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* A type of dialogue used as for choosing options.
* @module core_course/local/activitychooser/dialogue
* @copyright 2019 Mihail Geshoski <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
import $ from 'jquery';
import * as ModalEvents from 'core/modal_events';
import selectors from 'core_course/local/activitychooser/selectors';
import * as Templates from 'core/templates';
import {end, arrowLeft, arrowRight, home, enter, space} from 'core/key_codes';
import {addIconToContainer} from 'core/loadingicon';
import * as Repository from 'core_course/local/activitychooser/repository';
import Notification from 'core/notification';
import {debounce} from 'core/utils';
const getPlugin = pluginName => import(pluginName);
* Given an event from the main module 'page' navigate to it's help section via a carousel.
* @method showModuleHelp
* @param {jQuery} carousel Our initialized carousel to manipulate
* @param {Object} moduleData Data of the module to carousel to
* @param {jQuery} modal We need to figure out if the current modal has a footer.
const showModuleHelp = (carousel, moduleData, modal = null) => {
// If we have a real footer then we need to change temporarily.
if (modal !== null && moduleData.showFooter === true) {
modal.setFooter(Templates.render('core_course/local/activitychooser/footer_partial', moduleData));
const help = carousel.find([0];
help.innerHTML = '';
// Add a spinner.
const spinnerPromise = addIconToContainer(help);
// Used later...
let transitionPromiseResolver = null;
const transitionPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
transitionPromiseResolver = resolve;
// Build up the html & js ready to place into the help section.
const contentPromise = Templates.renderForPromise('core_course/local/activitychooser/help', moduleData);
// Wait for the content to be ready, and for the transition to be complet.
Promise.all([contentPromise, spinnerPromise, transitionPromise])
.then(([{html, js}]) => Templates.replaceNodeContents(help, html, js))
.then(() => {
return help;
// Move to the next slide, and resolve the transition promise when it's done.'', () => {
// Trigger the transition between 'pages'.
* Given a user wants to change the favourite state of a module we either add or remove the status.
* We also propergate this change across our map of modals.
* @method manageFavouriteState
* @param {HTMLElement} modalBody The DOM node of the modal to manipulate
* @param {HTMLElement} caller
* @param {Function} partialFavourite Partially applied function we need to manage favourite status
const manageFavouriteState = async(modalBody, caller, partialFavourite) => {
const isFavourite = caller.dataset.favourited;
const id =;
const name =;
const internal = caller.dataset.internal;
// Switch on fave or not.
if (isFavourite === 'true') {
await Repository.unfavouriteModule(name, id);
partialFavourite(internal, false, modalBody);
} else {
await Repository.favouriteModule(name, id);
partialFavourite(internal, true, modalBody);
* Register chooser related event listeners.
* @method registerListenerEvents
* @param {Promise} modal Our modal that we are working with
* @param {Map} mappedModules A map of all of the modules we are working with with K: mod_name V: {Object}
* @param {Function} partialFavourite Partially applied function we need to manage favourite status
* @param {Object} footerData Our base footer object.
const registerListenerEvents = (modal, mappedModules, partialFavourite, footerData) => {
const bodyClickListener = async(e) => {
if ( {
const carousel = $(modal.getBody()[0].querySelector(selectors.regions.carousel));
const module =;
const moduleName = module.dataset.modname;
const moduleData = mappedModules.get(moduleName);
// We need to know if the overall modal has a footer so we know when to show a real / vs fake footer.
moduleData.showFooter = modal.hasFooterContent();
showModuleHelp(carousel, moduleData, modal);
if ( {
const caller =;
await manageFavouriteState(modal.getBody()[0], caller, partialFavourite);
const activeSectionId = modal.getBody()[0].querySelector(selectors.elements.activetab).getAttribute("href");
const sectionChooserOptions = modal.getBody()[0]
const firstChooserOption = sectionChooserOptions
toggleFocusableChooserOption(firstChooserOption, true);
initChooserOptionsKeyboardNavigation(modal.getBody()[0], mappedModules, sectionChooserOptions, modal);
// From the help screen go back to the module overview.
if ( {
const carousel = $(modal.getBody()[0].querySelector(selectors.regions.carousel));
// Trigger the transition between 'pages'.
carousel.on('', () => {
const allModules = modal.getBody()[0].querySelector(selectors.regions.modules);
const caller = allModules.querySelector(selectors.regions.getModuleSelector(;
// The "clear search" button is triggered.
if ( {
// Clear the entered search query in the search bar and hide the search results container.
const searchInput = modal.getBody()[0].querySelector(;
searchInput.value = "";
toggleSearchResultsView(modal, mappedModules, searchInput.value);
// We essentially have two types of footer.
// A fake one that is handled within the template for chooser_help and then all of the stuff for
// modal.footer. We need to ensure we know exactly what type of footer we are using so we know what we
// need to manage. The below code handles a real footer going to a mnet carousel item.
const footerClickListener = async(e) => {
if (footerData.footer === true) {
const footerjs = await getPlugin(footerData.customfooterjs);
await footerjs.footerClickListener(e, footerData, modal);
// The return value of getBodyPromise is a jquery object containing the body NodeElement.
.then(body => body[0])
// Set up the carousel.
.then(body => {
interval: false,
pause: true,
keyboard: false
return body;
// Add the listener for clicks on the body.
.then(body => {
body.addEventListener('click', bodyClickListener);
return body;
// Add a listener for an input change in the activity chooser's search bar.
.then(body => {
const searchInput = body.querySelector(;
// The search input is triggered.
searchInput.addEventListener('input', debounce(() => {
// Display the search results.
toggleSearchResultsView(modal, mappedModules, searchInput.value);
}, 300));
return body;
// Register event listeners related to the keyboard navigation controls.
.then(body => {
// Get the active chooser options section.
const activeSectionId = body.querySelector(selectors.elements.activetab).getAttribute("href");
const sectionChooserOptions = body.querySelector(selectors.regions.getSectionChooserOptions(activeSectionId));
const firstChooserOption = sectionChooserOptions.querySelector(selectors.regions.chooserOption.container);
toggleFocusableChooserOption(firstChooserOption, true);
initChooserOptionsKeyboardNavigation(body, mappedModules, sectionChooserOptions, modal);
return body;
// The return value of getBodyPromise is a jquery object containing the body NodeElement.
.then(footer => footer[0])
// Add the listener for clicks on the footer.
.then(footer => {
footer.addEventListener('click', footerClickListener);
return footer;
* Initialise the keyboard navigation controls for the chooser options.
* @method initChooserOptionsKeyboardNavigation
* @param {HTMLElement} body Our modal that we are working with
* @param {Map} mappedModules A map of all of the modules we are working with with K: mod_name V: {Object}
* @param {HTMLElement} chooserOptionsContainer The section that contains the chooser items
* @param {Object} modal Our created modal for the section
const initChooserOptionsKeyboardNavigation = (body, mappedModules, chooserOptionsContainer, modal = null) => {
const chooserOptions = chooserOptionsContainer.querySelectorAll(selectors.regions.chooserOption.container);
Array.from(chooserOptions).forEach((element) => {
return element.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
// Check for enter/ space triggers for showing the help.
if (e.keyCode === enter || e.keyCode === space) {
if ( {
const module =;
const moduleName = module.dataset.modname;
const moduleData = mappedModules.get(moduleName);
const carousel = $(body.querySelector(selectors.regions.carousel));
interval: false,
pause: true,
keyboard: false
// We need to know if the overall modal has a footer so we know when to show a real / vs fake footer.
moduleData.showFooter = modal.hasFooterContent();
showModuleHelp(carousel, moduleData, modal);
// Next.
if (e.keyCode === arrowRight) {
const currentOption =;
const nextOption = currentOption.nextElementSibling;
const firstOption = chooserOptionsContainer.firstElementChild;
const toFocusOption = clickErrorHandler(nextOption, firstOption);
focusChooserOption(toFocusOption, currentOption);
// Previous.
if (e.keyCode === arrowLeft) {
const currentOption =;
const previousOption = currentOption.previousElementSibling;
const lastOption = chooserOptionsContainer.lastElementChild;
const toFocusOption = clickErrorHandler(previousOption, lastOption);
focusChooserOption(toFocusOption, currentOption);
if (e.keyCode === home) {
const currentOption =;
const firstOption = chooserOptionsContainer.firstElementChild;
focusChooserOption(firstOption, currentOption);
if (e.keyCode === end) {
const currentOption =;
const lastOption = chooserOptionsContainer.lastElementChild;
focusChooserOption(lastOption, currentOption);
* Focus on a chooser option element and remove the previous chooser element from the focus order
* @method focusChooserOption
* @param {HTMLElement} currentChooserOption The current chooser option element that we want to focus
* @param {HTMLElement|null} previousChooserOption The previous focused option element
const focusChooserOption = (currentChooserOption, previousChooserOption = null) => {
if (previousChooserOption !== null) {
toggleFocusableChooserOption(previousChooserOption, false);
toggleFocusableChooserOption(currentChooserOption, true);
* Add or remove a chooser option from the focus order.
* @method toggleFocusableChooserOption
* @param {HTMLElement} chooserOption The chooser option element which should be added or removed from the focus order
* @param {Boolean} isFocusable Whether the chooser element is focusable or not
const toggleFocusableChooserOption = (chooserOption, isFocusable) => {
const chooserOptionLink = chooserOption.querySelector(selectors.actions.addChooser);
const chooserOptionHelp = chooserOption.querySelector(selectors.actions.optionActions.showSummary);
const chooserOptionFavourite = chooserOption.querySelector(selectors.actions.optionActions.manageFavourite);
if (isFocusable) {
// Set tabindex to 0 to add current chooser option element to the focus order.
chooserOption.tabIndex = 0;
chooserOptionLink.tabIndex = 0;
chooserOptionHelp.tabIndex = 0;
chooserOptionFavourite.tabIndex = 0;
} else {
// Set tabindex to -1 to remove the previous chooser option element from the focus order.
chooserOption.tabIndex = -1;
chooserOptionLink.tabIndex = -1;
chooserOptionHelp.tabIndex = -1;
chooserOptionFavourite.tabIndex = -1;
* Small error handling function to make sure the navigated to object exists
* @method clickErrorHandler
* @param {HTMLElement} item What we want to check exists
* @param {HTMLElement} fallback If we dont match anything fallback the focus
* @return {HTMLElement}
const clickErrorHandler = (item, fallback) => {
if (item !== null) {
return item;
} else {
return fallback;
* Render the search results in a defined container
* @method renderSearchResults
* @param {HTMLElement} searchResultsContainer The container where the data should be rendered
* @param {Object} searchResultsData Data containing the module items that satisfy the search criteria
const renderSearchResults = async(searchResultsContainer, searchResultsData) => {
const templateData = {
'searchresultsnumber': searchResultsData.length,
'searchresults': searchResultsData
// Build up the html & js ready to place into the help section.
const {html, js} = await Templates.renderForPromise('core_course/local/activitychooser/search_results', templateData);
await Templates.replaceNodeContents(searchResultsContainer, html, js);
* Toggle (display/hide) the search results depending on the value of the search query
* @method toggleSearchResultsView
* @param {Object} modal Our created modal for the section
* @param {Map} mappedModules A map of all of the modules we are working with with K: mod_name V: {Object}
* @param {String} searchQuery The search query
const toggleSearchResultsView = async(modal, mappedModules, searchQuery) => {
const modalBody = modal.getBody()[0];
const searchResultsContainer = modalBody.querySelector(selectors.regions.searchResults);
const chooserContainer = modalBody.querySelector(selectors.regions.chooser);
const clearSearchButton = modalBody.querySelector(selectors.actions.clearSearch);
if (searchQuery.length > 0) { // Search query is present.
const searchResultsData = searchModules(mappedModules, searchQuery);
await renderSearchResults(searchResultsContainer, searchResultsData);
const searchResultItemsContainer = searchResultsContainer.querySelector(selectors.regions.searchResultItems);
const firstSearchResultItem = searchResultItemsContainer.querySelector(selectors.regions.chooserOption.container);
if (firstSearchResultItem) {
// Set the first result item to be focusable.
toggleFocusableChooserOption(firstSearchResultItem, true);
// Register keyboard events on the created search result items.
initChooserOptionsKeyboardNavigation(modalBody, mappedModules, searchResultItemsContainer, modal);
// Display the "clear" search button in the activity chooser search bar.
// Hide the default chooser options container.
chooserContainer.setAttribute('hidden', 'hidden');
// Display the search results container.
} else { // Search query is not present.
// Hide the "clear" search button in the activity chooser search bar.
// Hide the search results container.
searchResultsContainer.setAttribute('hidden', 'hidden');
// Display the default chooser options container.
* Return the list of modules which have a name or description that matches the given search term.
* @method searchModules
* @param {Array} modules List of available modules
* @param {String} searchTerm The search term to match
* @return {Array}
const searchModules = (modules, searchTerm) => {
if (searchTerm === '') {
return modules;
searchTerm = searchTerm.toLowerCase();
const searchResults = [];
modules.forEach((activity) => {
const activityName = activity.title.toLowerCase();
const activityDesc =;
if (activityName.includes(searchTerm) || activityDesc.includes(searchTerm)) {
return searchResults;
* Set up our tabindex information across the chooser.
* @method setupKeyboardAccessibility
* @param {Promise} modal Our created modal for the section
* @param {Map} mappedModules A map of all of the built module information
const setupKeyboardAccessibility = (modal, mappedModules) => {
modal.getModal()[0].tabIndex = -1;
modal.getBodyPromise().then(body => {
$('', (e) => {
const activeSectionId ="href");
const activeSectionChooserOptions = body[0]
const firstChooserOption = activeSectionChooserOptions
const prevActiveSectionId = e.relatedTarget.getAttribute("href");
const prevActiveSectionChooserOptions = body[0]
// Disable the focus of every chooser option in the previous active section.
// Enable the focus of the first chooser option in the current active section.
toggleFocusableChooserOption(firstChooserOption, true);
initChooserOptionsKeyboardNavigation(body[0], mappedModules, activeSectionChooserOptions, modal);
* Disable the focus of all chooser options in a specific container (section).
* @method disableFocusAllChooserOptions
* @param {HTMLElement} sectionChooserOptions The section that contains the chooser items
const disableFocusAllChooserOptions = (sectionChooserOptions) => {
const allChooserOptions = sectionChooserOptions.querySelectorAll(selectors.regions.chooserOption.container);
allChooserOptions.forEach((chooserOption) => {
toggleFocusableChooserOption(chooserOption, false);
* Display the module chooser.
* @method displayChooser
* @param {Promise} modalPromise Our created modal for the section
* @param {Array} sectionModules An array of all of the built module information
* @param {Function} partialFavourite Partially applied function we need to manage favourite status
* @param {Object} footerData Our base footer object.
export const displayChooser = (modalPromise, sectionModules, partialFavourite, footerData) => {
// Make a map so we can quickly fetch a specific module's object for either rendering or searching.
const mappedModules = new Map();
sectionModules.forEach((module) => {
mappedModules.set(module.componentname + '_' +, module);
// Register event listeners.
modalPromise.then(modal => {
registerListenerEvents(modal, mappedModules, partialFavourite, footerData);
// We want to focus on the first chooser option element as soon as the modal is opened.
setupKeyboardAccessibility(modal, mappedModules);
// We want to focus on the action select when the dialog is closed.
modal.getRoot().on(ModalEvents.hidden, () => {
return modal;