Add an accessible description to be used for title and aria-label attributes for overridden completion details.
if ($overrideby) {
$setbydata = (object)[
'condition' => $detail->description,
'setby' => $overrideby,
$overridestatus = $detail->statuscomplete ? 'done' : 'todo';
$detail->accessibledescription = get_string('completion_setby:auto:' . $overridestatus, 'course', $setbydata);
$details[] = $detail;
return $details;
* Returns the accessible description for manual completions with overridden completion state.
* @param string $overrideby The name of the user overriding the completion condition, if available.
* @param int $overallcompletion The overall completion state of the activity.
* @return string
private function get_accessible_description($overrideby, $overallcompletion): string {
if ($this->cmcompletion->is_manual() && $overrideby) {
$setbydata = (object)[
'activityname' => $this->cminfo->get_formatted_name(),
'setby' => $overrideby,
$isoverallcompleted = $overallcompletion == COMPLETION_COMPLETE;
$setbylangkey = $isoverallcompleted ? 'completion_setby:manual:done' : 'completion_setby:manual:markdone';
return get_string($setbylangkey, 'course', $setbydata);
return '';